Moaning Minnies United!

Oooh I'm happy to hear the witch hasn't shown!!! I've read many times before that some women get their bfp later so maybe that is what's happening! FX for you :) maybe you o'd a few days later than you thought?? Keep us posted!!! :dust:

I'm waiting for DH to get home from work. I'm making a nice dinner and hoping to BD later tonight :) I kind of like not temping or using opks. So much more relaxing and I'm hoping it'll help get my sticky bean!

When is AF due for you dakron?? Any idea on when you're planning to test?? :)

af due around the 18th dec i think, im bout 6 days past ov xxx
hi girls, well im now waiting, bout 6 days passed ov, still having headache, n now got bloody toothache as well, im fine other wise.
doodah, im so sorry to hear af got u, congratulation on being able to plan ur wedding, it will give u something to focus on, ul get ul bfp before u kno it & wen u least expect it, xxx
paris, good luck to u hun, hopeing u get ur bfp, i wont b testing just gona b patient n wait for af to rear her ugly head, but if i get past xmas without then i will test b4 the new yr, hopeing to be able t say to hubby, new yr with a new baby for next yr xxx
good luck n lots of babydust to u both xx
Aww that would be lovely for you both! A Christmas bfp and a new years bfp!

Hope the toothache clears for you dakron! I hate that so I feel your pain sweetie :)

Will be stalking like crazy closer to the time. I've got something to take my mind off from not being able to bd so much (the pill makes me spot throughout my cycle and I'm against sex with blood lol)! Christmas!!!!! I only have three weeks and no money as my car has decided to have a melt down. So it looks like oh is getting a hand knitted cardigan from me... Well if I could knit that is.

Only kidding but what are you guys getting your OH for Xmas? I'm really bad at knowing what he wants, maybe an xbox game... But which one?!

DH isn't getting anything! Lol :p we just spent alot of money during our trip, so we considered that our Xmas presents to each other :) I had such a blast so I'm totally ok with that! Hehe

I still have to shop for my sister, mom and niece. My dad and nephew's gifts are all ready!! Need to get a head start on my baking though. Can't believe Xmas is only 3 weeks away!!

I have over a week off work during Xmas, so I'm VERY excited for that. :)

Today was relaxing. I had a nap at 3pm!! Lol how funny is that?? I'm not even in the TWW yet. Thought I was going to O the other day, but don't think I did. I had EWCM, or so I thought... Think it could have been leftover spermies (TMI!) from the night before. I only had it the one day, then it was gone. I normally have it longer than that so I think I'm still geared to O this week sometime. Will keep :sex: just to be safe!!

Still hoping for that :bfp:!! :)

Do you ladies do any Xmas baking??
Hurry up ewcm! I'll do a little ovulation dance for you, shimmy to the left, shimmy to the right, turn and jump! Lol I'm hyper today :)

I was going to have a get away trip with oh but with his work and moving plans we can't really afford it! I love shopping but only when I have lots of money ;)

As to the baking, well oh is our normal cook but desserts are my speciality! So I usually make a crimbo pudding for my parents... Because I hate them. The pudding not my parents haha. And lots of gingerbreadvmen for my little cousins. Was hoping they'd be. Good morning sickness aid this month but it wasn't to be!

How about you? Xxx
LOL!! You are hilarious. Thanks for the shimmying! :dance: Lets hope it works! hahaha

I'm only CD18 today and have been OV'ing on CD21 these past few months, so hopefully I OV by Thursday!! I'd like to finally stop :sex: by Friday. OMG EXHAUSTED. (TMI!) lol Its been every day, so... :sleep: is needed!

I was surfing around the net earlier and on another site, one lady posted that you shouldnt even been trying if you OV on CD21 or later cause that means the egg is old. Grrr made me a little :sad1: but hoping she's just an idiot! :haha: Better not be true!

As for Xmas, I normally do bake... about 5 or 6 different things. Then I make little Xmas tins and put a mixture of all the goodies in and give them away! It's good for gifts for friends and co-workers... especially when you dont want to buy them anything! LOL! tee hee hee
What the heck is crimbo pudding?? LOL

Never heard of it before! I've tried to google it but the only thing coming up is "Christmas pudding"... is that the same?

Sorry Im so clueless!!!
So... when is the big move planned?? Are you excited??

I love moving into a new place but I hate moving! All that packing and then unpacking. Ugh. :p But its such a good way to clear away all the junk you no longer use. I really should do that soon too :p Need to go through my closet and take out all the clothes I no longer wear. Then replace them with all new clothes!! LOL :p

Wow... I just posted three times. Can you tell I'm procrastinating at work!? Oops.

1.5 hours til home time! Gosh, Mondays are tough. :)
ahh girls u r sooo funny, i do baking but do it at the mum-in-laws, cos between xmas n new yr except for being at work we r there, i bought my hubby a tool box which i know he was after, 2 designer t-shirts (1 diesel n 1 firetrap) n a diesel gift set aftershave, shaving balm n shower gel or something like that, i think he's getting me a bathmat lol, most of the time i shower, but occasionally i like to have a relaxing bath, paul will often run one for me, with bubble n sented candles round etc, but wen i lie down cos im only 5ft i slip under the water,
im 10 days past ov, been feeling a bit queezy n im sure my boobs have gained a few pounds, n my jeans r getting tight but im not getting my hopes up xxx
Oooh dakron those are some good signs!! Are you going to test around Dec 18th?

