LTTTC while feeling left behind Room - Welcome

Hi Orchid: Welcome. i've seen you around. My mind is totally bad right now but is it the CoQ10 thread? Anyway...welcome. I hope your IUI is successful and you have that holiday bfp. :hugs:

Lekker...That email was jacked up. I would totally have to put him in his place. I would defo let your friend know that you received that email and let her know your intentions of hashing this out with him. It's sad that being infertile can cause the negative feedback. That is the very reason that people don't talk about it.
Ahhh. Man, i read up on everything but I'm just going to start out from here because it's way to much to respond to...Lekker, I checked into ARC, it is higher interest rate, but if its what youwant, you gotta do it. You'll find a way :hugs: I wish it were easier. Sorry about that jackass person that emailed you. They need a swift kick in the nuts. I want to freaking punch him in the face. I would write back, "if i wanted your opinion i would have asked for it. Unless you go through infertility I would not expect you to understand, but you should exercise some sympathy or even second thoughts on your words especially around the holidays." Or I would just ignore him completely and tell your friend about it. Its a shitastic thing to do and I hope he feels bad about it.

AFM: I'm in my TWW (I hope?) I would've ovulated the day we came back if the traveling and alcohol didn't mess anything up. We definitely Bd'ed enough for the entire crew here!!! :sex: bow chica wow wow!! :haha: I had the MOST amazing time and I cannot wait to go back. I'll get pics up on facebook as soon as I can. There's LOTS of them. I cried when we left....that's how much fun i had! I want to go backkk!

I'm sorry I didn't respond to everyone. I will from now on :) Oh yes, and welcome to the new ladies!! Lovely to have you!!
Hi Orchid: Welcome. i've seen you around. My mind is totally bad right now but is it the CoQ10 thread? Anyway...welcome. I hope your IUI is successful and you have that holiday bfp. :hugs:

Lekker...That email was jacked up. I would totally have to put him in his place. I would defo let your friend know that you received that email and let her know your intentions of hashing this out with him. It's sad that being infertile can cause the negative feedback. That is the very reason that people don't talk about it.

Yep Here_we_r, I think the CoQ10 and also some of the other ladies' journals. I'm still taking my CoQ10 religiously but it hasn't done nothin yet :dohh:
Thank you Gdane! I'm not sure about the loans yet. I'm going to find out which FS I will be using and find out their costs and then apply. I did talk to my friend about her husbands email and she's pissed off at him too. Thank God! B/c I would have died right there if she had agreed with him. You ladies are the only good thing in my day right now. <3

AFM today the bloating from lastnight has went down a lot! THANK YOU LORD! My stitches below the waistline have not given me ANY grief at all. Even though that's where my undies rub. But the ones in my belly button are hurting like no other. Lastnight due to the bloating it felt like they were going to pop. Today they are just really sensitive to the touch. I'm hoping it's just due to the scar tissue that's already there from my previous surgeries. I'm still super exhausted and it's nice to be able to just get some sleep.
I'm glad your friend agrees with you too. What a jackass. I hope you get to feeling better. You had surgery when again? I'm having mine on a thursday...would I be able to go back to a desk job on monday?
I had mine on Monday. You probably could but you might be tired. I don't know, I didn't have a lot of cramping after, just massive tenderness and exhaustion. I think the depression is the worst part of mine. Just make sure you rest a lot!
Me & DH are both 27 just asked for help 1st time in July, put off asking because DH was still in school & had no idea after asking for help I'd still be waiting so long! DH has low morphology but just a little low(55%) & just had a normal hsg last cycle. Now on my period & depressed. I'm starting clomid in a few days for the first time & will probably do iui as well.
Hi Orchid! Welcome! You will fit in great here.

Pook I'm really hoping that is your bean snuggling in tight!

Gdane thank you but I'm starting to regret being open about it.

I'm sure you all are tired of me crying and moaning since we are all here for the same reason. I laid down to take a nap and woke up to this email from my best friends husband.

