Team Ding Dong... Bonking, Bumping, and Burping Along Together! ;-)

If you feel fine then its likely to be a harmless Puppp rash, but get seen by doc to confirm and see if there is anything you can do about it. Can't really suggest anything else honey, wish I could help more :hugs: x
Hopes do you think it could be this?

What is pityriasis rosea?
Pityriasis rosea (say: “pit-ih-rye-ah-sis row-see-ah”) is a scaly, reddish-pink skin rash. It is most common in children and young adults, and it usually occurs in spring and fall.

If you get this skin condition, you may feel like you have a cold at first. You may feel congested, have a sore throat and a cough. Then, a single scaly red spot may appear on your back or stomach. This is called a "herald patch." Smaller spots will develop on your body days to weeks later. These spots may itch badly. If the rash is on your back, it may have the shape of a Christmas tree.

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What causes pityriasis rosea?
Doctors don’t know exactly what causes pityriasis rosea. Some doctors believe that pityriasis rosea is caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Certain medicines can also cause this rash. Pityriasis rosea is not contagious, so people who have this rash do not have to be kept away from other people.

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What conditions look like pityriasis rosea?
The rash of pityriasis rosea can look like eczema, ringworm or psoriasis. Infection with syphilis also can cause a similar rash. If your doctor thinks you might have syphilis, he or she will order a blood test to find out.

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How long does pityriasis rosea last?
Pityriasis rosea usually lasts 1 to 3 months and usually never comes back. Let your doctor know if the rash or itching lasts longer than 3 months.

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How is pityriasis rosea treated?
The rash usually goes away on its own. No treatment can cure it, but medicine can help relieve the itching. Your doctor might suggest antihistamine pills (one brand name: Benadryl), a steroid cream, calamine lotion or zinc oxide cream to relieve the itching. Sometimes people who have pityriasis rosea have to take steroid pills to clear up their rash.
Hey Girls!

First off wanted to say congratulations to Sleeping Buds ;) Chuffed to bits for you hun x

Second hope all Ding Dongs and Baba's are well, i don't think im going to be able to catch up on all i've missed so if there's anything i need to know then you will have to fill me in cause you guys have been busy lol

Well that me back from Tenerife and i had a fabulous time, got bak in the early hours of this morning. Don't know where i am in my cycle but pretty sure im pre O. I don't intend to track this cycle at all then get bak to as of next cycle.
After a great holiday i had a massive break down today :(
I got a txt from my Sister-in-law (my DH's Brother's wife) to tell me she is pregnant with her second child (her first child is 14 months), she found out b4 i left for my holiday but says she didn't tell me incase it ruined my holiday. My Mother-in-law knew too but because they all know how desperate i am for a child no one wanted to tell me. I am gutted! I broke down in tears in front of my DH and Mum today. My Sister-in-law claims this is a happy accident but she knew DH and I have been trying for a baby for over a year now and has said things such as 'if u have a baby my daughter won't get as much attention' and 'i would be gutted if you give our family the first grandson'. I knew this announcement was cumming but i just can't cope with it, i know i should be happy but im finding it hard not to be bitter.
Sorry for the selfish post girls im just so low right now x
Yup that's the sort of thing were talking about Coral, good piece of info there. x
Hi Jenny, big :hug: so sorry you are upset it must be so hard to hear. I really hope you get your bfp very soon sweetie, you really deserve it :hugs:
Its horrible isn't it Jen, I remember how bitter and disappointed I used to feel. Sending you massive hugs honey, I so hope its your turn soon. :hug: :hugs: xxxxxxxxx
oh bless ya JP your BFP will come when u least expect it u are bound to feel like this I did when my SIL got pg when I had been trying for ages
coral yes it seems like that Pityriasis Rosea thing, i was looking at that too. im really not amused. im debating whether to do all the self treatment stuff the midwife recommended with the oatmeal bath and all, or to make appt with dr and then get referred to dermatologist, or to just go to ER and make them take care of it promptly.
I would try the oatmeal bath etc and see if it helps, but it wouldn't hurt to make an appointment with your doc also. So the bendryl is not helping then?
Thanks for all your kind words ladies, means the world to have people who understand how i am feeling.
Im sure i will pick myself up again and soon be looking forward to my 5th niece or nephew but for now i am just so bummed.
I am off for a bath and bed as i am back to work tomorrow, at least work should take my mind off things.
Love u guys lots x
Yup Hopes, I did suggest Pityriasis before but didn't want you to settle for that in case it wasn't iykwim. I didn't want you to not see a Dr and get a medical opinion on it but I do think the new photos look like it indeed.

