LTTTC while feeling left behind Room - Welcome

Good morning ladies!

Pook Sorry for asking a lot of questions about the IUI but, did you get a trigger shot? Did they tell you and DH to bd before or after the IUI and last but not least are you on progesterone? I just want to get some insight on what I should expect :)

Sizzles That sounds awesome. I am glad you're getting the ball rolling with the IVF. Its interesting to me that they want yo to TTC for 2 years. I wonder why in the US they say 1....

DBZ glad you are feeling positive! My BF had an opps baby last year..that little girl just lights me up! Just think, now your little one will have someone to play with :)

Leeker good luck today sweetie!

Here & Gdane, whats going on with you ladies??

AFM, AF is in the new goal is to loose 7lbs this month, before the IUI...which will be hard with all of the holiday eating & drinking...LOL
Hey Krys....don't be sorry at all!!! I didn't get the trigger or progesterone this time fs doesn't seem to think I need any of it at this current moment, so it was all natural :-) my f/s only recommend s one more iui but we are hoping and praying that we wont need it...this cycle I just used opks and the good thing is that my temps confirmed that ovulation was the day of the iui which was perfect!!

But years back in my 1st marriage I did do two iui cycles with trigger and clomid but no progesterone and it was much different than this time because those hormones can make ya feel a little different, then u don't know if it is preg symptoms or meds ...
I'm home but my only option is IVF. I'm jacked up and super upset too

I'm so sorry to hear that Lekker. I know you may not want to hear this right now, but on the plus side, at least you're beginning to get some answers and personally I have to remain positive about IVF as it's likely to be our only hope too. I hope it wasn't too uncomfortable for you. :hugs:
Leeker I am sorry to hear that! What caused all this? Were they able to give you any information? :hugs:

Pook, have you conceived with any of your IUI cycles? Im getting so damn anxious!
No I haven't, unless this one took!! I am so thankful the others didn't take because they would be my ex husbands and we had a bad relationship. I also had so many problems then that I don't have now and they were mainly caused by stress I think....but life and my health is much better now that I am married to my awesome don't take it not working for me means its not going to work for you!!
that's why my dr. Didn't think I need meds on this iui because he thinks I am doing wonderful withouth them and they weren't needed this time around, this is my first iui with my current husband and I hope it is my last because it works!!

Lekker I am soooo sorry girlie, I wish there were something I could say to make it better ..big big big hugs,, at least your not left wondering and u know what's wrong...I know u can't afford ivf but maybe one day it will be in your budget or maybe everything works out to where u don't need it
:hi: ladies! I just wanted to stop by and say hello and that I have been silently lurking and following you all :hugs: I'm wishing you all the best this cycle and miss you girlies! :hugs:

lekker-sorry about ivf being your only option. :hugs: wishing you lots of luck for your surgery.

pookabear-i think your iui was perfect timing!! fx'd for you:hugs:

Kristin-good luck with your weight loss!

sizzles-march will be here before you know it! ivf baby here you come! Hopefully you will be one of the lucky ones that get that natural bfp right before!

Here/Gdane- :hugs: love you girlies! will catch up with you on the other threads!
I had this whole thing wrote out and forgot to hit the send button. I don't feel better about anything. I still don't have an official medical condition with a name so I feel like I'm not part of a club. We cannot afford any medical options at all so my dreams are crushed. When I wrote on here earlier I was high as a kite. I kept falling asleep eating my twix and Chris kept trying to take them away from me. But I was doing the medication cry and now I'm trying to fight back the hot burning tears. I'm about to ball my eyes out when I change my status on here. I'm broken, devastated, pissed off, sad, empty, and hopeless. I don't mean to bring you ladies down but this is it for me. I'll try to stay on the board but I am not longer TTC.
My husband just corrected me. My left tube is missing basically b/c it's embedded in scar tissue? LIke it's completely gone.
My husband just corrected me. My left tube is missing basically b/c it's embedded in scar tissue? LIke it's completely gone.

One of my tubes shows signs of a blockage re told me that many women get pregnant with one tube it can just be twice as hard...she told me it was like getting into a fight with one hand tied behind your can still win you just got to fight extra hard....I know you prob don't want to hear this right now...but just know you are apart of a bond of women who are sticking with you through you ttc journey. :hugs:
I truly appreciate it. an thank god for spell check. I took my meds and I'm loopy again
Lekker - I'm so sorry; I didn't know you couldn't afford IVF when I commented earlier. I can't imagine how you're feeling right now; there are no words when life deals you a blow like this. Just know we're thinking of you and willing you to get through this some way some how. Does this mean you only have one tube functioning as it should? Surely if this is the case then there's still hope, though obviously reduced odds. If this isn't the case and I've missed something medical that makes conceiving more difficult then I apologise.

Teddybear Pug - Nice to hear from you . Thanks for the well wishes for a pre-IVF bfp!

