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November Fall Testers (107)... (22) BFPs! Here we are! Find your TTC/Buddy!

Ok so idk I anyone here is still here from February or March when I was here, but I left the site so I wouldn't get crazy with ttc. I did get a little crazy for a month or two. My sister in law-who was in no position to have a kid- got pregnant, miscarried, and was pregnant again in the same month! I was completely over it. She had her baby in August and I decided then that since we are moving out pf state in March of next year, it would b best if we waited to get pregnant til we were settled. I started paying attention and avoiding bd-ing during fertilizer times! Well somebody has other plans because Monday morning I woke up and was so sick. Same on Tues, Wed, n Thurs. I was in denial. Friday I threw up which is something I never do. I finally caved and tested! IT WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, DARKEST BFP I had ever seen! I couldn't believe it. Still a little in shock!

Sorry to babble ladies but just a quick story of encouragement for anyone that needs it. I was thinking it would never happen. Today I woke up with bnb on my mind so I figured I would come share my story! Good luck to each and every one of u! Baby dust to u all! :)

CONGRATS!!!! Thats great! :hugs: H&H 9 months! :happydance:
For those of us with children already, we have feelings too, and some of us feel guilty when we've conceived when others could not. ( Personally, I know I have. I thank the Man above every day for blessing my husband & I with 3 beautiful children ) So, with that being said, I shouldn't feel guilty for wanting 1 more child. I've suffered my fair share of fertility problems too and I have female problems that cause me a great deal of pain every month. No, that doesn't mean I should get what I want, for I am very much grateful for what i've received. But, I came from a huge family, and that's something I've always wanted for my own children.

I am very sorry to those who are having troubles conceiving their first baby. I've delt with it myself, with my 2nd & 3rd child, each of them taking over a year to conceive. I've witnessed it first hand with my own sister, the heartache she faced every month when AF came. But, it happened for her & myself as I pray it will for each & everyone of you too. Good luck to each of you in the future with your BFP's!!!

With all of this being said, I didn't want anyone to think I was here to rub it in anyone's face that I already have children, or that I wasn't grateful for what I have, because I am. I came here to support and to SS with everyone else during the 2ww. BnB was a tremendous support team to me when I went through my Ectopic Pregnancy back in June, so that's why I returned when we started ttc again. I'm so very sorry if anyone thought otherwise.
ladies, my LP has never been longer than 16 days, im on day 17 today, normally i wake up 15dpo or 16dpo with af.
For those of us with children already, we have feelings too, and some of us feel guilty when we've conceived when others could not. ( Personally, I know I have. I thank the Man above every day for blessing my husband & I with 3 beautiful children ) So, with that being said, I shouldn't feel guilty for wanting 1 more child. I've suffered my fair share of fertility problems too and I have female problems that cause me a great deal of pain every month. No, that doesn't mean I should get what I want, for I am very much grateful for what i've received. But, I came from a huge family, and that's something I've always wanted for my own children.

I am very sorry to those who are having troubles conceiving their first baby. I've delt with it myself, with my 2nd & 3rd child, each of them taking over a year to conceive. I've witnessed it first hand with my own sister, the heartache she faced every month when AF came. But, it happened for her & myself as I pray it will for each & everyone of you too. Good luck to each of you in the future with your BFP's!!!

With all of this being said, I didn't want anyone to think I was here to rub it in anyone's face that I already have children, or that I wasn't grateful for what I have, because I am. I came here to support and to SS with everyone else during the 2ww. BnB was a tremendous support team to me when I went through my Ectopic Pregnancy back in June, so that's why I returned when we started ttc again. I'm so very sorry if anyone thought otherwise.

I sometimes think the same thing because DD caught me by surprise & now that I want another it doesnt seem to happen. I feel guilty for not being happy with what I have but like you my family is big & I want the same for me. I personally dont think you are rubbing anything in anyones face :) GL ttc again & im sorry about your loss this past summer. :hugs:
hey tmcrowe - I'm not sure what prompted you to write that but as someone who's been struggling to conceive my first I want you to know that no one thinks you don't deserve another just because you already have children!!! I think TTC#1ers and TTC#2+ers have different concerns... I for one am extremely scared that I am infertile and that I will never be able to experience the joy of being pregnant and giving birth. But nothing makes someone more or less deserving of conceiving!!!!! I am not religious so I do not pray but I sure do hope that we all have a fair chance of conceiving, whether its the first or the tenth child!

