Confuzion- I had the same reaction as you lol
littlegirl- Awh well I hope it pays off for you hun, it paid off for me when we followed it
Wish2B- Im not going to lie, when she first told me she thought she saw 2 sacs and had to get the radiologist my heart dropped into my stomach, it was kind of scary because I wasn't prepared for that kind of news(I was preparing myself for the worst case scenario but not that lol) and then when the radiologist said he also might of saw 2 sacs I started cryingbut now the idea of having twins is really growing on me, we want 3 kids so twins would complete our family. My husband on the other hand, I think hes still in a bit of shock because he was a little quiet on the drive home but this morning when he left for work he kissed the top of my head and rubbed my belly
it was cute, so I think its growing on him too
You will be soon I bet![]()
Confuzion- I had the same reaction as you lol
littlegirl- Awh well I hope it pays off for you hun, it paid off for me when we followed it
Wish2B- Im not going to lie, when she first told me she thought she saw 2 sacs and had to get the radiologist my heart dropped into my stomach, it was kind of scary because I wasn't prepared for that kind of news(I was preparing myself for the worst case scenario but not that lol) and then when the radiologist said he also might of saw 2 sacs I started cryingbut now the idea of having twins is really growing on me, we want 3 kids so twins would complete our family. My husband on the other hand, I think hes still in a bit of shock because he was a little quiet on the drive home but this morning when he left for work he kissed the top of my head and rubbed my belly
it was cute, so I think its growing on him too
Ahhhhh so glad to hear that! I am BEYOND ready!
Still super excited for you though! AHhhhh twins!
I have a BUNCH of cousins who are twins and they LOVE it!![]()
Confuzion- I had the same reaction as you lol
littlegirl- Awh well I hope it pays off for you hun, it paid off for me when we followed it
Wish2B- Im not going to lie, when she first told me she thought she saw 2 sacs and had to get the radiologist my heart dropped into my stomach, it was kind of scary because I wasn't prepared for that kind of news(I was preparing myself for the worst case scenario but not that lol) and then when the radiologist said he also might of saw 2 sacs I started cryingbut now the idea of having twins is really growing on me, we want 3 kids so twins would complete our family. My husband on the other hand, I think hes still in a bit of shock because he was a little quiet on the drive home but this morning when he left for work he kissed the top of my head and rubbed my belly
it was cute, so I think its growing on him too
Ahhhhh so glad to hear that! I am BEYOND ready!
Still super excited for you though! AHhhhh twins!
I have a BUNCH of cousins who are twins and they LOVE it!![]()
so they run in your family, littlegirl?? uh ohhhhhh![]()
HA! I'll tell my friend that had twins 2 yrs ago that you think it's easier. Please send me your address so she can come slap you!! hahahaa she's going out of her mind!
At least if it happens to you, you have a TON of people to go to for advice!!