Oneknight, HSGs definitely aren't restful, but I think they're very quick for most people. I hope yours goes great!
Not restful, but I found mine ok. The worst bit was when they're clamping (??) your cervix. The nurse was really lovely and talked to me etc. to take my mind off it.
I don't mind LTTTCers getting their BFP's - even if they have just moved into the LTTTC forums because most of them have been trying for a long time already anyway
I do try and steer clear of the TTC forums though - I read one this morning where a girl posted that she had conceived after 2 months and thought it would take longer - well aren't you the lucky one
I don't really bother with the 'normal' ttc forums either - just find them too depressing!
I read one this morning where she conceived first month of trying. She couldn't believe how easy it was!
I'm tracking my ovulation date very carefully this month despite not being able to try before hsg on Thursday. I was suppose to be having a month off ttc but if I ovulate straight after hsg I will be delighted- that's if they don't find that both tubes are blocked.
I thought having a month off would be good for me and dh but I'm itching to try!
I'm 33 nearly 34. Dh is 37. Of course I'm kicking myself we didn't try earlier. But men certainly need to take some blame. It took dh 4 years to propose! X
Yup! Blokes are USELESS! We got engaged 11 YEARS after we paired up. I really wish we'd married sooner and therefore starting ttc sooner; I'll be 35 next month and OH's nearly 42! I didn't want to be one of those women who (hopefully if and when I have a baby) people assume waited because of my career or whatever - I want to tell them how long we tried for, but equally, that might be a little inappropriate, and I don't necessarily want everyone knowing my business.

Been there SO many times: various scans, blood tests (don't think they even check for pg routinely when they're investigating infertility, but I still hoped to get a phone call starting "Erm, you know this blood test for 'infertility'..."), HSGa, even going to the acupuncturist etc. I hoped she might say that I might want to do a test based on what she 'felt'. Why do we do it to ourselves!?
As for me, currently cd8 and have had ov 'niggles' for the last 24 hours or so. Too soon to be ov, so rather weird and decided I had a cyst (based on very little pain for a very short period!)
We are due to start IVF in August, so have 2 more shots at getting a baby in the usual way! Seems unlikely, but we'll give it a shot.