Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

At the end of October I'm scheduled for that "level 2" scan with the fetal medicine specialist, too. Hopefully all is well and it's just an opportunity yo stare at LO for a while. :baby:
I go for an HSG tomorrow morning. I'm not sure if I hope they find something or not. But I am not looking forward to it. My last one hurt so much!
Fx the dye pushes those tube clear so you conceive next cycle! Good luck!

I have my 3 hour glucose test in the morning. They found glucose in my urine last week and did a finger prick and it was really high. I had my one hour on Friday and failed it, so now the torture of the 3 hour! I hope I don't pass out from them not being able to find my veins for 4 blood draws.
I go for an HSG tomorrow morning. I'm not sure if I hope they find something or not. But I am not looking forward to it. My last one hurt so much!

Good luck Michelle! I'm hoping they clear a tiny blockage for u! ALOT of women get pregnant within 1-3 months after that happens.. Even days after if they BD on time for O still. Fx for u! And I hope u have as little pain as possible! I know how painful it is. It felt like the strongest contractions I had during labor with Alexia (and that was TERRIBLE! Way worse then with Aiden!) when my HSG was being done because of my tube being blocked. I almost felt like I couldn't breath and I know I tensed up a lot and so it makes me wonder if it's not as blocked as we think and it spasmed but idk. If God forbid they say u have a blockage, get a repeat done or second opinion before u believe it because I didn't know until we started our IVF journey that during 40% of HSG performed, a women's tube spasms and makes the tube look blocked at the end attached to the uterus. That's where my blockage supposedly is. Hopefully u won't have to worry about that tho! Good luck again! I'll check in again later :-)

AFM, I'm pretty sure I Oed yesterday and we haven't BDed since CD7 I think so unless I'm wrong and I Oed super early, I'm def out this cycle. I'm okay with that though. I think I'm going to schedule my repeat HSG in another 3 months because I'm thinking about taking the serrapeptase again for 60-90 days beforehand. I've seen a lot of success stories with serrapeptase unblocking tubes since around 2014 when I first heard about them. Maybe it'll break down enough scar tissue for the dye to push on through. We shall see! I'd love for my BFP to happen when Alexia is between 10-15 months. That'd be a perfect age gap for me! And if we can't have anymore, Dh and I are both okay with that but we both would be extremely happy of course if we're blessed enough to get a surprise natural BFP. Fx it happens before Alexia's 3! Idk if I'll want anymore once she's past that she because I don't want another huge age gap.. It's almost like having ur first baby all over again.. I'm sure u know what I mean by that, Angela.

On a sad note, my great Grammy has been sleeping since Saturday at the nursing house she is in and is eventually going to pass. They aren't feeding her or she's not drinking. I think my aunt (her daughter) decided on them letting her go in peace. She will/would be 104 this month! It's crazy! She has had a very long and happy life. She lived on her own until she was 99 with no issue until she feel in the garden one day. And Saturday before bed she had a nice cookout with th family and spent some time with my Dad and was so happy. I'm glad she went to sleep happy. We went and saw her last night as soon as my Aunt called and we rushed over to say our goodbyes. Aiden doesn't quite understand that she is going to pass this time. He keeps saying "IF she does" so I don't think it'll completely hit him until it happens. Dh and I were just talking about her bday coming up on Monday night and wondering who was flying here for family and stuff and now they'll all be coming for her services :( I know she's ready to go though.

Anyway, sorry for this gigantic post! I had a lot to say, obviously.. lol.
I hope things went well today michelle, update us!

Sorry about your grandma mary. Losing someone is hard. I hope your family can find peace.
Thank you guys for your support.

I hope Michelle is alright.. Hopefully she was just busy today and makes it on here tomorrow with good news about her results!
She said that her last hsg was painful. So, hopefully she's just recovering.

