Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Mega thats awesome! I know we will all have bfps this month! I can just feel it. This past cycle when af showed up, was the first time in the last 4 years that I didn't cry. I think thats a sign. That I feel at peace.

omgoshh me too! I actually felt better after AF came. I think because I knew for sure that the HSG was going to be my next step. I was going crazy wondering if I got my bfp before the HSG but I'm ok with the fact that I didn't. I actually told dh yesterday that if this ends up being a few year process or more, I'm starting to feel okay with that. Of course I want it to happen sooner but I'm becoming more patient. If I continue to obsess like I have been, I feel like ill end up with alot of let downs along the way. I Need to keep a good 'realistic' mind frame to get through all of this :-) Ill still be hopeful every cycle, as I am this cycle and always will have faith. Like you said froggy, i just feel more at peace with everything. FX we all get a huge blessing this cycle!! *~Baby Dust~*
Hey girls,

I am 8dpo.. Waiting till 12 DPO to test. Any chance of an BFPs before that If I cave in? I am so tempted..

I would be testing with frer today! Lol ur charts pretty :-) but anytime after 9dpo, if u cave, there's a good chance to get a positive with frer but of course 10-12dpo would be more likely to show but I do see alot of BFP's 9dpo on here, especially with frer brand. Good luck! Ill b stalking!

The most sensitive test we have here detects HCG at 20. I want to wait till Monday to test.. but its proving to be hard:wacko:
Also I am on progesterone tablets (300mg @ night) which is probably causing the high temps, so I am trying to be cautiously optimistic.
Let April bring lots of baby dust for many bfps!
I'm having a good day today but my mind is going a little crazy worrying about my hsg and the results. Im just trying to keep my faith and hope and I just keep trying to tell myself "everything is going to be alright". I feel like the more I say it, the more it might come true. If I do need a lap for scar tissue removal as expected, I just hope the healing time isn't too long. I like to be able to keep trying but if I have to stop trying for a month or so in order to succeed, then of course that's going to be what I do. I keep telling myself though that if I do need a lap before being able to keep trying, maybe the little break would be good for dh and I. I know I keep talking about this every day but its all I can think about!! I feel like the next 6 days are going to be worse than my tww's. One minute I feel like the most patient person in the world and the next I feel very impatient...i feel like a crazy person! Lol
Incoming rant in 3..2..1..

So I have a woman on my Facebook who was my best friend in high school. Now we don't talk at all. She has 4 children all under the age of 8, 3 boys and a girls all less 2 years apart. After her daughter she had her "tubes tied" because she finally "Got her girl!" and felt "complete". Now I am completely fine with someone having as many children as they want. What I am not fine with is having 4 children back to back while both you and your boyfriend are on welfare. Lying on your children's birth certificates so you can receive more money. Spending that money on drinking, tattoos and electronics! And "because I want a girl" is not a good reason to get pregnant over and over when you can not afford to!

So why the rant when she has her tubes tied and is done having children? This was her post on facebook less than an hour ago "Guess it was 2 good 2 be true... I'm pregnant!!!"...........

It just so frustrating..

...End rant
Let April bring lots of baby dust for many bfps!
I'm having a good day today but my mind is going a little crazy worrying about my hsg and the results. Im just trying to keep my faith and hope and I just keep trying to tell myself "everything is going to be alright". I feel like the more I say it, the more it might come true. If I do need a lab for scar tissue removal as expected, I just hope the healing time isn't too long. I like to be able to keep trying but if I have to stop trying for a month or so in order to succeed, then of course that's going to be what I do. I keep telling myself though that if I do need a lap before being able to keep trying, maybe the little break would be good for dh and I. I know I keep talking about this every day but its all I can think about!! I feel like the next 6 days are going to be worse than my tww's. One minute I feel like the most patient person in the world and the next I feel very impatient...i feel like a crazy person! Lol

I think it will all go well and you will be getting your BFP soon! After my lap, we BD'ed from about 10 days post op forward. Some women take 6 weeks to feel right after surgery, it all just depends upon the person. :)
Incoming rant in 3..2..1..

