Team Ding Dong... Bonking, Bumping, and Burping Along Together! ;-)

PC - glad to hear Laura is getting better.

Coral - yes I am well thanks. Just making the most of the week before the onslaught of the week again.

AFM - busy with school work again this morning then off to help a friend get her house more organised - they have just moved into their new house this week and she is finding out her C-section date tomorrow! She is hoping this is the last 2 weeks for her! She is huge!!!

Hope all DD's and their families are feeling much better after all the colds and bugs!!
Hi girls.

Sorry for not being on lately but i am really suffering!!!

First of all, big congrats to babyhopes and mommyv? Gorgeous little girls!!

So i have been diagnosed with SPD now as well as an inflamed left sacroiliac joint and with noah being fully engaged too means i am in agony whenever i move or walk. Getting aome really painful braxton hicks too but mainly through the night so i think its just dehydration thru the night that is causing them and the pain.

What a nightmare!!! Doc haa signed me off work for next wk so thats good.

Hope everyone else is ok x x
morning opening the debate on whether youd have c-sec, as now its a choice here in the deffo all for it after connors nasty birth and Rhys's even wore birth...i said deffo no more after rhys but now i have a c-sec choice...hmmmmmm....more babies??:shrug:

hopes...mila on solids all ready!!...big hungry girl...Rhys is still on a liquid diet lol...he dont need the solids(yet), he is awake most of the day now,maybe 3x20mins naps then 10-12 hours over night...sleepy head :awww: xx cute pics love her!!! awwwww
Hi girls.

Sorry for not being on lately but i am really suffering!!!

First of all, big congrats to babyhopes and mommyv? Gorgeous little girls!!

So i have been diagnosed with SPD now as well as an inflamed left sacroiliac joint and with noah being fully engaged too means i am in agony whenever i move or walk. Getting aome really painful braxton hicks too but mainly through the night so i think its just dehydration thru the night that is causing them and the pain.

What a nightmare!!! Doc haa signed me off work for next wk so thats good.

Hope everyone else is ok x x

sending you :hugs: xxxxxxxxxx
Laura - so glad the doc has booked you off for the week - let your boss put that in her pipe!! hehe :hugs: for the painful braxon Hicks (I always thought they were called Branston Hicks HAHA silly me!!)

MC - I hope I get a night sleep just like Rhys!!
hey ladies,

pc glad Laura feels better:hugs:

Laura, sorry you are in pain, is your boss being understanding? :hugs:

Wheres mommyv's pics of baby I can't find them!:haha:

MC, I think its good to have the choice, but don't think first timers should get to choose really. Glad Rhys is sleeping well good boy :awww: Keira is sleeping pretty well some nights without waking at all but sometimes needs a bottle about 4 ish but then sleeps til 8 or so. She sleeps a lot less in the day now prob about 2-3 hours total.

we got a whole debate on FB over the c-sec does come down to personal choice...i know id have one if i wanted to extend the family....even if the nhs said no, id save up, i cant give birth babies get stuck!!!..rhys's HB went off the monitor..scary shit...not doing that shit again!! ever!!! :argh::cry:
Yeah aftet she saw me literally struggling to walk because i was in so much pain when i went in on fri to give her my sicknote and to speak with HR. I could barely walk i was in so much pain.

I dont think i would opt for the c section. I dont like the thpught of being laid up and unavle to look after my son at the most important point of his well being. It is major surgery and not something to be considered lightly x x
I totally agree with you Laura - for my first I would like to try pushing. If me or the baby got into any trouble - then fine C-section. Then for the 2nd baby I would opt for elective c-section.
I agree that such major surgery needs very careful thought and should not be an automatic first option unless need be!
Id have a section if needed, if i knew my next was going to put me in slow labour like Serenity did id ask for one :thumbup: BUT after having Serenity im not having noooooooooooooo more, its hell here atm with her Colic cant cope and OH away now till Tuesday so im dreading tonight, already clock watching for 7pm :cry:

Know its not nice to say but i dont even like her at the moment :cry::cry:
I may have started this c sec debate on FB :blush:

I think first time mums shouldn't have the choice either - I'm all for a c ec if it's medically necessary for Mum or baby and also think they should make that decision much sooner than they do.

I think the NHS needs to spend the money on more midwives not c sec's. If the women were more supported throughout birth I think it'd make a difference. I have nothing factual to back that up with, purely an opinion. Of course I was lucky and managed a water birth in an MLU with Laura so have no hang ups about natural birth but I know people who've had horrid experiences.

I'd support elective sections for 2nd plus birth.
Poppy- Huge hugs!! Sorry to hear you are having such a rough time, i am sure things can only get better for you :hugs::kiss:

AFM- Just a quick update on me- I am now stable on all my medications and am regularly seeing a psychotherapist so now my ttc journey is my main focus again. I had my second appt the other day with my fs and they are not sure whether i am ovulating or not but suspect me to have pcos so have arranged for me to have a scan to see if i have cysts on my ovaries, they are going to redo my bloods to try to get a better idea of whether i am ovulating or not and then they are going to see me in 3 months when they will arrange for me to get my tubes checked and inform me of the next step after this. I know i haven't been around much but been having a really difficult time of it recently and i hope to get on more often now but cannot make any promises i just thought i would let you know my progress. I am really out of the loop on here but would like to say a huge congrats to the new mummys your babies are beautiful :cloud9: I hope you are all doing really well :hugs::kiss:

poppy big :hugs: you poor thing, its awful when they scream non-stop. Have you tried swaddling her ? did you switch to the comfort milk? Hope little Serenity isn't too bad for you hun. Just remember this time passes quickly and she wont be like this for long. Also have you tried colief? it didn't do much for Keira but she didn't have colic, just a tummy ache occasionally, she didn't scream in the evenings or anything. We are all here thinking of you. If she gets too much put her in her moses basket and leave her for a few mins to get a bit of a break.:hugs::hugs:

Lupine, hi honey, glad you have got yourself sorted and lets hope you aren't waiting to long til you get your long awaited bfp! we are due a few around here! x
I left her for a few minutes earlier cos it was getting too much, cant swaddle her because i end up nearly undressing her cos she sweats like mad with crying. Got her on dentinox in bottle, she wont take via syringe. Tried comfort with teat 1 and 2, but she wont drink it 'screams more' unless i try during the day 1st whilst she's calm? plus she still blocked up since birth so thats not helping waking her constantly n me putting drops in about 10 times a day.
Think i'll try again on the Comfort during the day and when she's not screaming house dowm. Plus gonna use a few drops of karvol, i know your not ment to but her nose keeps waking her up. Never known her without a blocked nose she's had it since day one.
she actually slept last night :wohoo:

ill catch up witht he gos later x

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Will reply to everyone in a bit, but just wanted to offer some advice for Pops

I understand how you feel right now, Lily was the same. We used to cry together! Having it all fresh in my mind and being out of the situation I hope you don't mind me offering my two pennys. I remember I needed babydream to sort me out lol I knew it all but when your the mum with all the emotions and the crying you sometimes can't see the woods for the trees. Firstly i would try some colief. It is lactase enzyme, and the theory is that undigested lactose that has built up in the gut throughout the day causes colicy pains. Lactase breaks it down, and it works if that's the cause of the problem. Comfort milk would have the same effect being low in lactose, so you don't need to do both.

I echo about the swaddling, use a lightweight sheet.

Consider actually doing less for her when she is crying. My theory of colic is that a it doesn't take a lot to unsettle a newborn and they eventually go into melt down at the end of the day. This could be due to pain, discomfort, or perhaps over stimulation. Even holding can exhaust them, and what do we do when they are crying? cuddle them. I'm not saying you shouldn't cuddle her, but perhaps try swaddling her and laying her down. I used to pat lily on the back like this.

Following on from the 'melt down' over stimulation theory, you might want to try white noise. Everyone laughs at me, but this is the only thing that worked with Lily. When she was in meltdown I took her to the bed room, turned off the lights, swaddled her and put the hair drier on. Your effectively creating the womb, and shutting out stimulation to help her wind down.

Try getting her into a roteine where she would be asleep during the 'colicy time' I know its so hard when she's been awake for hours and you haven't slept properly or had time for Korben. It didn't work for Lily, but a Gina F. Contented Lil Baby type roteine got my others out of the 7-10 screaming stage. Lily responded more to the baby whisperer type thing of EASY eat, activity, sleep, you. Have you read either books? Its about catching sleep cues before they become over tired and can't settle as a result.

How is she by day? does she feed well?

I'm sorry if I'm telling you to suck eggs, but I just wanted to help :haha: I'm sure you know all this honey, just wanted to remind you or help you find a solution. x
Thats a great help Tink and no didnt know half that advice :hugs:

I had read last night about the white noise cos i was going to wheel her crib into the kitchen at one point, but will be trying it tonight.

Going to try the comfort at dinner see how she goes. Feeding wise she has 3oz occassional 2oz. Every 2.5 hours. This stuffy nose isnt helping tho.

I know Rhys and Korben had Colic, but what works for one dont really mean it works for another.

Thank you Tink, feel like your on your own sometimes with this :kiss:
poppy..firstly :hugs: and as for some of my advice...when chloe was born it was a matter of days before the colic set in...:cry: it was hard work and i didnt have any other kids back then...i found lying her over my knee or a firm pillow eased her,with my knee/pillow under her belly...then as the days passed i found lying her on her front to sleep helped her...all 3 of mine have been belly sleepers, i know they say dont..but i did and do with Rhys..i found none of the teats(specially for colic) helped either...i found it hard to like chloe at times too, so you are deffo not alone there :hugs:, once she gets rid of her snuffles and her colic eases you can bond with her easier,The white noise works too, i had a pocket tv in the end of her moses basket,kept it on all night!(not tuned into a tv station) even the hoover!! wow..all my kids have fallen asleep whilst im hoovering..sometimes i leave it on for an extra 10 mins and dissapear for a fag! :haha: was bliss when she slept through:happydance:...failing that..get her on ebay!! :rofl: ill buy her! or i can send you these two boys!!! buy one get one free!...but joking aside...lots of :hugs: and :kiss: always on FB if you want to vent, you were my agony aunt so ill be yours!:hugs: and just think, her cold WILL go and her colic WILL go just get through 5 mins at a time and youll get there,thinking of you :flower: :hugs:

:wave: DD's xx
Your not on your own honey, I felt the same. Especially when it goes on late into the night and everyone else has gone to sleep.

Going on from white noise, simply putting a hair drier on by her crib and trying to get her to sleep BEFORE she has got ratty might help. I now use sound effects with Lily, cheaper than the hairdryer lol i have a white noise app on the ipod and put that on the dock. You can also buy cd's with white noise and womb sounds. Like I said, people laugh at me putting the hairdryer on for her when she's in a state but its like magic :haha: I also ended up carrying her in a sling some of the time so I could get on. Feel for you honey xxxx

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