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TTCAL 2015 Rainbows! (7 Rainbows & 2 Angels)

Got a second donation tonight! My donor also said that if I haven't ovulated by Wednesday we can do another donation then too! Yay! He has been really great. Currently CD13. Generally ovulate CD15 or 17. Ovulation tests are confusing so I'm not sure I can go by those. I just pray I ovulate. And this week. Or else this will all be for nothing. :(. Hope not. FX!

How's everybody else doing?
Hi everyone :hi: not much to report here waiting on O! Nice to see everyone is doing good :)
Big temp dip today. 0.6 of a degree! Here's hoping I ovulate soon!
Good luck Kyla!! So glad the donor is working out so well. I wanted to ask if you were on a specific diet for pcos? I'm seeing a nutritionist next week but any pointers are always great!

Good luck to all you ladies waiting for O and BDing as well!

The conversation about temping is too funny :D I could never temp because I'm a breather and wake up so many times during the night. I guess there are ways around it ;)

Slow where are you?? Hope everything is going great with your BFP!
Ladders is your BFP progressing?

I had my HSG yesterday and it was definitely painful- agree with you Nessaw! Hopefully don't have to do it again. Good news is they didn't find anything so all clear there.
Buttrfly - no specific diet, no. I met with a nutritionist in my early teens numerous times after I'd been diagnosed and never found anything that managed to do anything for me unfortunately. Now I'm just basically trying to eat right and I cut out most breads and pastas except for spaghetti night once a week. Upped the fruit and veggies and cut out sodas. I've been very slowly losing weight. Like 4lbs in a month. It takes someone with PCOS 5x longer to lose weight than someone without. We have to work 5x as hard working out and such. It's pretty tough in that aspect.
Nessaw I understand your thoughts of IVF and to keep trying because of conceiving naturally. I saw you had an hsg. Any advice on that? I am having one coming up.

Thanks Kyla! Sorry about the donor issues! Hopefully you find one very soon for when you ovulate. I can't imagine how stressful that would be!

2nd so sorry to hear about your anxiety. Sounds like the time off could be needed. How are you feeling?

Mrs w I'm so sorry for your loss and struggles. Doesn't make sense to me that they would start helping after 3 losses and/or two years. What makes you feel there is an issue? Hope you get the help you need soon! I had thought what slow had said was true, after trying for a year you can be referred ( I'm in the US though but know that is true here as well).

Pink I hope you are doing better. Understand the frustration. Did you decide to wait awhile or keep going?

Sorry for AF bush. Best of luck this month! My doctor told me prenatal and 400 mcg of folic acid was a good idea to take. I also heard that you pee most of it out.

Slow and ladders any testing or news during TWW?

Aknqtpie good luck!

Mummy so very sorry for your losses. Best of luck to you

Brunette how are you feeling?

Sorry if I missed anyone!

AFM scheduled hsg for Monday then follow up on the 17th to discuss a plan! AF is slowing so here's to a new cycle ( hopefully a shorter one)! I have heard some get pregnant just after hsg so we will see if that is the case with me.
I ordered some mineral oil as my RE said some use for lube as it is fertility friendly. We will find out.

Hi there,
Yeah we carried on just try to get my head together a bit. Atopped bleeding eventually so tried a bit harder haha. Got. Really strange few days with like orange jelly discharge but looked it up an its ment to be quite common. I dont chart anything but did have a few days of slippery discharge so hoping that was a good sign. Been poorly for 2 days so just in bed recovering in bed haha.

Really hoping things go well for you hun xx

And a big congrats to ladders i wish you all the luck and :dust: with thia little bean xx
Hey Pink, nice to see you back. Sorry you haven't been feeling well. Hopefully it was just a little bug and you get better quick!

My Ovulation Chart
Nice temp dip. And my opk is pretty damn near positive. So close it's kinda hard to tell. FX I O tomorrow!
Hey Pink, nice to see you back. Sorry you haven't been feeling well. Hopefully it was just a little bug and you get better quick!

Nice temp dip. And my opk is pretty damn near positive. So close it's kinda hard to tell. FX I O tomorrow!

Thank you :)

Will keep my fx's for you and tht u O tomorrow x
Hi ladies.. been kind of MIA the last couple weeks. Just been really busy with work and life. Hopefully I can stay busy the next few weeks. Will be testing on June 16 for sure. I think I am either Oing today.. or I am 1-2dpo... somewhere in there. Still holding out on the waiting 6 cycles before I temp/opk.. as tempting as it is! :)
Ovulation pain confirms the opk and temp dip that I ovulated today! Officially in the TWW!
Kyla yeah unfortunately I know about the slow weight loss. Sounds like you are eating healthy though ans similar to what they would probably recommend. Yay for weight loss! I started this week. Good luck in TWW! Looks like you had perfect timing with donations. Will you do one today also just in case?

Bush did you buy OPKs for upcoming O?

Thanks pink good luck to you and hope you feel better!
Oh Kyla can you please change me to unknown test date? I'm not using OPKs this month so god only knows when AF will come and if I will test in time.
Buttrfly - I'll change that as soon as I get to work and can get on my iPad to do it. Good luck on the weight loss! I know how tough it is. I'm at the heaviest I've ever been so trying to lose a lot. Sucks it's so slow though. I think my antidepressants had a lot to do with the gain too. 60lbd in 2-3 years. No fun! I'm off them now and eating right so I'm hoping I can lose it.
No not going to get a donation today. I ovulated about late afternoon yesterday. I wouldn't be able to get a donation until after work today and that's past the high end of time the egg survives. Just crossing my fingers at this point. And praying. Lots of praying :)
Feel worse today than i did yesterday. Tired, red hot and all food ive tried eating either smells funky or tastes funky or both. Really feel like ive been hit by a truck!!!

Good luck to you ladies in the TWW
I have no idea whats going on with me, did finaly take a HPT and it was negative so atleast know my bodys doing what it should
Hope everyone has a great day

Aw pink FX you start feeling better soon!

Front page has been updated. Got rid of May as we are in June now. Seems like we will have sometime before anyone starts testing. Ladders and Slow, do you have EDDs for the front page?

To all of us waiting to O or in the TWW...
Let me ask you ladies a personal opinion. RE said not to use opks but this month they are not monitoring ( they will start after this current cycle) I'm worrying a bit about the idea that if I conceive after HSG I would not know exactly when I ovulated and gaging when AF will be here would be difficult. I have had cycles anywhere from 30-49 days at this point. Any thoughts? I don't want to stress but I think either way it's in my personality to do so ;)

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