LTTTC while feeling left behind Room - Welcome

teddy I am so sorry af is on her way Hun you're a very strong woman and its so hard to bounce back when you have been in it as long as you have, take the time to get your head around things, we are all here for you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

lekker sorry you are having such a rough time! I wish I was on Facebook I would certainly be defending you!!
I hope your doc can just sign a referral for you to have the lap!!
I agree also that people don't get it unless they're going through it they're so shallow minded some people!

sizzles sorry your currently in limbo land Hun :hugs: it's hard ttc for so long and other people around you getting their bfp :hugs:

Today I had a scan, results were-

Lining 9.15mm and follicle 14mm
Got to bd Sunday incase I ovulate on my own otherwise back on Monday and should be ready to trigger, great news as I didn't want to trigger this weekend...

They also done my amh (I didn't have to end up paying) and they done my 1st HIV test also- will get a call in two week with amh results to see if I'm Eligable to egg share- well nervous now!

I hope everyone is well, sorry if I missed anyone :hugs:
HI Sizzles: nice to meet you and welcome. Truly unexplained is nerve wrecking. I hope you end up pregnant before IVF. Thanks for the hugs too.

Lekker...It's really frustrating when you put your inner most feelings out there and idiots say stupid stuff. That's what this mean world has come too though. That's why I liked that comment on the ricki lake show writing that said "hey may be afraid to share the details with you, because of fear of being criticized or misunderstood." This is so true. It shouldn't be that way. The comments are hurtful that they make but you know what...they can kiss it where the sun don't shine.

Teddy. I hope today the light shines a little brighter for you. :hugs:

Scerena: hi there. Just make it over when you can girl.

All my other ladies..I hope you are all doing well.

AFM..just hanging around. Thinking I got a positive opk today. Don't know though. The IC last evening looked positive buy my smiley face was neg. I had really bad pin pains in the middle of the night from both ovaries. I've never had that before and was wondering if it was cysts or something. I don't know what that feel like. I took another IC this morning and it looked positive to me. I'll post it and you guys tell me what you think. I don't really trust it because it looked like that to me last evening as well. I don't have any more smiley faces and didn't want to buy anymore. I might have to for peace of mind. Trying to time this BD thing is making me sick. DH wants too all the time not understanding that it decreases his amount. Anyways..I might end up buying some smileys' anyway.


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Phrumkidost: How ya doing my dear?

Prayingforno1 You still around? how are you also?

Scerena Everything looks like it's growing nicely! Hopefully this is your time before you start egg sharing. I am friends with a girl that has egg shared in england and it's a hard road, but you're strong and will be able to get through it. I breifly looked into eggsharing but I don't know if I"d be able to do it. We'll see...

krystinab hope this cocktail works for you. You're coming up on o'ing, hopefully you catch that eggy!

Here_we_r I hope you're feeling better with everything. Like I said, I think it's the clomid so try not to be to hard on yourself. We're all a rollercoaster of emotions with TTC...hell, look at me! :haha: Go pamper yourself my dear, or go out with some friends...remember how good that felt when I forced you to go out!??! Lol...well didn't FORCE you, but encouraged... ;) It was pretty damn funny when you bought all that wine. I thought you were going to start chugging them on the way home!! :rofl: Are you still charting?? That IC looks ALMOST positive. Keep on bd'ing girl. You're almost there.

Pookabear I can't tell you how incredibly happy I am to have you back around my dear. :hugs: I hope they don't make you wait too much longer on your test results. Your doc office is torking ME off, I Can't imagine how you must feel. Hopefully they get your hubby started on something ASAP and have you decided on lap for sure?

Teddybearpug My heart is breaking for you. :hugs: I'm so sorry for everything you're going through. You're one strong cookie. Just give it time, liek I told here, we're all on an emotinal rollercoaster with TTC and especially LTTTC...its so hard but we're all here for you. Good days and bad. Spotting really sucks ASS. I'm sure you have, but have you tried googling it and seeing what you find from others? Those comments on the ricki lake fb page make me want to find those people and punch them square in the throat or break their fingers so they can't be so mean. People are so damn tough on the internet. :grr:

HearMyPrayers I can't imagine how hard "unexplained" infertility must be. I'm a control freak too...and even though we have answers on why were not conceiving it's still hard, but I can't imagine not knowing. I hope something gives for you soon. big :hugs: and welcome!!

LekkerSlaap my poor girl...I thought you did amazing on the show and we've already talked about all this, but I feel like going to knock some heads around for you. I know you're a strong passionate woman and you'll let em' have it!!