So I have a woman on my Facebook who was my best friend in high school. Now we don't talk at all. She has 4 children all under the age of 8, 3 boys and a girls all less 2 years apart. After her daughter she had her "tubes tied" because she finally "Got her girl!" and felt "complete". Now I am completely fine with someone having as many children as they want. What I am not fine with is having 4 children back to back while both you and your boyfriend are on welfare. Lying on your children's birth certificates so you can receive more money. Spending that money on drinking, tattoos and electronics! And "because I want a girl" is not a good reason to get pregnant over and over when you can not afford to!

So why the rant when she has her tubes tied and is done having children? This was her post on facebook less than an hour ago "Guess it was 2 good 2 be true... I'm pregnant!!!"...........

It just so frustrating..

...End rant

Argh!!! I cannot stand when this happens. It's so heartbreaking to see people get what you have been working so hard for, especially when it's an accident or for financial gain. I'm so sorry :( :hugs:
Incoming rant in 3..2..1..

So I have a woman on my Facebook who was my best friend in high school. Now we don't talk at all. She has 4 children all under the age of 8, 3 boys and a girls all less 2 years apart. After her daughter she had her "tubes tied" because she finally "Got her girl!" and felt "complete". Now I am completely fine with someone having as many children as they want. What I am not fine with is having 4 children back to back while both you and your boyfriend are on welfare. Lying on your children's birth certificates so you can receive more money. Spending that money on drinking, tattoos and electronics! And "because I want a girl" is not a good reason to get pregnant over and over when you can not afford to!

So why the rant when she has her tubes tied and is done having children? This was her post on facebook less than an hour ago "Guess it was 2 good 2 be true... I'm pregnant!!!"...........

It just so frustrating..

...End rant

oh wow. I'm sorry :-\ this would frustrate me too. At the same time u sharing her story gives me hope since I have tubal issues. I understand ppl being on welfare and NEEDING help (not just taking it) but I personally feel like people should be limited to two children for assistance and if they have more children, they should be responsible for paying for them regardless of what they have to do. I know times are hard and I am not against welfare at all, I've needed help from them myself at times but I knew to get everything straightened out before trying again when it came to that. And if someone CANT work, theirs disability. I know someone who has 3 children, they were all boys as well (all different fathers, no known fathers tho) and she too wanted a girl and right when I started trying, she found out she was pregnant again and now has a beautiful new baby BOY (lol) BUT even tho she says it because "she wanted a girl", I know that wasn't the real reason her and her bf tried (this father is known). She told me 6months or so before she got pregnant that her welfare money was going to get cut down at the end of the yr because her children were getting too old and her time for assistance was going to expire UNLESS she has another baby and 3 months before the expiration was going to happen, she's pregnant! She even told me over a yr before she got pregnant that she did NOT want any more children and wanted to get her tubes tied..idk I just feel like she keeps having babies for money. That's sad. If u want a baby and aren't wealthy and need help, that's fine but to have tons of kids mainly for money is wrong. Like I asked my friend, " Can't ur boyfriend work? Or even you? At even mcdonalds" and of course there's loads of excuses.

I dont want to offend anyone. I received help when aiden was younger and I have NOTHING against it at all. I just wanted to make that clear for anyone who reads this...this comment is just about these two cases we are discussing.

It seems like everyone is pregnant!!!!!! Our bfps HAVE to be coming! Its in the water, its gota be!
That's just abuse of the system. I hate it. I agree that help that is truly needed for whatever reason is great but someone popping out babies as an excuse to get more money is disgusting. It makes my heart hurt.
That's just abuse of the system. I hate it. I agree that help that is truly needed for whatever reason is great but someone popping out babies as an excuse to get more money is disgusting. It makes my heart hurt.

I agree! And wishing I just noticed u added the "easter eggs" to the title :-) I'm liking it! :-D
Incoming rant in 3..2..1..

So I have a woman on my Facebook who was my best friend in high school. Now we don't talk at all. She has 4 children all under the age of 8, 3 boys and a girls all less 2 years apart. After her daughter she had her "tubes tied" because she finally "Got her girl!" and felt "complete". Now I am completely fine with someone having as many children as they want. What I am not fine with is having 4 children back to back while both you and your boyfriend are on welfare. Lying on your children's birth certificates so you can receive more money. Spending that money on drinking, tattoos and electronics! And "because I want a girl" is not a good reason to get pregnant over and over when you can not afford to!

