Team Ding Dong... Bonking, Bumping, and Burping Along Together! ;-)

:hi: girls hope you are all well went for a family meal for my aunt's 60th last night was really nice to see them all well don't no what dpo i am but no i Defoe ovulated on cd17 i had a +opk and egg white to x x x
Laura I would ring your mw sounds promising

Well I am out this month again don't know what is going on with my cycles :-( 27days this month 25days last month and before 26days or 28days
Best to get it checked Laura. Could be slow leaking waters, they can dip test the fluids x
Thanks girls. Got a MW appt on Fri so will chat with her about it then x
Laura id get checked now not friday sweetie, better safe than sorry and they can monitor Noah too.

CG you sexy momma lovely bump :happydance:

SB sorry the witch got your sweetie hope your ok :hugs:

Just checking in to see how we are doing:hugs:

Laura, how are you holding up??:hugs:

Just checking in to see how we are doing:hugs:

Laura, how are you holding up??:hugs:

Hey CG and all other Ding Dongs :hi:

I called the maternity assessment unit and they dont think its anything to worry about it and told me to call them back if I got any pain in my abdomen, more watery discharge or if his movements slow down. I am just so tired now of being worried and constantly wondering when he last moved, is my discharge normal, etc etc. :cry:

Just want him out now so I can share looking after him and not have the responsibility on my shoulders anymore! Its terrifying now, I have no energy, I ache everywhere, cannot do anything except eat and sleep and worry. I just know I am going to go over too, I can feel it, same way I knew he was a boy, just a weird feeling I have.

Sorry for recent selfish posts but I just don't know how much more of this I can take :cry:

Just checking in to see how we are doing:hugs:

Laura, how are you holding up??:hugs:

Hey CG and all other Ding Dongs :hi:

I called the maternity assessment unit and they dont think its anything to worry about it and told me to call them back if I got any pain in my abdomen, more watery discharge or if his movements slow down. I am just so tired now of being worried and constantly wondering when he last moved, is my discharge normal, etc etc. :cry:

Just want him out now so I can share looking after him and not have the responsibility on my shoulders anymore! Its terrifying now, I have no energy, I ache everywhere, cannot do anything except eat and sleep and worry. I just know I am going to go over too, I can feel it, same way I knew he was a boy, just a weird feeling I have.

Sorry for recent selfish posts but I just don't know how much more of this I can take :cry:

Your just getting anxious and that is normal. You will be fine:hugs:
hi Ladies,

yes CG, love your sigi!!its sooo cute!!

Laura - rant away all you need!!! We are here to listen to you and help you esp in these last 2!! weeks FXed he is not too comfy in there and wants to come out soon!!

Caz - FXed you caught that little eggy and get your BFP soon

SB sorry to hear the witch got you!! :hugs:

AFM - had HSG scan this afternoon. Went well although it was pretty painful!!! Really uncomfortable!! The doc did say that my tubes are clear. I will get the official results though at my next FS appointment. Since then I have had a bit of AF type cramping. I am one of the lucky ones who rarely has AF cramps.
So roll on 17 Feb - next FS appointment.
I never use to have AF cramps then had kids and they kill now :haha:

Got my first AF today since serenity was born so off to the nurse Friday for the Depo injection, no more babies.
I am right there with you Poppy!!

I will be requesting a Mirena...5 year plan!!!:thumbup:
I will defo be asking for Mirena again once I've had my 2 little ones!! Loved the mirena!!
Is that the coil? I got offered that, but didnt fancy anything up there :haha: plus Depo stops my periods so added bonus
Yup it is the coil. I had it in for almost 3 years when we decided to start TTCing.
The first month was really uncomfortable but after that I had no problems!!!
After watching my neighbour waddling for a few days I'd never consider a coil. lol
Hi girls

got a question for you...i have had a really watery discharge for about 2 weeks now and on Fri i had quite a bit gush out but its just gone back to wet/damp knickers now. Its completely you think it could be amniotic fluid? Noahs movements have slowed slightly but not very much.



happened to me around that time and went in to get checked n they kept me a while but said it wasnt amniotic fluid n didnt know what it was but could see a lot of it in there. then i went home and the next day or two it turned pink and slowly turned into a lot of blood ended up being bloody show. when blood went away was still leaking the same fluid and when i went into hospital days later and got admitted had the SAME sort of leak and they said "oh looks like your water broke" i said "no ive had that for over a week now n they said it isnt amniotic fluid" they tested it anyway and said yes its amniotic fluid. ended up with a fever and infection just hours later while in labor... never will know if it was amniotic fluid all along! but i suspect it was and that it was a slow leak that they missed somehow. i feel like it was kinda their fault that i got the infection. but who knows i guess! it may not be an emergency but get it checked if you can! oh and love the bump!

china love that bump pic time is going so fast!!

not much here. mila slept 1030pm-5am, got up to eat, then went back to sleep 530am-830am. best shes ever done! was excited but then throughout the day today noticed shes been spitting up a lot and not had much appetite and been sleeping a lot and wanting held and pooping kind of a lot.. think she is feeling a little yucky today, probably explains why she slept so much last night :( i got excited.
when you guys babies started solids how much water did you let your baby have? mila eats 1-1.5 tbsp oatmeal at breakfast, 1-1.5 tbsp fruit at lunch, 1-1.5 tbsp vegetable at dinner, 1-1.5 tbsp rice/oatmeal cereal mix before bed. her cereals n foods are each made with about .5 oz breast milk. she also has her normal on demand breast feedings about every 2 hours during the day n every 4-5 hours at night. how much water does she need with that kind of diet, and does the diet seem ok? dr only gave very general guidelines on a chart so am going with that but lessened the servings a bit as i dont want her to replace breast milk with solids, just supplement with solids. i give her a sippy with water during meals and she gets super excited when she sees it and grabs it really fast and shoves it in her mouth desperately and chugs the water until i take it off her and hide it! she can drink an ounce out of that thing in like a minute or less i swear. also when she gets a hold of my own clear water bottles she grabs them quick n tries to attack them and chug them too. is it just that she really likes the cool water/having fun drinking from new things.. or is she feeling THAT thirsty!? ive been trying to limit her to a couple ounces of water a day right now.? REALLY want to make sure i dont replace any of her breast milk with other things, im a firm believer that breast milk is nutritionally complete for babies up to 6 months, but mila is big for her age and eats sooo much i decided (with drs advice) to supplement with some solids. so thats the whole story lol.. how much water do you think??
Hopes, sounds fine to me. She might be thirsty but since you are breastfeeding I wouldn't worry that much since its a drink as well as a meal :) Water is unlikly to put her off the breast milk, as long as your not giving her it when she is due a feed. Perhaps limit it to up to an hour after milk / solids if she feeds 2 hourly, that way it will have gone through her digestion before its time for milk so she still takes as much? I also wouldn't panic about it making her drink less milk, she will gradually have to do this as she increases her solids. I obviously am in the same boat cause breastmilk is so important to Lily but I mix her food with babyrice and breastmilk and give her expressed milk with her meals. In addition to that she only has 4 milk feeds a day, so about 20oz's x

Hey everyone, been missing haven't i? lol soorrrrrryyyyy xxxxxx

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