November Fall Testers (107)... (22) BFPs! Here we are! Find your TTC/Buddy!

Yah FEZZIE and ECHO!!!!!!!!! Go girls!!! FEZZIE- look at you summoning him home at lunch time. ECHO, do you need another opinion?

Even the control line is pale, so I did another one with smu and it's not will keep testing in the days to come.
Fezzie good luck!
Hugs to you girls battling depression/anxiety.
Good luck kat
Hi everyone! hope all it well today.Echo and Fezzie I'm jealous of your pos OPKs :) and congrats! I shouldn't get a positive until around Friday.Hope all your BD catches an egg! So I was wondering if anyone used softcup to hold the sperm? I have some from last year that I never got to use(bought them and next day found out I was pregnant!) I have used a couple for AF but it was just to messy.We BD last night just for fun and I tried a soft cup.I got to say I was impressed with how well they hold.i also noticed not very much was left in the cup so hopefully that means most of it went where it was supposed to!
here i am, please add me for the 3rd November.

this is starting to get a bit old.......

:hugs: Oh Sholi, I know exactly how you feel! This is our 12th month trying. My friend started TTC#2 last month, and AF showed, and she told me she was so disappointed. I laughed and thought to myself "YOU'RE disappointed?"

Fezzie, my friend got pregnant with number 2 and she has a 18 month old. She told me she 'felt very sad' because she was pregnant and her son was still quite young, so she didn't want him missing out when the other baby arrived. It took all the strength in my body not to either 1. tell her where to go or 2. walk away and leave her standing there. Some people are just really insensitive and self centered. This is the same person who when i was very sick with depression, got together for a coffee and proceeded to talk about herself the ENTIRE time. Don't waste your time with people like that.

:hugs: Thanks for sharing, Sholi. Depression is a horrible beast. I battle with its sister, anxiety. Hopefully the TTC battle hasn't affected your mood too badly!

loro and fezzie, i too have both. doctor said i suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, so it's not necesarily one thing, but i manage it with the techniques he showed me. Unfortunately, once i got to the one year mark, i lost it a bit because i was just so angry and then i got super sad. My dad got sick when i was young and has not been himself since and that was a massive impact. Then i've battled depression since my early twenties and i worked bloody hard to beat it. I came off cigarettes, caffeine, anti depressants and the pill all at the same time in order to prepare and still nothing. Sometimes it just makes me really really angry. My hubby lost his dad when he was 8 and can't wait to be one. We have a really good relationship, having started out as friends a million years ago and are always on the same page. When i put all these things together, it just makes me really frustrated and angry. All i want is a break, that's all. I think that enough things have happened to us throughout the years and we've come out the other side and now it's time for us to live our dream, which is to be parents.
UGH, that sucks ECHO. Maybe we will owe the same day:)
SHOLI- I wish it happens for you very very soon
here i am, please add me for the 3rd November.

this is starting to get a bit old.......

:hugs: Oh Sholi, I know exactly how you feel! This is our 12th month trying. My friend started TTC#2 last month, and AF showed, and she told me she was so disappointed. I laughed and thought to myself "YOU'RE disappointed?"

Fezzie, my friend got pregnant with number 2 and she has a 18 month old. She told me she 'felt very sad' because she was pregnant and her son was still quite young, so she didn't want him missing out when the other baby arrived. It took all the strength in my body not to either 1. tell her where to go or 2. walk away and leave her standing there. Some people are just really insensitive and self centered. This is the same person who when i was very sick with depression, got together for a coffee and proceeded to talk about herself the ENTIRE time. Don't waste your time with people like that.

:hugs: Thanks for sharing, Sholi. Depression is a horrible beast. I battle with its sister, anxiety. Hopefully the TTC battle hasn't affected your mood too badly!

loro and fezzie, i too have both. doctor said i suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, so it's not necesarily one thing, but i manage it with the techniques he showed me. Unfortunately, once i got to the one year mark, i lost it a bit because i was just so angry and then i got super sad. My dad got sick when i was young and has not been himself since and that was a massive impact. Then i've battled depression since my early twenties and i worked bloody hard to beat it. I came off cigarettes, caffeine, anti depressants and the pill all at the same time in order to prepare and still nothing. Sometimes it just makes me really really angry. My hubby lost his dad when he was 8 and can't wait to be one. We have a really good relationship, having started out as friends a million years ago and are always on the same page. When i put all these things together, it just makes me really frustrated and angry. All i want is a break, that's all. I think that enough things have happened to us throughout the years and we've come out the other side and now it's time for us to live our dream, which is to be parents.

