November Fall Testers (107)... (22) BFPs! Here we are! Find your TTC/Buddy!

I feel bad being on here sometimes.I don't want you ladies to think I'm rubbing my pregnancy in your face and how my daughter is almost 5 months and we are trying for another.Almost everyone on this thread has been trying over a year.We were very lucky and able to concieve within 3 cycles BUT I 100% feel for you ladies that have been TTC for a long time.My sister in law has been trying 3+ years with 2 loses.My heart hurts for her and her husband.Id do anything for them to have a child.Even though I don't personally know you all I have the same feeling towards you that I have for her.I want the best for all of us and truely hope each and every one of us gets our well deserved BFPs and has a healthy and happy 9 months!

you shouldn't feel bad because you have been blessed, besides your words are very comforting. I feel bad for those of you in live in countries where insurance is needed in order to have tests done. Where i come from health care is covered in the taxes that we pay, so there's nothing to worry about. The party that came into power in the last election, promised IVF (which was never paid for before) and hopefully if we do need it, we won't have to pay for it. If by the time we do, nothing has been arranged, then I'm going to raise hell, because we shouldn't be penalised for having fertility problems, which is a genuine health issue which can as we know here already, lead to serious mental health issues and the break up of families. I always thought that it was unfair that IVF wasn't offered by the local health authority but now that they have promised it, I have made it my own personal agenda.

so to summarise, there's always something that we are all going to feel guilty about, since there will always be someone in a worse situation. We just need to support each other and try to make the journey as bearable as possible. :dust: all around

afm: i think i'm 5dpo but not too worried this month since hubby and i were really lazy and only bothered to bd once during ovulation. very angry about it now, since i had just had the hsg done, oh well.
Good morning ladies! I think this thread has been very therapeutic, at least for me! I am wondering if I have ovulated yet. We BD'd yesterday morning, and I think we'll go home at lunch to try one last time, and then thank God I think we can just relax until I get AF. What do you ladies think, did I ovulate? I didn't take any more OPKs, didn't have time yesterday and today I think it would be a waste.

Sholi-I know what you mean about being lazy, sometimes it is just so much effort. Please don't be angry with yourself, we're not machines, woman! We can't BD all the time (especially when there's a schedule and no choice). :hugs:
Good Morning all! I agree, this thread is very therapeutic.

Well, I will be joining y'all again, and I love that I am in good company, even if it's for a sad reason. Even with my 10 positive pregnancy tests last week and over the weekend, AF showed yesterday with some pretty heavy cramping.
Boo... but I'll be moving on to the next group and keep trying!
I'm going to stay really positive and just have a glass of wine :)

If my cycle stays normal after this late AF, then I will be testing around Nov. 21st or so. I'm hoping. Now its just the wait to O, and keep on trucking.

Thanks all!
Jenn (Safariguri)
Sholi thanks for the info. I'm glad it's not something that seems too invasive. I O late around CD20 so I'm hoping that this will help clear a path. Obviously at least one tube has to be open since I conceived 3 times but it will be nice to see if anything else is wrong.

Stupid question but are there any limitations to BDing before or after the HSG?

And you're right Sholi there's always someone in a worse off situation. It's key to remember that. I have DD and for her I am thankful.

We are all blessed in our own ways :)

This thread is super amazing. DH doesn't get this TTC thing. I try to explain but I think he just hears blah blah blah lol !!
:hugs: Safari! Sorry to hear that!

Platinum, don't feel bad. We all have our own journey's, and some days are better than others, but I don't fault anyone for being blessed, as Sholi said. I believe things will happen when they are meant to.

And lately, my sexlife has been on fire--I was just saying to my husband that we haven't had sex so often since we first started dating and I was on birth control. And that is our plan this cycle. To just keep doing it until confirmed ovulation. The sheer number of sperm should up my odds, at least. :haha:
Hi Ladies,

I have added the new joiners....

