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Hi everyone! Thanks for all the welcomes for me and I pass them along warmly to the other even newer girls! and congrats Phrum!!!!
Not posting much cuz nothing much going on...just finished my 54th period and can't ttc at all before lap so really nothing to write about. I have pre-op Monday-will share then, mostly for Gdane's benefit.
As far as soy going........idk about it. Now-I've tried it (5-9) back in the days (around years 1-2.5) when I tried EVERYTHING, lol! but now I'm scared to even eat tofu after reading how badly modified soy can whack out estrogen levels. Has anyone else read anything into this? Supposedly, hormonely speaking, only naturally fermented (miso, raw soy sauce, tempeh, edamame beans) soy is okay, and anything processed is really bad as it acts like an estrogen binder in your body (something like that).
I haven't done as much research as I'd like-so hopefully someone else can chip in here!
I've been wary of soy too, having read about negative effects. However, it seems so contradictory as other articles advise taking it for fertility. Go figure! Any way, I think I need to steer clear because of a thyroid condition; can't remember how it effects things, but soy is not good for dicky thyroids it seems!
I'm doing alright I can't kick this sinus/cold thing I have going on...
Haha! I first read that as 'anus/cold' thing!!!

Don't know anything about blower motors, but I hope you're ok!
Sorry I've been awol. I've had a weird week and now tomorrow kicks off the BUSY rest of the week til monday! I'm so sulky right now. I'm about to be 5 days late and I'm just ready for the bi**h to show her face.
It really is rubbish how our bodies mess us about isn't it. Hope af turns up soon if it's going to - I hate limbo-land.
AFM, I'm just awaiting af myself. Reckon I'm probably due Saturday, but since I don't know when I ov'ed this month (for the first time in about 2 years!!) I can't be sure. However, going by when the spotting started and historically when its' started for other cycles, I reckon I probably ov'ed on cd13 as usual, which puts a weekend 'arrival' about right. I stupidly had been getting my hopes up this month: I'd been eating pineapple post ov and whilst the spotting did start, it only lasted a couple of days initially, and I'd started the pineapple late, so thought maybe it had started having an effect. Any way, I had a day with no spotting and the next day and a half with barely anything and really did start to think 'this could be it', but now I'm back into my 'normal' realms of spotting, so I'm thinking it can't be. I so nearly took a test this morning, but I'm now pretty sure I'm not pg and it would be early any way, so not really worth it.
So that's me any way, rambling away! I'll shut up now!