Redrose- Yay, those sound like great symptoms

I've also been having tons and tons of cm today, I had to put a panty liner on
babyvaughn- Awh

Im an emotional wreck too, I watched frozen for the first time 2 days ago and bawled my eyes out almost the whole first half of it, it was embarrassing lol, my dh kept asking if I was okay

I bet its a good sign for you
Liz- I really dont think they are indents but we will see tomorrow, I am excited for you to test

even though you think they are indents, I think its the start of your bfp
Afm- I stated above that I have been having tons of cm today, so of course I tested..I was sure I saw a line
Here's the original
And here's a slightly tweaked pic
What do you ladies think? I cant believe this is happening again..last cycle I got some very convincing evaps and Im terrified right now