Testing end of June - positive thinking buddies x

millhaven, you're definitely close to your fertile window (if not in it already) looks like you're getting close to O as well. BD just in case. I'm using the digital this cycle as well ladies!
May I join you lovely ladies? I am cd 9today and i usually ovulate cd 17. I will likely test July 22-25 ish depending on which day i ovulate.
May I join you lovely ladies? I am cd 9today and i usually ovulate cd 17. I will likely test July 22-25 ish depending on which day i ovulate.

Absolutely FutureBabyG- do you mean you'll test June 22-25? :winkwink:
Well if this isn't a lucky cycle for us I'll be needing to get myself some of those OPKs - feeling left out :haha: x
Well if this isn't a lucky cycle for us I'll be needing to get myself some of those OPKs - feeling left out :haha: x

I probably wont be doing opk's this cycle. With us traveling to Colorado with my parents while I'm O & I'm not wanting them to know- it would be hard to hide all those tests & I don't want to risk them finding out before we are actually pregnant. If I don't happen to get pregnant this month, I'll do it next month! It's going to be hard enough to BD this month while we're traveling so I'm just hoping to get lucky! So don't feel left out! :)
Haha I though July too. I had an appointment today and my doc is going to bloodwork Friday and an ultrasound next Friday. We're going to find out why my babies won't stick! I'm super excited for this cycle! Even if there no BFP at least I might get some answers.

So excited to ttc with this group. It feels lucky!
Good luck, Bowmans! ;)

CD6 here with strange creamy colored but incredibly stretchy CM...

That's interest CM have you tested with a OPK? Another lady on the forum always O on CD6. When do you normally O.

No, I haven't yet...according to previous cycles (I started checking CM in March) I O around CD12-14. So it's a bit early..

I took an OPK test an hour ago and this is the result:

Looks like I'm somewhat close to fertile window (and ovulation), right? :wacko:

Definitely getting close!! Fx!!

I'm still waiting for my OPKs to show up in the mail. It's says they're out for delivery in the city where I live, but aren't scheduled to be delivered for a week.:wacko: I need to test sooner than that!
Wow I haven't been on since yesterday and you guys have been talking about a lot!! Haha!! I had to read everything real quick to catch up!:thumbup: So I found the Ovia app and I do like it! But I'm frustrated because with my cycle being messed up last month, my couple fertility apps I have say I'm ovulating at different times. Do you consider the first day you have any AF showing day 1 of your period or when you actually start to bleed verses spot? Because Ovia counts the first day of actual bleeding the 1st day of your period and Fertility Friend just counts the first day as when I started to spot before it went full flow. So now I don't know for sure when I ovulate. :cry: I've been tracking my CM and I had EWCM about a week ago just once when I wiped after using the bathroom and I also had sore boobs and achy ovaries. But supposedly today is when Ovia says I ovulate according to my messed up cycle, but I don't have ANY CM really and my boobs don't hurt. So if I was going by my body, I would think I ovulated last week sometime, but now I don't know. :nope: My husband and I BD'd every other day last week starting on Saturday and then we BD'd Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat. So I guess technically if sperm can live up to 5 days in the vagina and I for some reason did ovulate today, we had sex 3 days ago...we could be good. My poor husband is tired of timing sex. He's more of a spontaneous type of guy and I haven't bugged him to BD since Saturday because I figured we hit my window for this month and now I'm afraid we quit too soon. :dohh: Ok I've wrote a book, but I had to get you all catch up!! LOL!!
Loobs - don't worry about not having opk they can cause more stress than they are worth - especially with the cheap strips trying to work out whether the test line is darker than the control line - might do digital ones next month but there have been negative comments about those too

FuturebabyG - welcome - join the madness :)

Cutieq - really hope you get your answers this month whether that be in the form of a BFP or being given the all clear x

Laska5 - maybe the holiday is a good thing in the fact that you will be more relaxed and letting Bd just happen - they always say when you don't think about it that's when it'll happen x I think you'll be lucky and catch the bean this month x

Mrs reineke - hey. I think you should trust your body sounds like you o last week and if you did then you did loads of bd so this should be your month. These apps are good but they don't replace your own intuition and I would definitely class the 1st day of AF when you get full flow x

Cd9 for me today day off from bd but I'll do a opk this afternoon.
Thanks Bowmans.

Welcome to all the new ladies that joined!:happydance:

Does anyone exercise regularly? I need to lose some weight, but I don't want to mess up my cycle or ovulation. Any suggestions? I'm not crazy overweight, just enough to not like it. :cry: I want to try to be as healthly as possible when I do get pregnant and try to have a healthy pregnancy as well. :baby:

For everyone using OPK's I used the Clearblue smiley face ones and they were confusing and stressful. Maybe it was just my experience, but I think they made it more stressful for me, so this month I didn't use them. So we'll see. I think different things work for different people. I did eat pineapple this month, so fingers crossed!! :thumbup:

Thanks Bowmans.

Welcome to all the new ladies that joined!:happydance:

Does anyone exercise regularly? I need to lose some weight, but I don't want to mess up my cycle or ovulation. Any suggestions? I'm not crazy overweight, just enough to not like it. :cry: I want to try to be as healthly as possible when I do get pregnant and try to have a healthy pregnancy as well. :baby:

For everyone using OPK's I used the Clearblue smiley face ones and they were confusing and stressful. Maybe it was just my experience, but I think they made it more stressful for me, so this month I didn't use them. So we'll see. I think different things work for different people. I did eat pineapple this month, so fingers crossed!! :thumbup:


I exercise regularly and it hasn't ever affected my cycles or O. I'm with you ... I'm definitely working to get as in shape and healthy as possible for my little one when the time comes.

