••October testing group - Praying for pumpkins••

Gutted to read about Lilypie! I wonder why they’re shutting down? What other tickers are there?
I used to love those fruit ones when I was pregnant with my eldest two but couldn’t get it when I had my youngest. I guess not many places use tickers anymore? It’s all apps and Facebook groups!

I can’t remember who asked but here’s the screen shot of my chart. Only got the end of it because it’s massive otherwise. On CD50 now :roll:
I only get crosshairs with the FAM detector and I’m still getting EWCM which is so strange. Never had it for this long before and when OPKs have been this negative!
Edited to add: the line at the top in dark blue is my temps, the lighter blue line underneath is my RHR.

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That was The Bump website that had the fruit size tickers. I loved that one but it closed down ages ago. There used to be so many great ticker sites but all have closed now, maybe because forums aren't as popular as they used to be.
I'm using ticker club now. Disney also do a few but I think that's about it these days, unless people know of any lesser known sites who do tickers?
Just jumping on quick I need to catch up.
I feel a bit silly.

After having a mega melt down on here about having no symptoms.
So last night my IBS flared up. Then later last night I noticed my right boob was slightly tender. Anyway after a crappy, another sweaty night I’ve got up today And both boobs are so sore. Like don’t want anyone touching the tatas sore lol.
Today is 9dpo I haven’t tested and Im not going to. But I will tomorrow.
I’m also breaking out in cold sores and can’t seem to shake this cold/cough.
AF isn’t due until 16/17 dpo.
I’ve also been having alot of thick white cm.
Which is so unusual for me but was putting it down to maybe the coq10.
I think I’m pregnant but I’m so scared to get my hopes up and then get BFNs.
The sore boobs for me is definitely a exciting symptom.
I can sometimes get very slight sore boobs right after ovulation but they always fizzle by 5 or 6dpo. I didn’t get sore boobs after ovulation this cycle. It’s only today they have really started to hurt at 9dpo.
Sore boobs was one of my first symptoms with my dd and my 3 year old son. It’s what told me I was pregnant.
I didn’t have sore boobs or anything with the miscarriage so I’m hoping this is a good sign I am and it will be my take home rainbow.
Gonna be well nervous testing.
Sorry guys for not being around I'm just too depressed right now to keep up with anything. Brief update from me though, I think I might have a burst cyst, I have an appointment tomorrow to get checked out but Iv had bleeding mid cycle, probly a day or so after ov but I haven't used opks and 2 days after sex. I had a lot of pain too but it eased off once the bleeding started. Don't think we have a chance this month only dtd once with my mood being so low and now this.. Plus with the bleeding if anything was going on probly got rid of it. Sigh.
@tdog sorry :(

Just jumping on quick I need to catch up.
I feel a bit silly.

After having a mega melt down on here about having no symptoms.
So last night my IBS flared up. Then later last night I noticed my right boob was slightly tender. Anyway after a crappy, another sweaty night I’ve got up today And both boobs are so sore. Like don’t want anyone touching the tatas sore lol.
Today is 9dpo I haven’t tested and Im not going to. But I will tomorrow.
I’m also breaking out in cold sores and can’t seem to shake this cold/cough.
AF isn’t due until 16/17 dpo.
I’ve also been having alot of thick white cm.
Which is so unusual for me but was putting it down to maybe the coq10.
I think I’m pregnant but I’m so scared to get my hopes up and then get BFNs.
The sore boobs for me is definitely a exciting symptom.
I can sometimes get very slight sore boobs right after ovulation but they always fizzle by 5 or 6dpo. I didn’t get sore boobs after ovulation this cycle. It’s only today they have really started to hurt at 9dpo.
Sore boobs was one of my first symptoms with my dd and my 3 year old son. It’s what told me I was pregnant.
I didn’t have sore boobs or anything with the miscarriage so I’m hoping this is a good sign I am and it will be my take home rainbow.
Gonna be well nervous testing.

