January Girls!!

hey everyone! wow there have been some posts on here havent there, let me try and catch up :D

Hi ladies, I hope all is good for everyone!!!! Well im offically on count down for my hubby to come home from Iraq on Feburary 2 YEA!!!!!:happydance:Well anyway Im on my first cycle 3-7 of 100mg and I took my last pill on sunday the 15th and now on CD14 and have been testing everyday since the last pill and I havent got any +opks yet:nope: I'm wondering should I be testing more than once a day to make sure I'm not missing it? cause I have only been testing in the morning at the same time 8am and nothing yet, Or am I just just getting worried over nothing and it may still be to early? I guess I'm just worried that its not working!!!!:shrug: and is there a certain brand of OPKs to use that are better? I have been using the first response one. thank everyone and lots of baby dust and I will keep you all in my prayers tonight!!!!:hugs:

bet you must be really excited for your hubby to come home :)
https://www.peeonastick.com/ has lots of info about OPK testing. Some try testing twice a day. I was testing in the evening and never saw a positive then i tried at 2pm and got a positive, then tried again in the morning and was still positive. It stayed positive for three days. I suppose there is no harm testing twice a day for the first month and then you will know in future how long your surge lasts?

some people seem to find that they never get a full positive but they learn what is a positive for them. i would read the above website for info as its really good. i just use internet bought tests off ebay, they were cheap but good enough :)

Okay now i will tell you and all the other ladies other than ovulation that CM means nadda for pregnancy. BUT.... this morning it is EWCM and slimy around CP. weird (dont want to read to much into it) although i did get a little excited. (take me own advice much).

Alansda, are you comparing symptoms with last month that you recorded or just remembered. i'll join you with the sore boobs and bad back.

im also getting the wetness below, although im not going in there since my thrush / BV situation lol! dont want to set another episode off lol :nope: as i havent had any meds but just let it balance itself out lol

yes im comparing my symptoms from last month using my phone app "period tracker", my temps are pretty much exactly mapping onto last month too, and similar symptoms too. although im having less symptoms this month lol

I had a substantual drop this morning :(,My Ovulation Chart Fortunatly not below my coverline although im not hopeful now.... I guess one temp cant make that much difference, If i can get away on my own i may buy a test today...

Either way AF is still a no show and im on cycle day 33 now :wacko:, Iv never had a cycle this long, and TBH was expecting a shorter LP because of BFing...Guess only time will tell x

aww yeah sometimes a drop can be a sign (although mine dropped below coverline so yours looks different) but hang on in there and see what happens :) sounds promising *good luck* :thumbup:

Hi ladies.

While I still having cramps and sore boobs I suddenly feel different today, just convinced am out for this month. However I've ordered bbt therm so I'm looking forward to trying temping and learning a bit more. Also decided if still :BFN: at end of march I'm going to spoil myself with a cbfm. I love gadgets so I guess that's something to keep me going!

I also only work 3 days per week so need to keep myself busy, what's everyone doing to distract themselves today?

cool! yeah the BBT feels like a great addition to the TTC game, really has helped me understand where i am at in my cycle :)

UPDATE: Today after taking my kids to school I had the worst pain on the left side of my stomach that only lasted for maybe 35-40 seconds. It was sharp and pinchy like I don't really know what it could of been been it hurted like someone was inside me twisting it. Now it aches on that side a little wouldn't really call it cramps. Itchy boobs instead of sore for a couple of days but they ache from time to time not swollen like last month.

ooh thats interesting, i dont know what that means though! *good luck*

Hi ladies! :flower:
Im young and hoping to become a mother soon! :eek:Trying to get all the support I can, But no one on the site seems to be interested in talking to me so Im hoping that someone will take intrest this time...
Baby dust to all! :dust:

Hello :) welcome to the forum - there is so much information on here that im sure you will find out lots of answers to your questions :)
have you caught up yet. :rofl:

just took my bra off to put my pjs on and man they were weighty, phew they ache now!!

i wonder if since coming off the depo injection my body is throwing new things into my monthly cycle! wonder what it will be next month. :wacko:

want AF to hurry up so i can get onto the next cycle.

Today at 8dpo, nothing this morning. Since I ate something at 10, I immediately after felt sick. It was only toast with honey and cinnamon so I don't get it. It's been coming and going nausea in waves all day, now I feel hot. Bloated and small twinges. Hormones are cruel to me, it's probably nothing. Just have to try not to think about it.