What was confusing on the smileys? I have one coming tomorrow lol

I almost felt like they were programmed to give you the smiley faces after a certain amount of times taking them because I had two of them and I got a peak smiley face, so just for fun I tried the second one the next time I used the bathroom and it showed nothing. Also there were times it didn't give me any high days and just went straight to peak. Then one cycle I had two different times it gave me a peak smiley, so I had no idea when I actually ovulated because it was all over the place. It made it a bit stressful and I'm already stressed. LOL!:dohh: I've never tried the cheap ones with the lines before though. So I don't know what those would do for me.

I almost felt like they were programmed to give you the smiley faces after a certain amount of times taking them because I had two of them and I got a peak smiley face, so just for fun I tried the second one the next time I used the bathroom and it showed nothing. Also there were times it didn't give me any high days and just went straight to peak. Then one cycle I had two different times it gave me a peak smiley, so I had no idea when I actually ovulated because it was all over the place. It made it a bit stressful and I'm already stressed. LOL!:dohh: I've never tried the cheap ones with the lines before though. So I don't know what those would do for me.

Interesting ... I have both and was going to cross pee, because peeing is fun right?! :haha: I'll keep you posted on how they work out for me.
I think I just need to POAS to get rid of the urge to POAS, if you know what I mean :haha:

AF is so slow to go away this cycle - fed up of it. Just when I think the spotting has gone I find another little bit. Feel like I can't move onto the next stage of the cycle (BD marathon!!!) until AF/spotting is totally gone!

Yeah do cutieq. I'd be interested to know how they worked for you! Loobs my last cycle was the same way!! So annoying!!:dohh: I'm on CD16. So due to start my AF around June 13th to the 17th. Since my last AF was stupid and showed up twice, I am not 100% positive when I'll actually start this month. My OBGYN said to assume the 2nd one I had was my "real" AF and go from there, but who knows. :growlmad: I need lots of luck and baby dust!!

Thanks Bowmans.

Welcome to all the new ladies that joined!:happydance:

Does anyone exercise regularly? I need to lose some weight, but I don't want to mess up my cycle or ovulation. Any suggestions? I'm not crazy overweight, just enough to not like it. :cry: I want to try to be as healthly as possible when I do get pregnant and try to have a healthy pregnancy as well. :baby:

For everyone using OPK's I used the Clearblue smiley face ones and they were confusing and stressful. Maybe it was just my experience, but I think they made it more stressful for me, so this month I didn't use them. So we'll see. I think different things work for different people. I did eat pineapple this month, so fingers crossed!! :thumbup:


I started the new year out being good, exercising & I lost 15 pounds! I was doing the Paleo diet- LOVE IT!! Check out this 30 day challenge on Robin's Sweet Confessions blog- the diet is so much easier than most & it so incredibly doable!! It's also nice because its a different workout video everyday from youtube- no gym membership needed!!! I'm still somewhat doing the diet but with an incredibly busy lifestyle- it's hard to not grab a quick snack or fast food meal here & there. https://robinssweetconfessions.com/wp/category/paleo-challenge/

If you have never heard of the paleo diet- this is a good explanation of it! https://robbwolf.com/what-is-the-paleo-diet/
Loobs - don't worry about not having opk they can cause more stress than they are worth - especially with the cheap strips trying to work out whether the test line is darker than the control line - might do digital ones next month but there have been negative comments about those too

FuturebabyG - welcome - join the madness :)

Cutieq - really hope you get your answers this month whether that be in the form of a BFP or being given the all clear x

Laska5 - maybe the holiday is a good thing in the fact that you will be more relaxed and letting Bd just happen - they always say when you don't think about it that's when it'll happen x I think you'll be lucky and catch the bean this month x

Mrs reineke - hey. I think you should trust your body sounds like you o last week and if you did then you did loads of bd so this should be your month. These apps are good but they don't replace your own intuition and I would definitely class the 1st day of AF when you get full flow x

Cd9 for me today day off from bd but I'll do a opk this afternoon.

Thanks Bowmans! I suppose I need to stay positive!

How fun would it be to be able to embarass our child later on in life with stories about their conception in colorado? Lol!! :winkwink:
I'll have to check that out Laska5. So I told my hubby we needed to BD one more time yesterday because I didn't know for sure when I ovulated and I was worried we quit too soon with my last AF being all weird. He told me he was cool with doing that, but he said I was past ovulation. LOL! I asked him "how do you know that?" He said "I just know". Supposedly he is a professional these days! :dohh: Hahaha!! But he was a trooper and gave me what I wanted. :happydance: So now I have to wait which I HATE!!:growlmad:
Hi ladies am I okay to join? I was referred here by Laska5 :hugs:

I'm Taylor, trying for baby #1 with hubby-to-be Steve and have been trying for 2 years next month! Long time...:coffee:

We have been NTNP for about 3 month, and haven't really focused. I'm currently on CD29, if my calcs are correct, and should be 9/10dpo (always late ov). Never considered pregnancy this month until a few days ago, I'll list my symptoms -

1-7ish dpo- nothing to report, was in holiday mode lol!
7 dpo- AF like cramps all over abdomen, not strong as AF cramps but unusual haven't had them before. Started to get backache.
8dpo - Cramps on morning and then they went, backache got worse and is spreading up my side's. Had major leg spasms 2am, not sure if they could be related.
9dpo- Still backache, starting to get a headache, super duper tired but restless
Today - Backache continued, headache alllll day, tired and can barely stay awake!

Would be lovely to get to know you ladies :cloud9:

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