:hugs: SAFARIGURI So sorry to hear the news Hun! But I am happy to see enthusiasm and drive for the next cycle, let's go BFP!!!! :dust:

CRYSTAL5483 There were no food restrictions, and I had to empty my bladder during the HSG. As long as you take the meds and follow the very few instructins that they give you will be fine. It takes literally 15 minutes. There is some crampy moments during and after because let's face it, there is an instrument inside you taking pics and lookign around, and also after, even a little spotting from rubbing up against things in there, but Trick or Treating with DD will be in full effect!!! Enjoy the Halloween evening!:dust:

LOVELY LADIES...I don't tend to write much in these threads until the day before the 1st, but I felt compelled to jump in here really quick and say that I Thank you all that find this thread therapeutic. That is EXACTLY what my goal was when I first started doing them every month back in September 2011. (That seems like a lifetime away.) I am not sure how many of you have taken a moment to read the 1st page and what I wrote (not speaking to you ECHO, SHOLI, BEAUTIFULLEI2, CRYSTAL or LUNA_19 as I know that you all have been with my threads for all if not the majority of the time) but I started them at what time I had just had my 1st MC which was missed, it was a time where it it was 8 years since DD was born, and after the 2 year mark (BFP currently at cloer to the 4 year mark!) I started it because it was helping me through, and it began to be the exact word that you all are using, THERAPEUTIC. My other testing threads are still up on the site so if you want to go back and read them feel free, I always wanted PMA to be the biggest common denomenator in them as it provided an enviornment for ladies at ANY stage from the first month TTC to the 41st month, no MCs to multiple MCs, Natural to assisted conception, we are ALL going for the same outcome. Don't feel bad that you have had success at any stage, and don't feel bad if you have never had a BFP, believe me, we all know the struggle. I have always said, and I stick by it, we will ALL get our BFPs in some way shape or form and we will all be happy for one another when it finally does happen. I have MANY ladies that are following your journey on these threads that you don't even see, they love coming in to see the camaraderie :)wave: Hi silent stalkers) and because this thread albeit it in a different month, is one of the very things that helped get them through.

Continue to support, continue to discuss, question, inform, and simply chat about your journies ladies, we are truly the ones that totally undertand in some way shape or crazy TWW wait form! :thumbup:
Hey MrsMM, hope you pregnancy is going well. I haven't checked your journal in a while, but will. You are a wonderful thread host, and the threads are therapeutic.
It has occurred to me that I haven't given you a date for November. I am going to go with Nov 14, which would put ovulation around Halloween. If I ovulate earlier/later, I will update. Thank you. :)
morning ladies!!!! hope all are very well xxxx

me and hubby did the first night of my fertile days haha

we will till monday
Good Morning all! I agree, this thread is very therapeutic.

Well, I will be joining y'all again, and I love that I am in good company, even if it's for a sad reason. Even with my 10 positive pregnancy tests last week and over the weekend, AF showed yesterday with some pretty heavy cramping.
Boo... but I'll be moving on to the next group and keep trying!
I'm going to stay really positive and just have a glass of wine :)

If my cycle stays normal after this late AF, then I will be testing around Nov. 21st or so. I'm hoping. Now its just the wait to O, and keep on trucking.

Thanks all!
Jenn (Safariguri)

Sorry to hear of your loss :hugs:

Stupid question but are there any limitations to BDing before or after the HSG?

When I had my HSG in July I was told not to BD from AF to HSG as if you are pregnant at the time it can affect the pregnancy. I had to sign a disclaimer too!
Ok Comrades I need your help!
I got my CD3 labs and I don't know what they mean but I can tell you that 3/4 are lower than previous

FSH is 5.84
LH is 5.96
ESTRADIOL 17 is 12
Prolactin is 6.87

Any ideas??
I have had mild cramping on my left side all morning since 5 this morning. So I am taking I actually ovulated today. My temp has also went up .3 degrees. :happydance: And something that never happens is this time my boobs are hurting. :blush:

OPK test::coffee: All Taken at 11 am
11/21 negative 11/22 negative
11/23 positive 11/24 positive 11/25 positive

Question??? Is it normal to have a positive OPK on the day you O? First time I got 3 positives like this. :wacko:

So now I am waiting on tomorrow.:winkwink:
I'm feeling a bit discouraged :( I'm not supposed to ovulate until Sunday but my opks are getting lighter.I started tested on Monday.They were light then but not as faint as they are now.I always take them around the same time.Usually with 2nd or 3rd morning urine.I don't chart because it would drive me crazy but does anyone have any advice?
Sholi thanks for the info. I'm glad it's not something that seems too invasive. I O late around CD20 so I'm hoping that this will help clear a path. Obviously at least one tube has to be open since I conceived 3 times but it will be nice to see if anything else is wrong.

