***November 2019 Babies!***

Oh no, and they're real contractions? Not just Braxton Hicks huh? I'm sorry, and yes you have to relax and not put stress on your body to prevent preterm labor. I've been a bit of a hermit outside of going to work myself but mostly because I have zero energy to do anything and I don't feel very pretty anymore. Lol I'm having a shower, my mom wouldn't hear of me not wanting one, it's in October, so we're getting ready for that now.

Sadly, they're real contractions :( but it never leads to any thing it does die off after a few hours, I've been having Braxton hicks since 17 weeks, but these are strong enough to pick up on a CTG my contraction lines on them were like waves lol some days are worse than others, but once I start dilating or my waters go, it's straight to hospital, but I'm feeling good now hopefully my body has given up Haha

Good luck at your shower :)
Sounds like you’re used to early contractions and having your babes early hlx? That’s tough but glad things turn out ok :hugs:. Guess you’ll probably meet babe first!

No baby shower here but we did have a lovely coed celebration for our first a few months before she was born. Our little babymoon was nice. Perfect weather, but we mostly just ordered room service and binge watched Mind Hunter :haha:. I adore DD but she’s a ball of energy and it was nice to just relax.

Starting to feel really scattered and overwhelmed at work. Trying to train up someone to cover while I’m on leave but I have a pretty unique role and skill set plus she still has all her usual stuff so it’s tough. Took three days just to cover one responsibility. On top of that, my directors keep putting new projects on my plate or asking about old projects that have taken a backseat to other priorities. I think they’re trying to squeeze in as much as possible, but I’m concerned about so many changes right now. Not sure they’ll be enough time for everything to settle and I won’t be there to troubleshoot. I’ve also now committed myself to a class and an academic committee while I’m out. Not sure what I’m thinking! Thank goodness I said no to teaching the course I developed at the community college!

I’m still in pain and counting down the days, but doing my best to keep on smiling. Really looking forward to meeting baby boy <3. I’m feeling huge lately. Definitely far less mobile than I was at this stage with DD!


Hope everyone else is hanging in there! Just a few more months!
Sounds like you’re used to early contractions and having your babes early hlx? That’s tough but glad things turn out ok :hugs:. Guess you’ll probably meet babe first!

No baby shower here but we did have a lovely coed celebration for our first a few months before she was born. Our little babymoon was nice. Perfect weather, but we mostly just ordered room service and binge watched Mind Hunter :haha:. I adore DD but she’s a ball of energy and it was nice to just relax.

Starting to feel really scattered and overwhelmed at work. Trying to train up someone to cover while I’m on leave but I have a pretty unique role and skill set plus she still has all her usual stuff so it’s tough. Took three days just to cover one responsibility. On top of that, my directors keep putting new projects on my plate or asking about old projects that have taken a backseat to other priorities. I think they’re trying to squeeze in as much as possible, but I’m concerned about so many changes right now. Not sure they’ll be enough time for everything to settle and I won’t be there to troubleshoot. I’ve also now committed myself to a class and an academic committee while I’m out. Not sure what I’m thinking! Thank goodness I said no to teaching the course I developed at the community college!

I’m still in pain and counting down the days, but doing my best to keep on smiling. Really looking forward to meeting baby boy <3. I’m feeling huge lately. Definitely far less mobile than I was at this stage with DD!

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Hope everyone else is hanging in there! Just a few more months!

I guess I am slightly used to it! The same happened with my second so I'm guessing it's normal for my body to try and evict my babies lol! The only issue with contracting on and off regular is how much pain it makes you feel and how much damage its probably doing to your body, because contractions are supposed to be there as your dilating, but I get contractions now and I'm not dilating, so the pain is unbelievable! I do miss Braxton hicks now, it's kinda like I've got strong waves of the worst period pain imaginable! With my second I was regularly contracting from 30 weeks right through to 40 weeks, and as soon as I got induced he was born 2 hours later, so my body doesn't need much persuading once induced, it's just the agony of actual contractions for weeks knowing full well I won't dilate its frustration to say the least, but he definitely can't come now, so I'll just deal with it until the time comes lol! Your bump is so lovely!
Your bumps are so lovely!! Mine still doesn't look much at all. The number of people in work who have only just congratulated me and I say "thanks, 8 weeks to go" and they look at me so confused like I only just found out and didn't know I was pregnant for like that last 30 weeks haha.
I know exactly how you feel about training replacements, mine started 2 weeks ago and it's actually draining trying to show someone what to do while trying to do the list of other stuff you want to finish before you go off work.
I've been in bed all weekend with a cold/flu/chesty cough. I've coughed so much I'm making myself sick, it's making my heartburn worse and I feel like I've pulled a muscle in my stomach. I feel so drained. I've started iron tablets and they don't seem to be agreeing with me either. So yeah, I'm just a moody cow!!
I'm not having a baby shower, it's not really my thing. I hope everyone who is having one has an amazing time though!
Not long to go!!

