Team Ding Dong... Bonking, Bumping, and Burping Along Together! ;-)

Hello ladies,

SB, i'm so very sorry for your loss, i hope you ok xx

CG, glad to hear Camryn in doing fine, not long to go :) xx

Skweek and PC, hope ms will bugger off soon and you can enjoy the rest. xx

Well done for staying team yellow PC and Damita you really are strong lol What about you Skweek??

Poppy hope Serenity will get better at feeding they do have periods when everything is messed up lol xx

Hope all other mums and babies are well, i have to say we all produced some really gorgeous babies don't you think? I love the pictures on facebook :) x

Bella's been a bit funny lately. She's on gaviscon, we had one bad evening a while ago but no signs of colic anymore. She's been chewing her tongue and sticking it out, shoving her fist into her mouth and dribbling. Sure too early for teething, right? Any of you know what this could be?? she weighs 10lb11oz put on a lot in two weeks but she's not fat but long and very strong. Could easily stand up on my lap if i'd let her. She's more and more looks like her daddy which makes me a bit annoyed but oh well... lol I really need to get her through the night so i could go back to work but it's just not happening. I usually get babies through by 8weeks i bet my own wouldn't go for ages, typical lol My mum is leaving tomorrow so i'll have to get myself together. She wanted to do most feeds and settling and sterilising etc. to make the most of it while she was here but now i need to be more organised. Anyway, girlie needs attention, i'll be back later xxxxxxx
:haha: I am the weak one but DH doesn't want to know so I will not know either but he wants it to be a surprise, he keeps saying we will never get a surprise as big as this one, so I understand. I'm like it's going to be either a girl or a boy... I would be shocked if they said ginger kitten..
Hey DD's!
Hope you are all well - sorry baby brains have well and truly set in!! Have just read up for the last 2 days and can barely remember what I read!

Yes we will be finding out. DF says better to be prepared so he defo wants to find out - I'm fine with that.

I found out today that, a previous neighbour from Cape Town, announced that his wife is due on 11/11/2012! thats just 4 days after me!
So many ladies around me announcing their BFP's too.
BD Serenity always use to stick her tongue out and shove her hand in, she still shoves anything she can in a drools worse than a dog :haha: as for sleeping riight through pfffffffftttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt I wish lol
Hello sweeties :hi: miss you all loads....just busy as usual here. Feeling pretty poorly myself right now...body trying to fight off sickness. Anyway, just a quick pop on to check in...I know it's been a while. I think of you all every day though and try to stay caught up with the posts. Right now I'm waiting for dd3... She's in dance auditions for school, then theater audition right after. Ds is playing baseball and spring flag football. Dd's 1 and 2 both made cheerleading (I guess most of you saw my fb post a couple of weeks ago). Proud mummy here but exhausted.

Dh really starting to feel down at all the new bfp announcements at church and work and such. We're struggling to save the money for ivf. Expenses just keep coming up, and it makes us feel hopeless every time we have to pull from savings to pay for something else. So we decided not to do the wales trip this summer. :cry: plus my best friend just told me on Monday that she's pregnant again. And she's very upset about it again. Twice now since after we started ttc'ing. :( it wouldn't be so hard to hear I think if she were happy and excited about it, but she's not. She tried to tell me that she understands how I feel but I just can't possibly undy what a hardship this is for them. :wacko: what can you even say in response to that?? So i said nothing. Well, so here I still am....

Anyway, I'm glad everyone's doing fairly well. SB, my heart goes out to you lovely :hugs:

Bug :hug: to all :kiss:
Hi PK. Good to see you chick :hugs:

Why is your friend pregnant if she doesn't want to be? I don't understand!
Hello Ding Dongs!

Sorry i ain't been around but little Miss Rebecca keeps me uber busy! She is 5 weeks today already and weighing in at an awesome 10lb 5oz. She drinks up to 6oz and the last 4 nights only been getting up once through the night but makes up for it with her fussy turns during the day lol

SB sorry for your loss hun, big hugs for you and your family x x

CG not long to go now, can't wait to see Camryn x x

Damita, PC and Skweek glad to hear your pregnancies are going well x x

Poppy hope Serenity starts to behave better for you lol x x

Hopes Mila sounds like she growing big and strong x x

PK my heart breaks for you when i hear about you and your dh heartbreak over ttc'ing, hugs for you too x x

Lupine get well soon x x

Hope i haven't left anyone out if so im sorry but got to run girls, <3 to u all x x x
:hi: ladies,

I just wanted to share that........


