Hi ladies!
mommy247, symptoms come and go, trust me. Enjoy it during the reprieve.
I've been so nauseous with vomiting here and there, and was diagnosed with the stomach flu. Blah... that's gone now but boy am I nauseous about 18-20 hours out of 24!
So during all this, I had terrible cramping and was sure something was wrong. I had my betas taken and here's my story:
So on 14DPO and 16DPO my betas were 519 and 1185. Great, right?? so 25DPO my beta was 3000, so the lab tech said. I freaked. That's terrible growth! I went home crying and everything! Retested beta and was told I would only receive a phone call if something was wrong. Well, low and behold they called during my nap today. I was devastated, since them calling meant bad news, and my beta from last time sucked...blah blah blah. So I answer and she goes, hi I wasn't sure if we were supposed to call you with your results, so here they are. Your betas look great! Last count was 30,000 (not 3000 like the stupid tech said! You're missing a zero there sweetheart!) and latest beta is 47,000+. So I was freaked out for nothing. I'm trying to forgive that lab tech for her blatant inability to read numbers.
Sorry for the long story but I had to let it off my chest and let out a huge sign of relief. Hope all of you are doing okay!