LTTTC while feeling left behind Room - Welcome

Today (er, yesterday, the 14th) was my birthday - I'm 27. My fiance and I tied the knot! We eloped preacher's office style (which is what I always wanted to do) :) My hubs only has to remember one day this way lol and it was a great birthday present!!
I also got AF and had to work, but oh well. My Meloxicam did the trick and pms was minimal.
We are in the process of painting a house and moving into it by the end of the month, but I took today off of painting work and just chilled with my hubby and neighbor :)
Sib4Owen- thx u so much. sorry about your miscarriage :hugs:
she put them in those exact places with an additional between my breast lol.

it was weird and relaxing my next session is on sat. The only thing I didnt like is the lack of privacy because your not in your own room, its a big room filled with other people. I been looking for a new one thou but I will continue to do it no matter what. Hopefully I will be less stressed.

DH has gotten all test done and he is A ok. sa was perfect.

Irish_eyes- thank you, and yes they will not understand. i have to welcome the first nephew on his side very soon in July and Im dreading that day. Im so jelly :(
Hope we all get our bfp soon.

Regalpeas- thanks for the welcome! and yes hopefully this will be all our year and I look forward to going through this jouney with all you lovely ladies. Good Luck to all of us on this struggle.
Today (er, yesterday, the 14th) was my birthday - I'm 27. My fiance and I tied the knot! We eloped preacher's office style (which is what I always wanted to do) :) My hubs only has to remember one day this way lol and it was a great birthday present!!
I also got AF and had to work, but oh well. My Meloxicam did the trick and pms was minimal.
We are in the process of painting a house and moving into it by the end of the month, but I took today off of painting work and just chilled with my hubby and neighbor :)

WOW! Congratulations!
Welcome S_DOWD and Dodger!

Also congrats Dodger on your 100+ lb lost. That is awesome. I can only hope to get where you are food wise. My goals is to be 75-80% self made/ non processed foods if not higher. Right now I have to knock the edge off my weight issues before I begin to merge more restrictive (yet free :>) lifestyle into my plan of action.

To both of you ladies hang in there! LTTC is not for the faint of heart. :hugs: But one thing I can say about all of us is that we're rolling with the punches and hanging out half past despair! The spirit of perseverance lives in all of us. I just know we'll all be mothers. Hopefully sooner than later!

Also Dodger this quote of yours
and it just sucks to always be the cheerleader and never the one being cheered for.
almost had me :cry:

It is so true. I'll leave it at that.

OneKnight :wedding: Congrats on your marriage! Wonderful!

I hope everyone else is doing well.:flower:
I totally understand!:thumbup: Treatment and fertility visits are not cheap. I'm praying the natural holistic approach works for you and all of us who try. :hugs:

Reflexology sounds very interesting. The first thing I thought was a foot massage but you say it is not like that. Foot massages in themselves are very relaxing.:cloud9:

I'm also considering fertility yoga and some holistic books while I lose weight for treatment. What I like about the holistic approach is it addresses the total you and not just fertility alone. :flower:

Hi Regalpeas, I don't understand it either but I think the system here in Northern Ireland is totally different to the US. After our first appointment for IVF, DH and I booked a private appointment to see if we could get a second opinion or do something else in the wait for IVF. When we got to the appointment the dr thought we were just there to fast track the paperwork for IVF. It was this dr that said that she would not recommend Clomid or a lap and dye test. So I am not sure where else to turn to if this is what I get from a private appointment. Also, my DH moaned and groaned about having to pay for it and it took a lot for me to talk him into it.

Honestly, we are not well off financially as DH's job is seasonal and we spend most of our time saving for the months he doesn't work. And this year he had to go self employed and for some reason his work is slow starting this year so paying for a second opinion is not an option at this point unfortunately.

I have also heard good stuff about acupuncture and CHM too and would love to look into it but again it is the costs. Reflexology is the feet, certain points in your feet relate to areas in your body. You lie on your back and just relax while the reflexologist rubs points in you feet. It's not like getting a foot rub though. :haha: I had a good few sessions before my IVF cycle and although they are relaxing they obviously did not work for IVF. Since then I have been going to a Reiki practioner which I find more relaxing and I get more out of it.
Hi everyone! Just need to vent for a minute. Just found out that a 3rd friend is pregnant! They are all due within a week of each other in October. I don't live near them, so I won't see them in person, but Facebook can be a blessing and a curse. In this instance, it's a curse! I can't really talk to DH because he is a fixer and this is not something he can fix, so he doesn't really get it. My best friend has to tired of hearing me talk (she says she's not, but even I am tired of hearing myself, so surely she is). I didn't know where else to turn to let it thankful I found this site! It's nice to talk to people who understand! Trying to remain positive, but man, it's like getting slapped in the face every time I see a post from them! This is the pits!

Thanks for allowing me to vent!
Sib it is hard but you'll make it. At one point there were pregnancies in my life everywhere. It was so devastating. My dh is the same way except his is laced with denial.

