Hi everyone! Thanks and 'hello' to those who have asked after me. It's been a busy week and I haven't been on since Monday, so I've just caught up with all the goings on.
Lekker - great news to hear the surgery is going ahead; I'll be thinking of you! I really think you should reconsider 'trying' post op though as it could make all the difference. Still, only you know the best way for you to proceed.
I'm so pleased your friend is doing so much better.
Gdane - I hope you're currently have a fabulous time in Mexico! V jealous!
Here - Hiya! I'm doing ok thanks (will update below my responses to you guys!) Anything planned for the holidays? Well OH's family will all be descending for the main event, so there will be 12 of us to feed and sleep, which means quite a bit of work in the run up, so that will keep me busy. We also have friends coming tonight for a pre-Christmas get to together; nothing fancy, just an informal meal and socialising (and cuddling their nearly 5 month old). How's about you? Did af arrive in the end (sorry if I missed that post, but I remember reading you were waiting, then I don't remember beyond that.)? Great news for the IVF appointment! Is it just a chat to find out about the procedure or more than that?
Krys - sorry about af. Still, try to stay positive, as you say, on to the next cycle and there's always the chance that it will be 'the one'!
Scerena - hope you're doing ok?
Pook - YAY!!! I'm so excited for you and have everything crossed that this works!!! We could do with some good news on here.
Ella - welcome! This TTC lark can be a rough ride, but we can support each other along the way. It's always hard when you feel you're being left behind in the baby stakes; I've seens several friends and colleagues become pg and have their babies since we've been trying.
My week:
Well af arrived this morning, but that's kind of an aside now, because this month marks 3 years of being off the pill (I nearly put 3 months then - that could have been part of the problem!

) Soooo, on Thursday I rang the fertility nurse to start the ball rolling for our IVF referral. It was much more straight forward than I'd expected, but then we have had all the tests done, have met with her and a consultant, so it was all going to come down to time-scales. With the NHS you have to have been trying for 3 years; well we actually started trying in the April, but because we were NTNP from the December, we can use that date. She just checked which clinic we wanted to be referred to, confirmed my age and that we were both non-smokers and that was that. I asked about time-scales and she said it's 2-3 months until treatment. I guess with Christmas holidays and post (don't know if they send the referral electronically or by post??) we might not get into the system this side of Christmas, but that puts us at about March for IVF. As a friend pointed out, this could mean I'm a mummy by next Christmas! However, I actually just feel a bit flat about the whole thing, as it still just seems unreal and a bit of a pipe-dream - not that it's been my dream to have assisted conception, but to think that the end goal might be in sight doesn't seem real - plus the fact that it might not work.
Any way, that's where we're at. Definite progress being made. Plus I still have my cervical exam booked for Christmas Eve; I had been a bit worried she wouldn't process the referral whilst checks were pending, but she didn't mention it, so neither did I!
Phew! Sorry for the mammoth post!

to everyone!