LTTTC while feeling left behind Room - Welcome

All the signs are there Lekker! I really hope it's more than just coincidental symptoms which happen to be at the right time of the month (that would be so cruel of mother nature!) Eeek! So exciting!
Excited for you too Pook! Any news?
I ended up going to the emergency room lastnight b/c I was throwing up. Supposedly they did a blood test. Idk if they actually did and they said I was not pregnant. I'll ask on the 6th what my dr thinks. :( OH well, surgery 1 week from today!
Sizzles, how you doing with the TWW?

Pook: Big hugs to you doll. Fx'd for your OV coming up.

Lekker: I hope you feel better soon.

KrystinaB: Hope you're okay.

Here: :hugs: How are you? You've been quiet...but I have been too I guess.

AFM: AF should be here tomorrow or the next day. Just waiting on it because I gained almost 2lbs and I'm NOT happy about it. I'm hoping it's because AF is righta round the corner. We have 9 days of insanity left meaning 9 days til we leave for mexico. I can't wait to get away from here and all the babies and pregnancy. AND WORK! I'm feeling extra super duper left behind right now because i have tons of pregnancies and babies around me.
Heres the list:
*DH's two sisters both just had baby boys.
*My brothers wife is pregnant due with boy beginning of february.
*My other SIL is pregnant and scheduled c section Feb 28th with a boy.
*A guy that I graduated with that got married a week before me (his wife) is pregnant due april
*a girl that i graduated with that got married a week after me is due in april
* my cousin that I've been close to growing up just told me she's pregnant. This one is the easiest and hardest to deal with. She has PCOS so I've been coaching her with all of this so she didn't have to go through everything I am. I just thought we'd be pregnant at the same time and our kids could grow up together. I'm cramping right now, so maybe AF is coming today.
Gdane I'm good thanks for asking...sorry the witch got you! But at least you know she will be gone by the time you get to Mexico! How far did you get through insanity? I know I gain 2lbs right after O...that witch!

Leeker I'm surprised they didn't give you any info in the er? Did they tell you that they were giving you a pregnancy test? Do you still feel sick? Maybe it's you nerves thinking about the surgery...

Pook awesome news about the iui...are you also using medication like clomid or injectibles?

Afm, nothing going on...just trucking along. Filled out the finical assistance paperwork for the re today. We are going to do a iui in January if I dont get good news before then...weirdly nonchalant this cycle...
Good to hear from you krystina!!! We only have 7 workouts left of insanity. Pretty exciting :) glad you have a plan to move forward with treatment!
Good to hear from you krystina!!! We only have 7 workouts left of insanity. Pretty exciting :) glad you have a plan to move forward with treatment!

Do you have before & after piks? I do p90x every other day and cardio on my days off...Insanity looks awesome for the body but hard on my hair...LOL
Kryst...I'm 7dpo today too. Cycle buddies. :smile: Glad you are doing good.

Lekker..Hey girl. I hope and I'm sure it was too early to do a blood test for pregnancy. What are you having now sympthoms wise?

Sizzles: Hey honey. 2WW is crazy right. You know what ..its a love hate relationship for me. I be dying to get to it. Then don't want it to end cause I know what the ending is going be.

Pooka...Hey there. Are you hanging in there.

Gdane..Hey girl. I know what's up with you. I talk to you all the time :rofl:

AFM: Doing fine. Just trying to hang in here. 7dpo. No signs here. Even if there were signs there would be no signs. Know what I mean? Every and anything for me is never a sign. Not even nausea. :rofl:
Cuz you drink too much wine! I'd be nauseous too! :rofl:

Krystina, I'll have before and after in 8 days. I'm not to thrilled right now because I've gained weight for some reason. Hoping it's because of af.
Hey ladies...yep I am hanging in there :-) just waiting for O to show itself so I can get my iui...I am on day 16 today so hopefully soon

