August Testing Thread!!! 41 testers so far...2 BFP's 1 angel!!!!

Hello. My name is Quita and i will be testing around the 30th just in case AF wants to mess woth my emotions lol. This is my 2nd cycle of trying to conceive since i came off BC in June. My plan of action is to use my OvaCue Fertility monitor, eat healthier and exercise 2-3x a week.
So I started doing the Eat-Clean diet by Tosca Reno. Well, its not really a diet because its more of a way of eating. You can go super hardcore on it or you can ease into it. I already eat healthy to begin with so pushing myself a bit further is not too too hard, although I LOVE my SUGAR and I gotta let go of it.

Its super important to eat healthy and give your body all the nutrients you will need on this pregnancy journey, thats the way I look at it. I dont want my baby to grow inside me knowing all I did was eat junk food full pf preservatives, coloring and words i cant even pronounce lol!

So if you are interested read about it. It takes dedication, but your body is your shrine :)
Ahhh these last few days are dragging, nothing new here just waiting for AF or when I crumble and test, I try to not test before 12dpo
Well...I tested today. It came back BFN:( I am not due for AF until the 3rd but I couldn't take it anymore! I still feel like AF is coming and have for about a week which is VERY odd for me. What do you all think?! Am I out this month or do I still have a chance??
Hi girls, add me to the list I will be testing on Aug 10.

Fingers crossed for ces2008, Megan1986, Bubbles82, who are testing tomorrow~ :dust:

Hey ladies! I have a few questions and thought you might be able to help me out:

1. Have any of you ever ovulated (with temp drop and raise) but still had negative OPKs?
-I did skip one day testing, but that would be crazy if the ONE day I missed testing was the time I O, right?!

2. Does drinking alcohol effect your temps? What about When you ovulate?
-I've been a bit down and had two *fun* nights of boozing a bit heavy (I pretty much stopped 100% when we started TTC) and have some crazy temps (or I finally Ovulated...)

3. Am I crazy for getting drunk and getting sad over this whole TTC thing? It's driving me nuts! I am thisclose to just giving up.

1. yes, I was missing my surge for the longest time, mainly because I was taking the opks late in the afternoon. Last cycle I started taking them 3 times a day (8am, 12noon, and later in the day) and turns out I'm a morning surge type of girl, my surge comes really early in the morning and by evening it could be gone.
The day you missed testing it could be your O day, It happened to me countless times, to the point I was crying my eyes out I thought I was not ovulating (despite FF saying I was from bbt)

2. Alcohol drops your temps, it is a fact.
The fact that alcohol actually lowers the temperature of the body was first announced by Sir B. Ward Richardson in 1866 to the British Association. His observations showed a fall of temperature ranging from three-quarters of a degree (F.) to 3 degrees, the depression persisting not merely for minutes or hours, but even for days. Various observers have since found that ordinary quantities of alcohol taken as a beverage depress the temperature of the body, usually by less than half a degree in healthy men; but large doses may cause a fall of five or six degrees.

Read more:

3. I have a few drinks during AF, sometimes we just need it, although I wouldn't get pissed or anything. TTC can make you obsessed and nuts.
Personally I decided to talk about it more with DH and sharing took away many of my fears. I was alone on this charting thing, and I had no one to talk to (except BB haha) and yesterday I talked about it with him and it was a big relief. We watched some videos on fertility and charting together and even cracked a few jokes about it. At first I thought he would be totally put off (gory details and too scientific), but in fact he was interested and he said it was good to know all that stuff. He naturally didn't know about the fertility window and now he does, and promised to make an extra effort.


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. A few of you on here made me feel so much better about all this. I am still a little confused about my cart. I took multiple temps on the two weird temp days (woke up at 7-lower, then at 9-higher, but normally wake up at 8, so not sure which to use) so I'm really not sure whats going on there. Keeping both temps on hand.

I went out and bought just a few more OPK, and tested this morning and it was a POSITIVE. Yesterday afternoon was a negative, so I think this is it! We BD yesterday, will again today and tomorrow. I will continue to test OPK, since last time I tested Positive for 2 days, both in mornings and afternoons (I'm a 2 a day tester)

I had my acupuncture appointment and he said I am as fertile as they come and my time was yesterday, or else in the next two days. Looks like he was right again. I swear, my doctor is magic. He knows my body better than I do.

I am feeling on could nine right now. This is it! The fun part then the TWW! I'm just so happy that SOMETHING finally happened (CD38 over here!)

