Hi ladies
Do you mind if i join here? I've been ltttc 14 years....when people hear this they think i'm cursed and dont really want to chat, but, please rest assured long term infertility isnt contagious from random online friends heehee and i'm actually a pretty positive person
I'm from the UK and currently on a waiting list for IVF which is around a 2 year wait, hell, i've waited all these year and got to 33 whats another 2 years
I have 1 blocked tube, but the Doctors tell me i have a good chance of getting pregnant naturally...hahaha ok! Anyways, just looking for a friendly place to chat, hope here is ok x
Do you mind if i join here? I've been ltttc 14 years....when people hear this they think i'm cursed and dont really want to chat, but, please rest assured long term infertility isnt contagious from random online friends heehee and i'm actually a pretty positive person

I'm from the UK and currently on a waiting list for IVF which is around a 2 year wait, hell, i've waited all these year and got to 33 whats another 2 years

I have 1 blocked tube, but the Doctors tell me i have a good chance of getting pregnant naturally...hahaha ok! Anyways, just looking for a friendly place to chat, hope here is ok x