FX for you! :dust:

Sounds like your hubby is getting some good gifts!! He is spoiled :) Hopefully he gets you something better than a bathmat!! lol thats funny!

Hope both of you ladies are doing well... D -- where are ya?? :hugs:

I think I either OV'd yesterday or I will today. Yesterday I found ONE cheapie OPK in my stash :rofl: and used it (even though I said I wouldnt lol) and it was positive yesterday! So we BD last night and hopefully will BD again tonight :)

Cmon Xmas :bfp:!!

:hugs: xxoo
Hey girls :) sorry been Mia. Was taking my mind from ttc but bam coming back here just hit it all again!

Yeah crimbo pudding is just christmas pudding haha, we just abbreviate it down! Ignore what that silly women said Paris. If you are ovulating late then the egg production thing starts later, the egg is only old if it's been released already! She is just stupid!

Dakron that sounds good Hun :) the symptoms do sound promising but I know it Can be crushing if it's your body playing tricks so don't think about it lol!

Oh and I have said that we are just gonna go for a meal together for Christmas because neither of us really needs anything. I'm putting up our tree this weekend and I can't wait!

So what are the best and worst presents that you've been given then at Xmas time? Xxx
D, HI! Welcome back :) Missed you :hugs:

I wish I could put up our tree... I did last year and then during the day while DH and I were both at work, the cat tore it to shit. I swear... Xmas balls all over the house! I think he thought it was a real tree, so he tried to climb it :rofl: Friggan cat.

I'm not sure if I ever got a BAD Xmas present... I'll need to think on that one!

Best one was YEARS ago when I still believed in Santa.. hehe :p My grandpa got me this HUGE Barbie's Dreamhouse and he included a handwritten note from "Santa" saying I was a good girl and all that great stuff. Really, he was the one that wrote it (obviously!) but each time I think back on it, it makes me smile.

Going for a nice meal together sounds great!! How romantic :blush: What is your favourite kind of food?
my worse present well, wen i lived at home with my mum (i was proberly bout 13/14), i used to do a lot of baking for my mum, (my mum unfortunatly wasn't a very good cook lol,but she did try god bless her) anyway she never had the right utentials, whisk,wooden spoon etc, so that xmas wen anybody asked me wat i wanted, i said a wooden spoon, n that xmas morn i had 1 present under the tree, it was a box the size of a shoe box n in it, yep u guessed was 1 wooden spoon, my sister was sitted there opening loads of presents, although i got wat i asked for i was rather put out that i got nothing else, on xmas day every yr we'd go to my mums parents so that day we did as ususal , the whole family were there,my mum n dad, my grandparents, my mums 2 sisters with their husbands n their 2 children, they all thought it was really funny that all id got on xmas morn was a spoon, i must say i find it funny now, but don't think i was particularly happy wen they were all laughing at me, i did after tea at my grans get more presents from everyone,xx

my best xmas present ever was december 23rd 2003, it was 8pm n very blooming cold, but that was the day i 1st set my eyes on my now wonderful husband, xxx

im not planing on testing that early, im gona sit it out if af doesnt turn up by xmas day i do have a spare test in the bathroom cabinet, although im pretty bloody sure my body is playing tricks as it often does, unfortunatly my body had habits of giving me signs n symptoms of pregnancy but it is just af on her way,

good luck to you both xx
paris yeah hubby does do well, usually due to haveing a catalogue with buy now pay next yr lol, for his birthday in sept i ordered him a gold ring,an afershave gift set n 3 pairs of designer jeans, 1 pair of gio goi, 1 pair of bench n 1 pair of diesel, bit cruel really i wrapped all 3 pairs up, then once he'd opened them i told him, he could chose 1 pair n the other 2 would have to go back, they were anything between £85- £120 i couldn't aford all 3, he was really good bout it, n he actually really took a likeing to only one pair, i always say that he wont get anything, but i just can't ignore special occasions, xxx
Haha dakron that made me wee a little bit! I was laughing so hard... A wooden spoon?!

I think Christmas is best when you're a little girl and barbie dream houses and my particular favourite present, a pair of neon pink rollerblades were enough to make every problem roll away :)

My worst present absolutely has to be when my mum accidentally wrapped up a sex toy, designed to be given to one of her friends as a secret Santa joke present and handed it to my eleven year old self. Suffice to say I didn't know what a rabbit was. I still wonder if the intended receiver of that charming gift enjoyed my 'voice activated diary' lol. So funny now but gosh!

We enjoy Italian food quite a lot and there's a lovely restaurant near to us that do wonderful Christmas menus. I've actually never been to Italy though so need to visit there to cross it off from my ten things I'd like to do list! What kind of food do you girls like?

