Team Ding Dong... Bonking, Bumping, and Burping Along Together! ;-)

Its only now becoming just morning sickness, before now its been pretty severe.

I think we all go through the obsessed phase but you do come out the other side hun. There's really no way to stop it other than waiting it out.
:hi: girls i am having a few pimm's tonight hope you all have a nice weekend cant wait see laura s bby pc hope the ms goes soon hun x x x
hi girls,

PC glad your little beanie is well, very cute scan pics x

babyd hope little Bella turns for you, not long to go now xx

Jenny not long for you either, how are you feeling? x

PK still thinking of you hope you are ok xx

skweek, I think we were all obsessed when TTC its really hard when you really want something, try to relax though you will get preggers :hugs: x

SB great news about the house x

Damita glad bubba is well, will you find out the sex? x

china wow time is flying not long now x

Hopes what happened to your friend did they manage to stop labour?

Pheebs hows things honey? x

Tink have to meet this week Tuesday or Wednesday? x

Poppy hows Seren? how big is she now? x

MC hows little Rhys doing? x

sorry if I missed anyone, I'm very happy to have Keira home and shes settled back like she never left :awww: I need to check back on here more often xx
:hi: girls hope your all well afm i have had ewcm for 2 days now but not jew to ovulate yet and i have just started decaff green tea again could it be that x x x
thanks for all the well wishes for my SIL. unfortunately the preterm labor is continuing. she is going into the office weekly to get ultrasounds to check the baby, placenta, and the cervix. i went with her today so that i could get the instructions for giving her her weekly progesterone injections, and she got more bad news. shes still having contractions although she cant really feel them, they show up in regular intervals on the monitors still. she is no more dilated than she was last week but her cervix is shorter. it went from 4.3 to 3.4 .. millimeters i think its measured in? or is it centimeters? anyway.. its thinning still so thats bad news. also, she is still having the period cramps that signal impending labor. im giving her the progesterone shots once a week and she is continuing to be monitored but so far it isnt looking great. she just reached 20 weeks today. they talked about a cerclage but cant do that because she has placenta previa and the stitching of the cervix could mean risking her or the baby bleeding to death. during the ultrasound today they think they saw some sort of 'debris' in there with the baby, some type of bacteria that is causing the preterm labor is what they are thinking. they want to do amniocentesis and see if they can catch some of the 'debris' and see what kind of bacteria is causing this to find out how to treat it. if it is worse next week (more dilation or shorter cervix or worse contractions, etc) then they said they will prob have to give her some meds to stop the labor, but the meds have high risks associated with the baby. they said it can close up the babys heart and kill him, but it may be the only option. she cried in the office when they told her she might lose the baby.
she works at a daycare, she is still working because she needs the money really really bad. they want her on bed rest. please keep her and her baby boy in your prayers!
Aww bless her :hugs: even having the Amnio runs a risk, she really needs to be on bed rest n try to get to 24+ weeks, praying for her :hugs::kiss:
I don't even know what to say Hopes. I really, truly hope things slow down and she manages to rest up as much as possible. Surely the day care place would need to know about her health issues - they would probably insist she be on light duties or maybe not even in work? I know this isn't the worry but I just can't bring my head around to the possibility of losing a child at 20 weeks :(
its a weird situation, its all happening slow enough that she only is being seen once a week, but obviously progressing far too rapidly for being only at 20 weeks. i guess right now theyre hoping that when she comes in next week everything will be the same and they can do a few tests and just consider her "stable" and continue the progesterone injections and limit activity until the baby is born. but i dont think that anyone is expecting that, seeing as everytime she gets checked it seems her body is more and more prepared for birth. they said the progesterone injections only work about 30% of the time but that theres no real risks so she might as well give it a try. scary
and puppycat i agree she needs to get off her feet and plop herself down on the couch and not move except to go pee! the daycare she works at is horrible. it is a small place and they are always slipping under the radar with doing things they shouldn't be. they have been crappy with her up to now, making remarks when she sits down here and there. when she calls off for a day they ignore her the next day almost like punishment! her boyfriend and her are not doing well either right now. theyre on the verge of splitting and that stress gets to her a lot too. she needs to try to keep the stress down for sure. he never has a care in the world. he does carpentry type work and car washing and is basically out of work right now because of the weather, shes the only income and they have a 2 year old son. i feel horrible for her but theres no way i can help with any of this :(
Omg Hopes that is heartbreaking :( I'm praying for you SIL and bubba to stretch it to at least till 24wk so there'd be a good chance they both would be fine. Terrible, i really feel for her poor thing.

I had to go onto the monitor again the other day as bubba was naughty but all well. Had a scan, she's still breech and weighing approx 6lb10 right now. Next week will find out if i need a c-sec and if i do when xx
Hopes, I'll be praying for your SIL as well. Preterm labor can be a scary thing. I had it with all 4 of my pregnancies, starting around 16 weeks. The cervix is measured in cm. I'm surprised they're not giving her something already to inhibit the contractions. I guess the medicine I was given is now considered "old school" and they don't give it often anymore, but still...something to relax the uterine muscle would be good. If it gets much worse, they will hospitalize her... Even if it's just for a few days to slow the labor and then release her. That whole "debris" issue seems strange. Why aren't they giving her antibiotics? And what med to stop the labor would risk the baby? I'm not familiar with that, but I'm sure there's tons of stuff I don't know. Anyway, I really hope they can get it under control or that things get cleared up for her. The amnio can be a risk as well but hopefully they can get whatever is in there. I was in college during my first 3 pregnancies and bed rest was near to impossible although doctor ordered around 20 weeks each time. But, and I know this sounds silly, seriously, when she is at home she needs to not just sit and stay off her feet, but keep her feet elevated. A minimum of level with her uterus and higher would be better. Seriously laying down with feet elevated is best, because you have to get the weight of the uterus and baby off of the cervix so as not to exacerbate it more. And she needs to keep well hydrated. Any amount of dehydration (even if she doesn't think or feel like she is) will trigger contractions. Well, I hope she and the baby will be alright. :hugs:

Well, hi girls :hi: nothing really to say here. I've just been lurking and probably will continue to do so for a while. Dh is more committed to ttc now than he ever has been, and that's good. We're pretty much just praying for a miracle right now. Otherwise, it's going to take a while to save up the cash again. I'd like to cycle again for the ivf in June, but I don't know if we'll be ready financially. It's just very discouraging so I try not to think about it too much. I'm going to get my cd3 labs redone on my next cycle. We'll see what that shows. I miss you all though and I hope everybody is doing well. I love seeing all the pictures on fb and whenever they're posted here. :kiss:
:hi: girls hope your weekend is a chilled one afm think i am ovulating wooopp hers a pic but think it will be darker tomorrow hopes praying for your SIL x x x


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PK - Praying that you concieve naturally and can use that money on baby bits and bobs.

Hopes - Praying that your SIL's contractions stop and she is able to carry to full term without any more problems. Also praying her colleagues start understanding her and her situation and stop being so bitchy!!

Well Caz - get BDing!!!

BD - Boohoo to baby being breech.

Feels like AF is about to arrive. Been really crampy today with a bit of pale brown spotting this morning. Cramps are getting a little stronger tonight.

Hope all other DD's are well!!
:hi: girls hope your all well afm hers my opks when do you think i ovulated ff said it was cd14 but cd15 look like it to me we never bd on cd15 but we did on cd16 and we are tonight do you think it will be enuf x x x


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Oh I really dont know. my first thoughts was CD17, but then again that is just going on the OPK's.
Which CD's did you BD before the OPK's?
I have read it is better to BD before pos OPK's.

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