"Ok listen, not to be mean but I think you're taking things way out of proportion. You and Chris are great people, and I know how much you want to have a baby. The thing is, is that you need to have responsibilities. You need to be able to take care of yourself and be financially stable before bringing another human being into this world. Im sorry to sound like a dick but it is what it is"

I'm mortified, heart broken, and just plain pissed off. Of ALL people! And this was not even asked for. He just out of the blue emailed me. WTF! I tried to text my best friend (his wife) and she's already asleep as far as I know. But this might just ruin our relationship.

I'm sorry I've been stalking lol. I don't post much anywhere but I would like to join this group. I'm looking for another support group around here as the one I had isn't around anymore for various reasons.

Lekker, I'm sorry you got that email from your "friend." That was insensitive and outright rude. I've cut people out of my life for saying much less than that.

My husband and I were trying for six years. We did eight rounds of Clomid that didn't work. We stopped trying back in May. I called the only fertility specialist within a 100 mile radius of my house a couple of weeks ago to schedule an appointment to do some bloodwork or more invasive procedures just to find out if my "unexplained infertility" could finally be "explained" seeing as that the symptoms of PCOS fit me like a glove. They were all so willing to help me until they asked me what insurance provider I had. When I told them what company insurance I had, they abruptly told me that they don't take my insurance, so therefore they wouldn't be able to help me. So, now we are in a position like you. Adoption, surrogacy, IVF, and any other fertility treatment above what we have already tried is beyond our financial abilities to pay for. I'm not sure what we are going to do whether we are going to try again and just hope for a miracle or what. :cry: It's very frustrating.
Welcome both LB and Amanda! You ladies will fit in perfectly here. Don't give up on finding a fertility clinic. The ones near me are over 3 hours away. I will probably be driving back and forth to Las Vegas just for "treatment" once we can afford the next step.

So ladies, I learned a very valuable lesson lastnight. DO NOT DRINK! I've been struggling with the fact that alcohol does not effect me like it used to and I end up drinking so much it just upsets my stomach. So lastnight I get this brilliant idea that I just want to drink until I pass out. I drank so much captain morgan that my stomach just hurt. So I forced myself to purge it. As I'm sitting in the bathroom floor yaking I just start having a global meltdown. Chris finally hears me crying and I just let it all fly! I'm screaming, sobbing, much more than that too. Just flopping around like a fish finally letting reality set in. This went on for a good 2-3 hours. Chris really didn't say much, he cried with me for awhile but mostly just let me get it all out. I cannot say I feel better at all. But I don't feel as bad as I did when I was keeping it all inside me. He is not ready to allow me to completely give up so I don't know what that is going to mean. As for today I've felt like utter garbage! Our medic friend came over and gave me 2 saline drips to help with the agony of the "hangover" and I passed out on the couch for several hours. We went to the store to get some food for the rest of the month and I took the wrong credit card and was so utterly embarrassed that he had to leave me there and come back to the house to get money. Then we finally had some dinner and got a little frisky! hahaha it wasn't painful during the moment but now I don't really feel well. I just want to be back to a normal self for a little while. But at least I'm not completely shut down to the idea of sex. I thought at first I would be for a long time. As for now we are sitting here STILL watching Lord of the Rings which has been on all day apparently and I have paid a very minimal amount of attention to it haha.
lbpa: I'm sorry you haven't been able to conceive. Hopefully the new changes you're making will result in a quick BFP. As for 55% morphology, I thought that was super high?? My hubs only has 5%

uwa: I'm so sorry you're going through all this and not even have an FS close to you. I hope you have a breakthrough soon. That's complete BS that they turn you away because of your insurance. My ins doesn't cover infertility but that's common around here so no one really cares. I thought it was illegal to discriminate because of no/bad insurance coverage? I hope you get some answers soon. Has your hubs ever had an SA?

Lekker: I hope you start feeling better soon. I really have no words :hugs:

:hugs: to everyone else.

Not much here to report for me. I'm in the middle of my TWW and it's dragging by. I don't know if I said here, but my mom had a dream of me calling to tell her I was pregnant. I hope she's right. [-o&lt;
Sorry I haven't been on lately ladies :hugs:

Just stopping by to wish you all a very merry Christmas :happydance:

Hoping 2013 Xmas we are all sitting there with our bumps/babies :dust:
lbpa: I'm sorry you haven't been able to conceive. Hopefully the new changes you're making will result in a quick BFP. As for 55% morphology, I thought that was super high?? My hubs only has 5%

uwa: I'm so sorry you're going through all this and not even have an FS close to you. I hope you have a breakthrough soon. That's complete BS that they turn you away because of your insurance. My ins doesn't cover infertility but that's common around here so no one really cares. I thought it was illegal to discriminate because of no/bad insurance coverage? I hope you get some answers soon. Has your hubs ever had an SA?

