••October testing group - Praying for pumpkins••

So, I know that all of the literature says that morning sickness doesn't start until around 6 weeks, I think I'm feeling it now.

But, I have a history of Dep/Anx, and with everything going on I'm not sure if the upset stomach is that or pregnancy related. But I do know that I feel like poop if I get even a little hungry, and throughout the day really.

@Suggerhoney I know fertility does change with age, but you're cycles seem way too consistent to be perimenopause just yet. I bet it is just illness.

@littlewitch it is still so early!

@MumwithPCOS beautiful CB!

@jellybeanxx thank you! I'm sorry you're in limbo with your cycles. It's so hard coming from the provider side of things to figure out hormones without trying to hit a reset button. I started a book called Period Repair Manual that was recommended to me by another midwife that's all about trying to regulate hormones w/out exogenic hormones. I haven't finished it, lol, so I don't have any advice except maybe you can check it out!!!
@Suggerhoney hope you feel better hun. I hope ovulation is at your normal time too and as alway with have everything crossed for you. I still think your too young for menopause and you have lovely regular cycles and ovulate every month. I’m sure it’s going to happen for you.

@NightFlower I’m sorry your sick hun. I hope the bleeding isn’t af. Feel better soon.

@thencomesbebe still very early. Good luck

@PinkCupcakes oh my love, my heart just breaks for you every month. I pray you get your beautiful baby in the very near future. You deserve it so much.
@Suggerhoney would be awesome tbh I have about 10 days to wait but still sort of spotting now so don't no what's going on :shrug: stupid body:haha: xx
Congratulations to all the bfps this month! Baby dust to everyone else :dust:

Looks like I'm having a decent surge this month which is great because my last couple of months ovulation tests have only just been positive. Which app do you all use for tracking ovulation? I've always used femometer but i think they've changed it recently so it only classes as peak if the test is darker than control like and that doesn't always happen for me. I had a test yesterday which was near enough equal coloured lines and it counted it as a low reading :confused:

So I’m still sick. Not so bad today but have worked out why I’ve been having on and off fevers for well over a week now and why I’ve been feeling so poo It’s flu. that would probably explain the early arrival of AF too as she showed at 11dpo when I had covid and again this time she showed at 11dpo, flu would do it I guess as very similar to covid.
Hope to be feeling fully better soon and fever free.

nothing else to really report. Only cd6 and guess I will start the opks again in a day or so. Not really expecting ovulation to be anytime soon with being sick but we shall see.

after a long thought and watching a show called 90 day finance. There is a couple on there and he is 43 with 2 kids from his previous marriage. She has no kids and is desperate for a baby but he’s been sticking his heals in saying he wants to wait a few years.
Anyway she booked up and she had some bloods done as she 37 and was worrying about her biological clock. Anyway her egg reserve has come back poor and she been told to have a child naturally they have to start trying now. (She’s been wanting to try it’s just her selfish husband that’s saying a few years)
Anyway the fertility doctor said with every passing month her egg reserve will keep declining. He said a 40 year old women. Has about 5% chance each month. I think for my age it’s only a 2% chance which does not fill me with much hope at all:-(

but hearing him say how it declines every month has definitely made me want to carry on trying. I definitely can not afford to take any time out. Even if I wanted to I just know I can’t.
I don’t want to miss missing my one and only chance. That’s if there is another chance.
Will just keep trying and keep hoping and praying that I will one day get my very healthy take home rainbow baby BFP[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<

If it makes you feel better, we were told by a fertility specialist we only have about a 2% chance every month when I was 31, and I was able to get pregnant with my son at 32, and now this one at 37. Granted it took 3 and a half years with my son, and 3 years this time around, but it DID happen (we had male factor issues and PCOS to contend with). 2% is just a number. It CAN happen and I believe it will for you <3 Praying for you hun <3 More than likely the short cycle can be chalked up to sicknesses or adding new meds (particularly Maca). Hugs!!!

BTW, we had miscarriages before all of our babies and it took about 8-9 months after our miscarriages to get pregnant with our rainbow every time.
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@mbrew180 with my son my morning sickness started at 5 weeks. This time was just after 6 weeks. It had me worried as I’d had it start earlier with him. Got it full force now :sick:

@salamander91 thats a gorgeously dark opk. 100% peak. Hope you catch that egg. I found the Premom app was good for rating opks
Hi ladies!
@elmum congratulations! Great to see so many bfps this month they are really cheering me up when I come on
@jellybeanxx can't believe you're still stuck in limbo that's crazy I really hope you can move on soon. Are you still using opks?
@PinkCupcakes sorry about the bfns xxx

For me I'm feeling strange about this cycle. On one hand I'm thinking there's no chance at all as we only dtd once and I've been so preoccupied with life and stressing that I haven't taken any vitamins and I've drank too much alcohol on a few occasions with it bring my oh's birthday and then my friends funeral yesterday. So ttc has basically been ignored. But it's now cd 28 and I've no af symptoms, I don't know exactly how many dpo I am but it's 11 days since we dtd. My boobs aren't sore at all, I basically have no symptoms which for me is a symptom in itself lol. I've thought so little about ttc though I don't even have a test stash I have one cheapy left!
I did this one this morning x

Screenshot_20221018-192257.png Screenshot_20221018-192324.png Screenshot_20221018-192317.png
Looks like it is af 9 days early. ](*,)
I feel deflated and ready to give up. Seems like my body is out of whack as I had ovulated later then normal and got af way early. So now it's sep/oct that were a bust. Hopefully if we do manage to dtd next cycle will be a miracle because my man's work schedule sucks around ovulation time then. I looked a head. Looks like I'll start opks again in week. Signs ..:-( I haven’t even gotten to use a single hpt in 2 cycles.
@mbrew180 I have that book! I just never got round to reading it :haha:
My nausea with my youngest started from the few days before I got my positive. I never believed it could happen before there was enough hcg for a positive test but I felt so rough!

@Laurabub84 thanks lovely! I can’t imagine why she’d want you to have done 6 months on birth control, that’s extreme!
I’ve been on agnus castcus before and it was around the time I had that 6 month bleed which ended in needing to have a cyst surgically removed so I’m nervous of trying it again. It may have had nothing to do with it but I’m scared to try. I used soy isoflavones when I was pregnant with my youngest so keen to try that again when AF eventually appears!

@Suggerhoney I’ve got to admit that as I’m rapidly approaching 40 those statistics scare me but I image they include women who are trying for their first and could therefore have unknown fertility issues. You have a proven track record. I was talking to my boss today who had her 4th baby at 43. She wasn’t even trying! She said she had been researching fertility stuff for friends of hers who were trying for their first babies and had read about fertility decline so didn’t think she needed to worry and then she was pregnant! Gave me some hope anyway!

The BCP I got were the progesterone and northisterine ones so I’ve decide that if AF isn’t here in the next few days, I might take them for 10 days to induce a bleed and then start the soy isoflavones.
We’re flying out to Orlando tomorrow, so excited!

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