When I had it they couldn't do a thing for me, luckily it wasn't itchy for me, I can't imagine how it must be to itch all over. :hugs:

My first patch was on my inner thigh and then spread all over my tummy. I only knew about it because a woman in work had it too and told me about it, I still went to the Dr though :) just in case xx
I agree Tink, I don't think these are doing anything. Granted they have taken the edge off the anger (I didn't actually know I had until the 'cold turkey' over Christmas - and I mean no drugs not literally cold turkey at Christmas!! :haha:)

Anyway, I have been knitting today, lol, I'm becoming such a 'stay at home Mum' with my baking and now knitting, heh. It's so relaxing though and kills time whilst clearing my mind - bliss.

I have been applying for part time work today, we need to sort the money coming into the house but I don't want anything full time until my head's sorted. I'm also looking for something a little less intense than accounting which is where ALL my experience lies - it's going to be tough finding something.

The good news is Laura hasn't been sick at all today or had diarrhoea - I am so relieved as you can imagine. She has been quite tired but that's understandable I guess.

Anyway BIG CONGRATS on your BFP digi SB xxxxxxxxxxxx
Yup Hopes, I did suggest Pityriasis before but didn't want you to settle for that in case it wasn't iykwim. I didn't want you to not see a Dr and get a medical opinion on it but I do think the new photos look like it indeed.

When I had it they couldn't do a thing for me, luckily it wasn't itchy for me, I can't imagine how it must be to itch all over. :hugs:

My first patch was on my inner thigh and then spread all over my tummy. I only knew about it because a woman in work had it too and told me about it, I still went to the Dr though :) just in case xx

puppycat i definitely remember you suggesting Pityriasis before and telling me not to google it:haha: but i googled it anyway of course hah. but at the time i didnt really have any other spots so it didnt fit exactly. but now that my entire body is covered in spots.. clearly something is occurring:haha:

what did you do to treat it and how long did it last? it seems i likely have Pityriasis Rosea or pupps.

EDIT-i just read back and you said they couldn't do anything to treat it :(
I did tell you not to google you naughty girlie!! lol. I only warned against it because I was surprised by something I read and had no idea it could become so horrid. Anyway, I didn't do anything I'm afraid because it wasn't as itchy as yours (at least I don't remember it being itchy - hmmm let me search my old posts on here and get back to you on that...) and I didn't have any on my back, it was all on my tummy and thighs and chest.

BRB - off to search BnB history x
I did tell you not to google you naughty girlie!! lol. I only warned against it because I was surprised by something I read and had no idea it could become so horrid. Anyway, I didn't do anything I'm afraid because it wasn't as itchy as yours (at least I don't remember it being itchy - hmmm let me search my old posts on here and get back to you on that...) and I didn't have any on my back, it was all on my tummy and thighs and chest.

BRB - off to search BnB history x

now you're thinking "hmm.. WAS i itchy?" :haha:

mine is severely itchy, and is even spreading onto my arms and the sides of my face now.

have an appointment with general dr at 415 tomorrow, but they may not want to get into it (because apparently my midwife didnt want to either grr!), and may just refer me to a dermatologist.
I did tell you not to google you naughty girlie!! lol. I only warned against it because I was surprised by something I read and had no idea it could become so horrid. Anyway, I didn't do anything I'm afraid because it wasn't as itchy as yours (at least I don't remember it being itchy - hmmm let me search my old posts on here and get back to you on that...) and I didn't have any on my back, it was all on my tummy and thighs and chest.

BRB - off to search BnB history x

now you're thinking "hmm.. WAS i itchy?" :haha:

mine is severely itchy, and is even spreading onto my arms and the sides of my face now.

have an appointment with general dr at 415 tomorrow, but they may not want to get into it (because apparently my midwife didnt want to either grr!), and may just refer me to a dermatologist.