Stupid question but are there any limitations to BDing before or after the HSG?

And you're right Sholi there's always someone in a worse off situation. It's key to remember that. I have DD and for her I am thankful.

We are all blessed in our own ways :)

This thread is super amazing. DH doesn't get this TTC thing. I try to explain but I think he just hears blah blah blah lol !!

you can do whatever you want before and after the hsg. you might be a bit sore, tummy wise, so might not feel like bd'ing, but you never know. I had a lovely doctor who tried to make me laugh the whole way, gave me the result instantly and even congratulated me. I hope you get the same treatment.
Hi Ladies,

I have added the new joiners....

:hugs: SAFARIGURI So sorry to hear the news Hun! But I am happy to see enthusiasm and drive for the next cycle, let's go BFP!!!! :dust:

CRYSTAL5483 There were no food restrictions, and I had to empty my bladder during the HSG. As long as you take the meds and follow the very few instructins that they give you will be fine. It takes literally 15 minutes. There is some crampy moments during and after because let's face it, there is an instrument inside you taking pics and lookign around, and also after, even a little spotting from rubbing up against things in there, but Trick or Treating with DD will be in full effect!!! Enjoy the Halloween evening!:dust:

LOVELY LADIES...I don't tend to write much in these threads until the day before the 1st, but I felt compelled to jump in here really quick and say that I Thank you all that find this thread therapeutic. That is EXACTLY what my goal was when I first started doing them every month back in September 2011. (That seems like a lifetime away.) I am not sure how many of you have taken a moment to read the 1st page and what I wrote (not speaking to you ECHO, SHOLI, BEAUTIFULLEI2, CRYSTAL or LUNA_19 as I know that you all have been with my threads for all if not the majority of the time) but I started them at what time I had just had my 1st MC which was missed, it was a time where it it was 8 years since DD was born, and after the 2 year mark (BFP currently at cloer to the 4 year mark!) I started it because it was helping me through, and it began to be the exact word that you all are using, THERAPEUTIC. My other testing threads are still up on the site so if you want to go back and read them feel free, I always wanted PMA to be the biggest common denomenator in them as it provided an enviornment for ladies at ANY stage from the first month TTC to the 41st month, no MCs to multiple MCs, Natural to assisted conception, we are ALL going for the same outcome. Don't feel bad that you have had success at any stage, and don't feel bad if you have never had a BFP, believe me, we all know the struggle. I have always said, and I stick by it, we will ALL get our BFPs in some way shape or form and we will all be happy for one another when it finally does happen. I have MANY ladies that are following your journey on these threads that you don't even see, they love coming in to see the camaraderie :)wave: Hi silent stalkers) and because this thread albeit it in a different month, is one of the very things that helped get them through.

Continue to support, continue to discuss, question, inform, and simply chat about your journies ladies, we are truly the ones that totally undertand in some way shape or crazy TWW wait form! :thumbup:

random question, but why did you have to empty your bladder during?? In my case the pic was taken by the xray machine, the catheter inside was just for the liquid. I'm a bit confused
safari I'm really sorry you had to go through that. It happened to me in February and I cried from my heart. Don't let your sadness last to long though, you need to be positive and be happy that you work. :hugs:

echo, you made me laugh. my sex drive is through the roof, something that hadn't happened since we got together. My depression and anxiety made sure that my sex drive was non existent, but lately it's back with a vengeance and i'm so happy. I have to say that DH is fed up of me and has even called me a pervert lololol
Good luck Bella and Mrs. 2010

Platinum I tend to get various degrees of line color throughout a cycle until I O and then it's quite obvious. I wouldn't be worried.

Charlie the earliest I ovulated was CD16 so I don't think there's be any risk to it. I'm just thinking any excess in there might interfere lol but good to know!

Sholi I hope so too! My doc is older but generally concerned and patient with me so I hope so!! 6 more days!!!

And about 2 weeks until I ovulate. I'm going to mention progesterone to him at the HSG. I want to start it after O for at least 2 weeks. And I also want CD21 bloods drawn too. Three failed pregnancies and three times progesterone was Low to start.

Any ideas on the CD3 labs? They have me confused!!

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