LTTTC while feeling left behind Room - Welcome

I LOOOOOVE Wine too!!!! I am starting to think we should put WINE in the title of this thread... LOL

Thanks so much Phrum for the encouragement and prayers..I am going to get the blood work this month regardless, but as far as the IUI I am not sure.. the good thing is it will be unmedicated so I wont have to be on the lovely clomid and trigger that I didn't care for last time we tried I don't think I will be as stressed plus back then I was stressed with so many other things where as this time I thnk I have a much more relaxed lifestyle...I honestly don't have tons of hope of it working but I know it will increase after I get it done..with hubs sleepy swimmers it will def. give them a little boost up to the right comfy place :) I dont know...iffy..
Sorry to hear af arrived Scerena.

Pookabear - I hope the appointment goes well today. I too love wine, so the title should read: LTTTC, drinking wine, while feeling left behind (because of the wine) Room - or something like that!

Lekker - YIKES to the jalapenos and shots! Made me feel ill just thinking about the implications of mixing the 2! Hope you're feeling better!

Phrum - Good luck with Bhutan; taking hubby was definitely a good move!! Fingers crossed...

Here - big hugs coming your way!

Ash - hope everything's good with you. Got everything crossed for you (and nowhere near OV, so that's actually possible!)

Hi to everyone else!

AFM, well I had lurvely snuggles with my friend's 3.5 month old yesterday. We met with another friend for coffee and played 'pass the baby' between the 2 of us! Then she went to sleep on me, so I had warm, snuggly baby on me as I reclined on the sofa for about half an hour; we only moved as it was time to leave. I smelt of baby (in a nice way!) all the way home!
Yesterday morning I woke up to what I thought was af as I was 'leaking'! However, I was a bit surprised on 2 counts: 1, no pain and I always have af pain - sometimes almost unbearable, and 2, it had arrived on about 13dpo, whereas I average 16dpo. Any way, I only spotted for the rest of the day, so I think it was just my usual spotting, but I'd been lucky this month and only had small amounts when I wiped. TMI, but last night I had a large clot and all the spotting seems to be almost black in colour. I think my acupuncturist will have something to say about that later. On that note, I'm going to have this session today, but then I'm giving it a rest for a while - perhaps permanently - as I just don't feel that I'm seeing the benefits and my bank balance certainly isn't! With Christmas coming i could do with keeping hold of the cash I'd spend on acu.
So any way, still no af this morning, but I'm hoping following acu it might arrive tomorrow, which would be a 15 day LP, which is ok. This is the first month that I haven't had tears linked to spotting or af starting. I think this is quite sad as it suggests I'm just resigned to getting my period every month, so I'm not surprised, and therefore upset, when it comes.
I think it's great we all love wine so much. LTTC, drinking wine, left behind -- I love it! :)

Pooka, keep us posted on when you decide to go for IUI. I think not being stressed has got to be a part of it.

Sizzles, I think a 15 day LP sounds good. Somehow I wonder if the clot is good, too? Maybe cleaning up some old energy or something? Anyway, if your acupuncturist does say something, I'd be curious to hear what it is. On the one hand, I'm happy this month the impending AF didn't make you tear up, but I know what you mean about being sad that you're resigned to it. :hugs: One of these months soon it will will work out!

Ash, any news?

GDane, how you doing hun? :hugs:

Hope the rest of you are fine, too!

AFM, my FS didn't find anything too remarkable in my tracking cycle. She thought the odd day I had must have been a mistake and that otherwise the numbers suggested ovulation and OK luteal phase. But like I said, this is the first month it felt good to me. She wants to do one more tracking cycle, test DH's sperm (his bloods looked fine and he has 3 kids from previous relationship, but just to be sure), and if both of those still look good, then schedule the lap. At that point she might try clomid or go straight to IUI. However, I won't be able to be back in for tracking until March, when I am back home and not crazy busy. So, it all boils down to more waiting. Now I'm just hoping my acupuncturist will still see me these two weeks before I leave for Bhutan so I have a chance while we are there.
LMBO! Phrum...I love it!! :rofl:

I'm so a wine fanatic.
Sizzles, I think a 15 day LP sounds good. Somehow I wonder if the clot is good, too? Maybe cleaning up some old energy or something? Anyway, if your acupuncturist does say something, I'd be curious to hear what it is. On the one hand, I'm happy this month the impending AF didn't make you tear up, but I know what you mean about being sad that you're resigned to it. :hugs: One of these months soon it will will work out!