If a TTC#1er made you feel bad, I'm so sorry!
oh tm, everyone here welcomes you. i think its great you have kida, you can give us all advice that we ttc1ers dont know but you may know!
For those of us with children already, we have feelings too, and some of us feel guilty when we've conceived when others could not. ( Personally, I know I have. I thank the Man above every day for blessing my husband & I with 3 beautiful children ) So, with that being said, I shouldn't feel guilty for wanting 1 more child. I've suffered my fair share of fertility problems too and I have female problems that cause me a great deal of pain every month. No, that doesn't mean I should get what I want, for I am very much grateful for what i've received. But, I came from a huge family, and that's something I've always wanted for my own children.

I am very sorry to those who are having troubles conceiving their first baby. I've delt with it myself, with my 2nd & 3rd child, each of them taking over a year to conceive. I've witnessed it first hand with my own sister, the heartache she faced every month when AF came. But, it happened for her & myself as I pray it will for each & everyone of you too. Good luck to each of you in the future with your BFP's!!!

With all of this being said, I didn't want anyone to think I was here to rub it in anyone's face that I already have children, or that I wasn't grateful for what I have, because I am. I came here to support and to SS with everyone else during the 2ww. BnB was a tremendous support team to me when I went through my Ectopic Pregnancy back in June, so that's why I returned when we started ttc again. I'm so very sorry if anyone thought otherwise.

I hope this isnt to do with dantz, lindss and I's convo.

If so, I'm sorry If it made you feel that way. I dont think you are less deserving at all!!! but it does make it hard sometimes being a TTCer #1 and to see all the women on here that have gotten to experience whats it's like to be a mama or to have a little one grow inside you and still want more. But i'm certain I will have the same feeling while trying to conceive #2 bc it wont be a cake walk, i know that. I'm an only child and want siblings for my child, BADLY!!! and it will hurt alot if i cant provide that to my first child.
liz - my sister didn't get a BFP until she was 20dpo!!! As long as your AF doesn't show you're still in! If you're concerned I would recommend talking to your doctor.

Beautifullei - what's a q-tip test???? I'm so curious
I definitely didn't mean that I think you are rubbing it in our faces, nor did I write that to make you feel guilty in any way. It's people like you that HAVE gotten pregnant and are STILL having trouble that give me hope that someday it WILL happen for those of us that haven't ever seen a bfp. I simply was trying to make her feel better by stating that we ALL have nasty thoughts sometimes, but in the end we step back and realize that everyone deserves a chance at motherhood, no matter how many times they've tried, failed, and/or been succesful. Our emotions get the best of us, especially while TTC, and it's okay to think mean thoughts sometimes as long as we don't act on them. It's like when your best friend gets an amazing haircut so you kind of hate her for looking so good but at the same time you're happy for her and proud to call such a pretty girl your best friend. It's human nature. Personally, I AM jealous of those of you with kids. Hell, I'm even jealous of those of you who have gotten unsticky bfp's. But I also have my fingers, toes, eyes, legs, and arms crossed that we ALL will get bfp's and that they will STICK! Then we can start talking about the fact that so-and-so is jealous of her symptoms and so-and-so is so lucky because she's having twins, etc. etc. lol
mrsevewat1- lovely story!! I hope to get a nice dark BFP someday :)

Thank u very much! I hope u get a bfp soon to. Where are u in ur cycle?

I'm on cd27 of 28-29day cycle but I've had anything from 27-30day cycles so I'm expecting my AF any day now. I've had the weirdest symptoms this month (spotting around 5-6dpo, really thick saliva, morning diarrhea... etc) but my gut is telling me that this isn't my month.. I don't really have the cardinal symptoms like sore bbs.. Oh, and I'm being really clumsy these past few days... can that be a symptom??? hahahahaha :haha:
liz - my sister didn't get a BFP until she was 20dpo!!! As long as your AF doesn't show you're still in! If you're concerned I would recommend talking to your doctor.