As for talking to my husband: He has been great and supportive. He has been much better about the whole thing a I have shared more about how it all works. Really, the whole 'fertile window' is new to both of us, and it's all so interesting to learn about. Remember in school, they used to tell us we could get pregnant at ANY time, even while on your period! I guess that's how they drilled us all into wearing condoms and using protection!
I totally agree with what a few of you were saying about eating healthy. We eat VERY healthy in our household. I usually cook two meals a day. We are vegetarians, so I'm always careful that we are getting enough protein and it comes from sources other than soy. I shop about 50% organic (really important to do in Asia, because they use way too many pesticides here) and we always get in more than enough fruits and veggies. It's funny because even if I eat something unhealthy I generally get sick off it! If I eat anything fried, I turn so red, it's embarrassing!

I'm also trying to cut back further on my diet, I would like to cut out sugar for good. But it's TOUGH. It gives me such bad stomach aches, that it seems like a no-brainer to give up!

Dairy as well is really hard for me to give up. I'm down to about 5 servings a week, so I guess that's progress!
I'm out I just found pinkish orange blood in my underwear sort of watery so I'm thinking af must be here 3 days early
I will be testing August 4th.

I O'd on the 19th, and on the 28th and the 29th I had a tiny bit of spotting (TMI ALERT- it was cm with a little brown and pink streaked in it, barely even there). I'm hoping it was implantation bleeding, as I feel no signs of AF showing her ugly face. Hopefully this is finally the month I'll get my BFP. It's been 8 years and 5 months (6 if I don't get two lines) that we have been TTC for #2. Keeping my fingers crossed!

-This was my first cycle on SI. I also took B6, folic acid, B12, and a high dose multivitamin.
Sryy for my absence ladies had a family emergency out of town and my cousins computers was dwn :( but I am back and in the process of updating...almost into august!!!!! lets get these BFP's!!!!
Hello. My name is Quita and i will be testing around the 30th just in case AF wants to mess woth my emotions lol. This is my 2nd cycle of trying to conceive since i came off BC in June. My plan of action is to use my OvaCue Fertility monitor, eat healthier and exercise 2-3x a week.

Congrats NEWLYWED!!! lol

I just wanted to inform you abt the BC thing lol...this is NOT to scare you its just that i'd rather you know whats going on rather than get frustrated in the future IF things dnt happen as quickly as they should....BC usually takes a while to get out of your system...of course you could be the exception and get pg 2morro im not saying this is the same for every woman and I hope and pray to God im wrong and you get your BFP this month but most women who are ttc that are just getting off BC have a hard time understanding why they aren't getting pregnant right away...of course those young girls in thier teens can miss one BC pill and pop up pg but some women have it harder....just coming off BC and ttc is like...your body has gotten so used to you forcing it not to get pregnant and all of a sudden your telling it to get dare you!! lol it just takes some BFF was on BC since she was 17 when she got married and turned 27 she wanted to ttc and it was 7 months before she even OVULATED plus another 5 months before her periods regulated and finally after 14 months of ttc she finally got her BFP. and she had a MC, then 3 months later she formed a later successful pregnancy....on the other hand I have a friend who was on BC for 2 months just to regulate her periods, she eloped and wanted to start a family right away and got pregnant the same month she got off the BC (Dr. said her concieve date was literally 1 day AFTER she quit the pill)...I am just warning you as a friend NOT to get too frustrated if things dnt progress as fast as you would like...but maybe take some time and try to learn your periods w/o BC, since now that you off BC your body is gnna do want IT wants not what the pill tells it to do...I'd say get to learn you pattern for a few months before ttc full force...i hope and pray that i am wrong and that this is your month :dust: to you and good luck!!! :)
My AF was July 14th my predicted ovulation was today but took CB digital OPK and it was not a smiley face I think I missed ovulation because now I have sticky white CM and dry CM so AF is due in 14 days Aug 13 whenever it does come on I'll start then TTC since Aug 2010 Actively trying Jan 2011 taking nothing but prenatals was using pre-seed OPKS stopped but started back.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. A few of you on here made me feel so much better about all this. I am still a little confused about my cart. I took multiple temps on the two weird temp days (woke up at 7-lower, then at 9-higher, but normally wake up at 8, so not sure which to use) so I'm really not sure whats going on there. Keeping both temps on hand.

I went out and bought just a few more OPK, and tested this morning and it was a POSITIVE. Yesterday afternoon was a negative, so I think this is it! We BD yesterday, will again today and tomorrow. I will continue to test OPK, since last time I tested Positive for 2 days, both in mornings and afternoons (I'm a 2 a day tester)

I had my acupuncture appointment and he said I am as fertile as they come and my time was yesterday, or else in the next two days. Looks like he was right again. I swear, my doctor is magic. He knows my body better than I do.

