Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Hello there-

I'm new to this and basically all forums, but today I'm hurting and looking for support. Little background; I'm 27 and my husband and I have been married almost 3 years. Since January we have been trying ( so not long) and so far I'm dealing with 2 losses already and just looking for some support, or success stories. (i'm sorry if my story is long)

March was a rough month in our home, husband didn't get promotion he has been working towards for 2 years. This would have not only helped out his stress life ( he is a state trooper and the promotion would have taken him off the road) but also mine- as it would have moved us to the town where i work in which is 45 mins away from where we live with some of the most dangerous interstate between them. Anyways, I had felt a little off and very crampy. I decided to take a test a few days prior to missing my period ( i apologize i don't know all of the abbreviations yet), anyways- test actually came back with a very faint yes which shocked me and was super exciting. We decided I would re-test a few days after my actual date and then go to the doc.. etc. The day after i should of started we were going to go on a little ice cream date- i went to the bathroom, and had realized my period had started- Chemical Pregnancy. Was crushed- but would try again next month.

April- didn't feel like we tried enough but just maybe. Again I felt off- but decided to remain calm and do nothing about it. I was 5 days late and vowed to wait until my husband gets home tomorrow from a training out of state to test- However i didn't get to wait. Last night I saw what looked like the start of my period- i lost my mind and quickly ran out to buy tests. With tears in my eyes i took one last night- expecting a negative. However to my surprise there was 2 lines! Darker than last month. I danced around and got down on my knees to give thanks.

This morning changed it all.. I went to the bathroom and decided to test again, as i was sitting looking at even stronger positive- i looked down and saw all red. I again lost it, and quickly ran down stairs to drink anything i could find to test again. I took 3 test this morning, while bleeding, and all three said yes. I called the doc as soon as they opened and they had me come in for blood work and then an apt later in the afternoon.

Just got the call an hour ago that they didn't think i needed to come in to do an ultrasound. If i'm where i said i would be with my first day of my last period i would be 5 weeks and my Hcg level was only at 36. Nurse told me that I have probably had a miscarriage :( I'm scheduled to go Sunday to get my blood drawn again to be re-tested but my guess is that come Monday I will be told my numbers dropped. I guess just looking for support during this time- and into the future. Wishing all magic baby dust.... just hurting so much right now

I am sorry that you have had to experience an early loss and am hoping that this is nothing bad. I can tell you that I am one of a few on this thread that have been where you are. You can read my entire story on my blog .

Basically I have experienced 3 early losses and tried for quite awhile before finally getting pregnant. So first off I want you to know that you are not alone in this, and the ladies in this thread are an amazing support system.

As far as what is going on right now, have you been having regular periods or are they long? If you have a longer cycle it is highly possible that you ovulated (o'd) later in your cycle than you think. For example, my cycle length is 31 days and I usually ovulate between cycle days (CD) 17-20 with a luteal phase (LP) of 14 days. Pregnancy based on ovulation is a bit more accurate than going off of the typical 28 day cycle. Another example would be someone who has a 50 day long cycle would ovulate roughly cycle day 36. Lets say that person's last cycle was October 21, 2014......given the standard due date calculator based on a 28 day cycle they would be due July 28th or 27 weeks 3 days along. If you adjust for a longer cycle and later ovulation date the due date shifts to August 19th and the person would only be 24 weeks 2 days along.

I guess what I'm saying is that you may be less than 5 weeks along. The other thing to know is that hcg levels can vary drastically. If you check out you can see how widely the numbers vary. There is a lady in the blogosphere that had her first beta come in at 29, two days later it was over 100. My own pregnancy tests were negative 9 and 11 days past ovulation (DPO) but blazingly positive at 13 days past ovulation and my first beta came in at my levels went from less than 25 to over 600 in 2 days.

Finally, there are women who do bleed for awhile through their first trimester. Several women on this thread did and are due in a few months or less. My sister in law had what was essentially a period every month during her pregnancy and now has a 1 month old.

As hard as it is, try to remain as positive as you can. Stress and negativity aren't going to help anything and if you need to talk, we are hear.

I know EXACTLY how you feel... my friend just told me yesterday that she was pregnant.. now don't get me wrong I am happy for them but I can't help but feel like, it's my turn...

