Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Mary, add your current info to a spoiler and then paste the code for the ticker under the spoiler

I dont really know how to do all that from my phone and thats all I'm working with, lol. Maybe Ill figure it all out. If not, I guess my "manual ticker" will have to do for now, lol :haha:

Jess your reveal video made me want to do a reveal party after we rt our sticky bean & of course go for the gender scan. Its such a great & memorable idea. Last night I was watching Teen Mom O.G on demand, since I was without cable for 2 wks, and one of them had a gender reveal party as well as one of the "Little women of LA" & I just have fallen in love with that idea! After u posted ur video, suddenly 2 of my favorite shows did the same, lol :).
One of our fish just died...Is that a bad sign? (lol) I know they say dreams about fish can have meaning but can fish dying in real life have meaning? Lol, I know I know, I'm crazy!

Maybe the fish had to go to make room for a new swimmer? I'm just as crazy apparently :haha:

haha! This just made me laugh out loud :haha:. You could be right! Thats something I would think of to keep a positive outlook, lol.
June, feel better!! I know how hard this TTC journey can be and I know things will look up for u. I wish nothing but sticky baby dust your way! :dust: Lots of hugs! :hugs:

Michelle, good luck with dhs SA!!!
Right now I feel "fluish" but without a fever. My body is so sore and I am so exhausted. As soon as DS is in bed, I plan on going to sleep too. More spotting tonight. It's red in color and even though I didn't chart this month, I don't think AF is due for a few days. I hope it's a little nugget implanting some more but I hate to get too hopeful!
Right now I feel "fluish" but without a fever. My body is so sore and I am so exhausted. As soon as DS is in bed, I plan on going to sleep too. More spotting tonight. It's red in color and even though I didn't chart this month, I don't think AF is due for a few days. I hope it's a little nugget implanting some more but I hate to get too hopeful!

I hope its ur bean implanting! Just keep in mind that O can occur early or late in even the most regular women, which of course will make AF come sooner or later than expected when not charting. I am crossing my fingers tight that you are right and AF isn't due yet! Do u ever spot before AF? From time to time I spot a few days before. I think its happened like 2 times in my 24 cycles TTC. Id test again tomorrow or Friday. (depending on how many tests u dont mind using. I'm not sure if u stock up on wondfos or not, lol) I think it'd show positive within the next day or two if it was implantation starting 4 nights ago. Maybe today ur little bean has truly implanted?! FX that's the case and u see ur BFP! I'm hoping all of us all get our BFP'S within the next month or two so we can all be bump buddies! :) FX!
I did check my cervix and based on eggwhite CM (lots of it) and openness of cervix, I put myself at CD 14 for O. If this spotting is AF starting then that would be an earlier O. So confusing. And no, I don't usually spot days before AF and I am a cervix checker. I do have a few Wondfos left and will probably test tomorrow morning. Will keep you all updated!
Tonight I had some eggs and yummy sausage for dinner. The sausage may not have been the best nutrition but the eggs will def help in the protein department :). Thankfully dh, Aiden, and I all LOVE breakfast for dinner so I plan to make quite a bit of eggs during our IVF cycle/while on stem meds, as well as all the other foods full of good proteins. I have pork for tomorrow night and making a homemade pizza on Friday night :). I think this high protein/low sugar diet will be alot easier then I thought! Ive been replacing my sweets with other foods so easily today. I'm actually starting to crave healthy foods again. I did have a really healthy diet up until about 5 months ago. I think all the stress at my parents made me crave, I need something to blame my crazy sweet tooth on! :haha: So its nice to be so quickly getting back into my usual, healthy diet plans. It was hard at my parents because they were planning most of the meals as well & if I bought refrigerated foods, my siblings would come over and help themselves since it was Mom & Dads house and so I didn't actually get to eat much of the healthy stuff for myself. Anyway, I'm just rambling now! I am very excited for this process to begin and I'm getting less nervous. I think ill produce great day 5 embryos to transfer and to freeze. FX! I'm hoping there's at least one extra day 5'er to freeze JUST incase we have to do an immediate FET cycle. I'm sure we'll end up donating tho, as I have faith that it'll work the first time :). If we get enough @ retrieval to save some mature eggs and basically do a spilt cycle, then we'd want to freeze those ones to save for a future pregnancy after DHs treatment, & when we're ready for another baby of course. But if there's only enough for 1 sticky bean, that's more then ok with me! We'll get our LO together before insurance is up, I just know it! (it sounds strange to me that I'm being forced to base my conception date around an insurance Idk it just sounded weird to me when I was just typing this)