I am feeling on could nine right now. This is it! The fun part then the TWW! I'm just so happy that SOMETHING finally happened (CD38 over here!)

As for talking to my husband: He has been great and supportive. He has been much better about the whole thing a I have shared more about how it all works. Really, the whole 'fertile window' is new to both of us, and it's all so interesting to learn about. Remember in school, they used to tell us we could get pregnant at ANY time, even while on your period! I guess that's how they drilled us all into wearing condoms and using protection!
You are welcome hun!:flower:
the temp should be taken in bed right the minute you open your eyes, so keep the thermometer on your night stand. If you get up to pee or whatever and then you take the temp it will not be your basal temp, but rather your temp during the day which is another thing entirely.
I'm doing this religiously, even if it ruins our weekend slumbers, we want to sleep a little later :sleep: but the alarm goes off and then I temp in bed and produce more beeps. Then I switch on the lap top to enter data, even more beeps, I swear it is like living with a cyborg :haha:
I want to try acupuncture too!!!!
Very lucky to have a supportive hubby, mine only recently caved in, but he is 100% on board and really sweet and supportive about it.
Argh... schools and sex ed... :dohh: TOTAL fail... I think they had us more confused and scared than educated.
Hello. My name is Quita and i will be testing around the 30th just in case AF wants to mess woth my emotions lol. This is my 2nd cycle of trying to conceive since i came off BC in June. My plan of action is to use my OvaCue Fertility monitor, eat healthier and exercise 2-3x a week.

Congrats NEWLYWED!!! lol

I just wanted to inform you abt the BC thing lol...this is NOT to scare you its just that i'd rather you know whats going on rather than get frustrated in the future IF things dnt happen as quickly as they should....BC usually takes a while to get out of your system...of course you could be the exception and get pg 2morro im not saying this is the same for every woman and I hope and pray to God im wrong and you get your BFP this month but most women who are ttc that are just getting off BC have a hard time understanding why they aren't getting pregnant right away...of course those young girls in thier teens can miss one BC pill and pop up pg but some women have it harder....just coming off BC and ttc is like...your body has gotten so used to you forcing it not to get pregnant and all of a sudden your telling it to get dare you!! lol it just takes some BFF was on BC since she was 17 when she got married and turned 27 she wanted to ttc and it was 7 months before she even OVULATED plus another 5 months before her periods regulated and finally after 14 months of ttc she finally got her BFP. and she had a MC, then 3 months later she formed a later successful pregnancy....on the other hand I have a friend who was on BC for 2 months just to regulate her periods, she eloped and wanted to start a family right away and got pregnant the same month she got off the BC (Dr. said her concieve date was literally 1 day AFTER she quit the pill)...I am just warning you as a friend NOT to get too frustrated if things dnt progress as fast as you would like...but maybe take some time and try to learn your periods w/o BC, since now that you off BC your body is gnna do want IT wants not what the pill tells it to do...I'd say get to learn you pattern for a few months before ttc full force...i hope and pray that i am wrong and that this is your month :dust: to you and good luck!!! :)

Story of my life: Birth Control Pills Messed Everything up!!! I stopped n May 2011 and still have CRAZY periods!
You are welcome hun!:flower:
the temp should be taken in bed right the minute you open your eyes, so keep the thermometer on your night stand. If you get up to pee or whatever and then you take the temp it will not be your basal temp, but rather your temp during the day which is another thing entirely.
I'm doing this religiously, even if it ruins our weekend slumbers, we want to sleep a little later :sleep: but the alarm goes off and then I temp in bed and produce more beeps. Then I switch on the lap top to enter data, even more beeps, I swear it is like living with a cyborg :haha:
I want to try acupuncture too!!!!
Very lucky to have a supportive hubby, mine only recently caved in, but he is 100% on board and really sweet and supportive about it.
Argh... schools and sex ed... :dohh: TOTAL fail... I think they had us more confused and scared than educated.

Yeah, i have sort of turned into a nut about the temp thing. I get up at 8, but sometimes earlier. I temp right away (from my bed), and have even woken up in the middle of the night to the beeps on the thermometer, because i actually temp in my sleep sometimes. :blush: I have noticed that generally my temp is the same, from 6am to 9am (Since I generally just roll over and go back to sleep after I temp.) Just really different the other day. All really confusing.

Since I'm not working right now, I don't set the alarm, so it's generally around 8ish, but school starts next week so i'll be back to regular 6.30am temps.