Sometimes it feels like I've missed so much on here when I've been gone for Luke 20 minutes, especially with that long post Alandsa, lol
hehe yes i have caught up now :haha: :happydance:

ooh fingers crossed for you hopeful42nd :D :thumbup: when will you be testing?

i can notice little crampy twinges and sore boobs really
cant stop burping how rude!!:haha::haha:

everything has calmed down for the time being.... calm before the storm of the :witch:.... hope not.

it is just me or do you think that as soon as you start TTC you "suddenly" get all these symptoms you never had before!! this is our second month TTC #2 and normally i just note down when AF starts each month and have never noticed (or never had) all the twinges or mini cramps or any other odd, weird or out of sync symptom. makes me think sometimes it is all my head. my period was very regular and since TCC this time its jumped from 28 to 24 days so this month i dunno i think this one will be longer as my OPKs are indicating Oing the next day or two. maybe its catching up on the shorter cycle? i dunno ill just keep POAS with my OPKs til i run out or AF is meant to turn up.

to all the girls good luck and fairy dust to you all!!
hehe yes i have caught up now :haha: :happydance:

ooh fingers crossed for you hopeful42nd :D :thumbup: when will you be testing?

i can notice little crampy twinges and sore boobs really

Not sure really. 29th will be 14dpo. I want to wait till 12 or 13 at least. It gives me hope. Why not enjoy the next few days without being all bummed out. We'll see if I can keep up this attitude :)
morning ladies,

woke up this morning at 5:30 thanks to my LO wanting to show me his elephant teddy. :sleep: its a good job his cute.

ANYWAY, checked CP and CM because of my EWCM yesterday and it was all still slimy and more white than clear and i dont know if anyone else gets this but i get very swollen down there when AF is due does anyone else???????

well this morning not a swollen bit in sight, do you think it means anything or just the :witch: being mean and rotten.
My cycle usually varies, but lately ive had a normal 28 day cycle. This past AF started on Jan 15. Im really glad that now Im getting some people to talk to. And by young, Im 18. And we very recently started trying, Like 2 weeks, so im not expecting results yet, just hoping. Some of my family members got pg on the first try. But my mother on the other hand, it took her 7 years. But she was the only one that took that long...and on my dads side....fertil mertle haha.... But its just everyday life seems to sress me out now-a-days. I just am impatient and praying about it. Hoping for something by Valentines day, I know its soon, or my birthday in March. Im hoping to be a fertile mertle. But I guess we will see what happens.

Okay, we'll you've for plenty of time but generally it should happen within 6 months. Keep in mind chances of conceiving each month are low so it can take a few tries. There is lots you can do to ensure you get the sperm and egg to meet for best possible chances. Track what happens every month including how you feel, all the happenings down there, etc. have you picked up ovulation tests yet? So long as your doing the deed every other day you should be able to catch that egg. If you aren't already I suggest prenatal vitamins and omega oils.

To tell you the truth a lot of ppl schedule a pre-conception check up at their docs just to ensure they are healthy and ready to get on it!
Good luck!

Ive kinda decided to just try without any help except from God. We usually do the deed everynight, we skip sometimes. but i mean what do you expect from two teenagers that are newlyweds haha. Sometimes I think that my mind takes over because Ill think that im having symptoms, but thats only happened once. Here lately though Ive been haveing stomach and back pain like crazy. and the occasional headache. but that means that we would have gotten pg on the first try. and then AF came between that time so it ruled it out, but im still haveing the pain so idk. at first I thought that it could have been implantation bleeding..idk if this is tmi, but it was turned red after a day and then went away like a day later... so im assuming that it couldnt be that...
morning ladies,

woke up this morning at 5:30 thanks to my LO wanting to show me his elephant teddy. :sleep: its a good job his cute.

ANYWAY, checked CP and CM because of my EWCM yesterday and it was all still slimy and more white than clear and i dont know if anyone else gets this but i get very swollen down there when AF is due does anyone else???????

well this morning not a swollen bit in sight, do you think it means anything or just the :witch: being mean and rotten.

i usually get swollen the day i get AF so thats my biggest indicator that and this feeling kinda like a cramp but not if u know what i mean.

i have been having EWCM sunday yesterday and today and my opks had a nice positive on sunday then lighter and lighter to today is bearly there... feeling pretty bummed out now..... thinking i didnt actually O this month:cry:
rotton update:

through the morning she got more swollen down there.

so god knows what my cycle did to me this time, achy boobs, back ache and nausea.

will wear a pad tonight as i know she will be here in the morning.



One of the early signs of pregnancy is sensitive, sore breasts caused by increasing levels of hormones.