Well you may be right Phrum! Acu lady was surprised by the clot, but I also mentioned that one of the points she used last week (left wrist) was particularly sore and bruised afterwards and she felt that the 2 pieces of info together suggested 'congestion' and that the clot may have been the congestion clearing. She also felt that the fact that I'd not been emotional this month was to do with my emotions being stronger, which obviously she ascribed to the acu! I told her that I was taking a break as I can't afford to go any more; I hadn't realised just how skint I am til I went to the cashpoint for the acu money! So I've said I'll keep her posted of any developments pg or IVF wise and that I may well return when the IVF ball starts rolling. TBH it feels a little like a weight off my mind as I never really enjoyed sessions and I'd rather use the money on something lovely! As I said to her, for the last 18months I've bounced from one fertility fix to the next: bbt charting, reflexology, cbfm, acu; it's time for a rest! I'm not taking a break from ttc, but hopefully we'll be a bit more relaxed with our approach. I'm a little weirded out. I'm 3 days away from my normal AF...lastnight I was cramping pretty hard in my left ovary. Tonight I cramped really hard for a min and then nothing. I went to the bathroom and I was bleeding...but it's OLD blood. TMI I"M SORRY. There isn't a lot...but it's really dark. Idk what to think about it
Hmmm not sure...I get the spotting with old blood every month so its normal for me, but surely not everyone...have u ever had it before?? Would be lovvely if it was implantation spotting but don't want to get your hopes up for nothing...def. keep an eye on it and keep us posted
Sorry I can't be of more help :0(
Hey ladies...sorry I haven't been around. This thread moves so fast and I've been reading, I just haven't had the emotional energy to respond if you know what I mean.

Phrumkidost: I can't believe your levels dropped so much...did they ever say what happened there? If they're guessing endo, are you going to have a lap?

Ashknowsbest: Best of luck to you with being PUPO...hopefully you're not proven otherwise.

krystinab: Hope you're doing well? I see you're on cd1. :hugs:

Scerena: how ya doin dear?

Boss came, respond to the rest of you later!
I've never had it at the beginning before. It's def not implantation...that was just wishful thinking. I'm in FULLLLLL FORCE right now and it's completely normal color. She's not being very kind today...I'm cramping REALLLLLLLLLLLLLY bad! Thank god for bath tubs! LOL
:hi: ladies I just cant stay away from bnb- and especially this thread as you all get what I am going through as you all are too :hugs:

gdane Im doing okay thanks, its weird not injecting or popping pills :wacko: but I am kind of enjoying it- I dont feel lost YET :haha:

How are things going with you???

Lekker Sorry af got you hun :hugs: this month I had that ovary pain and then 3 days early (as I have a 14day lp on meds) my af was here! Weird the same happened to you! But anyway :hugs: Whats your plans for this cycle???

Teddy How are you doing hun?? I miss you!!! :hugs:

Here, Phrum, Pook, Sizzles, Ash, Krystinab :hi: how are you all doing? Any updates??? I havent had a chance to read back through- only the last page sorry :dohh: Hope you're all doing well???

:hi: to anyone I missed too, sorry if I missed you :hugs:

Not much going on with me... Af is pratically out the building! I have been just working and doing my thing!
I am just bd'ing everyother day or when we feel like it :) No tracking cycles NO NOTHING :)
I had my egg sharing appointment today- I have a high amh- 35.05 (pmol/l) should be around 15 so I have optimal fertility and they are very happy with that :)
I have my follow up with my fs tomorrow becuase of my failed treatments- I am going to ask for metformin he better give it to me I will beg if I have too :haha:
Lekker: so great to hear you are getting somewhere with doctors that care. They're the best!! So sorry af is being a raging beeyotch to you. Big :hugs: You gotta keep me posted on your lap and dye! Hope you start feeling better soon.