Okay...that is all:haha:
Thank you jenn :hugs:

Pc, my friend's baby is about 9 months old now. Maybe 10. She's still breastfeeding full- time and either she JUST got her first af or hasn't really had a "real" af yet. Something like that. So the weren't ttc but I guess not doing much on the prevention side either. For the 9-month old, she started trying after I told her we'd been ttc for a few months at that point. We were talking about how wonderful it would be to be pg together. This was before we knew about the mfi and all that stuff. :( of course, she fell pg first month of trying, and you all know our situation. Anyway, after she got pg, she started stressing really bad about the cost of a new baby and they've had some other stuff going on in their lives that has been stressful. I mean, she loves her baby... She just has a lot of anxiety but it's just hard to hear all the complaints when it's been such a difficult and EXPENSIVE process for us. :hugs: your scan pics are lovely, btw, and I think you might be team blue too :winkwink:
Hi everyone (who remembers me)! I hope you are all doing well! I love keeping up with most of you on FB and seeing where your journeys have taken you! I am here today in need of some opinions! I am now on my 2nd round of clomid and have gotten rocky temps both months. Question is, FF has now given me crosshairs 3 different times. My DH went out of town on CD 12, so we didn't get much of a chance to BD, but I'm still trying to figure out exactly when I ovulated. The clomid dried me up A LOT but I drank green tea the first 1/2 of my cycle which seemed to help w/cm, so maybe if I ovulated CD 13 or 14 and had a slow rise so there might me a chance. What do you all think??? My chart is attached to my FF ticker! Sorry if the BFPs are not updated correctly at the bottom-it's all so different now!!! Thanks again, ladies : )
:hi: girls hope your all well cg happy full term hun not long then afm just waiting to ovulate hope its not a late one my son has broke up from school woopp lyin for me tomorrow x x x
Hey eesoja! Long time no "see" but it's good to see you back in the ttc swing of things :winkwink: what dose of clomid are you taking? What's your plan if the clomid doesn't work? I'm sorry it's been such a long time I can't remember if you had Pcos or what (if any) ttc issues you had. You should see a clear ov with clomid if that's the right treatment for you. You may need a higher dose or a different med option. I'm not expressly familiar with it as our issues are different...I only know a little. It's really hard to say on ur chart when you ov'd specifically, except that you are definitely in your luteal phase now by the higher range of temps. I know this doesn't give you much hope, but if ff is wrong, my guess would be possibly cd16 ov. It's not impossible to get pg from a "late" ov compared to when you bd either as sperm can survive 5-7 days, so it still wouldn't mean you're out hun. :hugs:
THX, PK! I'm on 50 mg of Clomid-pretty sure I ovulate w/it, which is why we didn't up the dose after the first month. HOWEVER, my pre-o temps are so rocky, I think it throws everything off. I don't have PCOS. As I was around 20 months ttc, my OB finally wanted me to try Clomid b/c my once late ovulation had come as early as 9 dpo, and he didn't think my uterine lining had any time to become strong enough to sustain a pregnancy, even if we did conceive. So, we're giving it a shot-just sucked that this month DH was out of town CD 12 through CD 17 : ( So in addition to the Clomid, I'm on the usual prenatals, plus low-dose aspirin (for my lining) and I drink red raspberry leaf tea (after O, also for strengthening the uterus). We're hoping the Clomid helps w/my O (as it seems to) and helps us to sustain a pregnancy! If this doesn't work, I think we will probably try "flushing" my tubes (if that's the correct verbage) and then on to IUI. However, it was difficult to convince DH to agree to the clomid, let alone what he'd have to do for an IUI. Time will tell!

So,PK, I see you're doing IVF? I do recall you mentioning (like a year and a half ago) thinking that maybe you had PCOS? Is this your 2nd round, or did that mean something else? How's it going so far? DHs cousin just conceived on her 2nd round of IVF so fingers crossed it's going well for you!

Take care : )
Awww eesoja81 lovely to see you :hugs::hugs: PK Queen of charts im useless lol but get some Preseed its great :winkwink:

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