I apologize for being such a freaking cry baby lately but I"m so annoyed right now. I copied this from my journal.
Okay, trav ran over to the neighbors for a little bit so i have to vent. I'm so hurt/frustrated I don't even know what to think/do. My mom posts this lovely status saying, "I have a secret and I can't tell ! Its killing me, but I will let you know in the near future

Okay, for one, I hate f*cking vague statuses like that. I don't care if it's my mom or not. Two, I knew it was going to happen the second after I read it. People start asking "Is Ashley pregnant?" Then my cousin goes, "Oooh, I hope Ashley is!" which is what would be assumed considering my one sister is 11, the other is single and my brothers wife is due any second. It probably killed her status excitement, but I wrote " I wish it was Ashley too, 2 years, thousands of dollars later...nope sorry. Plus I'd kill her if she did that." My cousin writes "disklike" then the other lady says, "Best wishes Ashley. I did AI & then IUI to have two of my kids. When the second of those was still born I had heart surgery, Drs said I couldn't have any more. How wrong they were, nature took over, I have 4 beautiful daughters. I hope one day you are blessed

" Which was really nice to hear, because you don't run into that often. But I wanted to say, yup, IUI didn't work. I was just annoyed at that point.
Anyways, So I call my mom and I asked what the secret was. She goes, You don't know? I thought everyone knew. I was like, "knew what? And who's everyone?" She said my SIL (my brothers wife) is getting induced. I was/am furious. I said, "well, apparently they didn't want us to know, so they can have fun I guess." Mom kept trying to change the subject but it didn't work. I said, "how would you have felt had they told us but not you?" And she goes, "I know..." because I guess my SIL told all my family except us. So f*ck em'. i'm so just UGGH right now I could scream.
And scerena, no I'm not ovulating...I already did I'm pretty sure, my body is just dumb and I think the side I don't ovulate from, forms a cyst that never pops or whatever until AF comes...and sometimes it doesn't even go away then. it really sucks but hopefully the lap will clear it up.