Feeling tired all of a sudden? No, make that exhausted. No one knows for sure what causes early pregnancy fatigue, but it's possible that rapidly increasing levels of the hormone progesterone are contributing to your sleepiness.

Some women have a small amount of vaginal bleeding around 11 or 12 days after conception (close to the time you might notice a missed period). The bleeding may be caused by the fertilized egg burrowing into the blood-rich lining of your uterus.

If you're like most women, morning sickness won't hit until about a month after conception. (A lucky few escape it altogether.) But some women do start to feel queasy a bit earlier. And not just in the morning, either - pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting can be a problem morning, noon, or night.

If you're newly pregnant, it's not uncommon to feel repelled by the smell of a bologna sandwich or cup of coffee and for certain aromas to trigger your gag reflex. Though no one knows for sure, this may be a side effect of rapidly increasing amounts of estrogen in your system. You may also find that certain foods you used to enjoy are suddenly completely repulsive to you.

Hormonal changes in early pregnancy may leave you feeling bloated, similar to the feeling some women have just before their period arrives. That's why your clothes may feel snugger than usual at the waistline, even early on when your uterus is still quite small.

Shortly after you become pregnant, you may find yourself hurrying to the bathroom all the time. Why? Mostly because during pregnancy the amount of blood and other fluids in your body increases, which leads to extra fluid being processed by your kidneys and ending up in your bladder.

If you're usually pretty regular and your period doesn't arrive on time, you'll probably take a pregnancy test long before you notice any of the above symptoms.

If you've been charting your basal body temperature and you see that your temperature has stayed elevated for 18 days in a row, you Are probably pregnant.
And finally...

morning ladies,

woke up this morning at 5:30 thanks to my LO wanting to show me his elephant teddy. :sleep: its a good job his cute.

ANYWAY, checked CP and CM because of my EWCM yesterday and it was all still slimy and more white than clear and i dont know if anyone else gets this but i get very swollen down there when AF is due does anyone else???????

well this morning not a swollen bit in sight, do you think it means anything or just the :witch: being mean and rotten.

I don't get swollen but I find that it just feels different down there, almost like beginning of thrush. I also seem to be feeling a bit randy the last few afternoons! Sorry if tmi...
I hope it's not AF for you, when u due ?

I do agree with Damien's that we see more when we ttc, but I know my current symptoms are def for real, wether or not it's due to pg is another thing, as I've been off the pill a few months now and maybe it's just the natural hormones I've not experienced for years.
Also continuing to test in the morning, of course bfn, but restraining myself to only test once a day is good going for me! The opks made an addict out of me!

Bbs still feel weird and got some strange feelings down there, feels like lots of cm but when I wipe there's not much at all. I think the witch is getting ready. Wish she would come early so I can move onto next cycle.
yes thinking the same, wish AF would just come so i can move on now.

i dont know how to describe the achy bbs so for everyone to understand, but if you have breastfeed i know some of you have LO's it feels like the milk is coming in is weird sensation. I know thats not whats happening its the only way i can describe it. :dohh:

AF due in the morning so will go to bed with pad and see what happens.

Another small drop this morning (although temp was taken an hour earlier) and i feel like AF is on her way.

But i am getting cramping, in exactly the same place i did with my daughter, and near my belly button (which i dont get with AF).

Took a test this morning (negative) although looking back through my threads from TTC my LO, i didnt get a positive until 18dpo, and even then it was weak (they put it down to me having a girl :wacko:) So iv still got a bit of hope, although not much with my temp dropping :(
hey everyone! wow there have been some posts on here havent there, let me try and catch up :D

Hi ladies, I hope all is good for everyone!!!! Well im offically on count down for my hubby to come home from Iraq on Feburary 2 YEA!!!!!:happydance:Well anyway Im on my first cycle 3-7 of 100mg and I took my last pill on sunday the 15th and now on CD14 and have been testing everyday since the last pill and I havent got any +opks yet:nope: I'm wondering should I be testing more than once a day to make sure I'm not missing it? cause I have only been testing in the morning at the same time 8am and nothing yet, Or am I just just getting worried over nothing and it may still be to early? I guess I'm just worried that its not working!!!!:shrug: and is there a certain brand of OPKs to use that are better? I have been using the first response one. thank everyone and lots of baby dust and I will keep you all in my prayers tonight!!!!:hugs:

bet you must be really excited for your hubby to come home :)
https://www.peeonastick.com/ has lots of info about OPK testing. Some try testing twice a day. I was testing in the evening and never saw a positive then i tried at 2pm and got a positive, then tried again in the morning and was still positive. It stayed positive for three days. I suppose there is no harm testing twice a day for the first month and then you will know in future how long your surge lasts?

some people seem to find that they never get a full positive but they learn what is a positive for them. i would read the above website for info as its really good. i just use internet bought tests off ebay, they were cheap but good enough :)

Okay now i will tell you and all the other ladies other than ovulation that CM means nadda for pregnancy. BUT.... this morning it is EWCM and slimy around CP. weird (dont want to read to much into it) although i did get a little excited. (take me own advice much).