Pook - fingers crossed for a successful iui!
I know I don't belong in here, but I had to hunt down apologies to the other ladies on here.

Lekker, I've already posted in your journal, but I got to thinking...Have you investigated an IVF loan? I have a couple of friends that have gotten loans for their IVF's, and both have babies now as a result of the financing process. Just something to consider, babe!
Lekker: :hugs: Did you ask if they could try and cut away some of the scar tissue. I know the tubes are delicate but it seems they should be able to. I don't know what else to say except I understand your devastation. Ask them about the scar tissue. As far as the IVF can you look into that website that kryst posted? Just try to get some information. Another one is called Arc. Google them and call to request an information packet. Then you can sit down and talk with your DH about what is feasible if anything. I'm so sorry.

Teddy: Hiya!!! Told you were missed. So many new people to meet as well. Thanks for the new scan pic of the baby. I love it. I want one from this coming Friday too.

Kryst: As you can tell I've had 3 IUI's. I did combo's with all mine which is clomid and injectibles. I don't have ovulation problems but that's what we did. The first time I over responded and had to have some follicles aspirated before doing the IUI. I got pregnant but had a chemical. The last two didn't work at all. That's why I started to think it was my eggs. I also had progesterone. Never had problems with that either..its just the protocol that my RE uses. If you have questions..I'll be happy to answer.

Sizzles: Congrats on your IVF coming up. That's a big step. 2013 baby for you.

Pook: I'm praying your iui has worked. When will you test? Hopefully your last one is a doozey.!!! That would be a great way to end the year.

DMZ...(?) I know I probably put your name wrong..Welcome honey. We totally know what it feels like to be left behind but we are looking to the future. Welcome here and post as much as you like whenever you like about whatever you like :haha: Welcome again.

Scerenaaaaaaaaaaaa.............:haha: come say hi babe! Let us know how you are. Don't go completely away. Check in sweety.

AFM: Not too much. Enjoying being off from work for the next 2 1/2 weeks. Going to visit my family and can't wait for that. Hopefully and prayerfully I can get a surprise bfp while I'm doing the nasty in their house. :rofl: IVF consult coming up in January. I'm nervous and scared and really wish it would happen the way I want.."while I'm waiting for IVF". Working on my eggs by taking the CoQ10. I hope it works.
Here, I read your journal honey so I know you've been through the IUI process a few times. Do they give you any informaion on why it didnt work? Did they ever test your egg quality? I kinda feel like my RE isjumping the gun with the injections. All of my hormonal tests came back normal, my eggs are good, DH SA was excellent but I have an issue with a tube...I just think DRs want to medicate you as much as possible...I dunno...Im going to send my nurse an email today to see what she thinks...(more in likley she thinks what the DR thinks)
Here, I read your journal honey so I know you've been through the IUI process a few times. Do they give you any informaion on why it didnt work? Did they ever test your egg quality? I kinda feel like my RE isjumping the gun with the injections. All of my hormonal tests came back normal, my eggs are good, DH SA was excellent but I have an issue with a tube...I just think DRs want to medicate you as much as possible...I dunno...Im going to send my nurse an email today to see what she thinks...(more in likley she thinks what the DR thinks)

No kryst, no reason why not. Unexplained. All tests came back good. I had the autoimmune bloods and everything. Eggs quantity was good. The only other thing was to test egg quality doing PGD test in which they can do if you are doing IVF or something. I'm not going to have it done because after eggs are insemeninated they are considered embryos and I wouldn't discard them regardless. The injections are to just get more eggs. Some RE's protocol call for it. Yes of course its more money. My cycles were 1500.00 including meds. I always did the global price to keep from having to pay for everything separate. I was nervous and excited all at the same time. I just say egg quality problems cause I don't know what else it could possibly be. Unexplained to me is a cop out for a real issue.
I've thought about the financing but I don't think we will qualify b/c our credit is so bad. Neither tube works. :( I've hit rock bottom and I'm just so empty. Today I'm crampy and still tender. But emotionally I'm spent.
Ugh lekker my heart is hurting for you! I hope some miracle happens and you are able to still ivf somehow in the future!

Hiya here!!! Glad you checked in on us...I agree as far as the unexplained stuff goes...I think that is just because they don't know the answer and just use it cause its easy for them

teddy!!!! Hiya thanks for checking in, I have missed you bunches...thanks for the dust I am still crossing fingers and toes as well

Hi sizzles

Krys hope your iui is absolutely perfect and it is all you need, when will it be??

I wonder how gdane is doing on her trip, I sure do miss her in here but I know she is having a blast and she does deserve it, hopefully she comes back refreshed and ready for the holidays etc.

Nothing new here ladies just 5 dpo and stringing along singing the jeopardy song lol
Oh yea...HERE I don't know when I am testing...I usually just wait for af because I always get bfn of course....but I may test this time if I get crazy symptoms or of course if I want some wine for new years eve or something :-)

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