Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Sylvia - that sounds like IB to me, but I'm like you and have only read what others describe. TY for squinting, it's definitely diluted. FX tomorrow gives clear pink so I can break out my last frer. :lol:

*EDIT* I just noticed that you added an arrow, and we definitely saw the same thing!

*EDIT2* I showed Lalo the pic and he saw it!! He never sees faint lines! He didn't realize it was a pic of a test I took!! I wanna tell him so bad, but I really want a clearly pink test first, you know?

I love looking at lines you're welcome :) but definitely take a FMU test! Can't wait to see your results!

It sounds like IB to me as well... 6 days ago I had the pains on my left side along with the one brown spot and today it was the right side but more painful and one brown spot. FX! I'm making my first doc appt on Monday, my friend referred me she said he is awesome and gives lots of sonos so that's a plus lol
Quick update...RE's office called and my u/s DID look good, as thought, as well as my blood levels so we are good to go on with our plan :). I highly suspected this was the case anyhow but wanted to let u all know that we officially got the "Go ahead" to start the stems tomorrow so nothing bad "popped" up :). Now FX all the rest of the bloods, u/s, ER, ET, etc. ALL come out just as good! FX FX FX FX FX!!!

FX Mary! If I cross them any tighter I might just end up breaking them :D

I cannot wait for everything from here, still feels like it is happening so fast and your BFP will be here in absolutely no time! :happydance:

Just for fun I took a Walmart cheapie. It was still wet here, at about the 2-3minute mark. I didn't expect to see anything anyways. :lol:

I think I see something on the test. I hope it gets darker real soon! I think you should def sleep with a test and when you wake up and go you have one for FMU, it might make so much difference in the lines if you used FMU instead of SMU? :shrug: Whichever way I cannot wait for that line to shout pregnant!
I was just wanting to share my 3D scan I had at 30w5d on Thursday. I'm putting it in the spoiler so that if you guys want to peek you are welcome to.

I wanted to share with you ladies as some of you have been with me since I was ttc and now while pregnant.

Again Mary, I'm going to single you out today (if you other ladies don't mind :flower: ) You were a great help with temping and I appreciate that so much! I cannot wait to join you on your journey to birth really really soon!!!


It was amazing! Matthew is measuring spot on again at 30w5d, head down and 1.6kg. Sonographer seems to think he might be here in as little as 7 and half weeks :dance:

I asked the sonographer to please confirm gender for us to make sure it is boy and she said sure. She puts the probe on my belly and switches on to 3D and the VERY 1st thing we see is our little Matthew's potty shot :D

Matthew was wide awake the whole time and had his eyes open a few times too :D

Matthew's feet - he seems to like crossing them at the ankles. Funny thing is I was lying with my ankles crossed the whole u/s through as well

Side profile. He had his arm by his face for the most part but we still got to see him so all is good :D

Healthy heart beating at 141 bpm

These literally melted my heart!!! We got so many smiles from him

Pouting a bit after mommy had some fudge :haha:

Getting a bit tired now ** yawn **

Want to see something funny mommy?? Look how I put my umbilical cord in my mouth :haha:

Sorry for the overkill on photos but I got soooo many I just had to share as much as I could :dance:
Jess my mom is an ob nurse for 28 years now, and just told me today that when she joins my dad In a few weeks she is starting to apply to the hospitals in denver! IThought that was cool!

Maybe she can get on at Denver health and deliver my baby (well be in the room)

Jess - I was gone for a long time, but I remember you were really struggling with the morning sickness at first. How are you doing now??

Quick update...RE's office called and my u/s DID look good, as thought, as well as my blood levels so we are good to go on with our plan :). I highly suspected this was the case anyhow but wanted to let u all know that we officially got the "Go ahead" to start the stems tomorrow so nothing bad "popped" up :). Now FX all the rest of the bloods, u/s, ER, ET, etc. ALL come out just as good! FX FX FX FX FX!!!

I'm so glad that everything is coming together! Keeping everything crossed that the stimming and retreival go as planned.

Just for fun I took a Walmart cheapie. It was still wet here, at about the 2-3minute mark. I didn't expect to see anything anyways. :lol:

I honestly don't see anything but that doesn't mean that there isn't something there. Good luck!

Okay can someone give me your thoughts or what's happening. Earlier today I was having sharp pains almost like O or implantation pains in my lower right side. Then when I went to the RR I had one brown spot on my panties. This is exactly what happened the other day and when it happened both times my cervix turned more soft. What's going on I'm losing my mind! The pains already stopped it last about 20 mins... Is everything okay?