I better go to bed...Then we'll be one more day closer when I awake! :)
I did check my cervix and based on eggwhite CM (lots of it) and openness of cervix, I put myself at CD 14 for O. If this spotting is AF starting then that would be an earlier O. So confusing. And no, I don't usually spot days before AF and I am a cervix checker. I do have a few Wondfos left and will probably test tomorrow morning. Will keep you all updated!

I have a good feeling for you! Def let me know in the a.m! :) FX FX FX!!!
Mary, add your current info to a spoiler and then paste the code for the ticker under the spoiler

I dont really know how to do all that from my phone and thats all I'm working with, lol. Maybe Ill figure it all out. If not, I guess my "manual ticker" will have to do for now, lol :haha:

Jess your reveal video made me want to do a reveal party after we rt our sticky bean & of course go for the gender scan. Its such a great & memorable idea. Last night I was watching Teen Mom O.G on demand, since I was without cable for 2 wks, and one of them had a gender reveal party as well as one of the "Little women of LA" & I just have fallen in love with that idea! After u posted ur video, suddenly 2 of my favorite shows did the same, lol :).

The only crampy thing is we didn't get many gifts because no one knew whether baby was boy or girl and now people are wanting to bring boy clothes to my parents house. I know it sounds selfish but I didn't want clothes at all as we already have enough. What I NEED is things like sheets, wash cloths, towels and the like......not clothes that Luke will never wear.

Right now I feel "fluish" but without a fever. My body is so sore and I am so exhausted. As soon as DS is in bed, I plan on going to sleep too. More spotting tonight. It's red in color and even though I didn't chart this month, I don't think AF is due for a few days. I hope it's a little nugget implanting some more but I hate to get too hopeful!

I hope you aren't comong down with something.i thought I was getting a cold in the days leading up to my bfp.

Tonight I had some eggs and yummy sausage for dinner. The sausage may not have been the best nutrition but the eggs will def help in the protein department :). Thankfully dh, Aiden, and I all LOVE breakfast for dinner so I plan to make quite a bit of eggs during our IVF cycle/while on stem meds, as well as all the other foods full of good proteins. I have pork for tomorrow night and making a homemade pizza on Friday night :). I think this high protein/low sugar diet will be alot easier then I thought! Ive been replacing my sweets with other foods so easily today. I'm actually starting to crave healthy foods again. I did have a really healthy diet up until about 5 months ago. I think all the stress at my parents made me crave, I need something to blame my crazy sweet tooth on! :haha: So its nice to be so quickly getting back into my usual, healthy diet plans. It was hard at my parents because they were planning most of the meals as well & if I bought refrigerated foods, my siblings would come over and help themselves since it was Mom & Dads house and so I didn't actually get to eat much of the healthy stuff for myself. Anyway, I'm just rambling now! I am very excited for this process to begin and I'm getting less nervous. I think ill produce great day 5 embryos to transfer and to freeze. FX! I'm hoping there's at least one extra day 5'er to freeze JUST incase we have to do an immediate FET cycle. I'm sure we'll end up donating tho, as I have faith that it'll work the first time :). If we get enough @ retrieval to save some mature eggs and basically do a spilt cycle, then we'd want to freeze those ones to save for a future pregnancy after DHs treatment, & when we're ready for another baby of course. But if there's only enough for 1 sticky bean, that's more then ok with me! We'll get our LO together before insurance is up, I just know it! (it sounds strange to me that I'm being forced to base my conception date around an insurance Idk it just sounded weird to me when I was just typing this)

I better go to bed...Then we'll be one more day closer when I awake! :)

