LTTTC while feeling left behind Room - Welcome

gdane that just sucks! I'm so sorry, it's always horrible when everyone thinks you're pregnant :hugs: plus I am sorry that you SIL felt the need not to tell you either that she was being induced :hugs:
I would be reacting especially how you are, it makes you feel like you're not important :hugs: but you are your SIL maybe wasn't sure how to tell you? But then that's no excuse as its your niece/nephew and she told everyone else so obviously you were going to find out...
Ahhhh Hun you're not a cry baby I would be soooo annoyed too :hugs: chin up you're doing fantastic, families :dohh:

Oh sorry I didn't realise you ovulated already :dohh: ouch that sounds painful!! When is your lap???
I apologize for being such a freaking cry baby lately but I"m so annoyed right now. I copied this from my journal.
Okay, trav ran over to the neighbors for a little bit so i have to vent. I'm so hurt/frustrated I don't even know what to think/do. My mom posts this lovely status saying, "I have a secret and I can't tell ! Its killing me, but I will let you know in the near future;) "

Okay, for one, I hate f*cking vague statuses like that. I don't care if it's my mom or not. Two, I knew it was going to happen the second after I read it. People start asking "Is Ashley pregnant?" Then my cousin goes, "Oooh, I hope Ashley is!" which is what would be assumed considering my one sister is 11, the other is single and my brothers wife is due any second. It probably killed her status excitement, but I wrote " I wish it was Ashley too, 2 years, thousands of dollars later...nope sorry. Plus I'd kill her if she did that." My cousin writes "disklike" then the other lady says, "Best wishes Ashley. I did AI & then IUI to have two of my kids. When the second of those was still born I had heart surgery, Drs said I couldn't have any more. How wrong they were, nature took over, I have 4 beautiful daughters. I hope one day you are blessed:)" Which was really nice to hear, because you don't run into that often. But I wanted to say, yup, IUI didn't work. I was just annoyed at that point.

Anyways, So I call my mom and I asked what the secret was. She goes, You don't know? I thought everyone knew. I was like, "knew what? And who's everyone?" She said my SIL (my brothers wife) is getting induced. I was/am furious. I said, "well, apparently they didn't want us to know, so they can have fun I guess." Mom kept trying to change the subject but it didn't work. I said, "how would you have felt had they told us but not you?" And she goes, "I know..." because I guess my SIL told all my family except us. So f*ck em'. i'm so just UGGH right now I could scream.

And scerena, no I'm not ovulating...I already did I'm pretty sure, my body is just dumb and I think the side I don't ovulate from, forms a cyst that never pops or whatever until AF comes...and sometimes it doesn't even go away then. it really sucks but hopefully the lap will clear it up.

Ah hun! That's rubbish! I'm not surprised you're angry. I too hate stupid vagueness like that; I'm not on FB, but I've seen and heard about people who put stupid things, which just get everyone thinking, then people 'comment' and ask Qs about it and the OP doesn't even respond! Grrr!
Defo this is the place to vent, and we will not judge you; more than likely we'll completely get where you're coming from because a lot of us are, it's fair to say, emotional wrecks! :hugs:

gdane that just sucks! I'm so sorry, it's always horrible when everyone thinks you're pregnant

Yeah, I get people (mostly those who don't even know we're ttc) glancing at my tum. Now maybe I'm just sensitive and imagining it, but I get the feeling people really think I'm 'that age' and married, plus the fact that I went p/t at work a few months back. Trouble is, if and when it does happen, I guess it will be much harder to hide if people are expecting it.

IVF meeting this afternoon - eeek!
sizzles I feel the same that everyone looks wondering if I am or not... It will be hard when we are- I will probably just tell them if they ask depending on who it is...

Gl with your IVF consult today :) let us know how it goes :)
Yeah I was super annoyed. I still don't know whether or not she had the baby. :shrug: oh well I guess!