Don’t you have a million tests? Please?! Lol sorry those symptoms would be pretty convincing. Don’t get your hopes up! I can’t believe you have that much self control tho. I feel like knowing is better than not knowing…. I’m not sure really tho. Fxd
Sorry guys for not being around I'm just too depressed right now to keep up with anything. Brief update from me though, I think I might have a burst cyst, I have an appointment tomorrow to get checked out but Iv had bleeding mid cycle, probly a day or so after ov but I haven't used opks and 2 days after sex. I had a lot of pain too but it eased off once the bleeding started. Don't think we have a chance this month only dtd once with my mood being so low and now this.. Plus with the bleeding if anything was going on probly got rid of it. Sigh.
im sorry you’re in a bad place Josephine I was worried about you and missed you. I hope you can get it sorted. Sounds painful X

my breasts are heavier today and have had some yellow lotiony cm but that seems normal for me at 6 dpo Apparently it’s a sign of high progesterone so that good for baby stickying. Sometimes I feel like I’m assuming it’s gonna happen which is dangerous. But other times my feet are on the ground thinking yeah right as if ill ever have a little fertilised egg floating around in there.
@MumwithPCOS and @CakeBaby wishing you tons of luck for when you test

@NightFlower oh love, I know that feeling. That’s how I’ve felt over the last year. Desperate for a baby but he didn’t want to. Every ovulation that passed was torture knowing there was nothing I could do about it. Made it worse that he was happy to pull out so was willing to take a risk even tho he was adamant he wouldn’t change his mind about having another, so I would still build some hope up in my head that I would fall from that every cycle. Messed with me so bad i ended up on antidepressants. I finally had a proper talk with him about how it was all making me feel and thankfully he changed his mind and agreed to one more. Could you not tell him how it’s making you feel? It’s not fair for you to have a time limit on how long you can try for and then cause you to miss months of trying. I hope ovulation holds off for when you can bd so your still in with a chance this cycle. :hugs:

@mbrew180 oh my goodness, I can’t believe I’m reading this. How absolutely heartbreaking, that poor little baby. I feel sick for that poor family. Sending love and hugs :cry:

@tdog I’m sorry about the temp drop. I really hope your next cycle is the one. Big hugs

@Suggerhoney Yay!!! Sounds promising. My god you have some will power to hold off testing, lol. I can’t wait to see them.

@josephine3 I’m sorry your feeling bad right now. I hope you get to the bottom of the bleeding. Sending hugs
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I have hardly slept last night I tossed and turned so could have affected temp, ill attach my chart anyway I no I seem like I'm clutching at straws and yes yes iam lol xx

@josephine3 love I'm so sorry to read you've been in a lot of pain I have cysts but never had one bust but I can only imagine what that excruciating pain that must be xx

@MumwithPCOS and @CakeBaby wishing you tons of luck for when you test

@NightFlower oh love, I know that feeling. That’s how I’ve felt over the last year. Desperate for a baby but he didn’t want to. Every ovulation that passed was torture knowing there was nothing I could do about it. Made it worse that he was happy to pull out so was willing to take a risk even tho he was adamant he wouldn’t change his mind about having another, so I would still build some hope up in my head that I would fall from that every cycle. Messed with me so bad i ended up on antidepressants. I finally had a proper talk with him about how it was all making me feel and thankfully he changed his mind and agreed to one more. Could you not tell him how it’s making you feel? It’s not fair for you to have a time limit on how long you can try for and then cause you to miss months of trying. I hope ovulation holds off for when you can bd so your still in with a chance this cycle. :hugs:

@mbrew180 oh my goodness, I can’t believe I’m reading this. How absolutely heartbreaking, that poor little baby. I feel sick for that poor family. Sending love and hugs :cry:

@tdog I’m sorry about the temp drop. I really hope your next cycle is the one. Big hugs

@Suggerhoney Yay!!! Sounds promising. My god you have some will power to hold off testing, lol. I can’t wait to see them.

@josephine3 I’m sorry your feeling bad right now. I hope you get to the bottom of the bleeding. Sending hugs
He will be 48 this weekend so he feels he's getting to old to have another plus we've been trying for over a year. I understand where he's coming from with the time limit.

Also in Sept we all got covd and was during ovulation so dtd didn't happen and now he has a bad bug our son just got rid of. You know how guys are when they get sick the world is ending lol...

I'm sure he will change his mind if I ask and it don't happen by the end of December.

My right ovary hurts this morning will do a opk soon. I only have 24 day cycles. I've probably already ovulated just didn't realize or missed my positive opk at some point as I'm cycle day 13.
He will be 48 this weekend so he feels he's getting to old to have another plus we've been trying for over a year. I understand where he's coming from with the time limit.

Also in Sept we all got covd and was during ovulation so dtd didn't happen and now he has a bad bug our son just got rid of. You know how guys are when they get sick the world is ending lol...

