Lol ladies I am so bad..I caved already
I tested last night(guess you could say 6dpo since it was like 12) and here's my result..
Pretty sure its an evap, but I threw the test away right when it was finished then about an hour later I looked at it again and saw that line so Im not sure when it popped up. I dont want to get false hope though so I am going to say its an evil evap, it does have color to it though
Redrose- I dont think it will matter, sounds like you guys timed bd perfect
I have more experience with uti's then I want to have lol, they suck. I get them alot but its hard for me to know when I have one unless I get a kidney infection like you, cause thats when it gets really painful, but a kidney infection or a uti wont affect implantation, and if they give you antibiotics that are safe for pregnancy then it should be okay
and I second the cranberry juice, drink like a whole bottle of it then water the rest of the day and I swear you will feel better by sunday. I hope it goes away soon hun
Liz- My temp dipped this morning so that made me nervous, I hate when it dips lol cause Im always used to that af dip
I think you caught it this cycle
Wish2be- Sorry to hear that ff is changing your ovulation date, that must be so frustrating but I agree with everyone else that you dont have to have a dip in your temp to ovulate here Ill give you an example
that was my chart from 2 cycles ago, my temp didn't dip when I ovulated
it did dip like 2 days prior though
Nina- Awh Im sorry hun
I know how you feel, I feel out too and Im only 6dpo but we aren't out til the witch shows, and 8dpo is too early for af symptoms I think so maybe the watery cm is good sign this month
I am dry as a desert down there when af is about to come lol