Kryst-No medication for me this cycle just the plain IUI...the good that I find from that is, I won't have symptoms due to progesterone, trigger, or clomid, it will just be like a normal cycle for me just with a boost of pushing those swimmers closer to that eggy

Speaking of working out, I am A HUGE HUGE slacker, I had lost 22 lbs this summer and was in wonderful shape and the last few months I have completely let it all go, I really need to kick myself in the ass and get back to it soon! Yea i know...I keep saying that LOL want to try to get the iui done first of course and let the little eggy get all snuggled first :-)
:hi: ladies :hugs: I hope everyone is doing well?? Sorry I haven't been on in a while I'm trying to have a ttc break but I can't keep myself off here obviously :haha:
Not much going on with me I feel so boring not tracking o! But we are bd'ing when we feel like it and relaxing focusing on Xmas :)

I tried to get met off my fs who wouldn't give it to me! Then off my doc who said he don't prescribe it :grr: just wanted something to help regulate my periods whilst I'm trying naturally, but I guess that's not happening :dohh:

Oh and I spoke and decided to wait before doing Ivf as since jan when I had my op we haven't had a chance to try naturally, so instead of feb Ivf- We are thinking maybe a few months after that- IF I can hold off that long :haha:

I do think of you ladies often, sorry I'm not posting much lately :(

gdane so sorry af arrived :hugs: wow what a hard time you must be having with all the pregnancies and babies due :hugs:
Can't wait for your time for Mexico to be here- you deserve the break Hun and I'm jealous :haha: I had my first natural 30day cycle whilst I was in the Dominican Republic in June so hoping you come home with an extra someone :)

krystinab good luck with the iui :) I'm hoping you get pregnant this month though hunni :hugs: if not at least you have a plan- still rooting for you this cycle though :)

here 7dpo :happydance: I have absolutely everything crossed for you :hugs: did you do meds this cycle or was it a natural one?

pook I hope that o happens real soon so that you can get your iui done ASAP :) is this your first iui? everything is crossed for you this cycle :)

lekker sorry you have been feeling rough :( I wonder also if its nerves for your surgery? Did they test definitely for pregnancy?

sorry if I missed anyone I only read back the last two pages as I haven't been on in a while and I'm on my phone!
But if I did I hope all you other lovely ladies are doing well :hugs:
scerena!!!!!! I'm so glad you popped in girl. Question - Have you looked into the natural meds to start AF? I don't know what they are though. That really sucks on them not giving you anything. To me - with my docs anyway if you are doing something without them they don't want to help. The only reason I did this cycle with clomid is because my pharmacy messed up and gave me an extra 5 day supply :haha:

I like your thinking though on trying naturally especially if you haven't since you had your procedure. I'm thinking of scheduling one for after the holidays. Watch you'll be just like Teddy - stop doing any type of intervention and then Wham! preggo. I've done the injectable cycles too so that's why I know the clomid is not going to do anything for me. I'm just praying to go on vacation in a couple of weeks and come back preggo. Finally my DH is bringing up IVF. I HAVE NOT MENTIONED IT!! I was thinking to myself - break through. We go home and my brother has a little girl who is 10 months old and has just started walking. I think that might do the trick...Hoping anyway.

So Scerena - I pray you get your holiday baby so you can be one of the ones that say - Got pregnant waiting for IVF :thumbup:
I ended up going to the emergency room lastnight b/c I was throwing up. Supposedly they did a blood test. Idk if they actually did and they said I was not pregnant. I'll ask on the 6th what my dr thinks. :( OH well, surgery 1 week from today!

Poor you! Sending big hugs your way! I hope you're feeling better.

Sizzles, how you doing with the TWW?

Sizzles: Hey honey. 2WW is crazy right. You know what ..its a love hate relationship for me. I be dying to get to it. Then don't want it to end cause I know what the ending is going be.

