Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Mary I just looked back at all my tests and numbers and I had a test a little darker than yours at 12 dpo and at 13 dpo my betas were 485! I think yours will definitely be high :D Jess had really high betas too right? Boy for her! We'll see what I'm having next Sunday..

Sarah when I went to talk to my doctor about ttc after a few months of trying (the month right before our bfp to be exact) she specifically asked how often we were BD'ing and I told her pretty much everyday during the fertile window. She said to try every other day! We did that month (I was upset we missed one of my peak fertile days as determined by the monitor) and lo and behold got our first ever bfp!
When i got that faint FRER in the morning we freaked out so we decided to do bloods that night to confirm pregnancy and ask for beta with the same sample.

I also read that before that you get higher #s early on with girls than with boys. But i think it's not that accurate same goes with the heartbeat. Me and Jess always have above 140 FHR Jess' even higher but we both ended up with boys.... Oh, so many exciting things to happen this next couple of weeks.. from betas to scans to MS to bump pics.... Can't wait.... :dance:

I know!! I actually predicted u and jess would be having boys because of how your betas were going at first because I always heard boys produced higher levels early on, lol. Now I hear different but as u said, it really depends but its crazy how true the whole early levels thing can be for many pregnant women. I can't wait to meet this LO inside of me! I'm not letting myself obsess after our betas are confirmed and just going to enjoy the heck out of this pregnancy! Lol. :). It all went soo quickly when pregnant with Aiden that I just want to enjoy every minute of this! I REALLY enjoyed my pregnancy with aiden. Lets see if I'm lucky enough to Beat morning sickness twice! :haha: FX!
Mary I just looked back at all my tests and numbers and I had a test a little darker than yours at 12 dpo and at 13 dpo my betas were 485! I think yours will definitely be high :D Jess had really high betas too right? Boy for her! We'll see what I'm having next Sunday..

Sarah when I went to talk to my doctor about ttc after a few months of trying (the month right before our bfp to be exact) she specifically asked how often we were BD'ing and I told her pretty much everyday during the fertile window. She said to try every other day! We did that month (I was upset we missed one of my peak fertile days as determined by the monitor) and lo and behold got our first ever bfp!

Thank u for that info about ur tests and beta! :)

And I def remember the cycle u conceived! I kept trying to reassure u that you def bd'ed enough but u were soo worried! Thankfully, that month ended fabulously for you!! :)
Oh, BTW you're not PUPO anymore.... :dance: How many sticks do you have left? Don't tell me you'll stop peeing???? :ninja: Remember, Pam used to pee everywhere even peed in her golden jar that she brought with her to test in her office... :haha: Those were the days....
Oh, BTW you're not PUPO anymore.... :dance: How many sticks do you have left? Don't tell me you'll stop peeing???? :ninja: Remember, Pam used to pee everywhere even peed in her golden jar that she brought with her to test in her office... :haha: Those were the days....

haha! I actually only have 2 wondfos left BUUT, we're heading to the store now to grab some more! Lol. I'm not sure yet if I'll grab more frer or something else that's a little less sensitive. I may grab 1 line test and 1 digi. We'll see what the store nearby has! ;)
So today as I was peeing, I noticed some brown cm. Well at first it was very, very, very light pink but then turned brown very quickly. Its only in tiny amounts and I am a little worried but after hrs of researching the web, ive found that 7dp3dt is a very popular day for spotting to occur in bfp cycles so that makes me feel better. Anyway, right after I saw the spotting, dh & I whipped out the big guns and used our FRER digi. After what seemed like forever...We see something pop up. A big fat YES+!! That made dhs day! Mine too of course but dh really reallyyyyy took it in. He oddly started CRACKING up for like 10mins He was partially crying tho, as we were hugging each other in excitement. It was about 6hrs after the first test and I honestly didn't think its pop up with a Yes. I'm very excited for Monday but also very nervous, mostly due to the spotting at this point. Thankfully its brown and creamy, which I hear is what ud expect for IB? esp when there's already a bfp, u want it to be more brown (old) than anything. Anyway, thought id update about a digital bfp. Hopefully ill get darker lines tomorrow too. If not, I'm not going to let myself worry to much as long as their at least equal, since it can take time for levels to double and such. FX!

I have heard of so many ivf pregnancies with spotting. I've even heard of some with full blown bleeding and everything was ok. If I think about it I had very light pink tinted cm at some point right before my bfp but I wrote it off thinking it was just regular stuff.

