Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Hey y'all, today I started bleeding along with the horrible lower back and stomach cramps or should I say contractions. I went to ER and nothing was visible on ultrasound yet since I'm not that far and my hcg was only 75 which the doctor said that was very weird for me. My lines never got any darker they stopped at medium dark at like 15-16 dpo now I'm 20dpo.... so I worried! He didn't say I was miscarrying since this is not enough info to say I am... I would need another beta. My doc appt is Wednesday. So I really need everyone's fingers crossed that I'll get some kind of relief/ good news if there is any.

UPDATE: Im home now, the bleeding isnt heavy I've only seen a few tiny clots. The color is light red and very watery. The pain kind of subsided...if was horrible in the hospital now it bearable. While I was in the waiting room waiting for my ride since I was dropped off...I started feeling very faint and overheated I was either going to throw up any minute or faint. So I told the lady in front if I could get some water and for them to check my vitals...long story short they put me in a wheelchair and sent me back to the room and gave me orange juice and I HAD t wait until the doctor came in again. For no reason this happened really...I just needed something to drink....
So scary! I'm sure stress isn't helping either.
I'm hoping everything is ok Sylvia. I'm thinking about you and said a prayer for you. Did they tell you to take anything for the pain?
I'm hoping everything is ok Sylvia. I'm thinking about you and said a prayer for you. Did they tell you to take anything for the pain?

I told him and he said he's going to wait to see what my doctor says first.... But I still have pain meds from last time if I really need it. Its mild pains right now so I'm trying to just manage it, thank you I really need tons of prayers since I haven't told anyone yet about the pregnancy. Its so hard talking on the phone with my mom and I can't say a word.

So scary! I'm sure stress isn't helping either.
I was stressing earlier today before the hospital but I guess I know the possible outcome since I just recently miscarried so I'm less stressed this time. I'm trying not to think too much about it

Will be praying for you Sylvia!!!!
Thank you so much!
Sending positive thoughts your way Sylvia!
Sylvia, so sorry this is happenning. You're in our thoughts. Hoping today is a good day for you....

TTC, your chart looks so awesome. FX :bfp: is just around the corner...

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Hi ladies! Been MIA for awhile. Last weekend dh had a work trip, and I tagged along, and this week I have been doing a bunch of diy projects. I'm just playing around with things atm, but seriously thinking about trying to sell them. Also yesterday, dh and I started drinking raw goats milk. The story behind why is kind of long. A few months ago, my mom was delivering the baby of a very hippie type couple. They had tried for years, and never saw a dr. They both drank raw goats milk, and he took horny goat weed (the supplement my dh takes) and they got pregnant! Well over Easter weekend, I was at my aunts house, and she says "I'm not really sure how to say this without you thinking I'm crazy, but you should start drinking goats milk." She said that for some reason was compelled to pray for us, so she called her friend to pray with her. They prayed, then her friend started telling her about a passage in the bible that talks about goats milk, and That she sells her goats milk. She didn't have any for sale at that time, because her goat had babies. Well this week on Tuesday, my mom called me and asked if I had gone any further with the goats milk, I said no, that I was waiting until we get moved, she started telling me to get on it, and I said blah blah blah, ok mom, I'll do it when I can. Well an hour later, my aunt called me and said "I have something for you! A gallon of goats milk, and this first gallon is on me, let's meet for lunch on Thursday, and it'll bring it to you" so, dh and I started drinking it last night! It's really not bad, tastes like cows milk with a different after taste. That was just too many coincidences to ignore. I feel like God puts coincidences in our life to guide us to where we are supposed to be. Sorry for the super long post, just wanted to share this weirdness with you ladies.

Sylvia, I'm so so sorry about everything your having to endure. I'm praying for you and your little bean to be healthy! Wednesday seems like an awful long time. They don't have anything like an emergency appointment? Is it an OB?

Mary! ! I'm so excited that your bfp is so so close!! The pain for the shots is just a short part of your h&h 9 months! So totally worth it!! Eek, I'm so excited just thinking how fast these weeks have flown!

Que, I'm looking forward to your tests and progression! !

GL ttc, and michelle!! If I missed anyone I'm sorry!
I had no idea about the goats milk!!! I am already in the process of having my own dairy goats!!! In a couple of weeks we will have 3 of them plus the goats we already have!!! That is just awesome!!!!
Wow Chelsea, that is a lot of coincidences and I have faith you guys will get your BFP real soon :hugs:
Here's today's test. I took the pics right after the control line showed instead of waiting bc I knew I was going back to sleep. My camera wasn't cooperating much though. IRL the line was full thickness, blue, and up before the control line was. It dried clearly blue and thick, and clearer than Sunday, though it's still pretty faint. This is progress!!

