LTTTC while feeling left behind Room - Welcome

Hi everyone! Thanks for all the welcomes for me and I pass them along warmly to the other even newer girls! and congrats Phrum!!!!

Not posting much cuz nothing much going on...just finished my 54th period and can't ttc at all before lap so really nothing to write about. I have pre-op Monday-will share then, mostly for Gdane's benefit.

As far as soy going........idk about it. Now-I've tried it (5-9) back in the days (around years 1-2.5) when I tried EVERYTHING, lol! but now I'm scared to even eat tofu after reading how badly modified soy can whack out estrogen levels. Has anyone else read anything into this? Supposedly, hormonely speaking, only naturally fermented (miso, raw soy sauce, tempeh, edamame beans) soy is okay, and anything processed is really bad as it acts like an estrogen binder in your body (something like that).

I haven't done as much research as I'd like-so hopefully someone else can chip in here!

I've been wary of soy too, having read about negative effects. However, it seems so contradictory as other articles advise taking it for fertility. Go figure! Any way, I think I need to steer clear because of a thyroid condition; can't remember how it effects things, but soy is not good for dicky thyroids it seems!

I'm doing alright I can't kick this sinus/cold thing I have going on...

Haha! I first read that as 'anus/cold' thing!!! :laugh2:

Don't know anything about blower motors, but I hope you're ok!

Sorry I've been awol. I've had a weird week and now tomorrow kicks off the BUSY rest of the week til monday! I'm so sulky right now. I'm about to be 5 days late and I'm just ready for the bi**h to show her face.

It really is rubbish how our bodies mess us about isn't it. Hope af turns up soon if it's going to - I hate limbo-land.

AFM, I'm just awaiting af myself. Reckon I'm probably due Saturday, but since I don't know when I ov'ed this month (for the first time in about 2 years!!) I can't be sure. However, going by when the spotting started and historically when its' started for other cycles, I reckon I probably ov'ed on cd13 as usual, which puts a weekend 'arrival' about right. I stupidly had been getting my hopes up this month: I'd been eating pineapple post ov and whilst the spotting did start, it only lasted a couple of days initially, and I'd started the pineapple late, so thought maybe it had started having an effect. Any way, I had a day with no spotting and the next day and a half with barely anything and really did start to think 'this could be it', but now I'm back into my 'normal' realms of spotting, so I'm thinking it can't be. I so nearly took a test this morning, but I'm now pretty sure I'm not pg and it would be early any way, so not really worth it.
So that's me any way, rambling away! I'll shut up now!
Titi-I haven't read much into soy either, so I'm afraid I won't be able to include by two cents in that one.

Gdane-Sorry about your sinus problems! I know exactly how you feel. I'm probably going to have one hell of a headache later today. Yesterday morning, the temps here were in the 30's before climbing up into the 60's. This morning is about the same way, but it'll be about 75 degrees before plunging back into the 20's-30's. I hate the wacky weather that is the south! lol I hope your elbow is fine. I can be a big baby when I hit my elbow. That'll bring instant tears to your eyes.

Lekker-I've had a weird week too. Have no idea why but hopefully, I'll be getting back to normal by the end of this week.

AFM-I asked my company's benefits manager to help me look for an RE that will be covered by our insurance since the last attempt I had didn't go so well. She emailed me back a list of SEVEN different doctors, including the one that I wanted to see from the get-go. Now I've got to look at everybody's schedule at work and try to work me in a day off to go see him. It's a two hour drive from my house to see this doctor! I am so excited that I may finally be getting answers to why my husband and I haven't been able to conceive instead of the "unexplained." :happydance:
You can write about whatever you want Titi! I just like seeing people active in here :) I did read about soy and negative impacts hence the reason I've had that bottle for about a year and haven't tried it. but people have gotten pregnant from it, so I figured, what the hell, can't be any worse than any of the other medications or chemicals I put in my body may as well go balls to the wall before my lap. And I would really appreciate hearing all the ins and outs about your surgery. I'm getting ancy about mine. How are you doing?