I say step away from fb for awhile if you have to. You deserve a peace of mind. It is hard to explain that you are both happy and hurt of the news around you. Hoping it gets better! Hoping for your bfp soon! :) me too shoot! lol

I'm here! :) I have a bit of an update...I went to an infertility seminar (they were giving away an IVF treatment. I didn't win:( ) and I think I found a great doc. They did give one heck of a sales pitch, but the things they had to say were so interesting. They seem like a really great practice, embracing both Eastern and Western medicine. They talked about different treatments besides IVF and it felt like they were talking right to me, actually describing my problems and how to "fix" it. I am super excited about my appointment at the end of the month! Here's hoping it goes as well as I think it will!!!!

Any updates from anyone else?
Been busy moving!! No real news on the fertility front. Had more CM than usual this cycle and we took advantage, but who knows.
Went and saw my 5wk old (preemie) nephew today for about an hour, and actually enjoyed it. It was neat to hold him! He was due on the 11th, but he's near-enough to term to be like a fairly normal small baby, except that he's already been here over a month!!
I'm sorry I've been so quiet. I just got back from vacation and am currently trying to kick an unpleasant head cold.

@OneKnight - I'm soooo behind, but happy very belated B-day! Congrats on tying the knot! :) How have your first couple of weeks of married life been?

It can be so tough (and yet so needed too!) to visit with new nieces and nephews. I'm glad you enjoyed your time with him! I saw my 8 month old niece several times during my vacation and it was a double edged sword for both myself and my husband. On one hand, it was great to see her. She's so cute and fun to hold/play with! On the other hand, she's the same age as our first should have been, so it's a tangible reminder of what we lost.

@Regalpeas - Thank you! :) It feels great to be where I am weight wise and be able to maintain it and continue to lose a bit here and there! :) Being gluten free and processed sugar free and eating as little processed food as possible can be challenging at times (I really just had to let go a bit on my vacation), but it's been so rewarding as well. I've found some great recipes that I LOVE so I don't feel like I'm "dieting" or restricting myself ya know? I highly recommend and as two wonderful sources of great recipes!

Sib4Owen - Facebook truly is both a blessing and a curse. I love being able to keep in touch with friends no matter how far away they are, but the pregnancy announcements are very painfun. I've lost count of how many friends and family members have gotten pregnant while we've been trying and losing LO's. I'm pretty sure that everyone else in the world is pregnant except me!! lol

Sounds like a great update!! Keep us posted on your appointment!! :)

Sizzles - I've been out of the country for the past couple of weeks. My husband is Dutch and his whole family lives in the Netherlands (he lived there too until he came to the USA to marry me. lol), so we were there visiting. :)

AFM - Not too much going on atm. I had my pre-op appointment yesterday for my in office surgery next week. Feels good to know that surgery is so close and that we are getting closer and closer to maybe being able to try again soon.

In non-ttc news, I've been sick the past several days, and had to fly home from Europe with a head cold. That was the most excruciating flight ever! I'm glad to be home and now am trying to kick this cold before the surgery next week.
@dodger - Glad you had a nice vacation and enjoyed your niece. We will all be thinking of you next week! Keep us posted on how you're doing.
I'm cookin up a HUGE cyst on my left ovary, tender to the touch on the outside!!! I was gonna get new glasses, but maybe I'll start BC my next cycle. I'm soooooo tired of this cyst crap!!
Thanks for the updates ladies! :flower:

I'm here! :) I have a bit of an update...I went to an infertility seminar (they were giving away an IVF treatment. I didn't win:( ) and I think I found a great doc. They did give one heck of a sales pitch, but the things they had to say were so interesting. They seem like a really great practice, embracing both Eastern and Western medicine. They talked about different treatments besides IVF and it felt like they were talking right to me, actually describing my problems and how to "fix" it. I am super excited about my appointment at the end of the month! Here's hoping it goes as well as I think it will!!!!

Ooh, good luck for your appointment! It's always great when you feel you're actually making progress with this ttc lark, rather than just treading water.

Been busy moving!! No real news on the fertility front. Had more CM than usual this cycle and we took advantage, but who knows.
Went and saw my 5wk old (preemie) nephew today for about an hour, and actually enjoyed it. It was neat to hold him! He was due on the 11th, but he's near-enough to term to be like a fairly normal small baby, except that he's already been here over a month!!

Congrats on your nephew (not sure if we knew this before and therefore if I've already congratulated you!) Well done for coping really well with the situation.

I'm sorry I've been so quiet. I just got back from vacation and am currently trying to kick an unpleasant head cold.

@OneKnight - I'm soooo behind, but happy very belated B-day! Congrats on tying the knot! :) How have your first couple of weeks of married life been?

It can be so tough (and yet so needed too!) to visit with new nieces and nephews. I'm glad you enjoyed your time with him! I saw my 8 month old niece several times during my vacation and it was a double edged sword for both myself and my husband. On one hand, it was great to see her. She's so cute and fun to hold/play with! On the other hand, she's the same age as our first should have been, so it's a tangible reminder of what we lost.