So why the rant when she has her tubes tied and is done having children? This was her post on facebook less than an hour ago "Guess it was 2 good 2 be true... I'm pregnant!!!"...........

It just so frustrating..

...End rant

oh wow. I'm sorry :-\ this would frustrate me too. At the same time u sharing her story gives me hope since I have tubal issues. I understand ppl being on welfare and NEEDING help (not just taking it) but I personally feel like people should be limited to two children for assistance and if they have more children, they should be responsible for paying for them regardless of what they have to do. I know times are hard and I am not against welfare at all, I've needed help from them myself at times but I knew to get everything straightened out before trying again when it came to that. And if someone CANT work, theirs disability. I know someone who has 3 children, they were all boys as well (all different fathers, no known fathers tho) and she too wanted a girl and right when I started trying, she found out she was pregnant again and now has a beautiful new baby BOY (lol) BUT even tho she says it because "she wanted a girl", I know that wasn't the real reason her and her bf tried (this father is known). She told me 6months or so before she got pregnant that her welfare money was going to get cut down at the end of the yr because her children were getting too old and her time for assistance was going to expire UNLESS she has another baby and 3 months before the expiration was going to happen, she's pregnant! She even told me over a yr before she got pregnant that she did NOT want any more children and wanted to get her tubes tied..idk I just feel like she keeps having babies for money. That's sad. If u want a baby and aren't wealthy and need help, that's fine but to have tons of kids mainly for money is wrong. Like I asked my friend, " Can't ur boyfriend work? Or even you? At even mcdonalds" and of course there's loads of excuses.

I dont want to offend anyone. I received help when aiden was younger and I have NOTHING against it at all. I just wanted to make that clear for anyone who reads this...this comment is just about these two cases we are discussing.

It seems like everyone is pregnant!!!!!! Our bfps HAVE to be coming! Its in the water, its gota be!

Yes I definitely have nothing at all against people who need financial assistance. My mother was on welfare when I was a child she had me and my sister and needed the help. Its a great system that helps people in need. I just cannot stand people who abuse the system, the parents in my rant are not even trying to find work. I know how hard it is to find a job but they should at least put in some effort.
Ugh yes, that is so frustrating. I just found out one of my old 'friends' I met in sober living back when I was having issues with alcohol (luckily, despite the theory in AA that you are always an alcoholic, I have managed to overcome that and am able to have a drink once in awhile) Anyway - Tanya is a meth addict, had her first son and was on meth, and abused him as an infant - she lost custody of him and she chose meth over getting him back - she inherited 200k, and the year she got it, had spent it on drugs and various items and trips and it she was homeless 10 months later. Now, she is pregnant with the same father, and they are doing meth while she is pregnant - she is 'on the run' because she broke her probation several times, and is avoiding much prenatal care because of fear of getting caught doing meth. I am is it that people like that get pregnant and their babies are healthy (as of her last ultrasound) and we struggle to get pregnant and have had miscarriages. It pisses me off so much. I did everything healthy while i was pregnant, but my baby died.. and this girl does meth through her pregnancy and her baby is healthy. Just.Not.Fair. :( Grrrr
Incoming rant in 3..2..1..

So I have a woman on my Facebook who was my best friend in high school. Now we don't talk at all. She has 4 children all under the age of 8, 3 boys and a girls all less 2 years apart. After her daughter she had her "tubes tied" because she finally "Got her girl!" and felt "complete". Now I am completely fine with someone having as many children as they want. What I am not fine with is having 4 children back to back while both you and your boyfriend are on welfare. Lying on your children's birth certificates so you can receive more money. Spending that money on drinking, tattoos and electronics! And "because I want a girl" is not a good reason to get pregnant over and over when you can not afford to!

So why the rant when she has her tubes tied and is done having children? This was her post on facebook less than an hour ago "Guess it was 2 good 2 be true... I'm pregnant!!!"...........

It just so frustrating..