As much as I wish you all were healthy and happy, it is nice to hear that others are struggling with the same things, especially when TTC. I have Social Anxiety Disorder, which you THINK wouldn't matter with TTC but surprisingly it makes a big difference. I am constantly walking around wondering who knows that I'm TTC and can't have any success and I worry about what everyone thinks at the store when buying things for BD time (more so than the average person would) and even ordering stuff online gives me anxiety because I worry the person on the other end will judge me for ordering so many tests. The worst part about S.A.D. is that I KNOW the thoughts are rediculous, but there's nothing I can do to stop them :nope: I want to go to the doctor so bad to try to figure this baby problem out, but then my anxiety kicks in. UGH! Sorry, I'm venting. Today is a think positive day, though, so I just keep telling myself that November will be our month and this will all be over soon!
Hugs to EVERYONE suffering :( I don't know which is worse, the mental disease or the stigma associated with them, but if people walked a mile in our shoes they'd change their tune! :hugs:

Myself, I have stayed on the medication, even though there are those that judge. There can be more harm than good coming off medication if you are not well, especially for the fetus. My heart breaks for each and every one of you ladies going through the anguish of not conceiving and suffering from anxiety and/or depression. It is hard to wonder why some people seem to have all the luck, and I empathize.

I really hope one of us gets our BFP this month, but if not, at least take comfort that we are here for each other, in an online forum, because we can't talk about it with our friends/family for whatever reason.
Fezzie we should be buddies! The soy isoflavones are taken like clomid to hopefully produce a better quality egg.

I was hoping to get in to see my Dr tomorrow or Thursday so I can get cd 3 and 21 blood done but she can't get me in until Friday :( anyone think there's a chance of getting the first one done on cd4? Also do you always get them both the same month or would I be able to get my cd 21 done still? I don't want to do the soy on the month I'm tested.
If I can't do this cycle I'll have to wait until December because we will likely be away on cd3 of next month :( boo
:wave: and welcome to all the new comers, your names are on the 1st page! GL :dust:

NAVYWAG, nice to see you again! GL :dust:

MRS 2010, don't wait with the positive OPKs, that means you are in your fertile period and the egg is coming 12-24hrs, it is best to have them in there. So BD!!!:dust:

FEZZIE & LORO, I want to send you all :hugs: and hope. we conceived our #2 on in Aug on cycle 38!! It IS possible and it WILL happen, you just have to be steadfast, attentive, relieved of stress/etc, and believe that it will happen! GL Ladies:dust:
Hi ladies,

Just took my trigger shot today so I will be testing November 6 instead of November 5. I am really hoping to hold out til then, especially since I am petrified of a false positive with the HCG trigger I just took. (Though I am half tempted to take a test tonight just to see those two dam lines! ;) )

This is our 24th cycle of TTC. Nov. 2010 - Jan. 2012 tried naturally. Referred to OBGYN Feb 2012. 50mg - 100mg of Clomid for 6 of the 8 months under OBGYN care. Referred to an RE October 2012.

This month:
Hubby is on 50mg of Clomid everyday
CD3 Oct. 10: Ultrasound to check lining, pretty thick. Blood tests. Start 150 mg of Clomid
CD4 Oct. 11: 150 mg of Clomid
CD5 Oct. 12: 150 mg of Clomid
CD6 Oct. 13: 150 mg of Clomid and DH has his first SA in the normal range! 53 million! (YAY!!) but only 3% morphology rate under strict criteria of RE.
CD7 Oct. 14: 150 mg of Clomid
CD8 Oct. 15: 150 mg of Clomid
CD10: Oct. 17: Hubby and my 3 year anniversary <3:wedding:<3
CD12 Oct. 19: ultrasound to check follicles. 4 follies: 13mm, 12mm, 10mm and 9mm. all too small. Start 150iu of menopur injection
CD13 Oct. 20: 150iu of menopur injection
CD14 Oct. 21: 150iu of menopur injection
CD15 Oct. 22: ultrasound to check follicles. 7 follies!!!! 18mm, 14mm, 12mm, 10mm, 10mm, 8mm, 7mm. one last 150iu of menopur injection to get my little 18mm to grow a little bit!
CD16 Oct. 23: 5000 USP units of Novarel (HCG trigger shot)
Doc told us to BD every night for the next 3 nights.

And now we wait! I have a headache today... but could be from sitting online researching when to BD, when I will O, when I can test, possibilities of multiples, if my follies are big enough, and success rates! (yea, I am a little obsessive! LOL) I feel so positive this month, that I am afraid I am setting myself up for an incredible disappointment.