2 years ago was the day we left for mexico for our honeymoon and started TTC. Kind of a weird anniversary :( I thought we'd be pregnant well by now. 2 weeks til my pre-op visit and 3 weeks until surgery. I feel really good about surgery now. I'm in a lot of pain so I'm hoping it'll take care of that and then I get my long awaited BFP. I saw a new bill board last night that said my OB/GYN was top 3% in the nation so that made me feel really good...especially for south dakota!! :thumbup:
Hey ladies wanted to stop by and say hey to everyone....I really need to catch up...hopefully I will be able to post soon :)
here I am mixed with Jamaican, my dad is half Jamaican and half Jamaican Arab- so basically they are putting me down as half Jamaican and half English- the problem is most mixed race people are much darker than me and have brown eyes- so this is why I will be hard to match :shrug: and no offence taken :hugs:

I'm just glad I have you ladies to hang around my wait with me :)

It is so nice to know you have company, isn't it? I'm so sorry, though, that you have to wait on finding someone for egg-sharing. I hadn't realized it would be so complicated. Forgive me for being dense, but is it the case that a woman with no eggs would look into the egg-sharing service and possible get one of your eggs? And I guess the idea is that they'd like someone to look like themselves, hence the "mixed race" issue? So you have to wait until someone who looks like you is looking for eggs? I'm especially curious about these things as my LO will be of a mixed race, too (1/2 white, 1/2 asian, basically). But back to you, you look like you are still really young, so maybe the extra wait isn't too big of a deal! And, it will be really worth it in the end! :)

GDane, so sorry about the SIL/FB issue! That sounds so annoying.

It was nice to see a few of you on my journal. I'm terrible about updating it, and I probably will be for a bit. I am teaching an intensive 3-week class starting Tuesday and haven't prepared for it yet! I'll be working non-stop on the syllabus tomorrow but I imagine the next 3 weeks will be pretty crazy.

Hope the rest of you are doing wonderfully! :hugs:
phrum it's lovely to have people to talk with :) yes that's exactly it if I wasn't mixed race I would be starting on my next af... I need a mixed race recipient... But Monday I am going to call bigger clinics :)

Awww how cute :) your baby is going to be gorgeous :)

I look young but I'm 26 and haven't been pregnant since my loss at 9 weeks which was about 8 years ago... To me I find it a very big deal and I have been through so much on my TTC journey and done all I can IVF is my only hope...

krystinab:hi: Hun how are you???

gdane, here, teddy, sizzles hope you're all well???

:hi: to anyone I missed :)
phrum it's lovely to have people to talk with :) yes that's exactly it if I wasn't mixed race I would be starting on my next af... I need a mixed race recipient... But Monday I am going to call bigger clinics :)

I'm glad bigger clinics are an option! I would think clinics in big cities would be your best bet. But I suppose they have to be local? Honestly, I'd think people would look at your picture and regardless of race would jump right on the opportunity to egg-share with you. You're gorgeous!
phrum thank you, I hope so, the thing is they can't see a picture as its all done anonymous :( and yes the clinics have to be near really fx'd something comes up sooner rather than later, I hope you're well?
Hey ladies! Well everything with the hubby is good. But I ran into some massive facebook/Fort Irwin drama on friday. This fake profile put me on blast on a public fort irwin facebook page saying that my fundraiser for IVF was a scam and that my husband was divorcing my ass. o_O Long story short I know who's behind it, and as soon as I have physical evidence I will be turning her over to the police. In the mean time I know who told her too which was my "best friend" Chaning. So I called her out by saying, "Hey we need to talk before anything gets out of control." She already knew what I was going to say to her which shows that she was flipping guilty. Screw her, screw all the snarky bitches on this post, I can't wait to get the hell out of here. Also posted on my facebook that day 35 days... meaning 35 days from that date would be March 1st. Chris will be re enlisting that day and I will be heading the crap out of here probably in May. At least then we will know when he will be able to PCS and I'll know how long I will be without him. I can't wait to tell each and every one of these skanks to kiss my big ole ass! They are haters!
Hey ladies! Well everything with the hubby is good. But I ran into some massive facebook/Fort Irwin drama on friday. This fake profile put me on blast on a public fort irwin facebook page saying that my fundraiser for IVF was a scam and that my husband was divorcing my ass. o_O Long story short I know who's behind it, and as soon as I have physical evidence I will be turning her over to the police. In the mean time I know who told her too which was my "best friend" Chaning. So I called her out by saying, "Hey we need to talk before anything gets out of control." She already knew what I was going to say to her which shows that she was flipping guilty. Screw her, screw all the snarky bitches on this post, I can't wait to get the hell out of here. Also posted on my facebook that day 35 days... meaning 35 days from that date would be March 1st. Chris will be re enlisting that day and I will be heading the crap out of here probably in May. At least then we will know when he will be able to PCS and I'll know how long I will be without him. I can't ait to tell each and every one of these skanks to kiss my big ole ass! They are haters!