This feeling is totally normal. It is good that you are able to recognize and vocalize how you feel. At one point I had 63 facebook friends, most real life friends as well, pregnant at the same time and here I was in the midst of my second and third losses. It is very difficult and you can't help but feel some sort of emotion at seeing someone else obtain what you have been working for.

I apologize apparently i'm not as tech savy as i think- have no clue how to private message anyone- so if you have thank you. I just don't know how to respond.

Wish this hurting feeling would go away- has anyone heard of a similar experience like mine and it actually turned out ok? :( I've read stories that give me hope but then i feel like i should stop trying to live in other's shoes and realize my story is different than theirs

If you are accessing bnb from a computer, there is a link in the top right corner of the screen that says private messages. You can read any private messages from there.

While I haven't experienced the exact thing that you have, I have had 3 losses and was finally able to get pregnant. Have you had any testing done to make sure that your uterus is free and clear? It sounds silly but I had a septum in my uterus that prevented the little embryos from being able to grow properly.

Hugs to you fingers!!!

Wunna bubba- I have been testing every stinking day twice a day and nothing but bfn... and I am officially out of tests!! So I can't test until I buy some and I am not planning to go to the store so.... I guess I'm gonna wait until the witch comes!!!

I am hoping that the witch stays away and forces you to go to the store for more tests in a few days. Just know that from implantation it can take 2-3 days for hcg to be detected in urine and 2-3 more days for it to show up in blood. So in all reality you should be able to tell 4-6 days after implantation. Looking at your chart you could still be another 2 days or so away from a line from forming. Good luck!
Hello there-

I'm new to this and basically all forums, but today I'm hurting and looking for support. Little background; I'm 27 and my husband and I have been married almost 3 years. Since January we have been trying ( so not long) and so far I'm dealing with 2 losses already and just looking for some support, or success stories. (i'm sorry if my story is long)

March was a rough month in our home, husband didn't get promotion he has been working towards for 2 years. This would have not only helped out his stress life ( he is a state trooper and the promotion would have taken him off the road) but also mine- as it would have moved us to the town where i work in which is 45 mins away from where we live with some of the most dangerous interstate between them. Anyways, I had felt a little off and very crampy. I decided to take a test a few days prior to missing my period ( i apologize i don't know all of the abbreviations yet), anyways- test actually came back with a very faint yes which shocked me and was super exciting. We decided I would re-test a few days after my actual date and then go to the doc.. etc. The day after i should of started we were going to go on a little ice cream date- i went to the bathroom, and had realized my period had started- Chemical Pregnancy. Was crushed- but would try again next month.

April- didn't feel like we tried enough but just maybe. Again I felt off- but decided to remain calm and do nothing about it. I was 5 days late and vowed to wait until my husband gets home tomorrow from a training out of state to test- However i didn't get to wait. Last night I saw what looked like the start of my period- i lost my mind and quickly ran out to buy tests. With tears in my eyes i took one last night- expecting a negative. However to my surprise there was 2 lines! Darker than last month. I danced around and got down on my knees to give thanks.

This morning changed it all.. I went to the bathroom and decided to test again, as i was sitting looking at even stronger positive- i looked down and saw all red. I again lost it, and quickly ran down stairs to drink anything i could find to test again. I took 3 test this morning, while bleeding, and all three said yes. I called the doc as soon as they opened and they had me come in for blood work and then an apt later in the afternoon.

Just got the call an hour ago that they didn't think i needed to come in to do an ultrasound. If i'm where i said i would be with my first day of my last period i would be 5 weeks and my Hcg level was only at 36. Nurse told me that I have probably had a miscarriage :( I'm scheduled to go Sunday to get my blood drawn again to be re-tested but my guess is that come Monday I will be told my numbers dropped. I guess just looking for support during this time- and into the future. Wishing all magic baby dust.... just hurting so much right now