...End rant

oh wow. I'm sorry :-\ this would frustrate me too. At the same time u sharing her story gives me hope since I have tubal issues. I understand ppl being on welfare and NEEDING help (not just taking it) but I personally feel like people should be limited to two children for assistance and if they have more children, they should be responsible for paying for them regardless of what they have to do. I know times are hard and I am not against welfare at all, I've needed help from them myself at times but I knew to get everything straightened out before trying again when it came to that. And if someone CANT work, theirs disability. I know someone who has 3 children, they were all boys as well (all different fathers, no known fathers tho) and she too wanted a girl and right when I started trying, she found out she was pregnant again and now has a beautiful new baby BOY (lol) BUT even tho she says it because "she wanted a girl", I know that wasn't the real reason her and her bf tried (this father is known). She told me 6months or so before she got pregnant that her welfare money was going to get cut down at the end of the yr because her children were getting too old and her time for assistance was going to expire UNLESS she has another baby and 3 months before the expiration was going to happen, she's pregnant! She even told me over a yr before she got pregnant that she did NOT want any more children and wanted to get her tubes tied..idk I just feel like she keeps having babies for money. That's sad. If u want a baby and aren't wealthy and need help, that's fine but to have tons of kids mainly for money is wrong. Like I asked my friend, " Can't ur boyfriend work? Or even you? At even mcdonalds" and of course there's loads of excuses.

I dont want to offend anyone. I received help when aiden was younger and I have NOTHING against it at all. I just wanted to make that clear for anyone who reads this...this comment is just about these two cases we are discussing.

It seems like everyone is pregnant!!!!!! Our bfps HAVE to be coming! Its in the water, its gota be!

Yes I definitely have nothing at all against people who need financial assistance. My mother was on welfare when I was a child she had me and my sister and needed the help. Its a great system that helps people in need. I just cannot stand people who abuse the system, the parents in my rant are not even trying to find work. I know how hard it is to find a job but they should at least put in some effort.

exactly. In NH it is the law that u have to do job search or volunteer for 20 hrs/wk in order to receive cash assistance. When I was on it I worked my butt of until I found a job and the volunteer program actually helped me with a résumé and really helped me to get a job at the time. It really is a great program when used correct :-) I always say if I won the lottery, a large portion of money would go towards helping people. I'm all about helping ppl in need :-).
I can't remember if I ever asked u have any known fertility issues and how long have u been trying for? I know this about everyone but u. Idk if I just missed it when we were all sharing with each other or

so I just got positive OPK on two different doubt. super lines:happydance: I could see a line yesterday but today it was positive.
We inseminated on Monday and just about 3 hours ago;) and will do one more on Friday, just to play it safe......

I hope Easter sperm find a way to Easter egg!!!
Incoming rant in 3..2..1..

So I have a woman on my Facebook who was my best friend in high school. Now we don't talk at all. She has 4 children all under the age of 8, 3 boys and a girls all less 2 years apart. After her daughter she had her "tubes tied" because she finally "Got her girl!" and felt "complete". Now I am completely fine with someone having as many children as they want. What I am not fine with is having 4 children back to back while both you and your boyfriend are on welfare. Lying on your children's birth certificates so you can receive more money. Spending that money on drinking, tattoos and electronics! And "because I want a girl" is not a good reason to get pregnant over and over when you can not afford to!

So why the rant when she has her tubes tied and is done having children? This was her post on facebook less than an hour ago "Guess it was 2 good 2 be true... I'm pregnant!!!"...........

It just so frustrating..

...End rant

oh wow. I'm sorry :-\ this would frustrate me too. At the same time u sharing her story gives me hope since I have tubal issues. I understand ppl being on welfare and NEEDING help (not just taking it) but I personally feel like people should be limited to two children for assistance and if they have more children, they should be responsible for paying for them regardless of what they have to do. I know times are hard and I am not against welfare at all, I've needed help from them myself at times but I knew to get everything straightened out before trying again when it came to that. And if someone CANT work, theirs disability. I know someone who has 3 children, they were all boys as well (all different fathers, no known fathers tho) and she too wanted a girl and right when I started trying, she found out she was pregnant again and now has a beautiful new baby BOY (lol) BUT even tho she says it because "she wanted a girl", I know that wasn't the real reason her and her bf tried (this father is known). She told me 6months or so before she got pregnant that her welfare money was going to get cut down at the end of the yr because her children were getting too old and her time for assistance was going to expire UNLESS she has another baby and 3 months before the expiration was going to happen, she's pregnant! She even told me over a yr before she got pregnant that she did NOT want any more children and wanted to get her tubes tied..idk I just feel like she keeps having babies for money. That's sad. If u want a baby and aren't wealthy and need help, that's fine but to have tons of kids mainly for money is wrong. Like I asked my friend, " Can't ur boyfriend work? Or even you? At even mcdonalds" and of course there's loads of excuses.

