I'm sorry I've been so quiet. I just got back from vacation and am currently trying to kick an unpleasant head cold.
@OneKnight - I'm soooo behind, but happy very belated B-day! Congrats on tying the knot!

How have your first couple of weeks of married life been?
It can be so tough (and yet so needed too!) to visit with new nieces and nephews. I'm glad you enjoyed your time with him! I saw my 8 month old niece several times during my vacation and it was a double edged sword for both myself and my husband. On one hand, it was great to see her. She's so cute and fun to hold/play with! On the other hand, she's the same age as our first should have been, so it's a tangible reminder of what we lost.
@Regalpeas - Thank you!

It feels great to be where I am weight wise and be able to maintain it and continue to lose a bit here and there!

Being gluten free and processed sugar free and eating as little processed food as possible can be challenging at times (I really just had to let go a bit on my vacation), but it's been so rewarding as well. I've found some great recipes that I LOVE so I don't feel like I'm "dieting" or restricting myself ya know? I highly recommend
www.glutenfreefix.com and
www.edibleharmony.com as two wonderful sources of great recipes!
Sib4Owen - Facebook truly is both a blessing and a curse. I love being able to keep in touch with friends no matter how far away they are, but the pregnancy announcements are very painfun. I've lost count of how many friends and family members have gotten pregnant while we've been trying and losing LO's. I'm pretty sure that everyone else in the world is pregnant except me!! lol
Sounds like a great update!! Keep us posted on your appointment!!
Sizzles - I've been out of the country for the past couple of weeks. My husband is Dutch and his whole family lives in the Netherlands (he lived there too until he came to the USA to marry me. lol), so we were there visiting.
AFM - Not too much going on atm. I had my pre-op appointment yesterday for my in office surgery next week. Feels good to know that surgery is so close and that we are getting closer and closer to maybe being able to try again soon.
In non-ttc news, I've been sick the past several days, and had to fly home from Europe with a head cold. That was the most excruciating flight ever! I'm glad to be home and now am trying to kick this cold before the surgery next week.