I'm sorry your going through all of this hun. I know how hard this all is and that you've endured so much bad in such a short time :(. I do have hope for you with this one tho, because as Jrepp said, you may have oed late which would make you less then the 5wks the docs believe u are. Doctors like to believe we all ovulate on day 14 of our cycles so if you aren't temping or anything like that to truly track ovulation, they just go by your last period. MOST women ovulate much later or even a little earlier then cycle day 14 so there's still hope! And as jrepp also said, many, many women bleed during early pregnancy. Its known as "break-through bleeding" and its usually due to a change in hormones. Maybe try testing every 2 days over the next week and see if the test continues to get darker. I'm praying for you! Hopefully it's nothing more then normal, early pregnancy bleeding! Lots of hugs your way :hugs: Feel better, hun! And I hope everything is more then ok!!
I'm so sick of blood work at this point! And our clinic is pretty far away so it kinda stinks that we have to go back again tomorrow a.m before 9 BUT I'm more then happy to do it if it'll help get us healthy embies to work with. I just hope they can get blood, as I have very tricky veins and the lady today completely screwed up the usual vein they use so it wont be as easy tomorrow as it has been. Hopefully they get it so they can see how much my estrogen went down. I still cant believe it was already over 3000! Thats like retrieval day type of numbers. Lol. I'll be back on to update u ladies tomorrow afternoon.

Fx for many BFPs this month! :) :dust:
I am sorry that you have had to experience an early loss and am hoping that this is nothing bad. I can tell you that I am one of a few on this thread that have been where you are. You can read my entire story on my blog .

Basically I have experienced 3 early losses and tried for quite awhile before finally getting pregnant. So first off I want you to know that you are not alone in this, and the ladies in this thread are an amazing support system.

As far as what is going on right now, have you been having regular periods or are they long? If you have a longer cycle it is highly possible that you ovulated (o'd) later in your cycle than you think. For example, my cycle length is 31 days and I usually ovulate between cycle days (CD) 17-20 with a luteal phase (LP) of 14 days. Pregnancy based on ovulation is a bit more accurate than going off of the typical 28 day cycle. Another example would be someone who has a 50 day long cycle would ovulate roughly cycle day 36. Lets say that person's last cycle was October 21, 2014......given the standard due date calculator based on a 28 day cycle they would be due July 28th or 27 weeks 3 days along. If you adjust for a longer cycle and later ovulation date the due date shifts to August 19th and the person would only be 24 weeks 2 days along.

I guess what I'm saying is that you may be less than 5 weeks along. The other thing to know is that hcg levels can vary drastically. If you check out you can see how widely the numbers vary. There is a lady in the blogosphere that had her first beta come in at 29, two days later it was over 100. My own pregnancy tests were negative 9 and 11 days past ovulation (DPO) but blazingly positive at 13 days past ovulation and my first beta came in at my levels went from less than 25 to over 600 in 2 days.

Finally, there are women who do bleed for awhile through their first trimester. Several women on this thread did and are due in a few months or less. My sister in law had what was essentially a period every month during her pregnancy and now has a 1 month old.

As hard as it is, try to remain as positive as you can. Stress and negativity aren't going to help anything and if you need to talk, we are hear. [

Wow- thank you so much for taking the time to write back a response. It's sort of crazy, I've been reading forums all over but to be in them and get support from complete strangers- it just warms my heart.

To be honest I've just barely started to even pay attention to tracking when my period starts and only go off basic ovulation calendars based on that instead of my own body. Might look into a kit after I have sometime to process this all. I guess i'm so mixed because I can at least know that my husband and I can get pregnant- but just discouraged it came and went so quickly. I would love to think that I still have a chance, but to be honest I just do not feel pregnant anymore. My slight nausea has passed and my breasts no longer feel full. I guess I've sort of accepted that come Monday I will get the call saying my numbers are back to negative.

Thank you for sharing the stories- It is encouraging and does give me hope. I'm sorry for the your losses- :( But you are right- negativity will not help :( Thank you !!! :hugs:
I'm sorry your going through all of this hun. I know how hard this all is and that you've endured so much bad in such a short time :(. I do have hope for you with this one tho, because as Jrepp said, you may have oed late which would make you less then the 5wks the docs believe u are. Doctors like to believe we all ovulate on day 14 of our cycles so if you aren't temping or anything like that to truly track ovulation, they just go by your last period. MOST women ovulate much later or even a little earlier then cycle day 14 so there's still hope! And as jrepp also said, many, many women bleed during early pregnancy. Its known as "break-through bleeding" and its usually due to a change in hormones. Maybe try testing every 2 days over the next week and see if the test continues to get darker. I'm praying for you! Hopefully it's nothing more then normal, early pregnancy bleeding! Lots of hugs your way :hugs: Feel better, hun! And I hope everything is more then ok!!

