***November 2019 Babies!***

MissDoc, wonderful plan. I need to plan it out like you. So far we've moved the full size bed out of the room into another bedroom that we were using as an at home gym, but the closet still needs to be cleaned out, armoire moved out, painted and new carpet lain! So much to do! I already have a glider, so I just need all the other furniture, gonna put most of it on my registry, but I'll buy the crib myself and I'm sure I'll want it assembled before my shower.

Jft your nursery is so cute, I'm so jealous your about done already.

Lesondemavie, I have also been getting branxton hicks. My Dr said it's normal, but the first time I got one I didn't know what was happening.
I’m already getting Braxton Hicks. Definitely didn’t start this early with DD. Anyone else?

Oh yes I have! I was in hospital at 20 weeks with them even the midwife was concerned how regular I was getting them, up to 6 or 7 times an hour at one point! But basically the advice they gave me was to keep drinking plenty and relax when you can, they did die down eventually and now I don't get many at all, maybe 1 or 2 a day! And I did not get them that early with both previous babies! Hope that helps hun x
Just wondering when is everyone planning on taking their maternity leave as were all due the same month lol I'm going end of August, I'm done with work, I need me time :yipee:
Just wondering when is everyone planning on taking their maternity leave as were all due the same month lol I'm going end of August, I'm done with work, I need me time :yipee:

My job only gives me 12 weeks, so I'm working until I go into labor. But I'll stop going in the office and work from home starting nov 1.

Anyone else been having issues with this site lately?
I’m working until my due date at least. I thought I’d want off earlier with my first but then kept delaying it and then I was miserable and stir crazy while I waited another 1.5 weeks past my due date for baby to come. I love my job, so that makes a difference I’m sure. It’s fulfilling and rewarding and a big part of who I am.

In CA, we have some of the best leave laws in the US (but still lag behind other countries). We can take up to 4 weeks of disability for a normal pregnancy before baby is born and then 6 weeks after at 60-70% pay. Then we get paid family leave at the same rate for another 6 weeks. After that our jobs are protected for another 4 weeks (so up to 16 weeks after delivery) but those last 4 weeks would be unpaid. My company continues to cover our insurance during leave as well. They’d let me take longer than above unpaid but I’d also have to pay for my insurance during that time. I plan to just take the 12 weeks of paid leave after delivery, but if baby is late like before I may have a week or two before that as well.

My husband also gets 6 weeks of paid family leave, but last time his company gave him 12 weeks of full pay. He continued to work some from home during that time, but they understood that his focus and priority was baby.
@HLx I'm so jealous you're finishing in August! What a lovely chance to rest before your baby boy arrives!

I'll be finishing early to mid October which will give me some time to relax before baby arrives. I get about 6 months full pay and then it reduces a bit, so I'll take at least 6 months and then see what happens. I can take up to a year and my job is unaffected. I love what I do so I probably won't want to stay off much more than 6 months. DH will be taking a month which is nice. And then he might take another 3 once I'm back at work and do shared parental leave. The UK seem to be very good when it comes to maternity in comparison to the US.
Hi ladies, just checking in on everyone. How aren't you all coming along?

Afm, I'm starting to feel this pregnancy more and more, from the chronic back pain, to the acid reflux, I'm just in a constant uncomfortable state. 3 more mos to go. Hope all of you ladies feel better.
I just entered 3rd trimester! Appointment went well. I passed my 1-hour glucose test with flying colors and my parvovirus IgG and IgM is still negative which means I probably did not catch 5ths and baby boy is safe! Unfortunately my protein and iron are low again just like they were with my daughter. Back to breakfast oat and protein shakes for breakfast for the next three months and even though we eat spinach a few times a week I’ll need to switch our dinner veg to a dark leafy green every day. Thankful I can eat that stuff this time!

Kick counts started this week as well and I think we have a good pattern down. I definitely hurt more this pregnancy, but I know these next three months will fly by.

Oh and we bought a new suv this weekend. Wanted a bigger car for family camping and road trips.
Hi everyone and glad everyones well! 3rd tri is tomorrow for me and boy am I feeling it, I kind of wish I hadn't moaned the entire 2nd tri now because I'm really starting to get to that achey point. I've been having a lot of braxton hicks lately, they last around 1.15 minutes and are every 5 minutes give or take. I'm also feeling that dreaded lightening crotch already and it feels like baby is literally falling out, I'm not sure if I'll make it to the 9th November feeling this way, but If I do, I'll be in completely agony by that point!