HA ha, I am wondering if it was itchy in the beginning. I couldn't find anything relating to it though :(

Hope your Dr has more answers - so weird reading back on posts from my pregnancy lol
:hi: hello lovelies...sorry been out for a couple of days and missing all the fun! :flower:

the pityriasis (or however it's spelled :haha:)...i had that a couple of summers ago, and i wasn't pg (obviously). i don't remember how it started...if i had one big spot first or whatever...i may have. i get a mild eczema every once in a while, and i had just gotten over having strep throat a couple of months prior to having the rash. but anyway, just one day, i noticed these spots cropping up on my chest. i thought i was having a really bad break-out at first (acne), which would have been strange, but i didn't know what else it was. and i had it on my back, but then it kept spreading and went up my neck and down my stomach and my thighs and upper arms. i went to the doc for it, but he said there's literally nothing they can do for it. that it doesn't cause just have to wait for it to go away. :shrug: and it did go away after several weeks. it wasn't itchy though for me. just sort of embarrassing when it was in noticeable places.

hopes, if your rash is itchy, it might be that or might not. :shrug: i don't know. it's good you're not running a fever or anything like that with it. that would really worry me. but aside from that, it's not surprising that your midwife referred you to your pcp. if your issue is not specifically pg related, the midwife and ob (at least here in the states) will always refer you to pcp for any other kind of infection or anythg like that. i hope you can get in with your pcp first thing hunni to make sure :hugs:

tink, phoebs, mc, coral and other ding dongs who weren't sleeping, i hope you get a nice rest tonight :hugs:

poppy, the stomach bug is awful isn't it? especially when it goes through everybody. that's what we were dealing with last week, but we're all over it now, thank God. i hope you all get better soon sweetie :hugs: oh and happy birthday to korben luv :kiss:

regal...we're here for you sweetie :hugs: miss ya around here hun.

lew, i'm so envious of your vaca in tenerife sweetie :hugs: but i also understand completely about your feelings about your sil (or was it sister??). it's so hard. i have 2 of my sil's pregnant now, and my baby sister is due in may as well. :cry: i so enjoyed getting to see her on saturday for her shower, but it was just so emotionally draining as well b/c of how badly i want it to be me. :cry: so we know how you feel sweetie and you can rant away as much as you need! :kiss:

sleeping bubs, :happydance::happydance::wohoo::wohoo::bfp::bfp::bfp::yipee::yipee: so happy for you sweetie!!! :hugs:

well i can't think of much else at the mo. dh is off taking a test for his teaching job. fxxxx he passes so he won't have to take it again. it's expensive. :wacko: afm, i think i'm only a day or 2 away from ov. i hope so anyway. opk pretty dark today but not yet positive. dh and i have our "post-coital" test tomorrow morning :dohh: please please pray that dh won't have a problem "finishing" :blush: in the morning as that's going to be a problem otherwise. we haven't been dtd every other day like i wanted. today was the first time in 4 (or 5) days, but i'm ok with it. we're not really "relaxing" this cycle but i'm just trying not to stress about :sex: (pfft...yeah, right :haha:...well i did say TRYing...:haha:) anyway, so it's spring break here, and it was overcast and rainy all day today. boo. well, we've got all week. plan to spend it at the beach and if our tax return money comes before the end of the week, then we're going to go to disney for a couple of day and renew our passes also. that will be's been a year since we've gone! :happydance: well love and :hug: to all my lovely ding dongs!!! xoxox
hehe gosh you dingdongs have had it ALL havent you!? i could come on here and say just about anything and someone would have experience with it! i love it :) haha

pk yeah im not too surprised she suggested pcp, but i was surprised how when i told her my whole body has been covered for days and the itch is extreme, she still kept talking about freaking benadryl and otc lotions instead of saying "oh you better get it looked at" for all she knew i had freaking chicken pox, and was telling me to take benadryl for it. (which by the way i am for some reason NOT immune to chicken pox and rubella... according to my recent bloodwork) yes i know i dont have something crazy like that, but im just saying i thought she was acting sort of silly when im on the phone with a BABY in my belly telling her that the symptoms are getting pretty severe, and she is telling me to keep taking benadryl. it wasnt until i kept nagging her that she suggested "well maybe you can see your pcp or a dermatologist"

anyway pk :)

enjoy your post-coital tomorrow, oh the things we go through to make a baby huh!? enjoy the beach, im so jealous! i bet you've been getting all kinds of nice weather huh
morning ladies just a quickie I'm heading out the door to get my hair done :yipee:

PK good luck with tests sweetie.

Hopes good luck at docs, I did read that it can itch in some people and knowing your allergy history it's no surprise yours is itching, did you try oatmeal bath or anything? :hugs:

catch you gals later!

Happy 25 weeks Tink! :yipee:

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