LTTTC while feeling left behind Room - Welcome

Well, no more blood when I got up to pee so I guess it's on!
Surprise result on my opk. Low yesterday, PEAK today?? Maybe it was just ovulation spotting!!! That I've never had before and I never O this early, but maybe that's the vitimins afterall. Not much on the CM front though....good thing I got Preseed.

Hope we catch it, we've been abstaining before the SA that hubbs is supposed to be working on right about now lol

I'll let ya know how it goes when I get back, and I hope I'm not too crampy to try for the eggy later!!
Definitely let us know how it goes.

I have to vent a bit...this was my first cycle on Femara with an IUI on CD13. I started progesterone (vaginal cream) on CD14. I am currently on day 19 and have been getting really nauseous intermittently, usually right after I eat during the day. Does anyone know if this is normal for progesterone? I also feel kind of out of it, spacey.

Definitely let us know how it goes.

I have to vent a bit...this was my first cycle on Femara with an IUI on CD13. I started progesterone (vaginal cream) on CD14. I am currently on day 19 and have been getting really nauseous intermittently, usually right after I eat during the day. Does anyone know if this is normal for progesterone? I also feel kind of out of it, spacey.

Sounds nomal to me. I've never supplemented progesterone but I seem to have plenty in my system when I get PMS. I get that spacey feeling for a day or so right before AF. People can be talking to me and I know I hear them, but it's like it has no meaning. It's like my brain can't connect the dots. Really annoying at work!!! One time in college, I had to give a speach on endicrinology (go figure) and procrastinated as usual - the day before AF I COULD NOT make any sense of my reserch or formulate a paper. The next day I got my period and COULD NOT read my notes and then make the words come out of my mouth. It was embarrassing!!! I got an F and I'm sure the teacher thought I was on drugs. I failed the class.
And yes I get nausea with PMS too. Progesterone does some funky things!!

I got a clear blue digi ten-pack kit. It gives low, high and peak readings. I want the moniter for more long term use, but I actually haven't seen them locally. My sis has one though, need to ask her about it I guess cos I haven't even seen the test sticks for it.

And now for my HSG: it was frustrating the hospital we went to. The clinic told me to check in at radiology. Which I have done at other places for unrelated tests, and I figured no need for fuether explination....we couldn't find radiology!!! The lady at information at the main hospital just said go check in at the main desk. I asked the lady at the main admissions where to check in at radiology and all she said was put your name down here. I assumed that meant we were in the right place, but really that wasn't very helpful!! I didn't need to be admitted to the hospital, just an x-ray!! So we waiter in the big front waiting room for 30+ min, me stressing if we were even in the right place! Finally we go back to what looke like triage. This must be electronic records, instead of the old fill out a clip board...they verified my name and addy and took my DL and insurance cards. I told them my insurance covers nothing infertility-related and I was prepared to self-pay. They called and talked to the insurance co for another 20 minutes.....and somehow got them to cover this with the only hang up being that it will use up my maximum benefit for the rest of 2013. (Toldja I have pretty low-ball insurance). I had to pay a deductible and 20% which was $221, still better than paying it all. And finally I felt releived that somebody here knew what we were here for and that we were in the right place and it would be ok. The lady doing the actual paperwork was great.
After that it went pretty quick. A few papers about allergy info and medications at the radiology department and off to change clothes. I got a lovely gown lol I was expecting just a towel like I got for my vag u/s, so I guess a gown was an upgrade LOL the nurse thoroughly explained the procedure and she was great.
Then we went in the actual room. I started to get a little scared that it would hurt, and I hadn' had lunch yet so I was afraid I was getting a little shakey.
I had my doctor's associate doing it, not my actual dr, but they're all together, it was just the first time I met him and he was fine. He kinda ran through the procedure again, and we got started.

