Thanks for all the support girls.
I suspect it may have been a slow leak of amniotic fluid but the maternity assessment unit didn't want me to go in and it has stopped since last Sat so will just hope all is good for now and keep an eye on my temperature as Dr Tink advised
I have been feeling a little ill this past week but guess that could just be another symptom of my body preparing to go into labour at some point, soon, hopefully!!
It feels like he is sticking out as much as he can, its either that or my belly is really tight sometimes, not particular painful though, more uncomfortable so don't think they are contractions. Been getting the odd menstrual cramp throughout the day and night too but no sign of my plug or anything like that. Not really getting much of a discharge at all tbh (sorry, tmi!!!). At the MW tomoz so going to ask her to take a look at me and see if she will give me a stretch and sweep.
Trying to keep myself busy and distracted instead of being impatient. I figure that if I am always thinking about it and being nervous, anxious then he will be feeling that way too and won't want to come out! Started by uploading all of my bump pics to the PC today and I am going to create a bump slide show! lol. Also plan to go for a swim next week too but can't really think of anything else to do. Any suggestions girls of a project I can do to take my mind off of waiting for the little bugger to show up???
Coral, bet you are missing little missus gorgeous soooo much!! Just think how good it will be the next time you see/hold her, it will be amazing!
SK sounds very promising hun for you, fingers crossed!!
Hope all you other Ding Dongs are healthy, happy and well.