I have a confession to make... Last night I had a bnb dream and you girls were in it. We all met up at a little cafe near to me. Paris you were pregnant with twins in it! It was sooooooo funny when I woke up because oh told me I was talking in my sleep (as I often do) and apparently I just kept saying the words 'you come' over and over, he asked so eloquently 'what the f*** is that?' it took me until this after noon to realise thats how I say ewcm to myself!

Its like I know you girls! Xxxx
oh goodness hun that was funny,fortunatly i went to the loo b4 i read this so didn't wee wen i started laughing, it makes my day reading these b4 bed time,
i had a pair of red n white rollerskates i was actually quite good n even if i say so myself i still am, not good on roller blades though, bought a pair n nearly killed myself on the bloody things n i was only in the kitchen, so i gave them to my mates 11 yr old son, who promptly put them on n was off down the road with his mates lol,
don't really have a favourite but i like my food as plain as possible, but anything sweet, pudding wise i love pavalova mmmmmm xxxxx
LOL wooden spoon and a sex toy! :rofl: Too funny!

I loooooooooooooove Mexican food like tacos and fajitas. OMG YUM! I went and spent a summer with my aunt who lives in Oklahoma and the Mexican food there was delicious! I do also love Italian food :)

I am sooooooooo happy its Friday! I feel so drained this week from being at work ... glad to have the weekend off. DH is working tomorrow so Im going to take the car and hopefully get most of my Xmas shopping done! I only have three people left to shop for and I have pretty good ideas on what I am getting them, so I really hope I can get it all done. On Sunday, we will do our usual things like groceries, laundry... etc. Fun. :p Where's the time for rest?! :dohh: lol

Any fun weekend plans for you ladies?

So Im pretty sure I either OV on Wednesday or yesterday (and we've BD every day except Tuesday), so Im going to be testing on December 21st. :dance: Send me lots of dust ladies!! :dust:
im hanging wallpaper for an elderly lady that i care for, i painted the ceilings rub the woodwork down then glossed it all on mon, so gona fin the job tomoro, n sunday i got a girl coming round to look at a stunning wedding dress that iv got for sale, it's not the one that i wore, i bought it on the spur of the moment a few mths bk, wen hubby n i had talked bout renewing our vowels, but wen i got it home it didn't fit it's made for someone whose about 5'5+, it's stunning im gutted, then on sunday afternoon i having my hair done, thats about it.
flipping heck it's 8.23pm im watching eastenders n writing on here, dh has fallen asleep on the sofa, dogs n cats r asleep on the sofa,floor n backs of chairs,lol, so got a full house but god do i feel so alone, xxx
Hey :) well it sounds like you two have been busy!

Ooooh I hope that you get your christmas bfp paris :) Will be stalking by the 19th!

So I went christmas shopping yesterday and then began to put our tree up, then I realised we needed some lights so will pop out tomorrow to get some more.

I really haven't been getting on very well with my pill at all. TMI warning... It feels like somebody has put a blowtorch to my nunny. I googled it and apparently this pill is notorious for it :( OH told me to stop taking it, we're gonna go back to ntnp (with EMPHASIS on the pull out though). Am kinda happy but know I'm just gonna be frustrated again lol.

Today I found out a 15 year old girl I know is pregnant. She doesn't know what she's doing yet but her boyfriend is always messing her around. She doesn't dare tell her parents so is getting her boyfriends parents to take her to the doctors so it sounds like an A word :/ I think it's probably for the best but at the back of my mind I don't think she'll do it - I think she'll want to trap her boyfriend into staying. Kinda depressed through all of this because usually I have the motto that if you didn't use anything (which they didn't) then you should take responsibility. But here it kinda seems wrong for her to go through with it...For the wrong reasons you know?

Sorry for the essay, just wanted your opinions on it? My OH is a firm believer in A words, what with being a sciency medical person but I don't know :/

Anyway on a cheerier topic... I haven't taken my pill in the past two days and we had sex with OH finishing inside so even if there's a tiny chance of getting a bfp, I'm holding onto it! Just don't know when af is due. Should be getting a withdrawal bleed soon but not sure if I will as I've only just finished my last one.

Sooo how are you lovely girlies?? x x x x
ahh hunni, im with u on the A word, incases of rape yes, but i agree that they knew the conciquences of not putting something on the end of it, silly silly girl,
hope u get a sticky bean hun, my af id due tues or thur depending on if i go 28 or 30 days this mth.
i had a really good cry this morn was wrapping all prezzies for children of family n friends, then had to go up into the attic for more wrapping paper, our loft is full of nappies, baby clothes, bath,swing,car seats, moses basket, swinging crib with all the lace drapes, babys toys n teddy's, i sat in that attic n cried all over again, i did say to dh bout getting the xmas tree out in memory of our 5 little angels, but decided against it cos if i were to decorate it, go to work, come home n find out my dogs had wrecked it, i'd proberly want to wreck them n that would totally ruin my xmas, xxxx
just had my hair done, bless my hairdresser for coming round on a sunday eve, she's made a lovely job, but i still throughly depressed xxx

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