Sizzles Like I told hearmyprayers, i can't imagine what you must be going through not having any answers. I know how you feel NEVER having a bfp though. We'll be 2 years in jan and not even a evap. The only bfp i had was a fake one that i just HAD to take when I had the trigger for my IUI lol. :dohh: I'm kinda pathetic though. I also feel your pain with everyone being pregnant around you. 2 of my SIL just had baby boys and 2 of my SIL are pregnant right now. It's really hard. I'm sorry about the spotting. You, Pook and Teddy have lots in common there. Hopefully IVF gives you your long awaited BFP. Waiting sucks big time. A lot of us are contemplating IVF right now I think.

AFM: I'm still in TWW 5dpo or something? Nothing too exciting going on. I'm still going down in my weight. Not much but at least I'm not yo-yoing like I was before. I think we're going to a "zombie walk" downtown tomorrow. Looks like fun!!
I just wrote my story for 1in10 pcos magazine. It's in my journal if you want to read it!
gdane thanks Hun :hugs: it's hard to be strong but is ladies just know we have to :hugs:
Zombie walk sounds fun :) I hope that you have fun :) hope your TWW hurries up for you Hun :hugs:
I will pop over to your journal and read your story :)

here I think it's almost positive Hun :hugs: timing bd is always a pain but you will hopefully manage to persuade your oh :hugs:
I've had pains when I am ovulating so fx'd that's what you're having :)
Lekker I haven't watched the episode but when I heard the advertisements for the show and the title I said, WoW those ladies are extremely brave to put themselves out there for others to learn and be encouraged from them. Don't let anyone discourage you. Only you know what you've been through and what you have ahead of you. You bravely got up on national tv to discuss your struggles. Ask one of the people who are bashing you to do that and they would run and hide in a corner. I hope the doctor gives you your paperwork so you can move onto the next step. If not, maybe try going to another doctor.

Good luck hun and don't be discouraged. Keep us posted on your progess, struggles or whatever lol.
Hey everyone, just introducing myself, probably way TMI but you know...

I am 20 my husband is 22 we have been TTC #1 for over 4 years now :( We have been together for 6 years and married for over a year now :) The group i am part of on here everyone has had babies and some are on their second now, the only other people on my thread that are still TTC do have other children. I love them all to pieces and they are great women but it is hard for me to see all their babies growing up. It especially hurts because i am only young, you would imagine younger people would be most fertile, just my luck :/ I have never had a BFP and i was diagnosed with PCOS earlier this year when i had appendicitis and a laparoscopy. My husbands sperm count is good and the FS has done lots of bloods and it just seems that my hormones are screwed up and i have insulin resistance. Have started metformin about 10 days before this cycle and it shortened my cycle by 12 days! Which i was impressed with and i had EWCM earlier this cycle and that is the first time i have ever had it so i think i might have ovulated for the first time :)..

Hope you are all well, i do keep trying to read the thread but it keeps getting longer so have decided to post before reading it properly.

Hi lupinerainbow! welcome :hugs:

Thank you all for your encouraging words :hugs: I've quickly read through most posts but not enough to really comment, sorry :blush: I will really catch up this weekend. I just wanted to let everyone know that i am doing alright. I'm feeling better. AF officially showed her face today..right on time with the spotting 1 day later than usual since i was taking the estrogen and progesterone. Big whoop, right? i'm not impressed :growlmad: I went to counseling today and i'm feeling a little better. Its a grieving process and she encouraged me to site the serenity prayer, which i am really trying to focus on. I'm not sure where i really stand but i do know that i am not taking any hormones this cycle..i need a freakin break!
Hi everyone, just dropping in to say hello. No news since my last post DH needs to make appointment with his doctors so we find out the results from his last SA plus he travels this week for business so I doubt we'll find out until next week. I'm trying to stay positive and hopeful which I'm sure everyone here knows isn't easy at all. Praying we get some :bfp: around here very soon.

Welcome to the group lupinerainbow and I hope to read some updates from everyone very soon
For those that missed it, I finally was able to upload it to youtube.
:hi: welcome lupinerainbow :)

teddy sorry af showed her face :hugs: :hugs: I am glad you had counselling today, so is this cycle going to be a natural cycle???
Sending tons of :hugs: your way Hun :hugs:

prayingforno1 what was your oh's previous numbers? I hope they are okay this time around :hugs:

lekker you are very brave speaking out I just watched the clip :hugs:
Hi girls!

I got back from Singapore this morning! It was a really great time, even though it was a work trip (I have a great job). You'll never guess what happened while I was there -- I Oed! I couldn't believe it! CD 23 or so. And it the strongest ovulation I think I've had -- loads of ECM (I've only got this one or twice in the past year) and I felt like BDing with every guy there (LOL -- and really sorry for the TMI). Hubs and I BDed when I got home, but I'm pretty sure we were too late. Anyway, I am just so excited that my body is doing something!