First they had me lay flat for a minute and set up the machine over me. The I had to scoot down to the end of the table like any other pelvic exam except my head was kinda under the x-ray machine now. I just kinda tried to relax and close my eyes a lot.
He washed me with iodine solution, did a shot of novicain in my cervix - for that part he had me cough hard for some reason, but it didn't hurt or anything. Then some sort of small clamping pliers on my cervix - which was now numb and I didn't really feel it. Then they moved the table around to position me under the x-ray and it extended so I could put my legs out straighter.
When he put the dye in I didn't really feel much, he said the right side went in easy, but the left was being stubborn so he got more dye. After the second "shot" of dye I felt bloated and a little pms-y but not really pain. I was afraid it would hurt if he pushed a blockage out of the left side, but nothing really.
Then he had me tilt a little to each side to help move the dye around. It was hard to tilt much with him down there, but he said ok so I guess it worked. When I tilted the second time the speculum or something external kinda pinched me as I moved and I said ow! But I moved a bit and it let go of me. Other than that little pinch I haven't had much pain.
He showed me the pictures after. My uterus looked different than I expected and the tubes seemed smaller than I expected, but he said all was well. In the first pic he said see here where it didn't come out the left side yet. But then the next pic he added more dye (looked brighter in my uterus) and the pic after that it started coming out my left side too. So both sides clear!!
After I got out, I felt a little crampy kinda like impending pms that starting bloated/crampy feeling that signals I should go take a pain pill and put on a pad. But instead of getting worse and turning into full blown cramps like AF, that was all it was. It really didn't get any worse than pre-AF bloat/cramp.
Cleaned up in the bathroom and I was bleeding a little after. The nurse said it was normal to need a pad today and tomorrow, but just watch for any sign of infection, fever, or serious bleeding. The nurses and doc were great. He gave me a script for Vicodin just in case and said I could take it with ibuprofin (which I already knew) if I needed.
I'm sorry it started out so stressful, but glad you got good news! Mine was no biggie either, but it was done in the MD office. What's the plan now?

BTW, I'm convinced the progesterone is making me crazy! I just spent the last half hour crying hysterically for no real reason! Guess I just needed a good cry.
I'm sorry it started out so stressful, but glad you got good news! Mine was no biggie either, but it was done in the MD office. What's the plan now?

BTW, I'm convinced the progesterone is making me crazy! I just spent the last half hour crying hysterically for no real reason! Guess I just needed a good cry.
Sounds just like pms! Sometimes I cry for no or stupid reasons the day or two before AF too. Somebody will say something, and I'll take it sooooo personally like it's the end of the world and just cry! And I'm not a crier. With the exception of my mom dying, I haven't cried about much of anything in years.

For next, probably 21 day bloods and at that time a consultation type visit to discuss the x-ray results, hubb's SA results, and whatever else he has in mind.

I'm really relieved!! I was sooooo afraid that my tubes were blocked since I've had zero pregnancies, chemical, loss, or otherwise in sooooo many years. But other problems should be treatable with pills or other non-invasive treatments rather than surgery or straight to IVF, so I feel there is hope!!!! So happy!!!

Oh, and for his SA hubby only gave a tiny sample, if ya know what I mean. I knew he wasn't shooting a TON, but I was shocked how little he actually got. I know it only takes "one" but surely a little liquid helps with transportation? I dunno, we'll see what the doc says.

We BD'd with 3g Pre-Seed and I laid down for a while after, in case I am ovulating - per my pee stick. Will try to repeat for a couple mire days since LH surge is 24-48hrs before actual ovulation.
I was looking at my chart, AF will be due 7/6. Hubby's birthday is 7/7 so if I get that magic BFP I'll have to tell him on his birthday!!!!! Wouldn't that be so perfect?!!!
Please please please!!!!!
That would be awesome onKnight! With my son we were able to tell my husband on Father's Day, which was really great for him! But for as long as you have been trying any day will be special!

I got a call from my MD yesterday that my biopsy (uterine and cervix) came back positive for ureaplasma. Now DH and I are on antibiotics. They said this is likely a factor in my multiple miscarriages. Here's hoping we got the antibiotics in time and that the IUI worked! We shall find out in 6 days when I go for my HCG blood draw.
Good luck Sib4owen!! Hopefully they found the answer to your problems!!!

Still high on my opk today. Still feeling kinda bloated and uncomfortable, but no real pain since the procedure :)
Spoke too soon. I hurt :(
Not near my ovaries though, way up high under my right rib. Hurts to breathe deep and things like that. Feels like after a cyst bursts. I assume it's irritation as the muscle/surrounding tissue absorbs and gets rid of the excess dye.

Oh and I finally got EWCM tonight. 2 days after my peak opk. Which is within the relm of normal I guess (48 hrs after peak test). I just hope our BDing yesterday left a spermie waiting for the eggy because neither of us were up for it tonight!!
I got another peak on the ovulation stick! I really dunno what to think about my exact ovulation date!!

I scheduled my 21 day progesterone test according to ovulating on CD13, dunno if I should move it now? Or just assume it's close and go with it. I guess I'll show this chart to my doc, and see what he says, or if my results are on the low side we'll know why.
Hi oneKnight, I hope you're feeling better today. I would def talk to your MD and see what he thinks about your progesterone test. Sperm are supposed to live 3-5 days so I bet you're still good there. All that I have read says if DH count is good, every other day is recommended. When is your 21 day test?