Lekker: I hope you start feeling better soon. I really have no words :hugs:

:hugs: to everyone else.

Not much here to report for me. I'm in the middle of my TWW and it's dragging by. I don't know if I said here, but my mom had a dream of me calling to tell her I was pregnant. I hope she's right. [-o&lt;

My husband has had three SA's done in the entire time we tried. Unfortunately, doctor's offices have a right to restrict insurance companies for various reasons. My insurance company has a reputation for not paying the doctor's offices in a timely manner. It just sucks for the patient who needs help though.
Hey ladies! I wish I could report better to you all but I'm SICK! :( I have an appointment tomorrow at 930 and I"m hoping it's nothing major. I think it's strep but I am very strangely swollen all the way down the right side of my neck. It's really abnormal looking.
Hi ladies, I'm definitely feeling left behind. Been TTC forever, but it seems like everyone in the LTTTC forum already has a diagnosis or is undergoing some form of treatment.
I have only had a vaginal u/s where everything appeared normal except that I do get cysts. My doc wants me to shell out a couple grand for HSG and I can't afford it yet, so I've not moved forward with any treatments or further diagnosis. It sucks not knowing anything except that I just can't get pregnant!
I hope that I can afford the HSG next spring or summer, but of course it feels eons away.
Anyways, here's to moaning!
Sorry you're not feeling very well Lekker, it seems like the flu and crap is going around. Not good especially when you just had surgery. Hope all that is getting better. You're making me nervous for mine.

Welcome oneknight. I'm sorry you've been at this so long. Why does your HSG cost so much? Mine was covered by insurance because my doc coded everything as irregular periods. I hope you have a breakthrough soon. :hugs:

AFM: Slowest tww ever. I do feel AF coming on though. I told DH it was so hard to get your hopes up every cycle just for it not to work again. And I try not to get my hopes up but it's hard when you feel EVERYTHING going on in there. It's not a switch you turn off. He said he just keeps telling himself it'll never happen so he won't get his hopes up. Not the thing I wanted to hear this morning.
I don't have much insurance. Its a real cheap bare bones plan. He put the ultrasound scan down as pelvic pain - for the cysts, but I still paid $540 for it. My periods are clockwork regular and I appear to ovulate and all that jazz. Nothing "appears" wrong! Its very frustrating!
Have you tried fertilaid or anything natural in the meantime? Has your hubby had an sa?
Have you tried fertilaid or anything natural in the meantime? Has your hubby had an sa?
I've done Geritol for a couple of cycles, but no baby in my bottle. I've got a couple of supplements on the "to try" list for next year.
First I'm trying to quit smoking. I'm determined to quit after the first of the year.
I was married for 5 years and TTC for 4 of them, nothing. After that went south, I spent a year with a guy who had 11 kids!! But he only talked big, he didn't want to get engaged or move in or anything, and I broke it off when it became clear that the relationship wasn't going forward.
I'm engaged now to the most wonderful man in the world, we've been together for a year in January. He gave me a ring for Christmas and is talking about a small spring wedding. He wants to have kids, but even if we don't he wants to grow old together!!! He does have an 18 year old son from a previous relationship. Given my history my doc agrees with me that I'm probably the problem. If for some reason I eventually prove to be problem-free, then we'll look at the SA, but for now it's not a priority.
:hi: girls. I'm back!! It's so wonderful to see you guys again. I'm going to have to take some time and go back to read about all the newbies as well as see what's going on with you guys. I have a very relaxing vacation. We had such a good time. I can't get over how relaxing. TTC was so far in the back of mind. It was however so near in DH's mind. He kept talking about it so much. He saw my little neice who is 10 months old and tried to stay away from her because he adored her so. I'm just going to try to look for new things in a new year.
Awe :( sorry bout dh but I'm glad you had a great time. It was so quiet with out uou!!! I picked up some coq10 today!

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