Beautifullei - what's a q-tip test???? I'm so curious

Seriously! I am over here picturing some very.. erm.. interesting ways to do a q-tip test LMAO!

I don't even WANT to begin to Google that crap hahaha

do tell, do tell!
mrsevewat1- lovely story!! I hope to get a nice dark BFP someday :)

Thank u very much! I hope u get a bfp soon to. Where are u in ur cycle?

I'm on cd27 of 28-29day cycle but I've had anything from 27-30day cycles so I'm expecting my AF any day now. I've had the weirdest symptoms this month (spotting around 5-6dpo, really thick saliva, morning diarrhea... etc) but my gut is telling me that this isn't my month.. I don't really have the cardinal symptoms like sore bbs.. Oh, and I'm being really clumsy these past few days... can that be a symptom??? hahahahaha :haha:

Love the thought of that! haha If being clumsy were a symptom I'd be preggo with like six babies hahaha I wish it were though. I'm so damn clumsy this month that I broke my stinkin back! That's got to be a good sign, right?! lol :haha:
Koj - I read on another thread that if you still havent gotten AF but feel cramps to get a q-tip & gently put it in your vagina like if your were insterting a tampon, right when you feel your finger tip touch you pull it out. If it has a tinge of pink then you know AF is on her way :D I don't like to check my cervix when I have acrylic nails so I use the q-tip way :)
(hope that makes sense)
For those of us with children already, we have feelings too, and some of us feel guilty when we've conceived when others could not. ( Personally, I know I have. I thank the Man above every day for blessing my husband & I with 3 beautiful children ) So, with that being said, I shouldn't feel guilty for wanting 1 more child. I've suffered my fair share of fertility problems too and I have female problems that cause me a great deal of pain every month. No, that doesn't mean I should get what I want, for I am very much grateful for what i've received. But, I came from a huge family, and that's something I've always wanted for my own children.

I am very sorry to those who are having troubles conceiving their first baby. I've delt with it myself, with my 2nd & 3rd child, each of them taking over a year to conceive. I've witnessed it first hand with my own sister, the heartache she faced every month when AF came. But, it happened for her & myself as I pray it will for each & everyone of you too. Good luck to each of you in the future with your BFP's!!!

With all of this being said, I didn't want anyone to think I was here to rub it in anyone's face that I already have children, or that I wasn't grateful for what I have, because I am. I came here to support and to SS with everyone else during the 2ww. BnB was a tremendous support team to me when I went through my Ectopic Pregnancy back in June, so that's why I returned when we started ttc again. I'm so very sorry if anyone thought otherwise.

I sometimes think the same thing because DD caught me by surprise & now that I want another it doesnt seem to happen. I feel guilty for not being happy with what I have but like you my family is big & I want the same for me. I personally dont think you are rubbing anything in anyones face :) GL ttc again & im sorry about your loss this past summer. :hugs:

Thank you so very much, that was so sweet of you to say. My first caught me by surprise too at the young age of 16. First time ever being sexually active - who would've thought? Haha - GL to you ttc again also. :hugs:
koj, was she temping?

Yup! I just asked her and she said she had some fluctuations but she remembers it staying up in general. Never really approached the coverline. Its been 2yrs since she had the baby so she doesn't really remember too well. Hope that helps?
koj, my temp has gone down which is why it makes me assume af should have been here... its so weird
good healthy discussion from both sides this evening ladies :)
i myself am on the fence looking over both sides, as DD was surprise, cannot remember anything of pregnancy and her first year or so due to horrendous P/N depression so have this lush little girl but dont feel like ive had a baby which i know sounds nuts, so bizarre as it sounds, I feel like i have some feelings from both perspectives.

think its good all that venting from both sides, helps us all understand each other better :thumbup:

In my head at this stage a magical vitamin B12 injection is going to impregnate me with many babies lol. :haha: reality check def in order... off to google :)

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