I thought of you all while I was there and couldn't wait to check back and see how everyone was doing. It's nice to see more people on here and to get to know more people.

Lekker, I am just about to watch the video from the Ricki show. I really can't believe that people would be so insensitive! But like the others have said, they don't matter. Stay strong. You went on the show for all of us who are suffering. And I am thankful for that.

Teddy and Pooka, I also have the spotting problem. It was better when I was using progesterone cream, but the FS also thinks it might be endo. In any case, I'm using it again now that I've Oed (and I stopped the vitex and EPO) so we'll see what happens. But glad you're feeling better and that the counseling helped, Teddy.

GDane, thanks for asking about me! And you're grr face to those haters totally made me laugh. Thanks for being here.

Here, also hope you're feeling better! I am also a big fan of wine. If we were closer I'd take you out for a glass somewhere. :)

Scerena, any news? Those numbers from a few days ago looked good!

Krystin, looks like you should have an egg coming out soon!

Nice to see the others here, too! Sorry I don't have a full note for everyone, and I'm really sorry for those I've missed. Lots of things to catch up on! It's great to see such a big group here. I guess I'm not the only one left out.

:hugs: for all.
phrum: :rofl: That was so funny. "You felt like BD with every guy there". That was hilarious!! If that's not excitement I don't know what is. :rofl: Girl..Ovulation and EWCM is some powerful stuff for a woman TTC :rofl: I'm so glad your trip was awesome. Honey I would love to go out for a glass of wine with you. That would be all too cool.

Lekker: You are so brave to go on TV. Oh and the hair is too cute! I hope you hear something very soon from this stupid Dr. I mean what the heck. All you need is a stupid referral. Tell again when you go back to the Dr, I'll go down there and smack him.

Scerena: What's going on with your follies girl? I may be off here (we have so many friends now) but don't you go back for a check today and trigger. If so I hope you have some gigantic follies.

Prayingfor1: Any results yet? I hope things are good.

Krys: Hey girl. Where are you in your cycle?

Gdane: Hey honey. I hope your day is good today. How could it not if you can gaze at those fine men you work with :haha: Hopefully you won't get any buttheads calling in there today. How is your 2WW going?

Teddy: Hi sweety. How are you? I see therapy was good. I'm thinking of calling today. So is DH going to your sessions now or just some of them. I think DH needs to go as well but I don't want to talk everything in front of him. I have found a lady that I think I want to use but I don't know how he would feel having a lady.

Lupin: Hello. Very nice to meet you. I'm glad you found us. How are you making it?

Sizzles: Hi honey. I hope you are doing well.

Pooka: Hi there. Were you waiting on some results as well for your DH? I could be totally wrong. Old brain and a lot of new friends just doesn't mix sometimes. That might mean I need to put the wine glass down.

My other sweethearts.......that I didn't call by name. I hope you are all well. Come check in and let me know how you are.

AFM: I think I'm in the 2WW. Temps are rising. I had a positive opk in the evening on Friday and then a neg opk Sat. morning and then a positive Sat afternoon. Really weird for me. I'm hoping its like someone told me that the morning was a false neg due to low Lh in my urine. So anyways..I had to pull out the thermy (I didn't want to) and seem to have temp rises. I'm keeping up the BD for a bit to be sure. It didn't try to come out the gate and then go back. Anyways other than that just trying to make it through the day.
I am seeing a different dr this time. I did inquire with Walter Reed about the "free" IVF. I wake up to a voicemail....the costs for IVF there are going to run between 4,500-7,900 for 1 round. WHERE is my brick wall?
PHrum: glad you had a great time on your trip. You sound like you have an amazing job. Does suck for the bd'ing though. :hugs:

Lekker: You did awesome girl. I hope you get to tell your whole story to more people. Great job spreading the word.

Here: Good luck on your tww. Sounds like you have a great chance :dust:

AFM: Feeling completely left behind today. Very emotional which AF will be here in a day or two i think. Very super sucky day. Lots of stupid coworkers AND customers. plus other shit. *sigh*
Gdane, maybe she wont show...

Phrum, I am glad you Od and had a great trip! You should have Od 24-48 hours after the +opk. How soon did you get home to DH after your +?

Leeker, where do you live? Most fertility clinics have financial specialists who can assist you with financing.

Here, I hope you caught that eggy!!

AFM, got a +opk and DH are off because of hurricane sandy! Praying we catch that eggy!

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