Redrose- Your pregnant! there's definitely a pink line there and it looks darker then my wondfo's were

ahh yay congrats
Liz- Im so sorry hun

maybe you guys need to bd more around your fertile days? try to do smep? thats what I used this cycle and use more of the pre-seed(I used it every time we bd'd until 3dpo, with the softcups as well). I know its discouraging hun and Im very sorry, ttc is so un-fair sometimes
Mom2sam- Yes, I ran out of the expensive brands(I had a pack of cb +, first response 6 days sooner, and dollar general brand) every test I took was faint but they slowly got darker, I noticed it getting darker on the dollar general so I got another 3 pack of frer's. I also was taking wonfo's in-between the other tests and they were so faint they looked like shadows. Now I am waiting on my cb digi's with weeks estimator to get here which should be here today

(ha wow I just realized how many tests I took

Wish2B- Because thats the day af is due, and since Im early still this
could be a chemical pregnancy

so Im waiting until af is late to officially say "Im pregnant" lol but I feel pregnant so hopfully its a sticky bean. I already named it and am already getting attached so Im trying to stay as hopeful as I can

Awh that was a cute quote, thank you for sharing
tgurl- Thats what my first test looked like, a shadow, I thought for sure it was an indent or evap but it actually turned out to be my bfp

hopefully its a start of something for you hun
Oh and going back to a question a few days ago about what urine is better for testing, I vote mid to late afternoon for
any frer's. I got an obvious and pretty dark line for 10dpo yesterday when I tested(around 4 or 5pm) and then this morning it was really faint with fmu but my urine was pretty concentrated, I also used afternoon urine for all my other tests that were faint before taking the frer. My wondfo got darker though so I vote fmu for those.