I'm sure he will change his mind if I ask and it don't happen by the end of December.

My right ovary hurts this morning will do a opk soon. I only have 24 day cycles. I've probably already ovulated just didn't realize or missed my positive opk at some point as I'm cycle day 13.

I understand. My dh is 42 and that’s why he worried to have another because he feels he’s getting too old now. I do feel guilty that I couldn’t just let it go but I do feel content now knowing this will be the last one. I’ll be turning 39 when this one comes. I just really hope it happens for you
I understand. My dh is 42 and that’s why he worried to have another because he feels he’s getting too old now. I do feel guilty that I couldn’t just let it go but I do feel content now knowing this will be the last one. I’ll be turning 39 when this one comes. I just really hope it happens for you
Your so kind thank you ❤
@tdog I see something on the frer the others look neg to me. Hoping your temp stays above cover line and af stays away.
Here is my opk from this morning still reading low on the premom app. Idk I'll do another later and then save them for next cycle. Even if we do dtd tonight dont think it would matter. I need to just accept this won't be the month and move on. :-(

Sorry guys for not being around I'm just too depressed right now to keep up with anything. Brief update from me though, I think I might have a burst cyst, I have an appointment tomorrow to get checked out but Iv had bleeding mid cycle, probly a day or so after ov but I haven't used opks and 2 days after sex. I had a lot of pain too but it eased off once the bleeding started. Don't think we have a chance this month only dtd once with my mood being so low and now this.. Plus with the bleeding if anything was going on probly got rid of it. Sigh.

@mbrew180 oh my gosh that is absolutely awful. I just can’t understand why someone could do something like that to a baby. What a evil monster. So so heart breaking. I just don’t understand how people can be that evil. It’s sick. Sending you lots of big hugs love and we’re here for you if you need any support. My gosh literally lost for words. Reading that was like being shot in the heart. :cry:
@tdog I see something on the frer the others look neg to me. Hoping your temp stays above cover line and af stays away.

It's OK love I just posted incase anyone saw what I did and I no I'm clutching at massive bunch of straws :shrug: :cry: I may do another frer if af stays away no spotting as yet tho so who nos xx
I’m with Laura on this. It feels so unfair that your dh has given ttc a time limit but yet is refusing to Bd,
I’m so sorry love that is incredibly frustrating. So so frustrating.

I feel this is totally unfair on you:hugs:

Thanks love. I feel so silly because I was complaining about no symptoms and how down I was feeling . And then My boobs start hurting from no where. There so sore.
I’m still scared to test tho and getting BFNs.
I’ve never gotten lines b4 10dpo, 10dpo is always the day I get lines if I am. but unfortunately that’s for successful pregnancies and also with many of my loses including the miscarriage.
I didn’t have sore boobs or anything with the miscarriage but I have had sore boobs with a few of the many chemicals I’ve had. So I can’t get hopeful at all. Even if I do get lines and they get darker I will still be supper anxious that it will all end in tears again.

I tested yesterday love and it was bfn. I’ve never gotten lines b4 10dpo. It’s always 10dpo if I am pregnant.
Im 9dpo today. I’m so so scared to test because yes if I am and I get lines I just won’t be able to get excited because I had such blazing dark lines with my miscarriage. I’m gonna be such a nervous wreck.
I’m scared to get BFNs and at the same time I’m scared to get lines that will end in another loss. :wacko:
Just a quick update from me.

I’ve done a frer this morning with fmu (had to go out and get a new pack as I’ve stupidly used all the stash I bought for this month) Something keeps catching my eye…… probably just annoying indent tbh. I used the other one with second fmu and it’s about the same. Probably all in my head a wishful thinking.

DH is home later and we’ve planned to test together (I only have cb early left). At least I’ve prepared myself for a negative x

@Holly82 I think I see something on them unsure tho, so easy done tho isn't it I'm the same still see lines on mine but no af should be here tomorrow or Thursday:shrug: so in my head I should have darker lines but not getting darker so should just stop but can't help myself lol xx
Morning ladies, 5DPO today and I am so anxious to test. Super exhausted today, cranky as heck still, boobs are a bit more sore today which is normal for me after O. I guess time will tell but I don’t have high hopes :(
Morning ladies, 5DPO today and I am so anxious to test. Super exhausted today, cranky as heck still, boobs are a bit more sore today which is normal for me after O. I guess time will tell but I don’t have high hopes :(

Good luck!

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