Mine are still negative testing with 10mui of sensitivity. I'm 11dpo looks like I'm out.

Skin on my face broke out in spots to do af looks like it's on its way, I'm so unhappy and disappointed!

How could we of missed the egg? A28mm folicle and had a hcg injection too. Plus we bed the day before the injection, the day of the injection and then 4 days in a row!

Last time we when I got pregnant we only bed every other day and got pregnant, which is less beding but we did it. Now we bed more this cycle and it doesn't make sense :(

Nothing about ttc makes sense. Ronny and I be enough every month to cover our bases and some months it worked, other months it didn't. Has you dh had a semen analysis?

A positive digi!!! :yipee: no denying it now even if anyone wanted to! :dance: :headspin: :happydance: :headspin:

I'm so happy Mary! Cannot even imagine how you must be feeling :D

And the line got darker this a.m!!! Omg omg omg!!! Its just hitting me today!!! I'm pregnant!!!! I keep thankng god over and over and over! I was so scared as I tested this a.m, thinking some how itd be lighter but its CLEARLY darker on todays test! The line is more solid/dark :). Omgoooshhh!!! :wohoo: :wohoo: I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!! YAY!!

I had the worst anxiety yesterday wondering if i was indeed preggers. Omggg!! I couldn't be happier!!!

It sure did get darker! Mary text me at 3:30am lol. Now I'm waiting for a clear blue digital with weeks estimator!

Dapnhe, I know, I'm soo happy to finally be joining u ladies!!! So are u and dh going to try for another right after this baby? Ur most fertile right after giving birth so id say go for it!! :) This is unbelievable to me!!! Such an amazing blessing!! Yay!!

My name isn't Daphne (haha) but thought I would let you guys know hubby and I have decided to actively prevent for 6 months so I can build up a milk stock pile and have surgery on my foot before actively trying again. If it happens it happens but I don't want to wait much longer than that in case it takes a long time again.

Today I'm 8dp3dt, so 11dpo. I'll be 12dpo tomorrow so yeah, by then, they'll probably be in the 75-150 range. I can only hope! Even if they're lower, at 12dpo, any number over 25 is good as long as it doubles so I need to TRY not to obsess if its lower but I honestly think it'll be pretty high, because of these dark lines and all. Even with my chemical, my frer never got this dark. It was more like a faint line. I actually think this test is a tiny bit darker then the 1 from when I found out with Aiden buut that was also 8yrs ago (EXACTLY!) so I'm sure the test sensitivity is better since then.
Its so amazing, this baby should be born within a wk of Aidens birthday! My EDD is January 27th (which was my original EDD with aiden!!) and Aidens birthday is Feb 5th. That'd be an amazing bday Gift! :) FX!

I'm still a tiny bit worried due to the TINY amounts of creamy brown tinged cm that ive been having but hopefully the betas shows that everything's fine tomorrow & Wednesday! I guess like 30% of all IVF patients have IB so I'm not TOO TOO worried. FX!

That would be great. Have you told Aiden yet?

I just realized u said u had a faint bfp with those high #s, Daphne. Maybe we are looking at twins! We'll see how many in a few weeks!

Mine was incredibly dark and first beta was 637 at 14dpo. Second beta was 1479. Everything pointed to triplets but there is only one little guy in there. Higher betas can mean multiples or it can also just be higher levels of hcg. I did read that ivf conceotions produce higher amounts of hcg because of the trigger never fully leaving your body.

When i got that faint FRER in the morning we freaked out so we decided to do bloods that night to confirm pregnancy and ask for beta with the same sample.

I also read that before that you get higher #s early on with girls than with boys. But i think it's not that accurate same goes with the heartbeat. Me and Jess always have above 140 FHR Jess' even higher but we both ended up with boys.... Oh, so many exciting things to happen this next couple of weeks.. from betas to scans to MS to bump pics.... Can't wait.... :dance:

A lot of the old wives tales can go both ways. Lukes heart rate is consistently in the mid 150's to 160's which would point to girl but he is definitely a boy. Now you need to do the baking soda test
Omg Jess, I had no clue it was only 330 there!!! Hahah! It was 530 here and I already felt bad about that! Lol. Now I'm aware of the time difference at least! Next time it won't be until 530 am your time ;)
Yes, i agree with Jess do the baking soda or salt + urine tests... Did them after we found out and they were right and so as with the other ladies....
What are these tests? I want to play!