I dont want to offend anyone. I received help when aiden was younger and I have NOTHING against it at all. I just wanted to make that clear for anyone who reads this...this comment is just about these two cases we are discussing.

It seems like everyone is pregnant!!!!!! Our bfps HAVE to be coming! Its in the water, its gota be!

Yes I definitely have nothing at all against people who need financial assistance. My mother was on welfare when I was a child she had me and my sister and needed the help. Its a great system that helps people in need. I just cannot stand people who abuse the system, the parents in my rant are not even trying to find work. I know how hard it is to find a job but they should at least put in some effort.

exactly. In NH it is the law that u have to do job search or volunteer for 20 hrs/wk in order to receive cash assistance. When I was on it I worked my butt of until I found a job and the volunteer program actually helped me with a résumé and really helped me to get a job at the time. It really is a great program when used correct :-) I always say if I won the lottery, a large portion of money would go towards helping people. I'm all about helping ppl in need :-).
I can't remember if I ever asked u have any known fertility issues and how long have u been trying for? I know this about everyone but u. Idk if I just missed it when we were all sharing with each other or

No, I have no known fertility issues and we have only been trying for 4 months, 5 cycles. So still lots of time before we can find out if we have any. Hopefully all is well and we will see a bfp soon.

Hopefully we all get our Easter eggs that turn into little sticky Easter Jelly Beans.

so I just got positive OPK on two different doubt. super lines:happydance: I could see a line yesterday but today it was positive.
We inseminated on Monday and just about 3 hours ago;) and will do one more on Friday, just to play it safe......

I hope Easter sperm find a way to Easter egg!!!

yay! I have a VERYYYY good feeling for u this cycle!!! FX!!!
Sweetmelodies, I bet u'll be preggers in no time! I read the average is 6-7 months with no known issues so ur right there! FX! I hope we all get veryyy sticky Easter eggs this year! Itd be an Easter id never ever forget! I almost want to hold out on testing until easter day but I know ill start before then lol. Maybe my BFP will make me wait until Easter before it shows lol :-P
iBeach - Yay! let the BDIng begin!!

AidensMommy / SweetMelody

Oh I know how jealous I get when i hear a friend has conceived without planning it / one night of unprotected sex at CD4 / after a drunken night out. And those who drink / smoke throughout only to deluver healthy babies. My facebook is full of baby announcements and first - pictures. I am jealous but happy for them.

But I hear stories such as those above, I question if these people deserve to bear this gift at all - to use babies for personal / monetary gain or to act so selfishly negligent , thats just criminal! *end of rant*

I really hope to get BFPs for us all. We have worked at it, we want it. we deserve the BFPs!
MolGold, I can't wait for u to test! Everytime I look at ur chart I think "hmm has she tested yet?!" lol. Its probably still too early today but I'm very excited to see at least how ur chart goes tomorrow.

I have 50 days left on my FF membership and I said id get my bfp before it runs up..lets see if I can meet my second deadline lol and if not, ill just have to renew :-P Dh and I have been talking ALOT about getting a puppy to help calm down the baby madness lol. We both feel like it'd keep us more busy and when its a puppy, its a little bit like a baby at first lol. We are looking around but first need to speak to the landlord and make sure its still ok. I wanted to wait until we got our own house in a yr or so but I think ive changed my mind because of the "puppy tease" I had this week lol I was soo looking forward to puppy sitting!! But now its lead us down a path of getting our own so everything does seem to happen for a reason! :-) I was hoping id have the puppy for this week while I wait for my HSG to def would have helped take my mind off of it! Oh well..

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