I was googling a lot of women said there's was two IB.... I would rather it be that then something bad

I would love to give you an answer, but the only thing that I have to offer is what I read and was told by a doctor. She said that in order for more than one embryo to fertilize and implant, each step must happen within 24 hours of eachother as once something happens the body starts producing hormones and whatnot to block more from going on. So when you ovulate, your body stops more eggs from being released within 24 hours (meaning you would need to ovulate more than one egg during that time frame). Once an egg is fertilized it creates hormones that again prevent more eggs from being fertilized. Since each egg is only viable for 12-24 hours, it is possible for more than one egg to be fertilized as long as they were both released within a tight time frame. You wouldn't release an egg, have it fertilize and then release another egg a day or two later for fertilization. Once the egg(s) make there way to the uterus, again you have a 24 hour window in which both eggs must find a place to implant as the first one to implant immediately starts creating blocker hormones to prevent more eggs from being able to implant.

In your case your bfp came a few days ago. It is pretty highly unlikely that you would be experiencing implantation bleeding from a second embryo this far out from implantation. It could be an embryo burying in deeper and causing some bleeding though.
Thank you Jess, I have seen multiple stories though of women having twins and they implanted a week apart and their doctor confirmed its because one might have took longer traveling to finally implant, that's why I was wondering. Lol just a thought... I'm so curious with everything that happens. This pregnancy is so different from the ones with my sons.
I was just wanting to share my 3D scan I had at 30w5d on Thursday. I'm putting it in the spoiler so that if you guys want to peek you are welcome to.

I wanted to share with you ladies as some of you have been with me since I was ttc and now while pregnant.

Again Mary, I'm going to single you out today (if you other ladies don't mind :flower: ) You were a great help with temping and I appreciate that so much! I cannot wait to join you on your journey to birth really really soon!!!


It was amazing! Matthew is measuring spot on again at 30w5d, head down and 1.6kg. Sonographer seems to think he might be here in as little as 7 and half weeks :dance:

I asked the sonographer to please confirm gender for us to make sure it is boy and she said sure. She puts the probe on my belly and switches on to 3D and the VERY 1st thing we see is our little Matthew's potty shot :D

Matthew was wide awake the whole time and had his eyes open a few times too :D

Matthew's feet - he seems to like crossing them at the ankles. Funny thing is I was lying with my ankles crossed the whole u/s through as well

Side profile. He had his arm by his face for the most part but we still got to see him so all is good :D

Healthy heart beating at 141 bpm

These literally melted my heart!!! We got so many smiles from him

Pouting a bit after mommy had some fudge :haha:

Getting a bit tired now ** yawn **

Want to see something funny mommy?? Look how I put my umbilical cord in my mouth :haha:

Sorry for the overkill on photos but I got soooo many I just had to share as much as I could :dance:

Thank u so much hun! :) It means alot! All of u ladies have def been returning the support! :) I seriously couldn't ask for a better support group!!!

And yay! Congrats on ur scan!! I'm so glad it all went good! I'm very happy for u and I am very excited to join you and the other ladies! Woo, hopefully not much longer!!!
Thank you Jess, I have seen multiple stories though of women having twins and they implanted a week apart and their doctor confirmed its because one might have took longer traveling to finally implant, that's why I was wondering. Lol just a thought... I'm so curious with everything that happens. This pregnancy is so different from the ones with my sons.

This does RARELY happen. I watched a TLC special where a woman actually had twins with DIF daddys!! Apparently an egg released after one was fertilized. Its basically unheard of for this to happen but the strangest things can happen while TTC! lol. Again, its highly unlikely but has happened!
I did my A.M stem meds at 8 this a.m. I ALREADY feel pain in my ovary and its only been a little over an hr! Lol. Hopefully ill be a good/quick responder :) FX! I totally FREAKED out this a.m tho, I couldn't remember how much saline to mix with the menopur powder and so i said screw it and just added a 1/2 cc of saline. I found out its supposed to be 3/4 cc but the nurse said its completely fine that I only used half for mixing, thank god! I was so scared that I messed the whole thing up! I have bloods on Wed to see how my hormone levels look & hopefully we'll have an even better idea of the exact day for retrieval. I feel like I'm in the TWW right now because of waiting for ER/ET, lol. There's so many dif steps involved in IVF but I'm def getting closer to the end now! I should be in for retrieval before I know it! Times def been FLYING by for me. Lets hope this next 7-9 days go by just as fast! :)
I don't know what to make of my chart. When I woke up at 5, my temp was low (97.61). I don't normally temp until 6-6:30. So, I had a bowl of cereal and went back to bed. When, I woke up at 7, my temp was a little over 98. I don't know if that's a good temp or not given the bowl of cereal and the being up and around a bit at 5. If it is a good temp, I probably Od. If not, I don't know that I have Od yet. I'm so confused!
Que any updates?!