Your bumps are so lovely!! Mine still doesn't look much at all. The number of people in work who have only just congratulated me and I say "thanks, 8 weeks to go" and they look at me so confused like I only just found out and didn't know I was pregnant for like that last 30 weeks haha.
I know exactly how you feel about training replacements, mine started 2 weeks ago and it's actually draining trying to show someone what to do while trying to do the list of other stuff you want to finish before you go off work.
I've been in bed all weekend with a cold/flu/chesty cough. I've coughed so much I'm making myself sick, it's making my heartburn worse and I feel like I've pulled a muscle in my stomach. I feel so drained. I've started iron tablets and they don't seem to be agreeing with me either. So yeah, I'm just a moody cow!!
I'm not having a baby shower, it's not really my thing. I hope everyone who is having one has an amazing time though!
Not long to go!!

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You look amaaaaze girl and them boobs ;) mine are like saggy tea bags right now hahaha!!!

My bumps from each trimester, I can't wait for this little man to get here now, I'm so done!!!

You look amaaaaze girl and them boobs ;) mine are like saggy tea bags right now hahaha!!!

My bumps from each trimester, I can't wait for this little man to get here now, I'm so done!!!

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You're bigger than me at 12 weeks haha, how are our babies measuring the same!? You look so good though hun, he'll be here in no time <3
You're bigger than me at 12 weeks haha, how are our babies measuring the same!? You look so good though hun, he'll be here in no time <3

You have better muscles than me hun! Your body must hold it in easier, my stomach is already twice ruined before this baby :rofl: <3
Yea I definitely got bigger faster this time. It’s like my muscles had no fight at all this time :haha:

Jft I had people tell me I was too small and there must be something wrong with the baby with my first. It was awful. I just smiled and said the doctors say all is well and measuring right on track but thanks. It always amazes me how different we can all look with the same final height or now even how different I look from one pregnancy to the next.
That stinks it hurts so much hlx. I didn’t realize. With DD my contractions didn’t really hurt that much until they broke my water. That’s Monday what we do as mamas huh? Grin and bear it for our littles no matter how much it hurts.
It's so quiet in here! I hope everyone is well :)
Just put my 2 yo down for a nap. Busy, stressful week for me. Trying to relax and do some prep work at the house this weekend. I don’t understand how I have just 5 more weeks until my due date (per my ob; 5.5 per my dates)! Weekly appointments and dilation checks start next Tuesday.
Hi everyone. I’ve not been on here for a while. Sorry to hear you’ve been in pain hlx. Fingers crossed little one stays put though for a while yet. I’m due the day before you.

Feeling so tired, short of breath and really like my body is made of lead. I know it’s my last pregnancy so I’m trying to enjoy it but it’s really hard to sometimes as I feel so uncomfortable :(

Anyone craving anything weird and wonderful? I’m chomping on ice cubes but they have to be soft crunchy crushed ice rather than big smooth blocks.. so weird but I had this with the boys too
I'm not craving anything! It's so strange this time around I feel so rubbish and in pain I'm not even fancying normal food let alone cravings! I feel the same as you bobster last pregnancy and trying to enjoy it but I'm really not, I'm so so done!!!
I was craving dark chocolate and boba for a while but both cravings have subsided. Otherwise my diet is limited so that I don’t get sick and I’m thankfully not craving anything I can’t have. Even baked a birthday cake and cupcakes for my SIL and was totally ok not having any myself.

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Oh wow impressive cakes!!!

We don’t have long now hlx.

How’s your bump looking? I’m hugeeeeee. Feel like she’s really low down too so starting to waddle a bit when walking
I actually dont feel too big! Bigger than I was on my previous two but apparently I look neat! Baby is engaged too so that might be why I'm not looking as big as I did, on a negative note morning sickness is back today, I'm feeling off, sick crampy, hot and generally shite! I'm so ready for my little man to be here, I cant go on feeling like this :rofl:
32 weeks was last weeks bump pic, I haven't taken a new one this week, but hes much much lower than that now!!

Maternity/family photos are in!

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So I’m starting to get sharp pains in my cervix. I think it’s just when baby boy stretches and pushes down bc I can feel his feet pressing up on my ribs at the same time. I never got this with my daughter though, so I’m a bit worried that means he’ll come earlier. Some articles say yes (but it can still be weeks to a month) others no. He’s just sitting lower overall in general so fx it’s just him stretching and not descending!
Maternity/family photos are in!

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So I’m starting to get sharp pains in my cervix. I think it’s just when baby boy stretches and pushes down bc I can feel his feet pressing up on my ribs at the same time. I never got this with my daughter though, so I’m a bit worried that means he’ll come earlier. Some articles say yes (but it can still be weeks to a month) others no. He’s just sitting lower overall in general so fx it’s just him stretching and not descending!

Beautiful photos, and yes it's sounds like it's just him stretching and putting pressure on your pubic bone.

I've been getting pains when I walk, sharp in my pelvis and only one one side. Dr said she may have to induce me in 3 weeks if my next growth ultrasounds doesn't show that my baby has gained enough weight, she was a bit underweight at my 32 week scan. I'm also being closely monitored for preeclampsia, my blood pressure isn't high, but my dr is worried that I'm gaining weight too fast and have too much fluid retention. This little girl is really doing a number on her mama! But fx she's out on weight and can stay in till she's done baking.

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