Baby boy is doing so well in there, already 2lb 3oz so makes me reassured if he does try coming early like his big brother then he will have plenty of fat on him :)

90th centile for his tummy though, surely hes going to be such a buddha when hes here if that's the case hahaha! Not long now ladies! 13 weeks left for me!

Here is a recent scan of little Enzo I had done on Wednesday, I cant wait to kiss that little nose!!! <3

@HLx I'm so jealous you're finishing in August! What a lovely chance to rest before your baby boy arrives!

I'll be finishing early to mid October which will give me some time to relax before baby arrives. I get about 6 months full pay and then it reduces a bit, so I'll take at least 6 months and then see what happens. I can take up to a year and my job is unaffected. I love what I do so I probably won't want to stay off much more than 6 months. DH will be taking a month which is nice. And then he might take another 3 once I'm back at work and do shared parental leave. The UK seem to be very good when it comes to maternity in comparison to the US.

I didn't even see you replied on here hun I didn't ignore you hahaha! I cannot wait to finish a 2 weeks left but for some reason work has given me shifts after my holidays start, just hoping they forgot my holidays are in the system because I will not be coming back after my holidays start Haha! I'm only taking 9 months off, but I'm sure I'll end up back a bit earlier to get back into normality, and even though maternity is payed at 10% what you earn, I don't fancy losing that extra 10% of wages especially now my hours are lower than they were so I'll probably go back when the baby is 6 months old x
Third tri for me tomorrow. I feel like I've ballooned the past couple of days and actually look so pregnant, rather than people being unsure lol. I'm definitely struggling with more, like cutting my toe nails and stuff haha. I have the world's most horrific heartburn. That might sound dramatic, but honestly, I can't even explain how bad it is. Apart from that I'm doing well. I hope all you ladies are too. It's my wedding anniversary today and I did miss the prosecco lol, but it's made me more excited for our family to become 3!

@HLx Enzo is just adorable, he's got the cutest little button nose! Not long now til you get to put your feet up! I'll probably do the same and end up going back after about 6 months, I'll just see how things go.

I feel super organized, the nursery is finished and I've bought just about everything I need for baby arriving. When do you do your hospital bag - 30 odd weeks?
I bought a breast pump too - has anyone tried one?
You all must calculate third tri differently than me I think. For us, it’s at the end of the 28th week, not the beginning but eh all the same in the end right?

I think I had a hospital bag ready around 36 weeks just in case. I honestly didn’t use that much. My hospital provided a ton.

I used the Spectra with my daughter and liked it as much as you can like a pump. I just generally hate pumping. Being hooked up to a machine instead of bonding with your baby stinks. Plus with my job I had to pump while driving. So stressful. A haakaa or breast shell is great too. Just pop it on one side to catch your letdown while baby nurses. So much easier than doing a separate session after baby finishes. I’d get a good amount in the morning and it would add up over the day for sure. I used a haakaa last time but had some spills so thinking about trying the shells this time. I’ve also been eyeing the Willow or Elvie but because of cost I think I’m just going to try the freemie cups with my Spectra.
@Jft1 - I do my hospital bag early, just a piece of mind after what happened with George so I'll probably get it done by 30 weeks or something, I always add to it or re wash a few things throughout the weeks anyway so it doesn't stay packed for long. I do need some new suitcases though all the ones here are falling apart and I want nice matching ones for me and the baby (not sad at all hahaha)

@lesondemavie - I'm not entirely sure when 3rd tri is, in the UK it says 27 weeks, that's what's in my notes and all leaflets and stuff like that, but I believe everywhere else 3rd tri is 28 weeks, I'm really not sure on that one. I feel like I've hit 3rd tri anyway I'm absolutely exhausted! So I'll stick with it haha
Everyone does third tri differently. But just mathematically, each trimester is 13 weeks and 2.66 days, if counting a 40 week pregnancy. So 26.76 weeks mathematically begins the third equal portion of pregnancy.