Mary I can't believe how close we are to your retrieval and transfers!! I am so excited for you!!

Mary yeah... It is possible it's twins but perhaps not likely. Probably just typical pains and whatnot that you get early on. Let us know what your doc says!
I don't know what to make of my chart. When I woke up at 5, my temp was low (97.61). I don't normally temp until 6-6:30. So, I had a bowl of cereal and went back to bed. When, I woke up at 7, my temp was a little over 98. I don't know if that's a good temp or not given the bowl of cereal and the being up and around a bit at 5. If it is a good temp, I probably Od. If not, I don't know that I have Od yet. I'm so confused!

The temp from today is most likely off/not reliable. 97.81 would probably been closer to your true temp today (based on what the BBT adjuster says). If u dont get 3-4 SOLID hrs of sleep before temping, your temp will more than likely be off, esp with a bowl of cereal added into the mix, u know? Tomorrows temp should let us know if uve oed. Usually if my temps rising slow, i notice a definite rise by 3-4dpo. Good luck hun! Even if O is today, It looks like u have good BD timing so fx!!
Que any updates?!

Mary I can't believe how close we are to your retrieval and transfers!! I am so excited for you!!

Mary yeah... It is possible it's twins but perhaps not likely. Probably just typical pains and whatnot that you get early on. Let us know what your doc says!

Thanks! :)

And yea, I def agree about the twin I just wanted to share that TLC story. I didn't mean to sound like that's what's happening with Sylvia because thats highly unlikely. Its probably just implantation pains still or just normal pregnancy pains. But isn't that crazy tho?! Twins with 2 different fathers!! LoL. I was in shock when I saw that special on TLC. Its def not common tho, at all! I just thought it was interesting and Sylvia reminded me of it, lol.
OMG THIS ONE IS SOO MUCH CLEARER (though still faint) AND I"M FREAKING OUT!!!!! I didn't want to take it with Lalo home, so I let half my pee out and went back to bed for two hours. I'm thinking I should take the other cheapie today and the frer tomoroow? Or should I take the cheapie tomorrow and save the frer for Monday??


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OMG THIS ONE IS SOO MUCH CLEARER (though still faint) AND I"M FREAKING OUT!!!!! I didn't want to take it with Lalo home, so I let half my pee out and went back to bed for two hours. I'm thinking I should take the other cheapie today and the frer tomoroow? Or should I take the cheapie tomorrow and save the frer for Monday??

I cant see it from phone!!! I wana see! Be careful with those tests tho. If the line is more to the right rather then centered like the control, it may be evap. Ive had some pretty mean evaps on those after only 30 secs! I'm not saying this is the case for u but just wanted to warn u! And u should def do the frer tomorrow if ur seeing something on those tests. Frer is MUCH more sensitive so it'd pick up the levels if the cheapie did :). Good luck hun and FX!

EDIT-Oooo wait! I think I see something in the right spot on the test!!! Def def take the frer tomorrow!! FX FX FX! :happydance:
Instill don't see anything. Can you take a pic looking straight down at the test?


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Sylvia - the progression is slow, but it's real. Congrats momma!

AFM I caved and took my only frer with TMU. It's a TIINY bit clearer IRL than in the pic. I have one more Walmart cheapie, two EPT tests, and one cb digi left. FX!!


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Sylvia - the progression is slow, but it's real. Congrats momma!

AFM I caved and took my only frer with TMU. It's a TIINY bit clearer IRL than in the pic. I have one more Walmart cheapie, two EPT tests, and one cb digi left. FX!!

I googled and I seen some clinical guard tests progressions (what I'm using), and I seen a pic where they didn't get much darker either. So hopefully if we go to Walmart today I'll buy a frer, cheapie or Answer to see if I'll get a darker line so I'll know its just the tests.

I see your line! Yay! I think things are moving along for you, can't wait for your fmu test tomorrow :)
Significant temp jump today. I'm officially in the TWW!

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