Teddy: I'm so glad to see how well you're doing with counseling and that you're getting back to taking care of YOU. It's so nice to have your mind off TTC a little, but I"m sorry about the stuff you've been going through lately. :hugs:

4magpies: welcome dear if I haven't welcomed you already!

Sizzles: hope your tww is treating you well and you come out of it with a bfp!! Hopefully they figure out your spotting. Can't imagine how frustrating that must be.

Scerena: hope all is going well with your egg you know when you'll be starting or matched with a recipient?

Lindsay: welcome!! I'm sorry to hear you have pcos, I have PCOS too and it really really sucks. Hopefully someone will find a cure soon. I'm also on the weight loss wagon, wanting to lose about the same amount as you. PCOS kicked my ass in that department.

Phrum: I think the progesterone can vary depending on what time of day and if you ate before hand. Maybe that's what happened there? You sound like you have the world's best job!! You get to travel AND your hubby can come with you?!?! How freakin exciting. Hope your trip is just what you need. Sorry to hear your acu isn't doing as well as you thought. I heard it was expensive, thats why i haven't tried yet. When you thinking of lap?

Pook! Soooo jealous of your trip!! I LOVE adam and blake's favorite is Terry McDermott by far! I wish I would've known where you were sitting. I have been watching every week. I'm sorry you have come to know you have to do IVF. I know how you feel and it's a really sucky feeling. I'm glad you're taking the bull by the horns and both you and your DH are on the same page with it all. Hope you feel better soon. My input on the IUI is probably not what you want to hear, but with your Dh's count, MY opinion is to go straight to IVF with ICSI...this is what two different docs told me and no offense, but my dh's SA had better results than yours.

Here: I feel your pain hunny bun. I'm here for you whenever. Have you thought about doing Lap?
scerena- thank you. No plans for this month. Just waiting on the surgery to arrive and go from there.

Gdane-I missed you! :) The days are just creeping by for me right now. I bought a cute sea turtle puzzle to work once it gets here. Hoping that will take my mind off of things.

Everyone else...I'm not caught up. I'm bad at this direct talking thing. I'm praying for you all.

AFM day 2 AF back to the normal color and RAGING! I have a honking fever blister that I'm trying to get rid of right now. I'm so sleepy lately. I'm ready to just crawl back into bed with the babies and just go to sleep!
Hello everyone! I've been silently lurking, i'm surprised Gdane hasn't called me on it, lol! I haven't caught up on anyone, so I apologize.

Thanks gdane, I really think counseling has helped me so much with dealing with infertility. I recommend it to anyone who is on the fence about it.

I'm doing ok. I ovulated after many hang ups. I think my body kept trying to ovulate and couldn't. We only got a bd in after I had ovulated, so i'm not having any hope for this cycle. Its ok though, i'm excited for the holidays coming up and i'm for once not focused on what I don't have! it feels good.

I hope everyone is doing well :hugs:
GDane, Teddy, Lekker and Scerena, nice to hear your updates!

Teddy, what CD did you O on? My last cycle it seemed it took me forever to O, too. The LH and estrogen kept going up and down. I finally had a strong O on CD 23. Weird, but I'll take it! I'm so glad the counseling is helping and that you are able to focus on other things. :)

Lekker, hope you're feeling better!

Scerena, sounds nice to just be relaxing and enjoying things. Hope this is your month! :hugs:

GDane, I didn't know that about whether you'd eaten and the timing of progesterone cream mattered! I usually apply it at night before going to sleep, but the timing of that wrt to when I eat probably varied a lot. I may try to consistently use it on an empty stomach this month. I spoke to my FS about the shocking drop in my numbers and she thought it was a mistake! The next time they tested me my levels were back up where they were supposed to be. To be sure, she wants to do another tracking cycle, but that will have to wait until March. If that comes up okay, and DH's sperm is OK, I'll have a lap scheduled after that.

I am actually enjoying the acupuncture and think it's working! I went in again today and he said my temps looked good last month. I'll do a few treatments before I go to Bhutan and I'll take the herbs with me. It costs me about AUD $40/week, with the herbs it's $70. A bit expensive, but I don't really treat myself to anything else, so I figure it's worth it. :)

I do feel lucky to have a good job doing something I love. With a great job and wonderful DH you'd think I'd be satisfied with life and not so caught up in ttc. LOL. If only!