Thanks for asking ladies. I'm 6dpo I think and nothing to report. 19 days until my Christmas internal exam! Here, I know exactly what you mean re the 2ww; I find it so stressful - I'm looking out for my usual spotting from 5dpo onwards and symptom spotting like mad.

Sorry to hear af arrived Gdane!

Speaking of working out, I am A HUGE HUGE slacker, I had lost 22 lbs this summer and was in wonderful shape and the last few months I have completely let it all go, I really need to kick myself in the ass and get back to it soon! Yea i know...I keep saying that LOL want to try to get the iui done first of course and let the little eggy get all snuggled first :-)

I always have an excuse! Every month I think I'll do some running - 2 or 3 times a week maybe?? Every month I seem not to run :wohoo:, because I'm busy or it's too cold, or too wet... blah blah blah! BUT, the best reason not to run is because it's not too good to do it (especially if you're not a regular runner - like myself!) during the 2ww. :bodyb:The result? I don't do anything!

Scerena - Hi! Hope your more relaxed approach to ttc pays off!

HI! to everyone I haven't mentioned individually! :hi:
Scerena: That's stupid your doc won't give you anything. I can't imagine having a doc like that. Mine pretty much gives me anything I want lol. Maybe it's time to go doc shopping? You said that your period was regular after vacation....maybe stress IS a big factor for you? Have you tried acu?

Here: I hope your vaca ends in BFP. My heart breaks for you, but I'm glad tony is bringing up IVF and hopefully will cave soon. :hugs:

Pook: hope you O soon and get that IUI on a roll! I hope this is exactly what you need my dear. I'm sure you'll get your weight off as soon as you get your mind to it. YOu did it once, you can do it again!

Sizzles: If you usually spot at 5 dpo and you're 6dpo...are you spotting right now??!?! And why do you spot at 5dpo? That's craziness! I used to have an excuse to not work out until my hubby and I started doing insanity together. The schedule really makes you feel guilty if you don't do it. plus my hubs keeps me going. Maybe try something like that?

AFM: IS ANYONE A FREAKIN NURSE IN HERE?! I'm going to the doctor today, but I've had ringworm for the past like 6-8weeks (ringworm is like athletes foot on a different part of the body, not an actual WORM. Mine is on my love handle) I went to the doc once after using like athletes foot spray and cream then started looking online and tried this Absorbine Jr that people said cured ringworm, nothing worked! I didn't itch or anything, it was just red and round. I went to the doc and he said yup its ringworm and gave me some fluconazole (an oral antifungal) Then I started putting fingernail polish on it and it's the ONLY thing that made it clear up like instantly. As soon as it went away (for the most part) it all of the sudden started itching like crazy and then got a big red rash around it (nothing like before) I'm going into the doc again because i leave for mexico NEXT wednesday!!! Anyone dealt with anything like this?! Its just my freakin luck!

OH yea, and I've been coughing up crap for the past month or so. I noticed some black/grey specks in the mucus from my nose AND coughing a few times...otherwise it's green and clear alternating. It feels like my sinuses are draining but I've never been a smoker and am not around smokers sooo...I don't know what those black things could be. Freaks me the eff out. Other than that I feel great. I don't have a sore throat or antyhing.
Sizzles: If you usually spot at 5 dpo and you're 6dpo...are you spotting right now??!?! And why do you spot at 5dpo? That's craziness!

OH yea, and I've been coughing up crap for the past month or so. I noticed some black/grey specks in the mucus from my nose AND coughing a few times...otherwise it's green and clear alternating. It feels like my sinuses are draining but I've never been a smoker and am not around smokers sooo...I don't know what those black things could be. Freaks me the eff out. Other than that I feel great. I don't have a sore throat or antyhing.

