So my Grammy left us and went to heaven Yeaterday afternoon. I didn't think I'd get so upset given how old she was.. I mean she watched the world change over 104 years! And there were a lot of big changes in the world in the 1900's, especially technology, from when she was my age. But I know she went peacefully and is in a better place now. It's just hard to believe she's actually gone. She stayed strong for so long.. I guess I thought she had at least a few more years to go. She held on in her sleep for 6 days, pretty much until everyone got to say their goodbyes. She even opened her eyes when one of my cousins out of state called and told my dad to tell Grammy that he loves her. That showed she could definitely hear us, although the I already believed she could. I just wanted to update everyone. Thanks for always being here ladies!