How are the rest of you lovely ladies? :hugs:
Hey girls.
It's so nice to see you checking in. Everyone has something going on either a trip, O, AF and other stuff but its good to hear that everyone is moving forward. I"m so happy as to have met you.

AFM. Nothing here. Just finished AF I think anyways..LOL. This is CD4 . I started my 3rd round of clomid last night. Only 50mg this time though. Last cycle I don't know what happened but I was very disappointed with the Ovulation and crap. I hate temping now cause I can't sleep for thinking about what time it is. Very crazy. DH really doesn't want to do IVF so I've let it go for now. I'm keeping the money though :rofl: If I didn't post it here he took 7000.00 out of our account and split half. This was his subtle way of saying , I don't want to do IVF instead of taking it out for IVF. Fart!! I'm letting it go for now. He'll get tired of month after month disappointment - HOPEFULLY and come around. I'm defo not doing another IUI. Such a waste for me. Other than that ..nothing else here. Trying to make it day to day. Oh guess what I didn't have wine yesterday...but I did have a margarita...LMBO!!
Here, it's so good to see you in better spirits. Maybe we'll both get a miracle BFP...but if not we can just wear down our hubby's to want IVF as much as we do!! :haha:

Phrum: the timing of the progesterone cream doesn't matter...the time they test you and if you eat before the test affects the results...just thought I"d clear that up.

I didn't get a chance to update on myself, so there's not much going on here anyways...I'm going into my fertile time but I made DH pull out because if by some slim chance I DID get pregnant, I don't want to have to worry about m/c in mexico and not have a I'm just playing it safe this month. Hopefully my stupid PCOS ridden body cooperates and I'll be ovulating the day we leave to come home from we'll get lots of bd'ing time IN mexico. Other than that...not much to report...I've lost 2inches off my belly and 1 inch off my thighs and I'm down to 151 lbs...I don't remember the last time I've seen that number on the scale! :happydance: I still need to lose a lot more though.
Get it girl! That's still some good progress right there! I hope you have a lot of fun in Mexico! <3
Phrum- FF put my ovulation on cd 18. I think it was late cd 18/early cd 19 based on my temps. I started getting ovulation pains around cd 13 so I thought I was going to ovulate early...for me. I'm usually ovulating on 16-18. I'm not feeling much hope though. we only bd on cd 16 and 19. Oh well :shrug: No tww stressing for me over the holidays. Hopefully your blood tests this next cycle will show that there was an error and not something wrong. I'm glad that she wants you to test another round instead of just saying that it was an error.

Gdane-congrats on the weight loss and inches lost :happydance: keep up that hard work girly!

Here- go buy you some new outfits....or some fancy wine :haha: with all your money!! I hope you and your hubby get on the same page soon.

:hi: to everyone else. Do you have any fun holiday plans? How is everyone coping with the holidays and ttc? Its a hard time of year for us :hugs:
Hi Ladies---Glad to see you back around Gdane, and I am not at all hurt by your comments about iui, I actually feel the same way about it, but since I have no known current issues and can afford IUI for now, I might just give a shot to say we did...I really don't have any hope that will work but my f/s told me that he has had it work with just 500,000 swimmers before so I guess we will just try it to say we did. I am so glad that your excersizing plan is working out that is sooo awesome!!! Proud of you girlie your doing great!! I have fell off the wagon and can't seem to get back on with this cold not helping..find out a co-worker is pregnant yesterday but I wasn't bothered by it at all like I would be because she went through the same thing I have before her 1st baby and I have worked with her for 10 yrs...sad thing is I was pouring my heart out to her about this with us the last few months and even cried to her about my brothers wife being pregnant ...while she was pregnant so she was scared to death to tell me, because she still wanted to be my support and help me through this time, poor girl..

Here- I am so glad AF has left for you, hopefully you and hubs get on the same page about IVF I know how that can and my OH have tossed the idea back and forth but we just dont have the funds right now

Hi Lekker, Teddy, and everyone else...sorry this post isnt directed to everyone but I just got home from school and have boobie pain, and pre af cramps so I'm kind of yucky feeling etc. Ill catch up again later
Hugs to you all

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