So glad everyone is doing well. Love the progress and the sweet little scans!!!
Eh if we’re going to be technical the actual definition of a trimester is a period of three months not necessarily 40 weeks divided into three parts, and you’re not *really* pregnant those first few weeks before ovulation. Besides that, very few actually deliver on their due date so it’s pretty impossible to get a perfectly even third tri. I count first tri from conception to 14 weeks, second 14-28 weeks, and third 28 to delivery, but I think that’s just because it’s when I have appointments/testing. First tri testing here happens between weeks 10-14, and then the next round happens between 26-28 weeks. We also move to appointments every two weeks at 28 weeks (instead of every 4 weeks). Those are just important markers for me in that regard.

Totally get those markers might be different for others in other areas, and that we might all count it differently bc of that. I think whatever makes sense and works best for you amongst the various options is the way to go. I just needed to realize before that it wasn’t the same for everyone to clear up my own confusion.
I completely get the confusion! As I've heard of some places saying 13 weeks is the start of second trimester! I use 3rd tri when I 'feel' in my body I've hit 3rd tri, you know the aches the pains the tiredness the heaviness the pressure that sort of thing, once I've got them, I feel like relate more to 3rd tri than 2nd tri if that makes sense! Either way 28 weeks and 3rd tri would be just another 4 days away for me, but I definitely feel like I've hit it early lol
Third tri for me tomorrow. I feel like I've ballooned the past couple of days and actually look so pregnant, rather than people being unsure lol. I'm definitely struggling with more, like cutting my toe nails and stuff haha. I have the world's most horrific heartburn. That might sound dramatic, but honestly, I can't even explain how bad it is. Apart from that I'm doing well. I hope all you ladies are too. It's my wedding anniversary today and I did miss the prosecco lol, but it's made me more excited for our family to become 3!

@HLx Enzo is just adorable, he's got the cutest little button nose! Not long now til you get to put your feet up! I'll probably do the same and end up going back after about 6 months, I'll just see how things go.

I feel super organized, the nursery is finished and I've bought just about everything I need for baby arriving. When do you do your hospital bag - 30 odd weeks?
I bought a breast pump too - has anyone tried one?

I hear you on the heartburn, it sucks. My friend bought me the Elvie pump as a gift, I'm so excited to try it out when baby arrives. My cousin swears by the willow, so I'm guessing it'll be about the same.
@Jft1 congratulations on your 1 year anniversary hun! What did you do to celebrate? Sooo sorry about the prosecco :( but I hear ya girl!!! I need a glass of something desperately hahaha
Eh if we’re going to be technical the actual definition of a trimester is a period of three months not necessarily 40 weeks divided into three parts, and you’re not *really* pregnant those first few weeks before ovulation. Besides that, very few actually deliver on their due date so it’s pretty impossible to get a perfectly even third tri. I count first tri from conception to 14 weeks, second 14-28 weeks, and third 28 to delivery, but I think that’s just because it’s when I have appointments/testing. First tri testing here happens between weeks 10-14, and then the next round happens between 26-28 weeks. We also move to appointments every two weeks at 28 weeks (instead of every 4 weeks). Those are just important markers for me in that regard.

Totally get those markers might be different for others in other areas, and that we might all count it differently bc of that. I think whatever makes sense and works best for you amongst the various options is the way to go. I just needed to realize before that it wasn’t the same for everyone to clear up my own confusion.

I'd probably like the three month definition you mentioned better as it would mean each trimester is actually just 12.85 weeks (90 days) And by that definition I could have counted myself in the third tri at 25.7 weeks. :p

My doctor goes more mathematically, but I remember my first pregnancy I asked her why some people call 12 or 13 or 14 the start of second tri and what's "right" and she essentially said all of them. She said clinically and developmentally they think of the first critical part of pregnancy as the first 12 weeks, even though that's technically not a third of a full term pregnancy. My neurologist said the same thing. That "developmentally" and "mathematically" the trimester definitions are different and they're all right, depending on what you're going by. Like I couldn't have a certain migraine medication in the first 12 weeks, but they felt safe prescribing it after that.

I can't remember when I have to go to every two week appointments. I actually totally forgot about that! And I'm not looking forward to a million appts again. I also don't remember when they go to weekly here, maybe 36? When is weekly for you?
Great updates! Congrats on everyone in third tri. Couple more weeks for me.

I passed my one hour glucose test with a 72. I was shocked bc with DD I was like 120. I guess every pregnancy is different!

My ultrasound showed an extra little placenta so I have to get growth scans every four weeks to make sure that the big placenta is doing its job.

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