:dust: to all of you ladies! :)
also, MrsMM24: how did you get so many lines for your signature? Mine is all jumbled up because it only allows me 5 lines....just curious? :)
Hi ladies,

Just took my trigger shot today so I will be testing November 6 instead of November 5. I am really hoping to hold out til then, especially since I am petrified of a false positive with the HCG trigger I just took. (Though I am half tempted to take a test tonight just to see those two dam lines! ;) )

This is our 24th cycle of TTC. Nov. 2010 - Jan. 2012 tried naturally. Referred to OBGYN Feb 2012. 50mg - 100mg of Clomid for 6 of the 8 months under OBGYN care. Referred to an RE October 2012.

This month:
Hubby is on 50mg of Clomid everyday
CD3 Oct. 10: Ultrasound to check lining, pretty thick. Blood tests. Start 150 mg of Clomid
CD4 Oct. 11: 150 mg of Clomid
CD5 Oct. 12: 150 mg of Clomid
CD6 Oct. 13: 150 mg of Clomid and DH has his first SA in the normal range! 53 million! (YAY!!) but only 3% morphology rate under strict criteria of RE.
CD7 Oct. 14: 150 mg of Clomid
CD8 Oct. 15: 150 mg of Clomid
CD10: Oct. 17: Hubby and my 3 year anniversary <3:wedding:<3
CD12 Oct. 19: ultrasound to check follicles. 4 follies: 13mm, 12mm, 10mm and 9mm. all too small. Start 150iu of menopur injection
CD13 Oct. 20: 150iu of menopur injection
CD14 Oct. 21: 150iu of menopur injection
CD15 Oct. 22: ultrasound to check follicles. 7 follies!!!! 18mm, 14mm, 12mm, 10mm, 10mm, 8mm, 7mm. one last 150iu of menopur injection to get my little 18mm to grow a little bit!
CD16 Oct. 23: 5000 USP units of Novarel (HCG trigger shot)
Doc told us to BD every night for the next 3 nights.

And now we wait! I have a headache today... but could be from sitting online researching when to BD, when I will O, when I can test, possibilities of multiples, if my follies are big enough, and success rates! (yea, I am a little obsessive! LOL) I feel so positive this month, that I am afraid I am setting myself up for an incredible disappointment.

:dust: to all of you ladies! :)

Is that a typo or is your hubby on Clomid also?
Is that a typo or is your hubby on Clomid also?

My hubby is on Clomid for low testosterone that causes his lsc. It didn't really do anything when he was on 25mg (half a tablet), but when they increased it to 50mg, he went from 6 million to 53 million after only 3 weeks! :)
Add me to the list. Testing day Nov 4. I doubt I'll wait that long.
Hi everyone. I know ovulation has passed.

My mucus buildup started Last Wednesday. I ovulated around 2am on Monday Morning.

I used the clear blue easy ovulation kit, and I also use the Creighton model.

I have been ttc since January of 2011, but started creighton Model, and metformin May of 2012.

My current labs state I am not suffering from PCOS symptoms, all my labs are normal. I am just have a short luteal phase in which we are supplementing progesterone shots, on Ovulation day plus 4, 7 and 10.

Who else is testing Nov 2nd? At 12 DPO?
Hi everyone! hope all it well today.Echo and Fezzie I'm jealous of your pos OPKs :) and congrats! I shouldn't get a positive until around Friday.Hope all your BD catches an egg! So I was wondering if anyone used softcup to hold the sperm? I have some from last year that I never got to use(bought them and next day found out I was pregnant!) I have used a couple for AF but it was just to messy.We BD last night just for fun and I tried a soft cup.I got to say I was impressed with how well they hold.i also noticed not very much was left in the cup so hopefully that means most of it went where it was supposed to!

Hi, The day before ovulation I BD before work, and lay with hips up for about 10 minutes, then used the soft cup when I went to work.
I took it out about 3 hours later and there was a ton of eggwhite type mucus on it, and no semen was even left on there.
I agree it is a good way to keep things up there! I had no problems using it.
Hello all :) I'm back in the tww! According to FF, I ovulated on the 18th October and I'm officially 3dpo today. I'm due AF on the 3rd November so will try and hold out testing until then! Baby dust you you all!

Put me down for the 22nd testing. Trying to summon some PMA - can I face _another_ 2ww??
Grrr, still haven't ovulated, and I think we've depleted DH sperm supply :( Now there will be no sperm when we need them. Sigh.

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