I actually have gotten really into the whole temping thing as well, and often (just for fun) take my temp during the day. Who ever said the human temperature is 98.6 was really off (another high school lie?). It's more like 97.2 for me as a day time temp. Rarely over 97.5. Interesting.

As for the Hubs, very supportive now, but wasn't for a LONG time. I have wanted to TTC since we got married, but he was 100% against it, until my 27th birthday, He just sort of told me he was ready, to we got to work! :winkwink: Funny how they change their tune, I have no idea what made him change his mind.
My first temp is significantly lower than my regular-during-the-day temp, during the day I'm usually bordering feverish temps, I have a high metabolism.
I started mentioning ttc when I was 27, and he was very ambiguous and mysterious about it, clearly not convinced back then. Slowly he warmed up to the idea. Lately he wants it more than me, I think he started seeing his own potential as a father, already projecting hopes and dreams unto the imaginary child. Even started looking for universities lol!
Hello. My name is Quita and i will be testing around the 30th just in case AF wants to mess woth my emotions lol. This is my 2nd cycle of trying to conceive since i came off BC in June. My plan of action is to use my OvaCue Fertility monitor, eat healthier and exercise 2-3x a week.

Congrats NEWLYWED!!! lol

I just wanted to inform you abt the BC thing lol...this is NOT to scare you its just that i'd rather you know whats going on rather than get frustrated in the future IF things dnt happen as quickly as they should....BC usually takes a while to get out of your system...of course you could be the exception and get pg 2morro im not saying this is the same for every woman and I hope and pray to God im wrong and you get your BFP this month but most women who are ttc that are just getting off BC have a hard time understanding why they aren't getting pregnant right away...of course those young girls in thier teens can miss one BC pill and pop up pg but some women have it harder....just coming off BC and ttc is like...your body has gotten so used to you forcing it not to get pregnant and all of a sudden your telling it to get dare you!! lol it just takes some BFF was on BC since she was 17 when she got married and turned 27 she wanted to ttc and it was 7 months before she even OVULATED plus another 5 months before her periods regulated and finally after 14 months of ttc she finally got her BFP. and she had a MC, then 3 months later she formed a later successful pregnancy....on the other hand I have a friend who was on BC for 2 months just to regulate her periods, she eloped and wanted to start a family right away and got pregnant the same month she got off the BC (Dr. said her concieve date was literally 1 day AFTER she quit the pill)...I am just warning you as a friend NOT to get too frustrated if things dnt progress as fast as you would like...but maybe take some time and try to learn your periods w/o BC, since now that you off BC your body is gnna do want IT wants not what the pill tells it to do...I'd say get to learn you pattern for a few months before ttc full force...i hope and pray that i am wrong and that this is your month :dust: to you and good luck!!! :)

Thank you :flower:. I have been doing alot of reading and found out and can take 3-6 months before your periods are normal so i am trying to remember that lol. I was only on BC for 3 months to regulate my periods and came off the end of June. It looks like im not getting my period this cycle but i am giving myself till Septber to see AF before calling doctors for some test. So for now im going to keep bd because WHY NOT, its fun and i may get a baby lol, losing a few pounds and getting to know my OvaCue.
I think I'm just starting my third natural cycle off BCP, I know I'm luckier than some as at least my periods came back and charting has shown I am ovulating, but my cycles used to be regular 28 days and now they're 35-36 days so I'm waiting a week longer than before each time. I do feel messed up by BCP, my hair and skin have been terrible since I stopped it but hopefully things will start to even out again now I've got to the 3 month point.
hey bubbles i was the same when i came off bcp. My cycles were fairly regular. now the range from 28-34 days. Mostly they are starting to stay at 29-30 days know. Its only took them 13 months though :( fx your cycles settle down a bit :thumbup:
hey bubbles i was the same when i came off bcp. My cycles were fairly regular. now the range from 28-34 days. Mostly they are starting to stay at 29-30 days know. Its only took them 13 months though :( fx your cycles settle down a bit :thumbup:

Thanks, glad yours sound kind of settled now, long time though! I wish I'd known more about the effects of BCP as I would've probably come off it sooner if I'd known how it was going to be. I suppose my cycles are still regular if they're 35 days each time, I'd just rather have my old cycles back as it would mean I'd get an extra 3 or 4 chances at TTC in a year than I will now with longer cycles.
i know what you mean hun, every little helps right! i suppose there are girls here who woud love to have your cycles though as some have far too long and some far too short.

But i guess i would love a 28day cycle :) Actually i would just like to get bloody pregggers lol. praying this is the month. fx crossed for you huni. :)

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