So is the plan to freeze some eggs and use donor soerm or just freeze the eggs? I got lost in the confusion.
I agree with Jess, at 2 dpo my BFP cucle I felt really sick!! Granted we were in mexico but dh didn't feel sick at all and we had eaten the exact same stuff
BFN this morning. I have no idea what's going on. I have had a cold for 2 weeks (started last Monday) and just can't seem to shake it. I took my temp for the heck of it this morning and it was 98.6 which is high for me. My boobs are killing me, my body is so achy, but still getting BFN. If AF does decide to show, this is by far the worst 2WW ever.
You're 12 dpo right? could still be early and having a high temp (esp. 98-ish) is a good sign. FX you get a :bfp: in just a few days. Would you mind posting your hpt?
Thanks mdscpa! I'm guessing on what DPO I am, but I would put money that I am 12 DPO. Let's just hope for a slow rise and that AF stays the heck away. I wouldn't mind posting my hpt, but now I'm at work and the test is at home. Not much to look at though, it was white (although my eyes were playing tricks on me and there could have been a shadow of a line, but I doubt it).
I'm sleep deprived and need to vent! It's probably good I can't conceive because stupid hubs has been a mess lately - totally lazy, always says he's sick, he strained his back pushing himself too much as crossfit and is now draining our HSA to see a chiro a few times per week - sorry, but those guys are quacks and not a LT solution - and he is just acting like a big baby. So, I guess I do have a baby. Short of wiping his ass, I am dealing with a lot of the same issues - including little to no sleep with all his snoring (thanks to eating unhealthy, smoking his e-cig all the time, not working out anymore and being so lazy throughout the day that he doesn't sleep properly). Well, I came into work at 6 a.m. this morning because I was tired of laying there trying to sleep. This way I will eat a big lunch and then go home at 3 and tell him to let me have the TV for once so I can rest and then skip dinner and go to sleep. Alone. He's getting the guest room tonight. ^&%^#$%#$^$^

Oh and because of being sleep deprived I have no idea what my bbt should have been. I took it after disrupted sleep all night 1.5 hours early (which should make it quite a bit lower vs. when I take it after good sleep and the right time... aka, I might have had a decent rise but I will never know). Not that it really matters. But FF isn't liking my charting today - lol.
BFN this morning. I have no idea what's going on. I have had a cold for 2 weeks (started last Monday) and just can't seem to shake it. I took my temp for the heck of it this morning and it was 98.6 which is high for me. My boobs are killing me, my body is so achy, but still getting BFN. If AF does decide to show, this is by far the worst 2WW ever.

I bet you Oed a day or two early than suspected and there's still time :) FX!! everything ur feeling sounds good! Like I said yest, it most commonly takes 5-8 days after implantation begins and today is only 5 days since the first possible IB occurred. (I'm praying it was IB!) Remember, jess didn't get a BFP until 13dpo with her **sticky bean** and from ur suspicions, ur 12dpo, so i wouldn't count urself out yet! I have a feeling ull get a nice surprise tomorrow. Maybe PM urine would work better for u and tonight would be exactly 5 days from when ur spotting occurred on Saturday night & you'd be surprised how much just 12hrs can make a difference w a pregnancy test. Ive seen women test every 12hrs and each time the line was noticeably darker after they got their initial BFP. Plus some women have higher levels with PM or midday urine. If u get ur BFP, I'm willing to bet it'd be a girl because of the old wives tale that when its a girl, levels tend to rise slower than boys. So far its proven to be true on this thread! Lol. Its def not always the case tho. Sry I'm rambling but my point is, your BFP could still be right around the corner! Has any more spotting occurred since yest? Stay away :af:!
June, sorry your dealing with all of this crap, and ur hubbys crap as well :(. I know how tough it can be taking care of a BIG "baby". My ex husband was the same and it was beyond ridiculous. He drained life out of me just being around him. But I'm a nurturer so I always did everything he wanted. I swear, when men are hurt, they can be bigger babies than us! My dh isn't "drive me crazy" bad, but when he's sick, we ALL know it, thats for sure. Idk what he'd do without me if he got sick when I was gone one day! Lol. But seriously, I hope things get better for you guys. Have you talked to him about this? I know you mentioned this same issue a wk or two back & if it's an on going problem, id definitely tell him how you feel and maybe? he'll work on fixing things that he's doing? I don't know your husband or the full situation so idk if u already tried this or what not. I just know you deserve to be happy and I truly hope your drowning in happiness very soon. Lots and lots of hugs to u! :hugs: I wish I could have that big lunch with you and have a nice girls day. I haven't had a girls day in soo long! But, I also don't have many gfs IRL since TTC. I have 2 girl-friends I still talk to that I grew up How pathetic!