Sylvia - :hugs: :dust:


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UPDATE: I called my doc office and they said the earliest is Monday at 9am... Er said to follow up with my obgyb not them, also he said he couldn't find evidence of ectopic because it would be too early to tell. Especially if the baby implanted a little over 10 days ago.
So far I have very minimal AF cramps in lower back and stomachs, bleeding kicked it up a notch I am now medium-heavy and dark red....cervix is wide open and very soft. Also my test is getting lighter. I don't want this to keep happening...I want to meet my baby :(

Okay I correct myself the test is the same darkness as the rest now that it dried
Here's today's test. I took the pics right after the control line showed instead of waiting bc I knew I was going back to sleep. My camera wasn't cooperating much though. IRL the line was full thickness, blue, and up before the control line was. It dried clearly blue and thick, and clearer than Sunday, though it's still pretty faint. This is progress!!

Sylvia - :hugs: :dust:

FX they keep getting darker! I do see the test line has the same thickness as the control so that can be promising! :) FX soo tight for u! If I were u, id call and say uve had a clear bfp at this point just to get them to do the bloods for you, lol. Sometimes it helps to tell a little white lie to the docs while TTC :haha: Good Luck!
As u all know, I had an u/s and bloods this a.m...

I just got off the phone with my REs office and the nurse said im actually responding a little too much, which I thought that'd be the case but all is looking great still, she said. She said im not to do my injections tonight or tomorrow a.m (other then my lupron a.m inject.) because they need to get my estrogen levels down a bit. They were above 3000 today!!!! Holy moly! Lol. But they'll get it under control :) So, I have to go back tomorrow a.m for more bloods to see how much my levels lowered in 24hrs after stopping the stems. I'm not sure yet if theyll have me start the stems again or not yet but they're going to call tomorrow afternoon to let me know the next step. I'm hoping for trigger and then retrieval! :) FX!
Anyway, I had a total of 9 follicle's seen today, 3 of which were borderline to being the size they like to see (2=10mm & 1=9mm) and the other 6 were *perfectly growing at the same pace, measuring between 12-14mm! My nurse said they're growing at a very good pace and that by stopping the stems, the other 3 may catch up, since they aren't too far behind. She also said there may be some hiding with levels like mine, lol. Either way, I'm happy to have the 6 with one ovary :). Its definitely quality over quantity & many specialists say between 6-12 is the "optimal" number of follicles for an IVF cycle. We may not even get all 6 but I have faith that we will make it to transfer, even if its with just one, hopefully "The One" :). FX! Idk why but I still have the #8 in the back of my mind so maybeee we'll end up with 8 eggs.. Idk why ive had that # in the back of my mind since IVF started, lol. FX!

So after being stressed all day thinking I wasn't responding well enough, I was proved wrong by one phone call, thankfully! Lol. I thought for sure they'd be INCREASING my meds, not decreasing! Yay! So hopefully tomorrow afternoon ill know whether ER will still be Monday or what. They say the follies grow about 2mm/day so that'd make the leading 6 be around 18-20mm, which would be perfect for retrieval :). FX FX FX! I'm so glad things are all looking good! Can't wait until retrieval passes! Now I'm excited to update u all with news tomorrow! Hopefully it'll be ER news! :)
:yipee: that is great news Mary! If it is going so well already I'm positive it'll only end in sticky BFP :dust:
UPDATE: I called my doc office and they said the earliest is Monday at 9am... Er said to follow up with my obgyb not them, also he said he couldn't find evidence of ectopic because it would be too early to tell. Especially if the baby implanted a little over 10 days ago.
So far I have very minimal AF cramps in lower back and stomachs, bleeding kicked it up a notch I am now medium-heavy and dark red....cervix is wide open and very soft. Also my test is getting lighter. I don't want this to keep happening...I want to meet my baby :(

Okay I correct myself the test is the same darkness as the rest now that it dried

I'm sorry your going through this stress Sylvia! :(. I'm holding out hope for you and saying the bleeding and light cramps are just normal pregnancy stuff. I will be saying many, many prayers for you :hugs: Try to stay positive and do something nice for yourself while you wait for the docs on Monday. And it all depends...sometimes they can see something TINY early on. Implantation doesn't make it difference as to how big your LO is, it goes from the day of fertilization/when the embryo starts growing. If u go from the day of your last AF and your past 5-6wks, there's a decent chance they could see it. They saw Aiden early on but EVERY pregnancy def differs. Anyway, I wish u the very best, hun! I hope everything is perfect and this is just "break-through bleeding" or something along those lines. Good luck!
:yipee: that is great news Mary! If it is going so well already I'm positive it'll only end in sticky BFP :dust:

Thanks Pamela!! I'm beyond happy with these results! Many women are upset when they see less then 7 follies but I feel if there's less, my body will be focusing on those ones to make sure they're healthy little beans! :) FX thats the case for me! I thought for sure my RE would say this isn't a good number but he was actually very happy with the results, which made me happy! Lol. I'm just anxious now as to whether ill be doing more meds after my estrogen levels go down. Since my follies would be a "optimal size" for retrieval by Monday, hopefully they'll just have me trigger tomorrow/Sunday night but they want to make sure my estrogen isn't too high before the trigger because that will cause OHSS so I'm thinking they're just keeping track of those levels & then will tell me to trigger after the levels are where they want them and possibly even have me do another U/S. I'm guessing that the retrieval will be Mon/Tues but we'll see! I'm going to be so anxious while I wait to hear from the nurse tomorrow so I KNOW what the next step will be instead of trying to GUESS what the next step will be! Lol. She didn't want to give me a true answer because it all depends on my bloods tomorrow, which I'm fine with. I can't wait to be in a TWW that'll actually has good odds of ending in a BFP! :) Hopefully ill have an amazing announcement to make after all of this is done! FX!
Hello there-

I'm new to this and basically all forums, but today I'm hurting and looking for support. Little background; I'm 27 and my husband and I have been married almost 3 years. Since January we have been trying ( so not long) and so far I'm dealing with 2 losses already and just looking for some support, or success stories. (i'm sorry if my story is long)

March was a rough month in our home, husband didn't get promotion he has been working towards for 2 years. This would have not only helped out his stress life ( he is a state trooper and the promotion would have taken him off the road) but also mine- as it would have moved us to the town where i work in which is 45 mins away from where we live with some of the most dangerous interstate between them. Anyways, I had felt a little off and very crampy. I decided to take a test a few days prior to missing my period ( i apologize i don't know all of the abbreviations yet), anyways- test actually came back with a very faint yes which shocked me and was super exciting. We decided I would re-test a few days after my actual date and then go to the doc.. etc. The day after i should of started we were going to go on a little ice cream date- i went to the bathroom, and had realized my period had started- Chemical Pregnancy. Was crushed- but would try again next month.

April- didn't feel like we tried enough but just maybe. Again I felt off- but decided to remain calm and do nothing about it. I was 5 days late and vowed to wait until my husband gets home tomorrow from a training out of state to test- However i didn't get to wait. Last night I saw what looked like the start of my period- i lost my mind and quickly ran out to buy tests. With tears in my eyes i took one last night- expecting a negative. However to my surprise there was 2 lines! Darker than last month. I danced around and got down on my knees to give thanks.

This morning changed it all.. I went to the bathroom and decided to test again, as i was sitting looking at even stronger positive- i looked down and saw all red. I again lost it, and quickly ran down stairs to drink anything i could find to test again. I took 3 test this morning, while bleeding, and all three said yes. I called the doc as soon as they opened and they had me come in for blood work and then an apt later in the afternoon.

Just got the call an hour ago that they didn't think i needed to come in to do an ultrasound. If i'm where i said i would be with my first day of my last period i would be 5 weeks and my Hcg level was only at 36. Nurse told me that I have probably had a miscarriage :( I'm scheduled to go Sunday to get my blood drawn again to be re-tested but my guess is that come Monday I will be told my numbers dropped. I guess just looking for support during this time- and into the future. Wishing all magic baby dust.... just hurting so much right now
Sylvia - :hug:

Mary - I'm so excited for you!!!

AFM - I'm scheduled for the end of the month only bc my ob (who's the only one in town) is fully scheduled. They even know how long it's been since my lmp, but there's nothing they can do. I'm ok waiting, although I wish I were more certain about an edd. If I JUST got prego in April, My edd would be in mid January, but with my lmp being so long ago, as well as short and light... *SIGH* I'm getting a couple frer and a couple cheap Target digi's over the weekend. I'll stop testing when I get a clear line or when I get a pregnant on a digi. :lol:
Fingers - I'm so sorry to hear that your getting such a bad start to your journey towards baby. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed (FX) that you're one of the few women who gets a normal period while pregnant, and that you're either not as far along as you thought, or simply experiencing a slow hcg level rise. We're all glad you came and joined us and wishing you the best. I'm Brianna btw. :hug:

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