Thank you so much for your encouragement! I am not sure when i would of oed, but I have a feeling that the doc's pretty darn close. I would also love to believe that there is still a chance- but that feeling of being pregnant just seems to have passed. I'm definitely learning a lot more about pregnancies than I thought I knew and this will help me in the future no matter what news i hear on Monday or not.

I will keep my FX crossed for you as well!
Ladies, I just had a thought. What if my feb period wasn't a period, but breakthrough bleed? What if I'm seeing disappearing twin and that's why I suddenly got faints that are progressing slowly???

OR: maybe I got lucky and caught it at very low levels and that's why progression seems so slow....

OR.. maybe the manufacturers are skimping on the dye for EPT just like they are for FRER and other brands???

I AM seeing progression, but.. It's been a week since my first super-faint super-duper-squinter... I'm ok waiting for my ob apt; I just wish I had a strong line by now. I'm gonna have my FX that the FRER and cheap digi's come out nicely this weekend/Monday..
Ladies, I just had a thought. What if my feb period wasn't a period, but breakthrough bleed? What if I'm seeing disappearing twin and that's why I suddenly got faints that are progressing slowly???

OR: maybe I got lucky and caught it at very low levels and that's why progression seems so slow....

OR.. maybe the manufacturers are skimping on the dye for EPT just like they are for FRER and other brands???

I AM seeing progression, but.. It's been a week since my first super-faint super-duper-squinter... I'm ok waiting for my ob apt; I just wish I had a strong line by now. I'm gonna have my FX that the FRER and cheap digi's come out nicely this weekend/Monday..

Loss of a twin just always stay in the back of my mind this whole pregnancy I think about it everyday. That's exactly how my progression is.... Its so crazy. I wish we could get answers right sway so there is no waiting game :/
Thank you for the support ladies :)

Welcome Sarah. So sorry for the heartache you've been through we can stay strong together! Baby dust to you!!!

AFM: I FEEL GREAT!!!! I still have extreme hunger, frequent urination, and nausea....but basically the pain is gone and the bleeding is getting lighter by a lot. So I'm not sure if I fully miscarried since I was still early on or I'm still pregnant somehow. I cannot wait for Monday I just want some answers!
Hello Sarah welcome to the group.... I'm really sorry to hear about your story.. :hugs: I may not know the feeling of early losses but i know it's really hard and painful....So glad you found us here where lots of women share their experiences with TTC.. By the way (BTW), im Daphne. It took us 3 years not trying not preventing (NTNP) and a year of actively TTC before we hit the jackpot. Like the other ladies mentioned I hope you are just too early and your numbers will climb up... Have a sticky baby.....

I'm sorry your going through all of this hun. I know how hard this all is and that you've endured so much bad in such a short time :(. I do have hope for you with this one tho, because as Jrepp said, you may have oed late which would make you less then the 5wks the docs believe u are. Doctors like to believe we all ovulate on day 14 of our cycles so if you aren't temping or anything like that to truly track ovulation, they just go by your last period. MOST women ovulate much later or even a little earlier then cycle day 14 so there's still hope! And as jrepp also said, many, many women bleed during early pregnancy. Its known as "break-through bleeding" and its usually due to a change in hormones. Maybe try testing every 2 days over the next week and see if the test continues to get darker. I'm praying for you! Hopefully it's nothing more then normal, early pregnancy bleeding! Lots of hugs your way :hugs: Feel better, hun! And I hope everything is more then ok!!

Thank you so much for your encouragement! I am not sure when i would of oed, but I have a feeling that the doc's pretty darn close. I would also love to believe that there is still a chance- but that feeling of being pregnant just seems to have passed. I'm definitely learning a lot more about pregnancies than I thought I knew and this will help me in the future no matter what news i hear on Monday or not.

I will keep my FX crossed for you as well!

Thank you hun! I wish you nothing but the best! You've picked a great support group. We've all been TTC a little bit TOO long and so we all have LOTS of info to help you with :). Hopefully all of us will be in our pregnancy thread soon! :) Keep us posted! Lots of luck your way!
Quick update....