I am getting so nervous/anxious about my blood test on Wednesday! Of course I am analyzing every darn thing. Breasts are slightly sore, have some cramping that started last night, I'm sure I could go on and on. I am so nervous this is a wasted cycle because of the biopsy result. The nurse said we should be ok, but you know how it is. Anyway, just have to get through the next 5 days!
Next Wednesday, CD20 for me.

I still hurt on my right side. Took 2 Meloxicam before work, and topped it off with a Vicodin after I got there. I'm not in a habit of taking narcotics ever, but especially not at work, but I hurt every time I move! Ugh!

I did get OH to BD again this morning. Course it's less fun when I'm achey but this was baby-making sex not fun sex and I'm not gonna miss this cycle!! You know you're TTC when you say baby there's a smiley on my pee stick so I need some sperm! Haha romantic, huh?
I found something new-to-me on another forum today "HEDD" or "hopeful EDD"
Must be fertile first time TTC'ers! *facepalm*
LTTTC'ers just live life two weeks or one month at a time, hoping for ovulation, hoping for meds, hoping for tests, hoping the witch stays away. I learned a long time ago not to calculate expected due dates for every cycle!!

Though, I'll admit I did the math on this one. Somehow, it feels SOOOOO hopeful having this one test done, even though it didn't tell me why I haven't gotten prego, it does give me hope that maybe I CAN.
Plus, of the 70 ladies that took the "bfp after hsg" poll on here, 30 of them did get their bfp the cycle of their hsg :)
This gives me hope. Waiting for my AF to arrive in the next couple of days so I can try first cycle after hsg:thumbup:

I am terrible for checking due dates! Off to calculate my next possible one now:coffee:
Plus, of the 70 ladies that took the "bfp after hsg" poll on here, 30 of them did get their bfp the cycle of their hsg :)
I heard that you have a slightly increased chance of conceiving for a couple of cycles after a HSG/HyCoSy.

I am hoping this is true anyway :flower:
Plus, of the 70 ladies that took the "bfp after hsg" poll on here, 30 of them did get their bfp the cycle of their hsg :)
I heard that you have a slightly increased chance of conceiving for a couple of cycles after a HSG/HyCoSy.

I am hoping this is true anyway :flower:
I found this thread
When I was reading about HSGs, and it sounds promising!

My "hopeful edd" will be March 14, 2014 if this worked, and my baby would be almost a year behind my sister's. :) I'm hopeful for this one, but of course very aware that it's not guaranteed. I have had short LP problems in the past, but taking B vitimins seemed to help it and I've been taking both Geritol and a B-complex every day this cycle!! FX!! The B-complex even has folic acid, so I should be covered on that until I switch to a prenatal in the event of a bfp!

You know you're TTC when your bedside table has Pre-seed and applicators, a BBT thermometer, and a collection of pee sticks laying around! Hehe

I did realize if I was waking up to POAS, I might as well take my temp first. I was working a very wonky shift (alternating mornings and nights) last fall and fell off the bandwagon. Of course starting temping mid-cycle isn't great for pinpointing O, but two weeks should be long enough to give me a heads up if the witch shows
My chart is impossible this month. I'm not even sure that I've ovulated YET for all those darn pee sticks high ans peak smileys....

I had watery cm all day yesterday, and EWCM when I went for a poo. Then today temp of 97.04??? That's not a post-O temp no matter how ya slice it! Maybe I'm ovulating today still??? Haha FF is still saying 4dpo. The 48 hour peak disappeared off my monitor, should've tested this morning I guess, but I didn't realize the test was ready until after I got back from the bathroom
I found this thread
When I was reading about HSGs, and it sounds promising!

My "hopeful edd" will be March 14, 2014 if this worked, and my baby would be almost a year behind my sister's. :) I'm hopeful for this one, but of course very aware that it's not guaranteed.
That does sound promising - not getting my hopes up those as part of our problem is male factor :(

Also, i'm not sure I actually want to conceive this month given my hopeful estimated due date :(

You know you're TTC when your bedside table has Pre-seed and applicators, a BBT thermometer, and a collection of pee sticks laying around! Hehe
That sounds exactly like my bedroom :rofl:

I did realize if I was waking up to POAS, I might as well take my temp first. I was working a very wonky shift (alternating mornings and nights) last fall and fell off the bandwagon. Of course starting temping mid-cycle isn't great for pinpointing O, but two weeks should be long enough to give me a heads up if the witch shows
I temp but OH does shift work so the last two temps have been taken at odd times :(

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