Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

Hi Ladies , am a newbie and what a great thread to join in. I must admit I started backreading from Page 60 only...

Anyway, I'm on my tww, not testing until the 2nd of May. I use FF and a clearblue monitor. CBFM says that I ovulated on CD 13 and 14 (Peak Days) but FF put the cross hairs (albeit a dotted one) on CD 12. Anyway, we did managed to DTD and we're probably covered on those days, but I've consciously stopped recording symptoms this month. I also stopped symptom spotting altogether except that on CD20 I went to have a scheduled ultrasound and the report didn't show any corpus luteum (googling results say that they aren't always visible after OV) but my endometrium has thickened by 100% compared to my last ultrasound result (which was taken around the same time in my cycle, and I've VERY regular).

So all in all I'm hoping that it's a good sign, but still holding out to POAS. I'm going on a trip for a few days and I will deliberately not bring any HPTs so that I'm not tempted. Btw, my BBT's are still on the high's (all above my coverline) so I'm keeping fingers crossed they stay that way.

Good luck to us all!!!! :happydance:
Plastik - I'm going to be tremendously practical, just because 'HOPE!' is a hard thing to deal with at 7dpo and I don't want you going crazy ;) And you Know I have my fingers totally crossed for you - but yeah, green poo is NOT a symptom! :p And apparently it can be something that happens if the food goes through your insides too quickly, as the bile doesn't get reabsorbed (and bile is green!). Tbh, if you've had bad diarrhoea for more than a few days, just go to the Dr anyway, see if they can give you anything to help with it as it's no fun! And make sure you stay hydrated. OK? According to the interwebs, clomid can cause stomach upsets?
BIG HUGS!! And remember, just cos I have stomped on your crazy symptom doesn't mean I think you're not pregnant - I totally hope you are!!! :D But at 7dpo you won't know yet :) And that's ok! *adds some more hugs!*

Scuba - good luck! That all sounds very good :) I hope it keeps up! And good plan!
Thanks JustMe, I needed that!! :hugs: What would I do without you?! I can't wait for this long weekend to start, hopefully there will be lots to distract me and by the time I come back to work on Wednesday it'll be nearly time for AF to show. Am honestly going to do my best to NOT test, but this month I have no less than 6 HPT in the house, which is not a good sign. Will be needing daily pep talks from you ladies to keep me in line :thumbup:

Welcome SubaBabe!!! Good idea to stay away from the HPT's!! That's the easiest way to make sure that you don't do the early testing thing. I think I need to get away from my computer. Dr Google is a bad bad thing!
I hate Hope! :growlmad: She's the most disappointing :witch: I've ever met! I tried so hard not to get hopeful last month but with about one week left to go she snuck up on me and I couldn't resist even though I had a strong feeling I wasn't pregnant. I will do my best to ignore her this time but I dont know if I have what it takes to do that esp towards the end! :dohh:
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Just wondering. My partner was dead against me testing at the end of the month and he said we should just wait and see what happens so I don't get depressed if it's BFN. Only after I'm late can I test. I kind of see his point but I know as I get closer I'll feel really anxious to find out. Reading posts it seems like almost everyone tests early, anyone else not testing and waiting?

I don't test. I wait until I'm late...but I drive myself nuts with imaginary symptoms in the mean time! lol
Dr Google is like Dr Nick from The Simpsons

:rofl: So true!!!

JustMe, I need another reality check please!!! That monster I told you about earlier is growing!!! The last two time I've been to the loo today there has been brown spotting when I wipe! Like, unmistakable brown spotting. I never ever ever spot between periods!!

Now I'm getting all excited about silly things like implantation bleeding even though I know that only 30% of woman get it! Arg!!! Should I be ignoring it?!
Totally ignore it. It could be anything. Could be the Clomid. Could be Ib. Could be ooh I don't know, magic :) don't worry, if you're pregnant, you will be anyway in q week regardless of if you guess right in advance :-D hugs! I hope you are though!!!

I'm just being me, but heck it's only 5dpo.

Try thinking about something to do this wknd. Or run around for a bit and try touching your toes :) that's distracting!
Hahaha!! I totally can't touch my toes!! Way too stiff and old for that!! I think this weekend I'm going to ride my horse and clean up around the house. We have about two boxes for the original move still to unpack!!