Labs looked great today. They're having me do 75ius of the menopur tonight, which is the same dose ive been on except in only doing it tonight, and then 75ius of the Gonal-f, which is half of what they had me on. My RE wants me to do just a night time dose of both tonight & then only the Lupron tomorrow a.m & MORE bloods tomorrow! At least I know I'm being monitored very good, as much as all of this b/w and traveling stinks! I *THINK* they'll finally be having me trigger tomorrow, since my follies should be between 16-20mm by tomorrow, plus they'll grow more in the 35hrs after I trigger. So If thing work out how I'm thinking, retrieval should be on Tuesday. I should have a for sure update about retrieval tomorrow. FX! :)
Thank you for the support ladies :)

Welcome Sarah. So sorry for the heartache you've been through we can stay strong together! Baby dust to you!!!

AFM: I FEEL GREAT!!!! I still have extreme hunger, frequent urination, and nausea....but basically the pain is gone and the bleeding is getting lighter by a lot. So I'm not sure if I fully miscarried since I was still early on or I'm still pregnant somehow. I cannot wait for Monday I just want some answers!

I'm so glad you're feeling better! FX for great news! :dust:

I know the waiting is hard; I can't get my preliminary prenatal until the 26th. As my ob is the only one in town, and as I'll be out of state on vacay June 10-20, I'll probably not get a prelim ulstaround and edd until the end of June!! I'm really not impatient to see the doc or for pregnancy progression; in fact, I'm very ready to take it slow and enjoy this pregnancy. I just wanna know how far in I am, you know?
Thank you for the support ladies :)

Welcome Sarah. So sorry for the heartache you've been through we can stay strong together! Baby dust to you!!!

AFM: I FEEL GREAT!!!! I still have extreme hunger, frequent urination, and nausea....but basically the pain is gone and the bleeding is getting lighter by a lot. So I'm not sure if I fully miscarried since I was still early on or I'm still pregnant somehow. I cannot wait for Monday I just want some answers!

Thank you! I appreciate it!

If you don't mind me asking how far along are you and what were your symptoms? I'm trying to come to grips that come Monday I will be toldmy numbers are completely down- but i still have a little hope. fX for you!
That's the way to do it Sarah, prepare for the worst but hope for the best. :dust: and :hug:
Yay mary! I'm so glad your ovaries are responding well!

Anyone else watching the Mayweather paquiao fight tonight?
Yay mary! I'm so glad your ovaries are responding well!

Anyone else watching the Mayweather paquiao fight tonight?
Yes I am! My grandmas and my house has it so either place I go we'll see it...I can't wait till the main fight! Lol

Thank you! I appreciate it!

If you don't mind me asking how far along are you and what were your symptoms? I'm trying to come to grips that come Monday I will be toldmy numbers are completely down- but i still have a little hope. fX for you!

I'm 5 weeks... Well as for now I having miscarriage symptoms (bleeding, tissue, lower back pain, abdominal cramps and dizzyness went away).... Pregnancy symptoms I still have mild nausea like usual, my leg hairs still aren't growing lol I have hemorrhoids and they don't hurt when I'm pregnant and I feel fine in the bathroom department.

I'm so glad you're feeling better! FX for great news! :dust:

I know the waiting is hard; I can't get my preliminary prenatal until the 26th. As my ob is the only one in town, and as I'll be out of state on vacay June 10-20, I'll probably not get a prelim ulstaround and edd until the end of June!! I'm really not impatient to see the doc or for pregnancy progression; in fact, I'm very ready to take it slow and enjoy this pregnancy. I just wanna know how far in I am, you know?

Yes the wait is excruciating I just want to know my betas already! The end of June is forever! I was freaking out when they told me my first prenatal appt is June 1st!;
First injectable done! Husband gave it to me in the back of my arm and I didn't feel it at all. Hope the next two days are just as easy! Then off for bloods Tuesday morning and to the doc to check my follicles in the afternoon. I hope they look good, and I can do a trigger shot this week!
feeling a little disappointed bc my "best frien" (the unsupportive, dismissive one) actually went out and bought digi's of the same brand line test I've ben using. After a long day and a lot of water and some soda as well, it came up negative. I expected that; after all, my lines are still pretty faint. But I wish it had shown up pregnant. Just to shut her up..

Mary - hooray! I'm so excited for you! :happydance:
Sylvia, we were going to go watch it somewhere but the cover is 25 dollars a head, so we just ordered it! I made jalapeño dip and we have money bet on paquiao! I figured we can pay 90 dollars vs 50 (probably more after food and drinks) and be able to pause when we want.

GL michelle! Fx the injectable work and your blood work comes back with great news!

Sorry about your friend que! Maybe save your next digital for fmu!

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