Alansda, are you comparing symptoms with last month that you recorded or just remembered. i'll join you with the sore boobs and bad back.

im also getting the wetness below, although im not going in there since my thrush / BV situation lol! dont want to set another episode off lol :nope: as i havent had any meds but just let it balance itself out lol

yes im comparing my symptoms from last month using my phone app "period tracker", my temps are pretty much exactly mapping onto last month too, and similar symptoms too. although im having less symptoms this month lol

I had a substantual drop this morning :(,My Ovulation Chart Fortunatly not below my coverline although im not hopeful now.... I guess one temp cant make that much difference, If i can get away on my own i may buy a test today...

Either way AF is still a no show and im on cycle day 33 now :wacko:, Iv never had a cycle this long, and TBH was expecting a shorter LP because of BFing...Guess only time will tell x

aww yeah sometimes a drop can be a sign (although mine dropped below coverline so yours looks different) but hang on in there and see what happens :) sounds promising *good luck* :thumbup:

Hi ladies.

While I still having cramps and sore boobs I suddenly feel different today, just convinced am out for this month. However I've ordered bbt therm so I'm looking forward to trying temping and learning a bit more. Also decided if still :BFN: at end of march I'm going to spoil myself with a cbfm. I love gadgets so I guess that's something to keep me going!

I also only work 3 days per week so need to keep myself busy, what's everyone doing to distract themselves today?

cool! yeah the BBT feels like a great addition to the TTC game, really has helped me understand where i am at in my cycle :)

UPDATE: Today after taking my kids to school I had the worst pain on the left side of my stomach that only lasted for maybe 35-40 seconds. It was sharp and pinchy like I don't really know what it could of been been it hurted like someone was inside me twisting it. Now it aches on that side a little wouldn't really call it cramps. Itchy boobs instead of sore for a couple of days but they ache from time to time not swollen like last month.

ooh thats interesting, i dont know what that means though! *good luck*

Hi ladies! :flower:
Im young and hoping to become a mother soon! :eek:Trying to get all the support I can, But no one on the site seems to be interested in talking to me so Im hoping that someone will take intrest this time...
Baby dust to all! :dust:

Hello :) welcome to the forum - there is so much information on here that im sure you will find out lots of answers to your questions :)

thnaks for the advice
sorry about your temp drop lucy.

well, i had my energy spurt cleaned bathroom floor, couldnt help myself, and have a bubbly and grumbly tummy. my AF will be here in the morning, these are some of my personal symptoms of :witch:

will send you a pity post in the morning.
:growlmad: :cry:
wow did i miss a lot over the last couple days! it took me about half an hour to catch up. :comp: list is updated, please let me know if there are any updates i missed.

nats77: so sorry :hugs: hugs to you and dust for next month.

jenba: thinking about you :hugs: it's not over yet for this month, but i hope the charting will help either way.

also thinking about everyone else in the TWW: alandsa, luckie3, 3outnumbered, indi84, shineystar, andersen1010, hanfromman, lucy_x, tmullins12311, hopeful42nd...

3outnumbered: hugs to you, sending you :hugs: and positive thoughts.
indi84 i think you and i will be testing around the same time, i think i will test around feburary 2.

luckie3: that maca sounds like good stuff. i will keep my eyes open for it.

danswifey31: yay so excited for you that your husband is coming home!! :) keep testing with the OPKs, how long is your cycle? i didn't O until day 16 this month. i use the first response ones too, and i test in the afternoons (i think there's a better chance of catching the LH surge in the late morning or afternoons?).

hanfromman: wow i'm excited for you! you are so close! :test:

hopeful42nd: i have been trying honey and cinnamon too, tasty stuff! i'm making hubby have it too.

dailensmummy: you are so right!! i was determined not to symptom spot and then as soon as we got back from the airport last night i was like, "hey my stomach feels funny. hey, maybe i have sore bbs. hey i keep going to the bathroom" when i know i am only 4dpo. ps - i think you did O this month if you got a positive on Sunday! sending you hugs and dust :hugs:

:dust: to everyone, it seems to be really busy in here right now!

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