It's a gender test Laura. You put baking soda then urine or salt then urine, if they fizz (like beer or made lots of bubbles or become foamy) you're having a boy otherwise it's a girl.... Some say do it at least 10 weeks into pregnancy...

Here's my salt + urine test:

And here's my baking soda + urine test:
yea. do one Laura! Mine was accurate and they've been accurate for almost all of us right?

Mary, yay to no more PUPO! You showed those pee sticks who is boss! Kudos on the continued peeing. Bravo! Once you see those lines and know it to be true, it's so hard to stop!
I think they have been accurate for most of us! I can't think of anyone they weren't accurate for.. mine fizzed the most recent times but not at first, though! Hrmm... wonder what that means..
I'm sorry ladies it doesn't help when I got there before and miscarried and when you try again and you get just :bfn: its disheartening because you think why? I got there before and was taken away.

Last time I got a positive was CD 30 I'm CD 25 now, I'm just worried if my hcg is not even 10 then if I ma pregnant the same things going to happen that's happened with Skye :(
:hugs: SarahLou. I don't have any answers, but I have my fx for you. If it doesn't happen this cycle, I bet you get your BFP next cycle.
Today is my birthday! DH is pampering me by delivering me (decaf) coffee in bed, making omelettes for breakfast and now he's cleaning the kitchen. :)

Since it's too early to test.. And if I did I'd probably be unsure if it's the trigger still, the best present I could get today are some twinges that make me think implantation.
I'm sorry your having a rough time Sarah! I can only imagine how disheartening it must be :hugs: Your turn for a forever baby wil come even if it isn't this cycle. Try and keep faith. Your being monitored as well so I am sure that as soon as you get your BFP Dr will do their best to avoid another mc :hugs:

Happy Birthdat Michelle :yipee: I hope you have a lovely day filled with love, joy, presents and implantation cramps :D
yea. do one Laura! Mine was accurate and they've been accurate for almost all of us right?

Mary, yay to no more PUPO! You showed those pee sticks who is boss! Kudos on the continued peeing. Bravo! Once you see those lines and know it to be true, it's so hard to stop!

lol, dh and I were just looking at the gender kits in rite aid. Thank u all for saving us money by sharing this idea! ;) Thats a pretty neat trick to at least try out for fun!

And u are soo right about POAS! Its hard to stop after u finally see those lines after soo long of waiting!! My wondfos are finally truly getting the hint that I'm pregnant and are now as dark as my test from 2dp3dt. It wasn't too dark at that point either but its def nice to see its back where it was at that point! :) Sooo excited for tomorrow!!!! I'll probably have to wait until 2pm for results tho but I'm feeling pretty darn positive :). FX!
I'm sorry ladies it doesn't help when I got there before and miscarried and when you try again and you get just :bfn: its disheartening because you think why? I got there before and was taken away.

Last time I got a positive was CD 30 I'm CD 25 now, I'm just worried if my hcg is not even 10 then if I ma pregnant the same things going to happen that's happened with Skye :(

Levels can def vary. Say you implanted 2 days ago, you wouldn't get a positive for another day or two, and u could have even just implanted yest or today. Implantation can happen up to 12dpo. I'm crossing my fingers for u!

I can tell u after going through IVF, the egg/sperm that penetrates is what predicts the outcome in even a perfect natural cycle or even ivf where everything is done for you. Studies showed with IVF, around 60% of the eggs retrieved are abnormal & that taught me alot about the true reasons that sometimes it doesn't happen when expected in both natural and assisted cycles. Only 20-30% of couples who are accurately tracking O and completely healthy have a chance at pregnancy every month. Its all about whether that "golden egg" is presented & meets up with the perfect sperm. As u said, you were able to conceive Skye and it can and will happen for you again, so IF (big IF) this isn't ur lucky cycle, it could very well be the next one! I know how hard all of this can be and how badly you want it so I completely understand your feelings! You def still have time for a bfp this cycle! I just wanted to explain WHY there's only a 20% chance with perfect timing and everything month to month. I know it doesn't truly help with what your feeling but I thought maybe it'd help you understand some of the reasoning. I truly think you still have time though this cycle. I'm rooting for you! Keep your head up, hun. We all have our down days, for sure. We're all here for you! :hugs:

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