I'm doing alright I can't kick this sinus/cold thing I have going on...I've had it for about two months. It's driving me nuts. Plus our blower motor went out in my Envoy (which we bought for kiddos that we don't have) so my heater doesn't work since the fans not i got another one and I grabbed it to carry inside..well I stepped one foot out of the truck and BAM the blower motor and I were on the ground. Now my back hurts and my elbow is bleeding. I hit it so hard that through a long sleeved shirt and a sweatshirt, the impact caused my elbow to bleed. Great. Hope the blower motor is okay.

okay. I know how tempting it is to want to try everything that has gotten someone else preg. I'm feeling the same way about Black Cohash right now after reading Here's link about the bfp after 40. I guess we can't possibly hurting our chances worse huh?

Have you ever used a Netti pot? I have such mean sinuses I can't even enjoy a massage without getting a headache and all stuffed up just from the lying face down time. My netti pot is really a lifesaver for sinus infections! (although gross and weird).

I'm doing okay. Nerves haven't set in about the surgery yet I'm just actually really anxious/excited for it. I've been taking vitamin c (heard it's good to do for immune system and laying off heavy excercise) and also already bought some Colace and prunes and carrot juice and mint tea for :blush: troubles the gas and anesthesia are supposed to cause, plus gingerale and saltines for naseau, plus jello, juices, and other foods that will be easy on tummy afterwoods and dh can easily make. Also rounding up a heating pad or 2 which I heard are really great to put front and back of your shoulder for gas pain. And I bought a nice comfy nightgown that is not appropriate for hospital that I can just slip on. I have an entire list of questions for dr. on pre-op so I'll share those & the answers on Monday after apt.
Titi..I'm looking forward to your post about the pre-op. Definitely got me interested. As far as the soy..I never tried it. When it comes to pills I hate it with a passion and will only take what I can't find in liquid :rofl: As far as that link goes..It's pretty encouraging. The CoQ10 suppose to be good stuff. I just wish it would come on and do its thing.

Gdane: I'm sorry about your elbow. Hitting that bone can make you want to slap somebody. I do hope you get your heater fixed though. Where you located you need it. Again I'm excited for your lap. I had back ache yesterday and I thought of you. I was like oh oh that's what Ashley has and I know I have some endo in there. :lol:

Amanda: hiya!! I'm very happy that your company does cover the RE you want to see. See there 2013 is going to be a better year. I hope you are able to find some time off to get there asap.

Sizzles: you never know. It could be a sign since you started spotting early. With this crap though its just hard to tell. Especially with me. Nothing would be clear cut as I've experienced everything and even experienced nothing and still no bfp.

Lekker: I'm sorry your week has been off. It happens and then its hard to get back on track. I hope things level off for you soon. Have you started investigating the IVF financing yet.

AFM: Waiting on the IVF consult tomorrow. I will ask him about a lap. Well..if he thinks I need one based off the old results from my old OB. I also have an interview tomorrow here at work for a supervisor's position. I woke up early and was laying in bed trying to memorize answers to questions. I've been studying questions like it's a test. Well I guess it is a test. Ultimately though..I really don't care cause I like sitting here at this desk with no stress. So I won't be just traumatized if I don't get it. I just thought I would be pregnant by now and wouldn't care if any promotions came available. Wanted to go to the Salon today but the rain is heavy and non-stop. I hate to cancel but.......anyways got a little time to think about it.
oh yeah! lol I've been looking at every corner, searching every pocked, trying to make plans and everything keeps falling through. I applied through capexmed and got turned down....well Chris did since he's the one with a job. But even if I had one they would have turned me down as well. I am waiting to hear back from a guy who runs a like...soldier make a wish foundation. He emailed me 2 nights ago and told me to call yesterday and then didn't answer. I'm sure he's busy and I emailed him today telling him I would be available to call or him to call me until Friday morning. So here is to hoping something happens. If not, idk what else to do. I am splurging with income tax or the first of Feb's pay to buy my ball gown since I've never been to a ball or prom...and I found some I can't decide which one for no more than 150 and they are STUNNING! I'm so excited but I have to order now because it's "custom" tailored and our ball is in April! O.o NERVOUS!
Titi..I'm looking forward to your post about the pre-op. Definitely got me interested. As far as the soy..I never tried it. When it comes to pills I hate it with a passion and will only take what I can't find in liquid :rofl: As far as that link goes..It's pretty encouraging. The CoQ10 suppose to be good stuff. I just wish it would come on and do its thing.

