Spring/Summer IUI support thread

@Mina, @NovemberRayne, thinking of you both

@Realfemme, @MakingNo2, best of luck with your cycles

Thanks so much for the positive comments girls. This forum is great for support :) I should know over the next day/2 if I'm out for sure. Let's hope that AF doesn't show!
Bajayby- Thank you so much. Just hope it continues to be an easy pregnancy.

And that's what this thread is all about, positivity. We're all here to support and help each other get thru the hard times, and keep the spirits high when we can't turn to anyone else. Here you let it all out without any judgement.
no positive opk today. Sort of bummed. Was really hoping that my O date would shift back to what it was pre pregnancy. I only have one digital opk left. Hoping I surge tomorrow. Going to pick up a couple of dollar store ones to get me through cd 18 and 19 just in case. my temps are inching back up to cover line. Hubby insists on having the a/c on but he has been keeping it on low if the room is warm or fan if it is slightly too cold. He knows if it gets too cold it messes with my temp.

I've undiscarded the dip for now. Just going to see what FF does.
Just checking in with you beautiful ladies. I'm still a bit bummed about everything, Wifey is amazing though & has kept me smiling. In reality I do want the best chance for conceiving quickly.. and if that means waiting, so be it

Thank you all for your support.. the best set of ladies going!! I'll be back soon..I'm currently feeling sorry for myself with a bad cold 😂😂
Danser that is awesome!!!

AFM: I have been struggling with whether or not I ovulated. No positive opk's and my temp is really slow to rise. I am pretty sure I ovulated on cd 19 as I had a load of EWCM on cd 18...btw grapefruit juice works to increase it. I don't have much which is why we use preseed but that day I had a ton.... But I'm not totally sure as you can have all that and not ovulate. I go for my progesterone test on Saturday so I will know for sure then.

I woke up with a cold this morning so that may be why my temp is slow to rise. I woke up sleeping with my mouth open. I laid in bed for a few min with it closed to hopefully bring it to it's actual temperature. But FF gives me dotted cross hairs if I get a .03 rise tomorrow.

But I had one cycle that I didn't get a definitive spike but still ovulated.

But in the end I am counting myself as 2 dpo today.
Congratulations Danser! That must be so exciting to see!

Aayla - I think I agree... You may have ovulated when you think you did. He progesterone test should let you know for sure. Are you also doing IUI? Do they not track you or isn't up to you?

As for me.... I started bleeding last Thursday so I've had a quiet few days. Went for a blood test today and all levels are normal. No more hcg which is good news for me - it means we can at least try naturally this month. I've made an appointment with my dr as this is the third miscarriage. The clinic I go to said they'd do more tests after 3.... Am I overreacting? A part of me thinks this is just bad luck but the other part of me wants them to do further testing. I don't know. The original testing turned up fine for both of us except my husbands motility was a bit low avg which is helped by the sperm wash. Feeling lost the last couple of days and angry that this happened again. I didn't want to be negative on this thread so I hid or for a few days lol.

NovemberRayne - how's the cold? How are you holding up?
Not doing IUI this month. Doctor said that it's unnecessary unless we choose to since we got pregnant just timing sex. So we are doing 3 month of timed sex and if no bfp then we choosing to move on to IUI.

on the assumption all 3 months are a bust, I am kinda worried about not getting a positive opk at all. How am I supposed to time IUI? the first month I used opk's I didn't ovulate (confirmed with progesterone test)..the next month I got the positive test at 7pm (morning was negative) on cd 16, ovulated cd 17 and got our bfp. After the mc I opted to not do anything..no temping no opk's I just wanted stress free cycles. Yeah right, it caused more stress not knowing what day I exactly ovulated. so the last cycle we tried I used opk's and temped but I didn't get a positive until cd 19..the day I ovulated..and again at 7pm (but this was smu as I worked graveyard at the time).

now this cycle and I don't get a positive at all. I am pretty sure my O day switched from cd 17 to cd 19. Only one had it on cd 18 but I put it there manually.

I also have the fear that I haven't actually ovulated on this medicated cycle. I don't even know if they go higher than 7.5mg in dosage for letrozole.
No ovulation this cycle. Not sure what the next steps are. I am already at 7.5mg of letrozole. It is a long weekend here so I have to wait until Tuesday to find out some answers.
Hi Bee, and to all!