Leeker wtf? Why would someone do something like that? That's horrible...bitches!
Screna, honey 26 is young!!! I neve thought about the mixed thing with egg sharing...very interesting! I hope you get thar BFP soon!

phrum...sorry I'm so late, congrats honey!!!

Gdane, my weird 2 yr anniversary is coming up in April...ugh..not excited about it at all!

Sizzles what's up lady?

AFM, nothing really going on...not doing anything this cycle is my iui...super excited but scared of injections...praying it's a one hit wonder
kryst it's not young for me when I have been TTC since 18 after my loss, if I had my loss at 22 and TTC ever since then until I was 30 I guess people wouldn't keep saying I'm young.... It has took many years and I have been through more than older people than me have to have a baby.
I hope this cycle is your one hit wonder one :)

Maybe this is the wrong place for me or I'm reading wrong but I just feel like everyone is looking at me like I'm still young, to me it's not about age it's about what I have been through and for how long, thanks for all the support though that you ladies have given me I appreciate it :hugs:

I hope you all get your bfps real soon :dust:
I'm sorry ya'll but I truly don't feel 26 is young. I'm 27 almost 28 and when you're told that you've gone through almost half of your egg supply by the time you're 30...time is TICKING! <3 Not trying to ruffle feathers but it would be different if someone was 17-18 TTC ya know? <3
Lekker, I'm sorry but you totally need to kick this "friend" to the curb. She's done something horrible to you before hasn't she? I know it's easier said than done, but I really think she is a toxic friend. I'm sorry you have to deal with this and hopefully your next base will be better.

Here and Krystina: I really hope IUI is what you guys need. Depending on my lap next month, I may be doing another IUI too, but with injectibles this time.

Scerena, please don't go. I'm 24, going on 25 this year, and while it "seems" young to people, I really don't think Krys meant it the way that WE take it. I want to say I completely understand what you're going through, but I can't because I've been ttc 2 years now but when I was doing my IUI I got so upset because the nurse kept telling me I was "Just a baby!!!" I was getting so mad and so upset because yes, I'm young-ish, but my husband isn't the youngest and it doesn't discount the fact that I rarely ovulated and the pain I was feeling. My pain is the same as a 30 year old TTC so I'm sorry you feel the way you do, but I think Krys just made an honest mistake she didn't realize she was making and Ihope you both stay :hugs:

AFM: AF showed today...always the day I get a baby shower invite (which is what happened) or a baby is born (which my nephew will be born any day) and someone announces their pregnancy. Great. My nips still hurt though which is weird because the usually stop a day or two before AF comes. Must be the soy.
Thanks, I know krys probably didn't mean it like that, it's been said a couple of times in the past couple of days on here and the age and ttc always gets to me...
Sorry jus makes me feel like because I'm young everything will be ok- but it's been years and its not...
Sorry maybe I'm just reading things wrong... It just gets to me when age is brought into it, I know no harm is meant by it

I'm glad lekker and gdane get how it feels being around my age ttc :hugs:
No need to apologize. I feel the same way. A lot of us are the same age, and I'm younger than believe me I know!! You're not alone.
Thank you for the kind words gdane an lekker it means alot :hugs: :hugs:

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