You are so right, may e it is something, maybe it isn't. Nothing is going to change by getting excited over it!!! :hugs:
I'm serious. Try and touch your toes. It's got nothing to do with being able to, just that trying to do it will take your mind off it :p I'd suggest stretches too, but don't know if you veer into paranoia re exercise around the 2WW :) If you don't though - gentle daily stretches, you can google them and they REALLY distract you! (mostly cos you're going 'argh argh I don't bend like this, argh!') :)
You guys are cracking me up today lmao! Well I can vouch for stretching as I practice Yoga and teach pregnancy yoga! Unfortunately it does not take long for tcc to creap back in my mind.
Hope always creaps up on me. Like last cycle and my triasic chart that bombed at 12 dpo. I know it can happen if your not pg but I was gonna be that % that was hee hee.
At least we have each other on this rollercoaster ride!
Aw nooooooooo. Now I am getting that Stupid hope nonsense. Look at my temp today!!! My only possible reasons are I had to roll over to get the thermometer and was hugging hb but none of that's unusual! Oh and I had it on the bed, not the windowsill.
Grrrr. Help me, noone needs hope at 6dpo, that's just silly!
Whoah!! What a jump!! It's probably nothing though. Maybe because the therm was on the bed and warmer than usual, but not coz you had to roll over to get it. I do that all the time and it doesn't affect it. Maybe you getting a bit sick? Did you have anything to drink yesterday? Any alcohol in my system makes my temp skyrocket. Keep trucking JustMe!!! I hope it does mean something, but whether it does or doesn't, obsessing over it is not going to change the outcome!!

Stupid Hope.

Nearly halfway for you!! Halfway for me!! Still spotting brown when I wipe this morning. How ridiculous that I am happy about that!
No alcohol and now I think about it I had the thermometer on the bed yesterday too... I think I'm going to ascribe it to my body pulling another random trick on me when I think I have it figured...
that said there's still a really tiny REALLY annoying voice going 'ooh you are, you know you are!'. As that voice has done that Every month so far - I think it's kind of lost all credibility! :p

Hugs re the brown :) I totally hope it's a symptom of awesomeness! Would you like a negative example to help keep you sane for a bit? I had a pink spot on the loo roll on about 7dpo and was Convinced that it must be IB. Lol, considering af came, I guess not!

That said, I do totally hope that we are both going to get bfps - just think, if we were it would all be happening right about - Now! :o

(and I hope everyone else gets bfps too!!!! that sounded terrible!)
EEK!!! Like I said though, obsessing over what might and might not be a symptom won't change the outcome. Not that I've ever let that little bit of logic stop me :haha: We have to hope though. What else do we have? I know it makes it harder, but I refuse to be some robot-woman with no feelings.

I told DH about the spotting yesterday, and what it MIGHT mean, and I got virtually no response. That bothered me. I started wondering if I was the only one who wants this so badly. It bugged me so much that I spoke to him about it later and told him how I felt, and he said that he was trying to be strong for me in case AF comes and I'm dissapointed at the end of the month, and that he really was excited at the possibility but it just seems so unreal to him coz we've been trying for so long and nothing has happened. I told him that no matter how strong he is, I'm always going to be dissapointed when AF shows, and sometimes I need to know that I'm not in this alone in the emotional investment side of things. Then we dtd :rofl: !!
there's still a really tiny REALLY annoying voice going 'ooh you are, you know you are!'.

I can totally understand what you mean. I am convinced there are two old ladies in my head that taunt me each month!

Good bat: there is hope, oooh that twinge definitely means you're pregnant, you keep on seeing pregnant ladies-it's and auspicious sign, start buying the booties now!!!

Bad bat: Who ya kiddin?, you never did enough BD'ing, you stood two minutes right after BD, you should've drunk more grapefruit juice and had that nice acupuncturist stick more needles on you!

I tell you, between those two and Dr. Google, I'm probably a good candidate for the nut house!

Scuba - hehehehehe

Plastik - awesome! And I know what you mean, I think men really are super excited but try not to get too excited visibly. How lovely yours sounds! :D I am trying not to talk about it with my lovely man too much this month as I hate it so much when I have to then say 'bah no dice', especially if he's got a bit excited about it :( I did mention my crazy temp this morning, but then blamed it on the vast quantity of food I ate last night :p It's a really silly situation isn't it - he's my best friend and I love him more than anything, yet I kind of can't talk about it all the time because that would just be the Crazy way to go... :o Obv. if I get a bfp at some point - then I shall rant about it endlessly! :p
Scuba, you made me laugh!! Good Bat and Bad Bat, I like that!!! :haha:

JustMe, I really do have the most amazing man in the world. I love how you called yours your best friend, DH and I do the same thing! We're best friends. Something to really be greatful for!!

I also try to not keep him up to date with every sordid little detail (that's why we have one another on BnB afer all :happydance:), unless it's something really unusual or exciting. I want him to be as suprised as me (more if possible) when we eventually get that :bfp: . And we will!!! Positive thinking. This month would be fabulous!

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