***November 2019 Babies!***

Sorry to hear about the slower growth harmony. My SIL was induced at 36 weeks with her first bc of IUGR. All went pretty smoothly and her little boy is thriving. She almost had the same with her second but he caught up enough and they let her go to 40.

Looks like I’m 1/2 cm dilated, and got to see baby boy just to double check position. He’s head down and low. Couldn’t see his face bc he’s all snuggled up against my cervix :haha:. Ob says 1/2 is totally normal for now but I wouldn’t know since I was 0 until induction at almost 42 weeks with my first!
3rd episode of reduced movements for me! Yesterday I felt baby 3 time in 6 and a half hours, they picked up on the monitor just not as much as they would usually be but they were happy, waiting for a phone call to be emergency scanned, today I haven't felt a movement since around 10 this morning again! I really hope they can fit me in today at the latest! I'm not sure what else they can offer me!
Hope you were able to get in and props to you for being able to pay enough attention for that long. I honestly can’t keep track during the day. Some days I don’t remember feeling baby at all. As long as I feel him at dinner or bed when things are calmer and I can count to 10 I’m good.
I have a scan on Tuesday, his movements have picked up also :)
Glad to hear he’s moving again. That’s usually how it goes I feel. I’ll think man I haven’t really felt baby all day and then he’ll be super active all of the sudden or I’ll feel him lots and the next he won’t move as much when I expect him too. Right now he can seriously stop moving and rest for a bit. I’ve been up since 3 am when he has hiccups and now 1.5 hours later he’s still stretching and pushing on things and I’m so uncomfortable.
I know! It's so worrying as he is normally so so active in there! To the point he has midwives in stitches laughing because he either keeps moving away from the monitor pads, or kicks the midwife as if to day leave me alone lol!

I've had a good few weeks despite every that happened at 3o weeks. Since he went quiet I've had mild contractions, very irregular and inconsistent though, I have the tightenings plus quite bad period pain and they last for about a minute, but they come sometimes 4 mins apart, sometimes 15 somethings 30, and once they die down I feel like my uterus is throbbing! To me these are mild contractions! I'm 35 weeks tomorrow so one more week keeping him in and in sure it wont hurt if the contractions got regular! I think 100% he will be an October baby :)
We are getting so close! I had my last bloodwork and an ultrasound. Baby has moved from breech to cephalic! So hoping I dont need the c section we scheduled Nov 14th. It showed I was anemic so I started taking iron and I've felt so much better!

Hlx I've also had menstrual cramps sporadically. Are those considered Braxton Hicks? I never had them with my first? I hope your scan went well!
Fx baby moves to vertex in time! Braxton Hicks can feel like mild menstrual cramps, and unlike actual contractions they’re irregular or as you said sporadic, so yea those are probably BH. Mine feel more like pressure/tightening but they’re getting so strong I feel like I have to breathe through them lately.
Braxton hicks to me make my stomach feels like a gradual tightening that also makes me feel really warm and a bit out of breath, the 'mild contractions' I'm getting now give me horrendous period/back pains with it, usually lasts a bit longer than a BH and comes regular for minutes or even hours, then stops! It's so annoying!

36 weeks on Saturday and baby boy is fully engaged, I'm hoping he wont hang around much longer I'm so uncomfortable!!

These were 30 weeks and just a teeny teeny bit engaged, to 35+5 and fully engaged, hes definitely grown loads too! I'm so ready for him to be here now <3

Oh everyone looks so great, love the photos! I realized I hadn’t checked in in awhile and wanted to make sure all these babies were still in, haha! Although sounds like some of you maybe seeing yours soon.

My guy is doing well. Measuring a tad above average, and somehow alternates at each appt being head down vs transverse. You can see my whole stomach move when he turns and it’s so uncomfortable! My own patients comment on it all the time because it’s so visible and distracting. I had a father comment the other day “I’m sorry, I really want to pay attention but it looks like an alien is trying to come out of your stomach... that must be painful!” Haha!! My first son was like this too, and even dislocated one of my ribs because he insisted on having space to move. Hope this one doesn’t get that bad!

I've felt somewhat not ready for life with a newborn for awhile, but now that his nursery is complete, we have a care plan for the toddler, and I’m getting stuff done around the house I feel much better. When I see him on scans I just want to hold him and take him home! Still have a c section planned for the 11th, but if he comes sooner spontaneously it’ll likely be an unmedicated vaginal again and I’ll just pray for no lifelong complications from my scar tissue.