Can we rename this thread to a general IUI group?! So many active people and a great support system. I was going to read through all the posts but it's a whopping 64 pages lol so forgive me but I read some of the beginning, middle and end.

I had an IUI on May 17th. I have PCOS, and used 150mg Clomid and a trigger shot. I had a 19.5mm follicle! I did my IUI 22 hours after the trigger, DH's count that morning was 32 mil. I'm currently 5DPTS, 4DPO/4DPIUI. Constant mixed emotions, here. Sounds promising on paper but my gut feeling isn't so optimistic.

Realfemme, long time no talk! Best wishes your way love <3
Hey everyone......

Aayla- I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully you get some good news Tuesday and they come up with another plan for you

wifeybby- hey love FX that this is it for you. Stay positive honey because my follicle was the same and my donor sperm was 30 mil and I even had late ovulation and here I am.

AFM- I went for my first sonogram yesterday but wasn't able to here the heartbeat. It was confirmed that I am 6 weeks pregnant and had late implantation. Which was why my numbers where so low in the beginning. But everything looks and is going great......best wishes to all
The clinic called about my results. They are concerned. I explained to them my cycles and what I think happened. Trying to explain why I went for my progesterone test on cd 25 and not 21 was exhausting. They don't seem to believe that I ovulate around cd 19. but I explained that I temp and that's how I know. So they are giving the info to my doc and we will see what he says. 7.5mg is the highest dose they give. He may want me to come in for an ultrasound. I am hoping he allows me one more cycle without a cold to see if I have become resistant to it or it was just an off month. Also by Tuesday I will know what is going on with my temps.

it is possible my weight has contributed to this as well. The more weight you have the less these drugs work and I have gained quite a bit of weight in the last year. I have been struggling to lose it for awhile. If this is the case they may cut me off and if I can't be on letrozole or it doesn't work then I will have to go on the Mirena until I get my weight down to try again.

I don't know what is next if fertility drugs fail. Do I need these drugs for IVF? They have to grow the egg somehow. But alas. IVF is very expensive here...$16,000 for one shot. and they won't do it at my weight. I would need to lose at least 100 lbs.

I hate this limbo. I hate not knowing what the plan is.
Sorry aayla I don't have any answers for you but I didn't want to read and run. We're here for you.

I hear you on the cost of ivf as well. We're on our 2nd failed iui and I don't even want to think about ivf just because of the costs.
real: glad everything is going well. are you going for another sonogram soon to hear the heartbeat?
I wanted to give an update today, had our 3rd u/s I'm about 7 weekish. Today my RE noticed Baby B, so it looks like there are twins. Cue freaking out.
Omg Danser twins?! Wow!!!!! Congratulations!!! That is amazing news. I'd be totally freaking out too - but it's wonderful!

Aayla - I'm so sorry you're so down. I went in to see our Doctor last week about this third loss and felt awful afterward. He went into how i need to cut back my coffee and lose weight as well. Exact same advice he gave me a year ago and didn't suggest any other testing. I wanted to scream.... You can't help feeling like you're the one to blame. Yes I'm
Overweight but it's so hard when you're already stressed and going through all of these emotions in ttc. We decided I'd try to lose weight and cut back on coffee (I only drink 1-2 cups a day) before we try again in July. It was just disheartening.... We're here if you need to vent. All of our journeys are so different but we all understand. Are you able to ask for a second opinion?
hi girls :)

wifeyy - hi! I'll change the name of the group so we can keep in an ongoing source of support :)

I was out of the country for the past two weeks but Af arrived for my second failed IUI. this month will be taken off due to the SIS procedure I am having done on Thursday. ugh. sucks. I'll prob do one more IUI in July before IVF in August.
Danser: Congrats!!! So exciting!!

Bee: Sorry af came.

Mina: Can't really get a second opinion. This is the only clinic in my area that will see obese patients. I know my weight is a factor. I am 322 lbs. I have gained 45 lbs in the last year and most was probably after the mc. I have an overeating disorder. My sister (who works in mental health) says I should go on a low dose anti-depressant. That may help. i'm going to talk to my RE about what I can and cannot take. Some cannot be taken during pregnancy and I don't want to take anything that will counteract my fertility meds.

I have come to terms that my letrozole days may be over and that I have to move to the next step. This will require time off to lose at least 45 lbs, depending on the step. IVF would require 140 lbs. I got so complacent. It does feel like my fault because I have known for years that I have to lose weight and haven't. I have tried and tried multiple times but I fail all the time.

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