Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

AF got me yesterday right on schedule :( so we will be trying again. I didn't want another december baby but was still down about AF showing up and was hoping to be done with TTC. Hopefully we will get our BFP in May! Good luck to the rest of you as well! :dust:

That's too bad. Here's hoping to have BFP in May!!!
Thanks Panda!! 2 dpo and 12 days till I can test!!! This waiting is ridiculous. I've decided that any symptom at all that I get this month I am going to put down to the clomid. Don't want to get my hopes up just to have them dashed again!

How are you doing? Pregnancy going well?

It's funny, I think the OPKs are great, it gives us that confirmation our bodies are doing what they should. My bf didn't really understand my excitement (as he never worried our bodies weren't working lol). For us it confirmed what I'd suspected that I actually ovulated much later than "normal" (day 17 rather than 14). So we'd been trying at completely the wrong time first month. They were very useful, especially seeing as they were so cheap on amazon! That with the temping just let me feel like I was in control. Perhaps I'm just a control freak but I literally felt we were doing all we could. Nothing wrong with tipping the odds like that. I'm still gutted we never got to try the preseed though as that sounded like hilarious fun! :p

BTW sorry for not checking in here as much recently. I've rarely been online at all, been away from home and this past week I've had a dreadful cold. But I do like to get back here and see how everyone's getting on. I'm so proud that this little thread we all started grew into what it did. :) I need to pick back over the past few weeks and see what I've missed.

Yes, sort of. I have a ridiculous pain in my lower back at the moment. I thought it was just from sleeping funny but we're on to the 3rd week of it now. We walked the dog round the local park yesterday and cleaned the house when we got home. By the time I was done I was in agony. Not sure what's causing it so I think I'm going to give the doctor a call this week and just make sure everything is ok. Other than that though things seem "normal". My tummy feels a bit firmer than it did (although thankfully my jeans still fit). We have our first real scan on Friday and my partner is crazy excited for it. There's a part of me hoping we get a nice US tech because I've been reading online that at 14 weeks it's sometimes possible for them to make a guess at the sex but some won't even try. We opted to have the NT scan (for downs syndrome and such) which has meant our scan is at 13w 6d so I have my fingers crossed we might get an early look at what it is! :D I don't mind either way, but it would be a relief to be able to stop arguing over one set of names! :haha:
Hi ladies!! How is everyone today?

Flaming, glad that things are going well!! I'm sure all the aches and pains are normal. Hope that you get a nice tech that makes an effort, would be super cool to know if you having a girl or a boy!!

JustMe, how's the bd'ing going? You must have ovulated by now, right? *excitement*

AFM, I'm obsessing. It's terrible. I'm 4 dpo, although I think it's 5 dpo, but FF doesn't agree with me :growlmad: I haven't convinced myself that I'm pg, I promised myself that any and all symptoms this month I would blame on the clomid, but I DO spend a crazy amound of time every day wondering and wishing and waiting for this two weeks to be over :dohh: I'm frustrating myself! So far my skin has cleared up (never happens), my bbs are already bigger but not sore :holly: (usually only happens from about 7dpo and they would be sore), I've had these weird 'bubbles' in my tummy for two days that actually kept DH and I awake on Saturday night they were so loud, and I've had some cramps pretty much all over my tummy area, up to feeling like a mild stich under my right rib and some around my ovaries (both of them) and some around my groin and belly button. SO as you can see, Clomid is playing havoc with me.
Hey Plastik, glad to hear you have all sorts of exciting inner gurglings! :) Fingers crossed! :D

I suspect I have indeed o'd, with shocking speed if you look at my temps! :o I mean basically if you believe FF (hah!) the day after my positive opk, it had already happened cos my temps had gone up. I am not sure how, if things go that fast, you're meant to squeeze in 3 days of constant sex as recommended by SMEP! :) Actually looking at it Plastik, if I did indeed o'd the day FF thinks I did, aren't I on roughly the same schedule as you now?! :o ;)

However we have been at it every other day for a good week now, so fingers crossed :D
Which has been a LOT of fun! :D **beams**

I hope I get a BFP! :)
So, I'm back to waiting out the tww. I have long cycles, 40 days, so its been a while since I looked into this group. I'm currently 9dpo and my temps have been very flat. I have hovered between 98.3 and 98.5 since 3dpo. Is that odd? I feel like I'm usually a bit more bouncy. Was not temping last time I became pregnant, ended with a miscarriage at 6 weeks.
Anyone else have flat temps in the tww?
Not expecting af until 15 dpo so I have more time to ponder...
Decided its better not to test until after 15 dpo. What's the point? I can't alter the outcome either way so might as well wait. Right?!
Whoah!! JustMe!! Nice temp jump this morning!! You really DID ovulate fast, didn't you? Good thing you were keep up the every-other-day BD!! :thumbup:

We're pretty much the same now! How exciting!! I'm 5 dpo and you are 4 dpo! How are you feeling? Anything interesting going on? I'm still pretty much the same as the last few days, nothing too exciting to report. How long is your luteal phase usually? Mine is the usual 14 days, so am due on 3 May, which happens to be my sister's birthday!! :happydance: I hope it's a happy day!!
I agree with plastik, nice temp justme. Not that I'm stalking either of your charts of course. :p Fingers crossed here.
Um - thank you! ;) I'm pretty sure it's right, although it's always a bit shaky as I keep my thermometer on the windowsill so it's a balance between warming it up enough that it's not just FREEZING and making it too warm! ;)

Plastik - I know! :D Maybe it's fate! :D *fingers crossed!* No symptoms here of any note, but I work a strict policy of ignoring Anything before at least 7dpo, otherwise I fear that way lies madness. I'm usually around 14 days, so should be due AF next Friday. If it didn't arrive, beyond the obvious reasons, it would also be excellent because I will be camping for 4 days then, and portaloos and muddy portashowers do Not work well with being on AF :(

AllieIA - absolutely! Tests do not, as you say, make you more or less pregnant, they just report back! :) No point wasting the money or driving yourself crazy. Re flat temps, I had a relatively flat temp month in Feb - bfn (lol, as all other months!). The other thing would be are you sure your thermometer battery is ok? :)
What method are you ladies using (if any)? I read up on SMEP as I've noticed a lot of people talking about it. Does that seem to be the best way to go?

Im trying to relax myself with this whole thing but I can't seem to do it :wacko: I need to figure out a way to not think about TTC nonstop. I think it may be impossible but I also can't imagine that it helps the situation. I just feel so doubtful about it all. Im really hoping this cycle works out!

Good luck to you ladies! I hope you get your BFPs this cycle! :dust:
MoreBabies!! I've read about SMEP but haven't actually done it. I know JustMe was planning on doing it this month but then Ov snuck up on her qutie early!!

AFM, I'm big on the temping thing. It doesn't tell you when you are going to O, but it does confirm once you have. This month I used opk's for the first time and if we didn't catch the eggy this cycle then I'll be using them again next month. That way you know a day or so before you ov and u can make sure to get busy at the right time. Also, my cycles are really regular, so I know more-or-less when I o each month, and make sure you have lots of baby-making fun around that time :happydance:

If you find a way to stop thinking about TTC non-stop, then please share!!! Maybe we can sell the idea and become millionaires!!! :rofl:
Yeah we were going to have a go at SMEP but I got a positive opk one day and then an elevated temp the next, so no time!!!! :) Reading the boards on here though, it was quite encouraging how many people who had been posting about it were now pregnant!
Just me - I'm thinking the battery is fine. I took my temp a second time this morning after walking around and it was .2 higher than when I first took it. Laying down it was, again, 98.5 after adjusting it for getting up earlier. So, for a few days I was at 98.4 and after a .2 drop I'm staying at 98.5. Just seems weird.
I haven't tried the whole tempting thing. I may look into that a bit more if I don't get a positive in the next few months. Which OPKs are you ladies using.. digital or non?

I was talking to DH last night about how I think I stress myself out because I think about it nonstop and at first he tried to play it off like he's all relaxed about it but then gave in and said he does too.. although its definitely more stressful for us girls! His plan is he thinks we should :sex: :sex: every day. :haha:
Morebabies, heh that's an awesome solution :-D as for opk I have clearblue digital, which was expensive but at least easy to read.
Morebabies, heh that's an awesome solution :-D as for opk I have clearblue digital, which was expensive but at least easy to read.

Yeah I had got some non digitals before but I think I made myself crazy staring at the lines and I think I started too early so I never really followed through with them because they were stressing me out :rofl: so I was thinking about getting pack of digitals because you just wait for the smiley face right?

Not sure I want to :sex: every night for as long as he wants to :dohh: BUT if we do it every other night till a positive OPK then every night for a few nights, that should cover it right? Does it matter what time you use the OPKs? I thought I read something about using them in the afternoon.
Ok so I got some digital Ppls while I was at the store. I only got the 7 pack because it was on sale and also the other one was SO expensive so hopefully 7 is enough. Im going to start using them on cd10. 4 days to go! Im excited and hopeful!
I did smep last cycle. Not sure when I'll ovulate after the loss but will be doing smep again this cycle!
I used the non digital opk's, mainly coz the digital ones were so DAMNED expensive!! Would be awesome to see a smiley face though!!

How is everyone else doing today? JustMe, 5dpo, right? 9 days to go!!!

AFM, ladies, things are strange. The bubbles haven't stopped and the cramps have gotten a little worse. 6dpo today if FF is to be believed :shrug: (I reckon I'm 7dpo - HALFWAY!!). I've had (**TMI ALERT**) diarreah for the last two or three days, and the weird thing is, its green !! I don't know what to make of it. :dohh: I haven't eaten anything out of the ordinary, I've been on my prenatal vits for months already so it can't be that. I'm starting to feel that monster Hope rising inside of me, and it scares me.

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