I've been feeling much more distinct movements. It's super exciting!
Hello! HSG went well. It didn't hurt as much as last time, and she said she couldn't see any issues. My tubes looked clear, and she didn't see any scarring from my last d&c.

Mary, I'm sorry about your grandma. It is so nice that she has lived such a full life. Hopefully she passes away peacefully in her sleep and without pain.
And yes, I was just busy! :)

Busy day at work, and when I got home I was starving, so had an early dinner!
I'm happy all looked well! A lot of times people don't even realize (like megamegan? I think that was her screen name..?) but yeah she didn't have much pain or any real blockage but she got her BFP that very month so I personally think a little something was pushed through, whether it was harmful fluids for sperm/egg or a little dabree. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that that happened for u and ur BFP with be here in no time!! :)
I remember her Mary! She literally got pregnant right after her hsg!

I have GD :(. So upset but I guess it is what it is.
wow! Just typed a whole bunch to all of you and freakin closed the tab instead of posting the reply LOL.

Angela - I have been following you on facebook and couldn't be happier for you. Movements are the best feeling in the world....until you hit third tri and the kid doesn't stop moving LOL.

Mary - I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandma. How is the wedding planning coming?

Michelle - I'm sorry that your cycle didn't go well. I would love to talk to you about possibly hosting a fundraiser to help you pay for IVF or other fertility treatments if you're interested. I'm on Facebook way more than here (can't seem to remember to log on) if you want to message me about it there or send me an email.

Chelsea - GD BOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But you're gonna rock this!

AFM - Third tri and it's pretty similar to how I was with Luke. I'm huge at this point and have discovered stretch marks on my belly :( I'm pretty much confined to the couch/bed because the ligaments on the underside of my belly are slowly tearing from the weight of my belly. Still have the picc line in and fought the meds *and lost* last week. Contractions consistently every 2-3 minutes for about a minute each, but it isn't changing my cervix at all so I'm just supposed to take it easy. Luke is doing so good. Apparently he's advanced for his age and doing stuff easily that 2 year olds struggle with. We're still working on the allergy issue, but he's doing so well overall.
yesterday ( 12 dpo) I tested positive with a visible faint line, and it still remains faint but very visible from a distance. This morning with my first morning urine i tested with the same test as the positive and got 2 negatives help!!!
yesterday ( 12 dpo) I tested positive with a visible faint line, and it still remains faint but very visible from a distance. This morning with my first morning urine i tested with the same test as the positive and got 2 negatives help!!!

There are a couple things that could be going on. 1) your urine today wasn't as concentrated as it was the other days. If you don't have a long enough hold especially in the early days of pregnancy, a test could read false negative because there isn't enough hcg in your pee to form the line. 2) Depending on the brand of test you could have either seen an evaporation line or the dye pooled on the test line. Some brands of tests are notorious for showing false positives. FRER with the curved handle do so really bad. Also, the test could look positive when it dries. 3) you could have had the egg fertilize and start to implant, and for whatever reason the egg stopped growing or couldn't implant. THis is called a chemical pregnancy, where your body has a fertilized egg start to implant and shows up on a pregnancy test, but the pregnancy doesn't progress past a few days and you lose the pregnancy before you reach a heart beat.

Either way, I'm sorry for the limbo. TTC is super hard and wears on you when there isn't a sure fire way to know what's going on .
So my Grammy left us and went to heaven Yeaterday afternoon. I didn't think I'd get so upset given how old she was.. I mean she watched the world change over 104 years! And there were a lot of big changes in the world in the 1900's, especially technology, from when she was my age. But I know she went peacefully and is in a better place now. It's just hard to believe she's actually gone. She stayed strong for so long.. I guess I thought she had at least a few more years to go. She held on in her sleep for 6 days, pretty much until everyone got to say their goodbyes. She even opened her eyes when one of my cousins out of state called and told my dad to tell Grammy that he loves her. That showed she could definitely hear us, although the I already believed she could. I just wanted to update everyone. Thanks for always being here ladies!

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