June, sorry your dealing with all of this crap, and ur hubbys crap as well :(. I know how tough it can be taking care of a BIG "baby". My ex husband was the same and it was beyond ridiculous. He drained life out of me just being around him. But I'm a nurturer so I always did everything he wanted. I swear, when men are hurt, they can be bigger babies than us! My dh isn't "drive me crazy" bad, but when he's sick, we ALL know it, thats for sure. Idk what he'd do without me if he got sick when I was gone one day! Lol. But seriously, I hope things get better for you guys. Have you talked to him about this? I know you mentioned this same issue a wk or two back & if it's an on going problem, id definitely tell him how you feel and maybe? he'll work on fixing things that he's doing? I don't know your husband or the full situation so idk if u already tried this or what not. I just know you deserve to be happy and I truly hope your drowning in happiness very soon. Lots and lots of hugs to u! :hugs: I wish I could have that big lunch with you and have a nice girls day. I haven't had a girls day in soo long! But, I also don't have many gfs IRL since TTC. I have 2 girl-friends I still talk to that I grew up How pathetic!


Thanks, hon. Wish we could go out, too. I do talk to him about this stuff all the time, but since he turned 40 a couple months ago the pity party never ends. I know everyone's entitled to a bad mood/illness but I am dealing with an actual mental disease that is much worse, never goes away, and I can't be around negativity like many others can. This is all about to make me snap. I told him all this last night and he's still in self-pity mode. I went away last weekend to get away from all this shit and I want to go again. I want him away from me! I want to be alone in silence!! UGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH. Haha, wouldn't it be funny if I'm just emotional cuz I'm pregnant???? How would I deal with all that on my own with him acting like a baby? I kinda want the witch to show next week now. How sad :(
My chart is so super crazy guys! I hardly ever get any sleep! So it's all over the place! Yesterday is so off because I have been temping at 5 am, but was up every hour so I decided to take it later
And Saturday morning forgot to temp
June, sorry your dealing with all of this crap, and ur hubbys crap as well :(. I know how tough it can be taking care of a BIG "baby". My ex husband was the same and it was beyond ridiculous. He drained life out of me just being around him. But I'm a nurturer so I always did everything he wanted. I swear, when men are hurt, they can be bigger babies than us! My dh isn't "drive me crazy" bad, but when he's sick, we ALL know it, thats for sure. Idk what he'd do without me if he got sick when I was gone one day! Lol. But seriously, I hope things get better for you guys. Have you talked to him about this? I know you mentioned this same issue a wk or two back & if it's an on going problem, id definitely tell him how you feel and maybe? he'll work on fixing things that he's doing? I don't know your husband or the full situation so idk if u already tried this or what not. I just know you deserve to be happy and I truly hope your drowning in happiness very soon. Lots and lots of hugs to u! :hugs: I wish I could have that big lunch with you and have a nice girls day. I haven't had a girls day in soo long! But, I also don't have many gfs IRL since TTC. I have 2 girl-friends I still talk to that I grew up How pathetic!


Thanks, hon. Wish we could go out, too. I do talk to him about this stuff all the time, but since he turned 40 a couple months ago the pity party never ends. I know everyone's entitled to a bad mood/illness but I am dealing with an actual mental disease that is much worse, never goes away, and I can't be around negativity like many others can. This is all about to make me snap. I told him all this last night and he's still in self-pity mode. I went away last weekend to get away from all this shit and I want to go again. I want him away from me! I want to be alone in silence!! UGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH. Haha, wouldn't it be funny if I'm just emotional cuz I'm pregnant???? How would I deal with all that on my own with him acting like a baby? I kinda want the witch to show next week now. How sad :(

I hear you, hun. :(. I have bipolar and im truly blessed to have my DH because he's very sensitive when it comes to helping me cope mentally. Maybe ur dh has hit a mid-life crisis..? What do u think? It sounds like him turning 40 must have made something different for him, u know? I REALLY hope he smartens up and sees what pain and stress he is causing before it gets to the point where you can't handle It. I'm not sure if bipolar is ur mental issue but i know with my bipolar, extra stress from other people around me is the worst thing for me. If my dh has a bad day, i seem to have a bad day. I had a really hard time at my parents due to this, as they both have depression/anxiety & my dad is physically sick and it was a mad house! The environment was just WAY too much on me. I hope u find some relief!

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