No, not spotting yet. But I can spot anywhere from 5dpo, though typically it's about 8/9dpo, which is still rubbish - especially since I have a LP of 16/17 days! Of course, all the while I'm not spotting I can hope that things will be different this month and a couple of people have suggested that the spotting may not necessarily mean no bfp at the end of a cycle as it depends where it's coming from. However, I get very down when it starts. Apart from the fact that it almost certainly means no baby again, it's bloody inconvenient! I did have 2 months where I didn't spot until 12dpo, so of course when it started I came right back down to earth with a bump; I've kind of learnt (really?) not to read too much into things in a positive way, kind of like setting yourself up for a fall. As to why I spot, I've no idea!!! I've seen 2 different GPs, a FS and fertility nurse, all of whom said it was nothing to worry about. However, I guess towards a couple of months ago I was having a bad month so spoke to a different GP on a phone consult, who also said it was probably nothing and said she wouldn't redo my bloods at my request as it would make no difference: if results showed I was ovulating then there was no reason to suggest a progesterone problem. So then I phoned the fertility nurse (they'd stupidly given me her number last visit!) explaining that I can spot and bleed for up to 17 days of my cycle if you factor in pre-af spotting, af and post-af spotting. I also told her how miserable it made me feel. This time she did seem to condede that it sounded 'unusual' and said she'd speak to a consultant and get back to me. A few days later she called back and said a different consultant would see me on Christmas Eve to look at my cervix. So that's how I came to be having a Christmas 'prod'!
Phew! That was mammoth, but you did ask! :winkwink:

On a different note, I know nothing about ringworm and that coughing sounds horrendous! I really think you should get it checked out!
Not a nurse but that's what I go to school for....I have had ringworm like that and had to use cream prescribed for it to go away its mainly from sweating while working out etc.
the mucous doesn't sound too good, u may have a sinus infection or a bad allergy, would get it checked out for sure
:hi: ladies :)

here no I haven't really looked into natural meds to start af? I have some provera but I'm only cd25, but to be honest I don't want to use provera think ill just see what my body does nowadays :haha:

What procedure are you going to schedule to have done after the holidays??
Would be great to be just like teddy after stopping meds :)

What injectables did you use? I'm clomid resistant :(
Where are you going on vacation too? Would be lovely to conceive abroad :)

That's great news oh brang up Ivf without being asked/told :) hopefully you won't get that far though Hun :hugs: how did you get on with clomid last time??

Thanks, that's so sweet of you- would be amazing to get pregnant before Ivf :hugs:

gdane this fs use to give me what I wanted now its like he's just drew a bridge that its Ivf or nothing :grr: makes me mad! Damn money pincher :haha:

Well af was good whilst on vacation like I come on af like a normal person when I got home- after that cycle they all messed up again :dohh:
I do think stress plays a part- that's why me and oh aren't tracking o and just bd'ing when we want too :)

I haven't tried acu but I am considering maybe next year giving it a try :)

I have no advice on ring worm but hopefully your doc can clear that up for you before your next appointment :hugs: hopefully you won't have that worry on holiday :hugs:

sizzles thank you :hugs: I hope when you get your cervix checked that they can find out what is going on regarding the spotting must be so horrible not having answers :hugs:
Gdane...I would go back to the dr about that ring worm as I heard they can spread.

AFA the cough with the freaky nose discharge...defo go and ask about that. I've never heard of black stuff coming out. Unless it could be dark gray boogers that look black. I know that sounds nasty but it could be. Ask the doc when you go. I'm excited for your trip. Make sure to take pics of you drinking beer for me. LOL.

Make sure you let me know what he says.

Scerena I was thinking of doing another lap. My last one was 12/2010 when I had the crazy pregnancy that they couldn't find. As far as injectibles I did a combo. My RE did clomid and Follistim. I over stimmed the first time and they had to aspirate one side out. Then they dropped my dosages down on the follistim. Girl it would be so nice to be like Teddy huh...Maybe that will work for us.

Like Gdane said..have you thought of Accu. I did it a couple of times but don't think this woman knew what she was doing so I stopped going all together. My cycles ended up screwed up. I had to go back on the pill to get them back right.

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