I got a job interview for a job that I applied for back in February!!!
It's for police dispatcher and pays way better than my current fast food job, and I expect probably has better benefits and hopefully, better insurance!! I am "happy enough" at my current job, but I told my boss last week if I found one that paid significantly better I would leave and he said him too LOL
I'm just soooooo surprised, I'd almost forgotten about the application! I go see a police captain tomorrow!!
I expect there'll be a drug test lol so I got a copy of all my prescriptions and doctors who prescribed them today from my pharmacy. I have current scripts for 3 "controlled" substances right now from all the pain meds that I've received recently (like, in the past week). I'm all legal of course, but it's laughable that I've never had ANYTHING to remotely possible to even show up on a drug test in all my working years, and now that I've got a great opportunity I'm all doped up! But, like I said, shouldn't have anything to worry about really since it's all prescribed to me.
I saw my new gyno today, I like him. Maybe better than my old one. He said I have a large, hemorrhagic cyst on my left ovary that is bleeding and causing all this pain. He said there really isn't anything to do to make it go away or be absorbed faster. I asked for a script for Tramadol, because the Percocet that my GP prescribed makes me throw up. He did, and said we'd do another scan next cycle to make sure it was gone before proceeding with fertility treatments. He seemed optimistic that we could prevent more and proceed next cycle, moreso than me lol I'm afraid I'll sprout another cyst next time I "ovulate". I'm not even sure I ovulate properly, I think I may have LUFS, but I guess I'll have to wait for a real diagnosis on that.
AF is still going pretty strong, this is a looooong one for me, and quite clumpy. Usually I only get clumps on CD1-2. I hope this is a good clean out of my system, following the HSG!!!!!!!!!!!!