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November Fall Testers (107)... (22) BFPs! Here we are! Find your TTC/Buddy!

Congratulations Crystal! That's definitely a BFP! So excited for you!

Fingers crossed for you Oreos! I hope it turns into your BFP! Sorry I don't know how to link photos but hopefully one of these ladies does so we can all have a look!

Liz try to not give up, it's such a stressful thing and it's really hard to stay positive sometimes but we'll all be here along the way with you! We've managed to be spot on with our timing the last few months and haven't got lucky yet, unfortunately it's one of those things that are sent to try us!

Christeena I'm so sorry that AF got you! I had the same thing happen last month when I was quietly confident and then the witch got me by surprise, Fingers crossed for a Christmas BFP for you.

AFM still no AF and still BFN, I'm now 16dpo and cd33 and it's really starting to annoy me! We've been at this point a couple of times before and it's always ended in disappointment, if it's not a BFP then I wish that AF would just hurry up so that I can get on with the next cycle of trying!

GOod luck to everyone who is still waiting for a BFP!
So AF is due any time between yesterday and Thursday - this morning I caved with a FRER, and I *think* I can see a v v v feint line - two questions, can you get an evap line with a first response, and how do I upload so you can tell me if I am crazy or not?

It's image #72158 if anyone can find on countdown to preg..

Eeek - trying to keep cool but its not going well..

Xx Oreos

Here it is Oreo!!!


:happydance: :bfp: :happydance:
TURTLE - I'm so sorry that you are feeling out - I hope that these "signs" and "feelings" have no backing and you're truly pregnant!

KOJ - those were 9dpo at 9:30pm with the same urine - but I know that I tend to implant early - and yes! My FRER are way more noticeable than the Wondfos at this point

ECHO - I knew that they were different but that is just crazy. The top one is actually one I got a refund on because they were so blatantly shotty!

CRISTEENA - I am SO sorry for you hunnie. I had all of the best thoughts and prayers for you. I truly hoped this was it. If you need a break from BnB then we understand. Sometimes it can become all-consuming or overwhelming and cause stress. I PRAY you get your bfp next month so you do not have to wait!
so i went in to the surgery this morning as is near DD school.
they want me to go for b12 test as bloods show macrocytosis which i gather is large red blood cells in lower than normal number.
most obvious cause would be b12 or folate deficiency/anaemia so if i have this right, if it is a b12 deficiency then i have to go on to injections.

what does this mean for ttc does anyone know? and is this a likely cause alongside pcos or linked with pcos?

So sorry 9m! Sounds like it was a chemical. :( :hugs:

I have so much pain in my left side? I know it shouldnt be an ectopic as i had 1 there already and have no tube but the pain is horrible, i normally get pretty harsh af pain but never located to the side its always across my tummy. already know my dates for next month so ill be ready and waiting for my christmas BFP lol

sorry hun! Thought this was ur mnth for sure!!!! You should call ur dr and see if she will book u an ultrasound.....I had te same thing happen last year, and turned out I had a cist that burst on my left ovary xxxx:hugs:
Congratulations OREO:)

GNOME- I'm hsppy you went to surgery hon, I'm sorry I cant be of any help in regards to the b12 stuff...

CHRISTEENA- I'm so sorry love

AFM- Bfn this morning, and no temp change
So AF is due any time between yesterday and Thursday - this morning I caved with a FRER, and I *think* I can see a v v v feint line - two questions, can you get an evap line with a first response, and how do I upload so you can tell me if I am crazy or not?

It's image #72158 if anyone can find on countdown to preg..

Eeek - trying to keep cool but its not going well..

Xx Oreos

Here it is Oreo!!!


:happydance: :bfp: :happydance:

Thank you so much for linking to the frer - and do you really think so???? I so excited / nervous - will go buy a digital tonight I think xxx
temp drop again, woke up to horrible cramps, checked to see if af os here, not yet but im sure any min.! i had a gush of what i thought was af in bed, so i checked and it was just cm.. h,m, tems low though so here comes af! i guess onto dec...
So AF is due any time between yesterday and Thursday - this morning I caved with a FRER, and I *think* I can see a v v v feint line - two questions, can you get an evap line with a first response, and how do I upload so you can tell me if I am crazy or not?

It's image #72158 if anyone can find on countdown to preg..

Eeek - trying to keep cool but its not going well..

Xx Oreos

Here it is Oreo!!!


:happydance: :bfp: :happydance:

Thank you so much for linking to the frer - and do you really think so???? I so excited / nervous - will go buy a digital tonight I think xxx

I definitely think so! And I am not the only one! Definitely get a Digi girl so you can see PREGNANT and then join me over in first try! How many dpo are you? What would your estimated due date be?
9mc I'm so sorry. I'm hoping its just normal spotting.

Crystal I knew it. Congrats and H&H 9 months. I hope the docs cater to you and give you everything you need. You get such early BFPs!!!!

Liz I'm sorry hun. There is so much information on all these threads and I can't keep it all straight but has your OH had an SA yet?

I'm so sorry for all the ladies the witch got and my fingers are crossed for all the ones she hasn't visited yet.

AFM- I gave a super tmi question and Crystal you might be the only one that can answer but I'd love to hear other ladies experiences. Do you clot during AF...like a pretty decent amount? I got tested for MTHFR a while back and it was negative but I feel like I clot too much.
Hi Ladies... Im pretty happy with this:

Actually HOPE - I like NEVER get clots during AF! Maybe the tiniest of tiny clots but I NEVER see anything too large. Ironic huh?
So AF is due any time between yesterday and Thursday - this morning I caved with a FRER, and I *think* I can see a v v v feint line - two questions, can you get an evap line with a first response, and how do I upload so you can tell me if I am crazy or not?

It's image #72158 if anyone can find on countdown to preg..

Eeek - trying to keep cool but its not going well..

Xx Oreos

Saw the line immediately!! Yay!
So AF is due any time between yesterday and Thursday - this morning I caved with a FRER, and I *think* I can see a v v v feint line - two questions, can you get an evap line with a first response, and how do I upload so you can tell me if I am crazy or not?

It's image #72158 if anyone can find on countdown to preg..

Eeek - trying to keep cool but its not going well..

Xx Oreos

BFP!!! CONGRATS!!! what dpo are you?
Thansk guys. I have a FRER at home... waiting for tomorrow LOL. I feel like its just not 100% till i see a nice pink line on a FRER
So sorry 9m! Sounds like it was a chemical. :( :hugs:

I have so much pain in my left side? I know it shouldnt be an ectopic as i had 1 there already and have no tube but the pain is horrible, i normally get pretty harsh af pain but never located to the side its always across my tummy. already know my dates for next month so ill be ready and waiting for my christmas BFP lol

:hugs: sorry 9. I feel for you.

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