Gdane: I'm sorry about your elbow. Hitting that bone can make you want to slap somebody. I do hope you get your heater fixed though. Where you located you need it. Again I'm excited for your lap. I had back ache yesterday and I thought of you. I was like oh oh that's what Ashley has and I know I have some endo in there. :lol:

Amanda: hiya!! I'm very happy that your company does cover the RE you want to see. See there 2013 is going to be a better year. I hope you are able to find some time off to get there asap.

Sizzles: you never know. It could be a sign since you started spotting early. With this crap though its just hard to tell. Especially with me. Nothing would be clear cut as I've experienced everything and even experienced nothing and still no bfp.

Lekker: I'm sorry your week has been off. It happens and then its hard to get back on track. I hope things level off for you soon. Have you started investigating the IVF financing yet.

AFM: Waiting on the IVF consult tomorrow. I will ask him about a lap. Well..if he thinks I need one based off the old results from my old OB. I also have an interview tomorrow here at work for a supervisor's position. I woke up early and was laying in bed trying to memorize answers to questions. I've been studying questions like it's a test. Well I guess it is a test. Ultimately though..I really don't care cause I like sitting here at this desk with no stress. So I won't be just traumatized if I don't get it. I just thought I would be pregnant by now and wouldn't care if any promotions came available. Wanted to go to the Salon today but the rain is heavy and non-stop. I hate to cancel but.......anyways got a little time to think about it.

Here - thanks for the positivity. I'm really feeling more like af will arrive as I have the usual sort of 'movements' and slight cramping and still the spotting continues. Although, the spotting is still less than previous months, so even though I'm sure af will arrive, I'm wondering whether pineapple can affect spotting?? The only other thing I did differently this month was started taking a daily calcium supplement, which coincidentally was post ov (for non ttc related reasons), which I've never heard of having any effect, but who knows!
Good luck for your IVF appointment tomorrow! Please come on and let us know how you got on. I was hoping a letter from the hospital today was to invite us for the initial meeting, but unfortunately it was only a CC as a follow up to my Christmas Eve cervix exploration! still waiting...
Excited to hear about your ivf consult and how you are feeling, Here. Lekker-I can't wait to see pics of your gown! So nice to have something so great to look forward to, esp. not having been to prom. That's the sucky thing about being old-I always wish DH and I had "prom" like stuff to get dressed up for. We are SOOOOO old we don't even get to go to weddings anymore because everyone we know has married decades. Oh well, maybe in another ten years we'll get a rush of them again when our nieces and nephews start!

AFM, the hospital called today. The asked for all the medications I'm taking/height & weight/have I ever had any reactions/do I take a flu shot, etc. I have my pre-op with my dr. on Monday and straight after I have to go to the hospital for pre-surgery bloods & other tests. Then she told me Fri. morning to take a shower with antibacterial soap and not to wear any lotions, perfumes, nail polishes, etc. and NO jewelery of any type and take out my contacts and show up in glasses. She says they will have a print out of this and more instructions at pre-op Monday. I've been excited but I was getting woozy on the phone with her.
Titi: You sound prepared for this surgery! it's going to be here in no time. I hope evertying is going well for you!

Amanda: Hoping this new RE is the ticket for you. That's freaking exciting that its covered!!

Sizzles: whatever came out of your weird cycle? Good things I hope?

Lekker: Crazy weeks are so stressful. Hope everythings calmed down a bit for you. Post a pic of this gown! That sounds really fun!

Here: Wishing you the best of luck today with everything! The interview and the consult. Keep us updated!!

