
I hope everyone is doing well?? Sorry I haven't been on in a while I'm trying to have a ttc break but I can't keep myself off here obviously
Not much going on with me I feel so boring not tracking o! But we are bd'ing when we feel like it and relaxing focusing on Xmas
I tried to get met off my fs who wouldn't give it to me! Then off my doc who said he don't prescribe it

just wanted something to help regulate my periods whilst I'm trying naturally, but I guess that's not happening
Oh and I spoke and decided to wait before doing Ivf as since jan when I had my op we haven't had a chance to try naturally, so instead of feb Ivf- We are thinking maybe a few months after that- IF I can hold off that long
I do think of you ladies often, sorry I'm not posting much lately
gdane so sorry af arrived

wow what a hard time you must be having with all the pregnancies and babies due

Can't wait for your time for Mexico to be here- you deserve the break Hun and I'm jealous

I had my first natural 30day cycle whilst I was in the Dominican Republic in June so hoping you come home with an extra someone
krystinab good luck with the iui

I'm hoping you get pregnant this month though hunni

if not at least you have a plan- still rooting for you this cycle though
here 7dpo

I have absolutely everything crossed for you

did you do meds this cycle or was it a natural one?
pook I hope that o happens real soon so that you can get your iui done ASAP

is this your first iui? everything is crossed for you this cycle
lekker sorry you have been feeling rough

I wonder also if its nerves for your surgery? Did they test definitely for pregnancy?
sorry if I missed anyone I only read back the last two pages as I haven't been on in a while and I'm on my phone!
But if I did I hope all you other lovely ladies are doing well