@Regalpeas - Thank you! :) It feels great to be where I am weight wise and be able to maintain it and continue to lose a bit here and there! :) Being gluten free and processed sugar free and eating as little processed food as possible can be challenging at times (I really just had to let go a bit on my vacation), but it's been so rewarding as well. I've found some great recipes that I LOVE so I don't feel like I'm "dieting" or restricting myself ya know? I highly recommend and as two wonderful sources of great recipes!

Sib4Owen - Facebook truly is both a blessing and a curse. I love being able to keep in touch with friends no matter how far away they are, but the pregnancy announcements are very painfun. I've lost count of how many friends and family members have gotten pregnant while we've been trying and losing LO's. I'm pretty sure that everyone else in the world is pregnant except me!! lol

Sounds like a great update!! Keep us posted on your appointment!! :)

Sizzles - I've been out of the country for the past couple of weeks. My husband is Dutch and his whole family lives in the Netherlands (he lived there too until he came to the USA to marry me. lol), so we were there visiting. :)

AFM - Not too much going on atm. I had my pre-op appointment yesterday for my in office surgery next week. Feels good to know that surgery is so close and that we are getting closer and closer to maybe being able to try again soon.

In non-ttc news, I've been sick the past several days, and had to fly home from Europe with a head cold. That was the most excruciating flight ever! I'm glad to be home and now am trying to kick this cold before the surgery next week.

I too have a stinker of a cold at the mo - or rather, I'm over the worst of it, but my lie-in this morning was curtailed as I just felt the need to 'clear' my nose and chest... lovely!
Good luck for surgery!

AFM, no real news to report to be honest. AF is imminent (I did test this morning, as I'm 15dpo and I have several ICs which expire in December, so I thought 'what the hell' even though there was every suggestion that af was on it's way. Needless to say: bfn!) and it looks like we're out, but we didn't try very hard this month; we decided to 'ease off' a bit for a month, given that a bfp would result in a baby a little too close to Christmas/new year for our liking. However, we had a chat a couple of days ago and decided to go for it over these next couple of months, perhaps have a holiday around August time, then go with the IVF. OH's not happy it's come to this (I'm not exactly ecstatic either!) but he's resigned to it, so that's where we are. I am, of course, still hoping and praying for a natural BFP in the meantime, but after 3 years and 1 month of trying, it's not terribly likely.
Ok, on the 3rd-4th I swore a huge cyst burst was impending, by the 7th it seeme like it had disappeared without the usual excruxiating pain. Weird. All of a sudden I feel strangely optimistic for this cycle. My BBs are sore, which is normal, so no other real symptoms. I'm 12dpo, which is good, last cycle was short and AF hit on 12dpo, so every day past is always...."encouraging" I guess you could say. My cycles don't vary much, but I do tend to have short LPs so when I notice them being longer, I like it. I haven't had the urge to POAS in several months, but I'm really tempted right now. Surely I can wait 2 days to see if AF hits by 14dpo? Right? Haha
The witch got me!

I had a strange dream about breastfeeding last night. It was cool, but a little strange too coz I was living with my sister lol and her baby was still the same age and mine was slightly older.
hey ladies! just wanted to stop by and say hey! Have there been any BFP?!??!
hey ladies! just wanted to stop by and say hey! Have there been any BFP?!??!

Hi Krystin: I haven't checked in on this board in a bit. The distance really helped. I've been looking for an update for you.

I did get my positive a couple of days ago. Over two years and my time is finally here. I definitely won't be posting on here now too much because of the reason I created this board. But wanted to see how you have been and to see an update from you. The last I saw was the results of your IUI. I hope you've been well. :hugs:
hey ladies! just wanted to stop by and say hey! Have there been any BFP?!??!

Hi Krystin: I haven't checked in on this board in a bit. The distance really helped. I've been looking for an update for you.

I did get my positive a couple of days ago. Over two years and my time is finally here. I definitely won't be posting on here now too much because of the reason I created this board. But wanted to see how you have been and to see an update from you. The last I saw was the results of your IUI. I hope you've been well. :hugs:

Here I am soooo happy for you! You give me inspritation...I hit the 2 year mark last month....I pray you have a happy & healthy 9 months!
hey ladies! just wanted to stop by and say hey! Have there been any BFP?!??!

Not from me I'm afraid.

hey ladies! just wanted to stop by and say hey! Have there been any BFP?!??!

Hi Krystin: I haven't checked in on this board in a bit. The distance really helped. I've been looking for an update for you.

I did get my positive a couple of days ago. Over two years and my time is finally here. I definitely won't be posting on here now too much because of the reason I created this board. But wanted to see how you have been and to see an update from you. The last I saw was the results of your IUI. I hope you've been well. :hugs:

WOW! Amazing news. Congratulations!

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