AFM: My elbow still hurts and I still have a freaking cold but I'm getting by. I did buy a "netti pot" type of thing but it says to use distilled water, so I haven't used it yet. I should probably do that instead of whining. I also need to get to eating healthier and exercising again. I did insanity once then my stupid schedule got hectic and I haven't done it again. And now I'm sick with a sore elbow. As for my soy cycle, it might be a bust anyways because my hubby has an infection. He's going to the doc today but I doubt he'll feel like doing anything and if he does, the spermies probably will be dead or not healthy :(
Gdane-sorry you aren't feeling well. Use the netti! Definitely with salt water though..I add about a 1/2 teaspoon of salt to the whole pot and stir good. It seems to hurt without salt. And don't worry-I never use distilled water (it's not like you actually ingest it). I just use water straight from the tap. slightly cooler than luke warm. When I have a sinus infection, I have to do it several times a day before water will even come out the other nostril, (TMI) so don't be freaked out if you are just too clogged. By after several times several days, it really breaks it up and provides relief. And if you do it normally, I find it helps prevent them from starting. And I kinda like it...when I don't have an infection it kinda feels like being in a refreshing pool (boy I sound like a weirdo).
I saw it on doctor oz the stuff I bought comes with mixture. You don't sound weird to me I saw it on tv lol
I'll defo update when I get back.

One thing though..Titi..You know I don't like to poke my nose in other people's business but please be careful not using distilled water. There has been cases where a strand of bacteria can go to your brain and killed you. Please be careful.
Hey ladies its been a long time. I am glad to see everyone is doing fairly well. I have weeks worth of posts to catch up on then I will post a comment. Hey new ladies :)
I'll defo update when I get back.

One thing though..Titi..You know I don't like to poke my nose in other people's business but please be careful not using distilled water. There has been cases where a strand of bacteria can go to your brain and killed you. Please be careful.


thank you for "poking" nose!!, lol- crikey! I never knew that!
yeah, sorry for my bad advice gdane! I'd never ever heard anything like that! Distilled for me for now on!!!
Lol They said you can boil it first too but you have to let it cool down...obviously.

Trav got an appt with the family doc at 3:30pm. I kind of get confused about what I write here versus my journal but he's having testicular pain...the same as when he had an infection a while back. Kind of freaks us both out. :( I'm thinking it will be a bust this cycle.

My sil just texted me. She has a c-section scheduled feb 28th..but she just fell down the stairs and she's nauseous and her back and head hurt...which she had back aches with labor with the twins so they're going to monitor her. She said grayson is still moving but he's moving alot more than normal so she doesn't know if that's good or bad. Fx'd for her too. --k she just texted me again. no contractions his HR is 130 and was 168 last week. She's talking to the doc soon.

Today my friend and I leave for LA for thr fertility planit show. And as usual I didn't sleep good lastnight, and I have a nice migraine. I'm trying to attack it with ibprouphion and kill the heartburn with tums. I STILL haven't started af. O.o
Travel safe lekker! let us know how it goes! I saw it advertised on facebook.

Megan and her baby are good.

Trav does have epididymitis again. Where the epididymis (the tube that stores and matures sperm) is swollen. Said it'll take care of itself but he still has a urologist appt next friday so hopefully we'll get more anwers there...he'll probably have an ultrasound on the ol' sack. Fx'd. I'm not holding out any hope for this cycle... :(
The idea of a guy getting his junk scanned sounds like poetic justice to me, they should give guys one with a wand up the bum too, just for equality.
I know, horrible horrible and I do hope all is well with your OH. If the doc thinks it will clear up on it's own, it probably will. At least here in the US they rarely miss a chance to stick it to your wallet - if they say it'll clear up on it's own I think that's the best possible diagnosis (other than not having the issue to begin with of course) so hope all goes smoothly for yall!

Last night I dreamed that I got my BFP, and got to be pregnant at the same time as my sister, albit way behind (she's roughly 22-23 weeks, by my last count). Guess that would be the jealousy in my subconscious. Jealous yes, but not in a mean or bitter way. I think I'm handling it ok, I never have been one to hold evil thoughts toward my sister. My pg boss on the other hand.....well, I'm already counting on taking her shifts when she goes on leave (and she's not even showing yet)

Been feeling a bit crampy lately, but nothing off the wall for my 2ww.

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