Wish2BMom- I ovulate around cd 16-19...so we will see, but how long is your LP? Mine last month was 12 days....I guess that is ok, but not 100% sure how long is optimal?
oh we're very close then! I'm only on my 3rd month of temping, I think the first month was an anovulatory month, so I only have one month of solid O data. But I O'ed on cd18 last month and have a 28-day cycle typically, so my LP is only 10-11 days (so far as I can tell, we'll see what happens this month).
I read that anything over 10 days is good - I would think 14 would be optimal or most common. But only when you're under 10 should you maybe consider talking to a doc about it.
I've been tracking my cycles for about 18 months but only ttc for 5 and it's strange because my LP was always 12 days but since ttc it's gone up to 14 or 15, I haven't done anything different so I'm not sure why. I Ov quite late too cd 19 or 20 usually which has been making my cycles 34 days long, I'm wish I had 28 day cycles as it means I get less chances per year if that makes sense.
I wouldn't worry about your 10-12 day LPs, everything I've read says 10 days or more is fine.