How’s everyone feeling in terms of being ready! I feel like I have a long to do list but everything that we truly need is done at least.
Omg, dislocated ribs sounds so painful, I hope this little one isn't that hard on your insides!

I do not feel ready at all, still a couple of final touches need to be done to the nursery and we just had the shower on Saturday, so we haven't washed and put everything away yet. On top of all that I feel I still need to do, I just found out that's I have preeclampsia and I'm being induced on Monday,10/21. So now I'm really scrambling to finish everything. I thought I had 4 more weeks!
Omg, dislocated ribs sounds so painful, I hope this little one isn't that hard on your insides!

I do not feel ready at all, still a couple of final touches need to be done to the nursery and we just had the shower on Saturday, so we haven't washed and put everything away yet. On top of all that I feel I still need to do, I just found out that's I have preeclampsia and I'm being induced on Monday,10/21. So now I'm really scrambling to finish everything. I thought I had 4 more weeks!

Omg sorry about the preeclampsia but good luck for your induction! You will be the first of us to have your baby! Not long now and we will all be posting birth stories and pictures of the little monkeys <3
Oh wow! I'm sorry for the unexpected early delivery, but I hope it all goes smoothly. I hope between now and then you're able to get all of the final touches done, get a nice bag packed, and do something to relax before the chaos ensues!!!
Pre-e is no joke. My friend showed up for her 36 week appointment and then was immediately sent to the hospital for delivery. They hadn’t even bought a car seat yet! Take care and best of luck to you.
Good luck tomorrow Harmony! I can't wait to see all the babies coming in less than a month.

We are very not ready! Waiting to see the gender before we get carried away with a nursery and decor. I'm thinking it's another girl but just a gut feeling. I finally picked out some gender neutral outfits for the hospital. I have a check on Thursday to see if I'm dilated yet. I dont think I am but boy I feel like my pelvis muscles are more sore this time.
Thanks everyone. I am so nervous that it's hard to be excited, but I know it'll all be worth it once baby girl is here. We finally got the nursery to a point where I'm satisfied to finish decor once she's here, but the major stuffs done. My poor husband has been putting together furniture for 4 days now. Lol I've been monitoring my bp at home, making sure it doesn't get into the severe range and I have to go right in, so far it's all good, although it did get pretty close on Friday night, after which I went to bed pretty quickly, it scared me. So I've been taking it easy, and in the wee hours of the morning tomorrow, I will head to the hospital to meet my little girl! I can't believe it's really time!

@dogmommy, I don't know how you've been able to hold out on knowing the gender this long. You're one strong minded cookie. I would've caved by now. Although with our 2nd baby, I want to try.
Good luck Harmony!

We left sex of baby a surprise with our first and it was so much fun. DH didn’t like the decision at first, but he ended up enjoying it too and loved calling, “it’s a girl!” at delivery. We chose one name that worked either way, the nursery is yellow and blue and gold a rainbows, and there are so many cute clothes that work for babies in general. I’m not a big girly girl so I was all about avoiding the pink frilly bow gifts as long as possible.

This time I let DH decide, and in the moment he couldn’t resist knowing.

I’m in a lot of pain right now. Another thrombosed hemorrhoid. 39 weeks and one more week of work. Hopefully baby will come on his own between 40-41 weeks. Otherwise we’ll have another induction scheduled before 42 weeks.
Hi ladies,

I am the proud mama of a 5lb 4oz baby girl as of Tuesday morning 4:14AM. Her name is Calliope Sky. This was my first and boy was it difficult. As you all know, I was induced on Monday due to Pre-E, my induction happens at 4am, the contractions started almost immediately, but by midnight, I was still only 6cm dilated, and then another couple hours passed and no progression was being made, so the doctor decided to take me to the OR for a cesarean section, which I was ok with, I was exhausted and in pain (even after getting an epidural). I am currently still in the hospital, being discharged tomorrow, they're monitoring my BP and baby's weight loss (she loss 7% of her birth weight in just 2 days), so I've been made to supplement with formula milk until my breast milk fully comes in, I guess the colostrum she's getting isn't enough.

Anyhoo, thought I'd keep you ladies informed, good luck to everyone on their deliveries, I look forward to reading birth stories and seeing beautiful babies, we made it ladies!!!!!

Congrats Harmony! She’s beautiful!

My induction is scheduled for Wednesday 10/30. Everything is still healthy and well but I’m in so much pain my ob offered and I gladly accepted. She offered as early as Saturday which would be nice but my dad is out of town and we still need to get the house set up. Hopefully all goes well!

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